Environmental Health... (Part 1) - Prof. dr. KRT. Adi Heru - 2 April 2012.ppt

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Transcript of Environmental Health... (Part 1) - Prof. dr. KRT. Adi Heru - 2 April 2012.ppt

  • 7/30/2019 Environmental Health... (Part 1) - Prof. dr. KRT. Adi Heru - 2 April 2012.ppt



    KRT. Adi Heru Husodo

    Occupational Health Study ProgrameGadjah Mada University


  • 7/30/2019 Environmental Health... (Part 1) - Prof. dr. KRT. Adi Heru - 2 April 2012.ppt



    When we are going to find out the environmentalproblems it will be best if we know what thesource of the problem is, because the healthimpact depend on the dose of the chemical or

    what ever that human had eaten or consume.Then the dose of the drug for instance, depend onthe exposure or the humans attitude or life style.The Exposure also depend on where the humanhave contact to the pollutant, where the pollutant

    itself depend on the sources of the pollutantswheter that is an industry, hospital, agricultural, orwhat.

  • 7/30/2019 Environmental Health... (Part 1) - Prof. dr. KRT. Adi Heru - 2 April 2012.ppt


  • 7/30/2019 Environmental Health... (Part 1) - Prof. dr. KRT. Adi Heru - 2 April 2012.ppt


    The above theory is saying that the health

    impact always come from the source, wheter thatis natural environment, man made environment orsick person, therefore the early detection to do orthe best thing to do is in (A) step, because in thisstep the human being is still alive and that is why

    so many good plans or arrangement could be donefirst. Remember that doing health promotion orhealth prevention is must better and easier andcheaper other than doing curation or clinicalactivities.

  • 7/30/2019 Environmental Health... (Part 1) - Prof. dr. KRT. Adi Heru - 2 April 2012.ppt


    ENVIRONMENTAL DISEASESBellow are examples of some environmentaldiseases :

    - Plumbom =lead plumbism

    - Ferrum= Fe Ferrosis- Mercury= Hg Minamata disease

    - Stanum=Sn Stanosis

    - Asbes Asbestosis

    - Silica Silicosis- etc

  • 7/30/2019 Environmental Health... (Part 1) - Prof. dr. KRT. Adi Heru - 2 April 2012.ppt


    International Exam

    1. The disease that cause by Mercury

    a. Flu Burungb. Buyat diseasec. Minamata diseased. Japan diseasee. Ferrosis

    2. Source of Achmadi Theory can be.a. Natural environmentb. Natural and man made environment

    c. Natural and man made environment and sickperson

    d. Natural and sick persone. General Environment

  • 7/30/2019 Environmental Health... (Part 1) - Prof. dr. KRT. Adi Heru - 2 April 2012.ppt


    3. The ambient are.

    a. air

    b. air and waterc. air, water, soil

    d. air, water, soil and vector

    e. water and soil

    4. Exposure can be..

    a. continue

    b. direct

    c. indirectd. temporary

    e. the answer is a, b, c and d

  • 7/30/2019 Environmental Health... (Part 1) - Prof. dr. KRT. Adi Heru - 2 April 2012.ppt


    5. Dose-respond relationship.

    a. reversible

    b. irreversiblec. consistency

    d. plausibility

    e. The answers are a, b, c and d

    6. Natural environment

    a. tsunami

    b. Class room

    c. Hospitald. industry

    e. Supermarket

  • 7/30/2019 Environmental Health... (Part 1) - Prof. dr. KRT. Adi Heru - 2 April 2012.ppt


    7. Man Made Environmenta Industryb mountain

    c Wedhus gembel of Merapi mountaind Out-door landscape of Malaysiae the beach of Yogyakarta

    8. When we are going to do an early detection inthe human body, then there is a need to have abio- marker. In this contect what does it means bybio- marker?a Biologyb Biomolecular, where the way to detect is


    c Bio-indicator, where the way to detect earlieris easier

    d Bio-celle Bio-social-medicine, because other aspects

    are needed

  • 7/30/2019 Environmental Health... (Part 1) - Prof. dr. KRT. Adi Heru - 2 April 2012.ppt


    9. An example of a biomarker is.a. Some samples of foods that have already eaten by

    the human.

    b. Some samples of water that have already drunk bythe human.

    c. Part of human body : blood, feces, urine, hair, kind. The clothes that used to be used by the human.e. The samples are almost everything that stand near

    the sick persons.

    10. The medium where the pollutant will come are ?a. water and airb. water, air and soil

    c. water, air, soil, bloodd. water, air, soil and vectore. blood and urine and feces