Ernest.and.Celestine Spanish Subtitles

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Transcript of Ernest.and.Celestine Spanish Subtitles

  • 8/12/2019 Ernest.and.Celestine Spanish Subtitles


    {1575}{1625}What is it you're drawing, Celestine?{1650}{1700}A bear.{1700}{1725}And what's this?{1725}{1775}It's a mouse.{1775}{1825}They're friends.{1825}{1875}Um, you're wrong there.{1875}{1900}Am not!{1900}{1925}Are so!{1925}{1975}-Yes!|-No!{1975}{2025}-No!{1975}{2025}Am mouse and a bear? It's just not possible!{2025}{2050}Shush!{3175}{3275}Good. So, which story should I tell you tonight?{3325}{3350}The one about the big evil bear?{3350}{3400}Yes, the big evil bear!{3600}{3725}In winter, the big evil bear sleeps.{3800}{3875}And, when he wakes up...{3875}{3925}When he wakes up, he's hungry!{3925}{3950}Exactly!{3950}{3975}And when he's hungry...{3975}{4025}He'll eat anything?{4025}{4100}Absolutely anything!{4100}{4175}Tires! Melons! Lamps! Cars! Houses!{4175}{4225}And when he's hungry, he drinks...

    {4225}{4275}Um, I mean eats,{4275}{4350}Absolutely anything!{4350}{4450}And, what is the big evil bear's favourite food?{4450}{4475}A little mouse?{4475}{4575}A little mouse? ONE little mouse?{4575}{4625}Ten!{4625}{4675}A hundred!{4675}{4725}Thousands of little mice!{4725}{4750}Wrapped.{4750}{4775}On bread.{4775}{4800}In a pan.{4800}{4825}Boiled.{4850}{4875}Even raw!

    {4900}{4925}Completely raw?{4925}{4975}Most of all, completely raw!{4975}{5025}And still living,{5025}{5075}with a little coat and a backpack still on,{5075}{5100}this is what he likes the most.{5100}{5125}Completely raw.{5125}{5150}And still breathing.{5200}{5275}But, but, are you sure that he is this evil?{5350}{5425}Do you know the story of a little mouse who didn't{5425}{5500}believe in the stories about the big evil bear?{5500}{5625}Everyone told her: ,,Beware of the bear!''{5625}{5675}But would she listen?{5675}{5775}That little... that stupid little...

    {5775}{5800}Cretin!{5800}{5825}Oh, pardon me...{5825}{5950}That, that...That dirty little...{5950}{6000}That naughty child!{6000}{6075}She didn't believe that bears are evil,{6075}{6100}she said things like:{6100}{6200}oh, the big evil bear,{6200}{6250}it's just a story that the Gray told us{6250}{6350}while drinking her eternal cup of tea.{6400}{6450}But she was wrong!

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    {6450}{6475}Because one day,{6500}{6525}a beautiful d....{6825}{6900}Did you draw this, Celestine?{7050}{7100}Believe me, children,{7100}{7250}it's only in fairytales that the bears are friends with mice!{7350}{7400}*mumble, mumble, mumble...*{7400}{7425}What is she saying?{7450}{7475}I don't know.{7475}{7525}What did you say?{7525}{7550}I said that that i didn't know.{7550}{7575}I'm trying to listen here!{7575}{7625}You can't understand her!{7625}{7650}Of course I can!{7650}{7675}No you can't!{7675}{7700}Oh, I can't?{7700}{7750}Even when we understand her, you don't understand anything.{7750}{7775}Repeat that!{8075}{8125}SILENCE!{13175}{13275}Come here, little birdie.{13400}{13450}*?$&%#/{15075}{15100}Celestine!{15150}{15175}Is it clear, can we go out?{15175}{15200}Wait...{15325}{15350}Let's go.

    {15775}{15875}Oh, look, he's lost his first tooth.{15900}{15950}Oooh, poor darling.{15950}{16000}And not a trace of sugar.{16025}{16075}It's like a pearl.{16150}{16175}Oh, don't cry now, my darling,{16175}{16250}it's not that bad. I'll put the tooth on your nightstand,{16250}{16325}and the tooth fairy will come.{16376}{16426}The tooth fairy?{16426}{16468}What tooth fairy?{16468}{16551}The nice little mouse tooth fairy.{16551}{16586}She'll fly by when you'll sleep{16586}{16625}and take your tooth.{16625}{16714}She'll replace it with a nice golden coin.

    {16714}{16757}By the value of... ?{16757}{16936}A biiiig coin! Your first! The beginning of your great fortune.{16936}{16983}If you learn to invest it, that is.{16983}{17148}But... I've never heard of this mouse tooth fairy before.{17149}{17218}It's because you've never lost a tooth before!{17218}{17294}It doesn't matter. Firstly, if it's a mouse from a fairy tale{17294}{17358}she can't possibly exist.{17358}{17450}No? Why do the teeth dissappear from nightstands then?{17489}{17575}Well, you best go to sleep now. Then the fairy will come to collect your tooth{17575}{17641}and replace it with a coin.{17641}{17686}How much will she give me?{17686}{17728}Um... One pound.

    {17743}{17777}Two.{17777}{17880}Oh this is great! That's my son.{17880}{17955}Come on, darling, now go to bed.{17955}{18099}A MOUSE!{18099}{18154}A mouse? Where?{18154}{18202}There, by the toys!{18243}{18254}I'll catch it!{18476}{18545}She's under here!{18569}{18598}Where is she?{18599}{18622}There!

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    {18910}{18942}Hey! My tooth!{18942}{19004}That's my money! Give it back!{19101}{19150}Dirty beast!{19150}{19613}Less noise, George, the little one is sleeping!{19682}{19742}George! The trash!{21057}{21208}Ernest, Ernest, my name is Ernest,{21209}{21212}i have no idea what he's singing here, sorry{21212}{21279}...because I'm hungry, I'm hungry,{21279}{21348}I'll eat anything, I'll eat anything{21348}{21389}It doesn't have to be healthy.{21389}{21473}I'm giving this up, i cant translate songs.{21679}{21769}Give some spare change in my hat.{22082}{22156}I assure you that if you give me some change,{22157}{22228}you'll feel better.{22228}{22253}And me too.{23745}{23788}You have five days to pay the fine.{24111}{24165}I'M HUNGRY!{25857}{25905}Noooo!{25905}{25938}Don't eat me!{25986}{26014}But I'm hungry.{26014}{26039}What's your name?{26065}{26086}Ernest.{26086}{26125}I'm Celestine.{26173}{26215}Take me seriously, Ernest!

    {26215}{26255}You can't eat me.{26255}{26305}Bears eat mice only in fairytales.{26305}{26370}Don't tell me you beilive in fairytales, Ernest. You are not an idiot.{26370}{26395}Yes, well, but I'm hungry!{26395}{26420}You're hungry, you're hungry...{26420}{26497}You think eating a little mouse like me will make you full?{26497}{26549}Look at me, Ernest, I'm nothing but skin and bones.{26549}{26612}And it's very bad for you health to eat from dumpsters.{26613}{26672}You woudn't beilive how many diseases are there.{26672}{26719}Flu, tifus, colera, hepatitis...{26719}{26774}Do you want to catch every disease in existence?{26774}{26864}Well... No, Celestine, but...

    {26864}{26927}Let's see. Very cold and moist... Red eyes...{26927}{26984}Thin fur... Are your ears sore?{27002}{27029}And teeth?{27029}{27092}Oh my... You have a dental disease.{27108}{27117}What?{27117}{27142}I'm sick?{27142}{27167}Not yet.{27167}{27216}But it'll come.{27298}{27325}Listen, Ernest.{27325}{27414}I know a place where you can regain your health by eating anythingyou want.{27414}{27439}Marshmallows?{27439}{27576}Marshmallows, toffees, nougat, cakes, lollipops... Allright?

    {27606}{27628}Allright.{27708}{27742}It's here.{28015}{28064}You won't be hungry after this, Ernest.{28064}{28089}No, wait!{28219}{28289}Here you go. Bon apetit.{28848}{28874}Celestine!{28874}{28899}Thanks!{28924}{28954}No problem.{29585}{29604}Watch where you're going!{31251}{31300}You made me drop my money!

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    {31300}{31325}I'm sory madam, I'm in a hurry!{32037}{32082}It's not open yet.{32126}{32253}They told us to wait here.{32378}{32432}You stink of garbage.{32776}{32868}Hurry up, or the big evil bear will get you!{32969}{33012}How many teeth did you find?{33012}{33037}Seven.{33037}{33092}Not bad. I found twelve.{33097}{33139}Twelve?{33168}{33251}I usualy find more, it's way below my best score.{33251}{33276}And you, Celestine?{33276}{33301}How many did you find?{33406}{33445}...well...{33799}{33844}Please wait there.{33981}{34013}This will hurt.{34113}{34138}Step forward.{34205}{34259}Here you go, madam, twelve teeth.{34259}{34284}Very good.{34284}{34309}I can do even better, you know.{34309}{34334}Yes, yes... Next!{34451}{34481}Seven? Only?{34481}{34574}Yes, but three incisors. And look at the quality.{34598}{34682}Incisor? I need one, this one is much too short.{34898}{34923}Thank you!

    {35071}{35120}We'll try this one...{35198}{35314}Repeat after me: The big bad bear is our biggest burden.{35314}{35413}Wa wig wed wear if far wiweft wurden.{35413}{35438}It doesn't fit...{35513}{35548}And now?{35548}{35665}Wa fig fet fear iw of biweft buften.{35710}{35740}Allow me.{35882}{35917}Try.{35917}{35942}The wig wad wear...{35942}{35967}Stop!{36018}{36061}And now?{36061}{36154}The big bad bear is our biggest burden.{36154}{36179}Here we go.

    {36179}{36246}The length, my darling, the length.{36246}{36271}What?{36271}{36296}Only one tooth?{36296}{36321}One single tooth in the whole night?{36321}{36401}Well yes, but I was thrown in the bin...{36401}{36461}Oh yes? And how did you escape?{36461}{36486}Well, there was a bear...{36486}{36536}A what?{36536}{36620}No, no, nothing...{36620}{36686}Can we see what you carry around in that bag?{36790}{36870}Well, we can see how you spend your time, Celestine.{36870}{36966}You draw. Instead of working.{37092}{37189}You will never become a dentist if you continue like this, Celesti

    ne.{37189}{37262}But, but, I don't want to be a dentist...{37318}{37371}Oh, I see what's going on here.{37371}{37462}I'm afraid, Celestine, that you have lost a too many points...{37488}{37569}What you need is a boost of motivation.{37569}{37594}Come with me.{37662}{37801}You see, Celestine, our kind is nothing like the bear kind.{37801}{37826}Our strength does not lie in{37826}{37918}our weight, muscles, claws or scary teeth.{37950}{38072}No, we are delicate, quiet, refined beings.

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    {38072}{38134}Our whole civilisation,{38148}{38220}everything we've ever made possible over the centuries,{38221}{38277}we owe all that to what?{38364}{38384}To what, Celestine?{38364}{38409}To what?{38438}{38467}To our incisors.{38467}{38492}That's right!{38492}{38569}They are the very basis for our exsistance.{38570}{38662}Thanks to them, we were able to build the biggest cities,{38662}{38714}remove the biggest obsticles,{38714}{38788}and construct the most complex machinery!{38808}{38895}We have the biggest mills in the world!{38935}{39181}And all this thanks to our cute, precious, delicate, perfect, sharp front teeth.{39181}{39316}But, Celestine, what happens if a rodent looses an incisor?{39370}{39401}He dies.{39402}{39453}It is an unescapable fate.{39454}{39532}He can't chew or talk, he dies,{39532}{39557}killed by hunger{39572}{39635}and loneliness.{39779}{39851}What is the best replacement for a lost tooth?{39893}{39916}The bear's tooth.{39916}{40001}That's correct. Bears' teeth are very hard.{40001}{40078}And the easiest teeth to collect are those which little idiotic be

    ars{40079}{40138}leave under their pillows.{40138}{40163}Well, Celestine...{40163}{40276}You will return to the surface and search for other teeth{40276}{40301}in these little idiots' bedrooms.{40301}{40435}But, Celestine, you may not return here{40435}{40529}until you've collected fifty teeth.{40593}{40642}Fifty teeth, Celestine!{40745}{40797}Good luck, Celestine!{40797}{40822}Well, are you coming or not?{40822}{40847}Yes, I'm coming!{41263}{41292}Hello, hello children!{41292}{41321}How are you?

    {41321}{41346}Fine, thanks!{41359}{41403}I would like a cupcake please!{41455}{41499}I would like some boiled sweets!{41499}{41564}I want some marshmallows!{41809}{41852}A lemon cake please, daddy.{41809}{41877}Coming right up!{41974}{42011}Wait a minute!{42081}{42110}Come here you punk!{42223}{42299}You are not allowed to eat sugar! I told you a hundred times!{42319}{42352}But daddy, why?{42352}{42419}Don't daddy me! You are not allowed to eat even the smallest pieceof sugar!{42419}{42527}Do you want your teeth to rot and fall on the floor?

    {42527}{42559}You'll end in your mother's shop there,{42560}{42611}with completely rotten teeth?{42612}{42660}Is that what you want?{42691}{42788}Go now, we'll talk about this in the evening.{43008}{43104}Hello, sir! How are you today?{43104}{43173}I'm very well, thank you.{43174}{43252}I need a tooth, so I'll be able to eat nougat again.{43252}{43277}But of course,{43277}{43302}which one do you need?{43391}{43418}Actually, it's a first molar...

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    {43607}{43649}I have exactly what you need.{43649}{43715}It's a first molar of top quality.{43715}{43740}Try it on!{43825}{43879}I'll take it! It's perfect! Thank you, maam.{43880}{43931}Here you go, sweetie.{43956}{44008}And you, my little, what will you have?{44009}{44033}Sugar canes?{44042}{44082}Cotton candy?{44082}{44131}Sprinkles?{44131}{44177}Do you have any marshmallows?{44177}{44232}Marshmallows? But of course!{44268}{44288}Oh, but I've run out...{44325}{44391}No, no, no! Don't cry! I still have them in storage!{44391}{44478}Wait here, I'll be back right away.{44617}{44649}What are you doing here?{44649}{44684}Thief! Thief!{44684}{45045}What have you done? I'm calling the police!{45106}{45143}My marshmallows!{45143}{45168}They are mine!{45237}{45318}Police! Help! Police!{45318}{45343}There's a thief!{45343}{45368}He'd eaten all of my candy!{45407}{45483}Here he is! It's him! He's here!{45483}{45508}What's going on here?

    {45607}{45714}Firstly you beg for money and now you're stealing?{45714}{45739}But how did you get in there?{45739}{45849}A little mouse told me...{45849}{45874}A little mouse? What?{45908}{45961}I was hungry and it smelled nice in there.{45986}{46028}Well, we're taking you with us.{46361}{46443}My marshmallows! My marshmallows! They are mine!{46513}{46582}What a shameful display. I have no respect for this sort of people.{46909}{47033}Ernest, Ernest! Do you want me to free you?{47077}{47096}And if I do...{47130}{47189}will you do me a little favour?{47423}{47474}What about a big favour?

    {47474}{47530}Will you do me a big favour if I free you?{47821}{47874}An enormous favour?{48110}{48164}The biggest favour in the world?{48193}{48253}Yes. The biggest favour in the world.{48528}{48591}Would you like more peas, darling?{48591}{48648}No, I want some candy.{48648}{48718}Come on. Don't start that again.{48718}{48798}We told you a hundred times that you can't have any candy.{48798}{48823}But why?{48823}{48886}You see, my boy, it's the buisiness.{48886}{48951}I sell candy, which makes the teeth rot...{48951}{49020}... and I sell replacement teeth.{49020}{49117}And when you grow up, you'll inherit those two shops.

    {49117}{49142}You'll be able to make a great fortune, my boy.{49142}{49251}But only if you'll have a perfect smile for your clients.{49251}{49407}And like my father said:{49407}{49440}It's simple, Leon.{49407}{49415}A beautiful smile is nothing but healthy teeth.{49440}{49465}To become rich,{49465}{49511}you have to make other people's teeth rot,{49512}{49568}not your own. Do you understand?{49640}{49696}Yeah..{49771}{49830}Well, there's a lot to do tomorow, so let's go to sleep.

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    {49862}{49934}I have to replace all of my stock...{49934}{50018}Well I'm lucky... Nothing like this would happen to my shop.{50053}{50129}Who in the world would get the idea to steal teeth...{50345}{50417}It's here, Ernest. Hurry!{50473}{50504}This is it.{50564}{50636}Stop it! You're making too much noise!{50685}{50742}Stop! You'll wake up the whole neighbourhood!{50803}{50843}Here we go.{50843}{50868}Wait!{50899}{50936}Where are those teeth?{50943}{50999}They're not here, they are probably in storage...{50999}{51024}And that's here, right?{51024}{51049}Yes, that's it.{51049}{51074}Now, let's see...{51159}{51199}No, what are you doing?!{51313}{51348}Stop it!{51358}{51391}Here you go, it's opened.{51391}{51416}Are you mad?{51416}{51441}What? I opened it.{51441}{51505}Ernest, I won't be able to carry that on my own...{51505}{51559}Noo, I'm tired...{51559}{51584}But you promised...{51584}{51678}Allright, but that's all I'm doing.{51752}{51831}Wait, I'll check if the coast is clear.

    {51888}{51932}It's allright, you can come... Ernest?{51932}{51957}Wait!{51957}{52016}Bears have to go to sleep early.{52016}{52041}Especially in winter.{52569}{52627}Celestine! I forbid you to return before you...{52841}{52912}Celestine...{52912}{52984}This is unbelieveable!{53010}{53038}This is fabulous!{53038}{53063}Just look at this!{53063}{53088}How did you manage to...{53196}{53276}It's great, this! I'm so proud of you!{53276}{53301}Everyone! Long live Celestine!{53301}{53326}Long live Celestine!

    {54948}{55034}A big evil bear!{55153}{55184}Ernest?{55184}{55236}Celestine? You know that....{55236}{55261}...that...{55261}{55286}...That was you wasn't it?{55286}{55311}You brought him here!{55311}{55383}She was the one that never believed in big evil bears!{55383}{55465}Everyone told her to beware of...{55965}{56005}This way!{56096}{56130}Jump!{56327}{56361}There! They are there!{56529}{56551}This way!{56730}{56781}There is the exit!

    {57256}{57304}Left! Turn left!{57633}{57655}Look!{57948}{57972}I'm sure that I'd locked the door...{57972}{57997}A mouse!{57997}{58022}In my husband's truck!{58879}{58935}What are you doing, Ernest? Why did you steal the truck? Are you mad?{58937}{58970}I was asleep, it's not my fault.{58988}{59013}So it's my fault?{59013}{59038}Yes, you made me climb down with you!

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    {64882}{64907}Is that what you want, Ernest?{64907}{64932}To make my heart explode?{64953}{65034}Well no, Celestine, but a bear and a mouse can't...{65072}{65128}What? What can't they do?{65128}{65204}Mice should live below and the bears above, is that it?{65204}{65258}Well yes. It has always been like this...{65286}{65333}Allright, Ernest. Do you have a basement?{65333}{65358}Um, sure...{65359}{65384}Okay.{65384}{65456}I get the basement and you stay here.{65492}{65510}But...{65510}{65593}No buts. Goodbye, Ernest. And stay above!{65730}{65790}No! You rest down below, Celestine!{65790}{65844}I don't want to hear you, let alone see you!{65892}{65917}My chocolate!{71560}{71623}... she is the one that didn't believe in stories about the bears...{71623}{71753}...everyone warned her to stay away from evil bears...{71916}{71945}It's just a nightmare.{72004}{72135}Don't be afraid, I'm not your nightmare.{72135}{72160}I'm Ernest!{72269}{72324}Ernest, I'm worthless.{72350}{72377}Worthless?{72400}{72429}What are you saying?

    {72429}{72454}I am!{72454}{72526}I am alone in the world and noone likes me.{72526}{72578}And I don't have a home anymore.{72578}{72603}Oh yeah?{72603}{72653}And me? Does anyone like me?{72682}{72740}Did you paint this, Celestine?{72813}{72848}It's brilliant!{72863}{72897}It's just like me!{72897}{72978}Celestine, who painted this, is not worthless!{72978}{73003}You are a great artist!{73003}{73028}Well, yes, but...{73028}{73094}This is why I'm all alone.{73111}{73154}They don't want me to draw,

    {73154}{73179}they want me to be a dentist...{73179}{73231}Oh yes...{73231}{73256}I know what you mean...{73256}{73291}I wanted to be an actor.{73291}{73325}And a musician.{73325}{73373}And a storyteller.{73373}{73429}But no, of course, they wanted me to be a judge.{73429}{73515}Like my father, and his father, and my uncle and his father.{73515}{73577}Stop playing your music, Ernest!{73577}{73647}Stop torturing our ears with your stories!{73647}{73718}You should be studying law instead of singing!{73718}{73743}Look!{73743}{73768}No, Celestine!

    {73804}{73843}You stay down below!{73843}{73907}I don't want to hear from you again!{73995}{74056}Isn't that a great picture?{74105}{74129}Come with me.{74129}{74199}Take your paints and brushes and follow me.{74289}{74334}We're going to make you an art studio.{74401}{74519}And what are you going to paint?{74432}{74478}This is going to be my first real painting.{74519}{74572}The big evil bear, for example!{74668}{74678}Here!

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    {83558}{83620}Bears know very well how to do this.{83620}{83645}Waiting for spring.{83661}{83697}But the snow will melt by then.{83735}{83792}Celestine would like to paint snow...{83792}{83850}Celestine would like to paint some snow...{84132}{84179}Go to work now, you artist!{84179}{84204}Thank you, Ernest!{84661}{84732}Ernest, I give you '' Winter ''.{84783}{84852}In music, it would sound like...{87273}{87337}Ernest, the truck!{87337}{87362}What's up with it?{87362}{87433}It's like a big red dot.{87433}{87494}If they see it, they'll find us.{87549}{87595}There's only one thing to do!{88169}{88214}Ernest, did you see the fish?{88214}{88239}Yeah, yeah...{88239}{88264}I did.{88296}{88328}Don't you want to take a closer look?{88326}{88395}No, no, I can see them from here.{88904}{88991}Celestine, we're going back, come.{90171}{90298} still going on. We have yet to find Ernest, the thief,{90299}{90341}and his partner Celestine.{90341}{90382}Leave that be.{90494}{90524}Don't be upset.

    {90524}{90549}They'll never find us.{91466}{91487}What was that?{91487}{91556}It's that mouse again!{91572}{91594}George?{91675}{91723}My truck!{91723}{91776}My shop!{91830}{91858}Paint?{92040}{92067}Ernest...{92067}{92121}Luce, call the police!{92121}{92146}I know where Ernest is!{92714}{92758}Celestine...{93440}{93514}Oh, look! What a sunny morning!{93589}{93617}But the big evil bear is groaning...

    {93618}{93699}He hasn't woken up yet.{93699}{93797}He could eat me, that evil bear...{93797}{93845}Good idea, after you've woken me up.{93846}{93937}Well, we'll give him the breakfast for big evil bears.{93974}{94044}If sir would like to open his mouth...{94172}{94194}This is delicious.{94194}{94292}I can't believe you can sleep in this sunshine.{94483}{94509}Ernest, come see!{94676}{94708}Go to the basement, Ernest!{94711}{94739}You have to hide there!{94744}{94796}And you? You have to hide as well!{94796}{94850}Don't worry, I have a plan!{94850}{94875}A plan?

    {94970}{94994}Celestine, are you sure of this?{94994}{95019}Stay down there!{95099}{95114}Celestine?{95518}{95537}He's here!{95989}{96013}Where is Ernest?{96013}{96181}Ernest? He went to town to search for honey, and he said he'd be back tomorow.{96369}{96451}For the last time, tell us where Ernest is!{96518}{96594}As you please. You know what's coming.{97260}{97326}For the last time, Ernest, where is Celestine?

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    {97349}{97404}Allright. You know what's coming.{98041}{98059}Read all about Ernest's trial!{98059}{98174}Buy the newest deluxe story about him and Celestine!{98211}{98257}It's him! There! Look!{99238}{99289}The trial will now commence.{99289}{99387}Bring in the accused.{99728}{99811}Accused, stand up and introdouce yourself.{99815}{99836}Celestine.{99891}{100039}Celestine. Can you tell us where we can find Ernest?{100083}{100157}What? You don't want to tell us where Celestine is?{100213}{100268}Very well. In this case, you will be judged twice.{100268}{100293}First time for what you've done,{100293}{100362}and the second time for what she's done.{100362}{100440}What? Celestine? What harm did she do?{100440}{100472}She didn't do anything!{100472}{100497}Didn't do anything?{100497}{100568}She brought a rampaging bear in our town!{100568}{100593}You call that nothing?{100624}{100678}What was he supposed to do? Die of hunger{100678}{100733}while the rich fat bears have everything they want?{100777}{100811}But I helped her carry her bag full of teeth.{100811}{100836}It was a lot too heavy for her.{100836}{100861}Silence!{100861}{100921}You wanted her to be a dentist, not me!

    {100921}{100946}Silence!{100946}{101012}Ernest, you and that Celestine are accused{101012}{101107}of a number of unbelieveable crimes.{101107}{101147}Burglary and damage.{101184}{101213}Theft of a truck.{101213}{101238}Running away!{101238}{101263}Causing injuries!{101300}{101338}And there are many more!{101338}{101400}And that's not all!{101401}{101477}But the most evil thing that you've done, Ernest...{101477}{101523}You are accused of an unforgivable crime...{101587}{101645}You were scaring the children.{101645}{101670}What?

    {101670}{101695}Me? Children, was I scaring you?{101825}{101850}Me?{101850}{101863}I was upsetting the mother?{101863}{101903}Maam', do I scare you?{101921}{101947}Well, no...{102039}{102102}A mouse! There! A mouse! Help!{102102}{102127}I give the...{102214}{102277}I give the word to the defense.{102312}{102352}Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,{102352}{102377}your honor,{102377}{102463}I'd like you to put yourselves in my client's skin.{102463}{102513}Being a bear ifs ifs fa fefifbe pfifn...{102605}{102618}What did he say?

    {102618}{102643}I don't know...{102643}{102668}What are you saying?{102669}{102694}I said that I didn't know!{102694}{102731}Shut up, we're listening.{102731}{102771}Yes, because you can understand him.{102771}{102799}Of course I can.{102799}{102841}Liar! You don't understand a thing!{102841}{102866}You never understand anything.{102866}{103021}Silence! Calm down!{103123}{103200}Celestine, we are looking at an accusation wich is supported by.

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    ..{103200}{103218}...nothing at al!{103218}{103243}I'm going to tell you what you are accusing me of.{103244}{103318}You are accusing me of living with a bear!{103318}{103344}How dare you!{103344}{103409}All this is a result of your prejudgments!{103411}{103477}Yes, Celestine is my friend!{103477}{103502}That's what's bothering you!{103502}{103587}Bears live above and mice below, that's what this is all about!{103602}{103637}Is this how you want to raise your children?{103637}{103662}In fear of mice?{103662}{103728}Do you want them to be stupid of what?{103728}{103753}Silence, Celestine!{103753}{103814}You are the accused, not an attorney!{103814}{103873}You are the one having to face the consequences!{104030}{104059}Leave the house!{104084}{104109}The trial is not over!{104109}{104134}Come back!{104234}{104281}Celestine, listen to me well.{104281}{104389}Noone questions the foundation of our society!{104389}{104409}Especially a mouse.{104468}{104503}Silence!{104603}{104646}Come back!{104671}{104689}What are you doing?

    {104689}{104714}We have to stop!{104778}{104869}Don't come any closer! Return to your bench!{104883}{104921}This is an order!{104975}{105018}But Mr. Judge, you are on fire.{105018}{105085}Obey me! Go back to your seat!{105085}{105110}I will not say it again!{105318}{105374}Climb down! I order you to climb down from there!{105462}{105524}Let me go! Let me go, I tell you!{105759}{105844}Mr. Judge! Go, quickly!{105844}{105869}We have to leave!{106156}{106191}Where did the others go?{106191}{106216}They saved themselves.{106216}{106241}Come on, let's go.

    {106241}{106280}They've forsaken me.{106306}{106343}All but you.{106343}{106368}Let's go, now...{106506}{106521}Tell me, Celestine...{106521}{106561}If we make it out of here alive...{106561}{106586}What do you want most in the world?{106647}{106709}Find Ernest and never leave him again.{106709}{106734}Allright.{106734}{106867}But you know, Celestine, it's funny that you'd want to live witha bear...{106867}{106892}Why?{106892}{106959}Don't you live with a bear?{106959}{106984}Oh, I do...

    {106984}{107050}That's right, it's a funny thing.{107285}{107306}How are you, Mr. Judge?{107358}{107385}What's happened?{107418}{107466}Well... There was a fire, Mr. Judge.{107769}{107850}Ernest... You've saved my life.{107850}{107875}How can I ever repay you?{107875}{107926}It's allright.{107926}{107951}It's not allright!{107951}{108011}What do you want most in the world?{108011}{108036}Now?

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