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Abstract. We prove that if two topologically free and entropy regular actions of countablesofic groups on compact metrizable spaces are continuously orbit equivalent, and each groupeither (i) contains a w-normal amenable subgroup which is neither locally finite nor virtuallycyclic, or (ii) is a non-locally-finite product of two infinite groups, then the actions have thesame sofic topological entropy. This fact is then used to show that if two free uniquely ergodicand entropy regular probability-measure-preserving actions of such groups are boundedly orbitequivalent then the actions have the same sofic measure entropy. Our arguments are based on arelativization of property SC to sofic approximations and yield more general entropy inequalities.


1. Introduction 12. Preliminaries 62.1. Basic notation and terminology 62.2. Continuous orbit equivalence 72.3. Bounded orbit equivalence 72.4. Sofic approximations 72.5. Sofic topological entropy 82.6. Sofic measure entropy 93. Properties S -SC and sofic SC 93.1. Definitions of properties S -SC and sofic SC 93.2. Groups without property sofic SC 113.3. Groups with property sofic SC 143.4. W-normal subgroups and property sofic SC 173.5. Product groups 213.6. Property sofic SC under continuous orbit equivalence 223.7. Property sofic SC under bounded orbit equivalence 254. Topological entropy and continuous orbit equivalence 285. Measure entropy and bounded orbit equivalence 33References 35

1. Introduction

At first glance it may seem that dynamical entropy and orbit equivalence should have littleto do with one another. One is a conjugacy invariant that is tailor-made for the hairsplitting

Date: October 20, 2021.



job of distinguishing Bernoulli shifts, all of which have the same spectral theory, while theother is a coarse relation between group actions whose tendency to nullify asymptotic behaviouris most devastating in the setting of amenable groups, where entropy finds its classical home[26, 27, 41, 10, 34]. One registers information while the other threatens to destroy it.

This brutal disparity can however be honed so as to bring the two concepts into frequent andsometimes surprising alignment. Indeed entropy turns out to be sensitive in meaningful waysto the various kinds of restrictions that one may naturally impose on an orbit equivalence, itsrole as an invariant remaining intact in some cases but completely neutralized in others. Thehistory of this relationship traces back several decades and in its original thrust encompasses thework of Vershik on actions of locally finite groups [42, 43], the Ornstein isomorphism machineryfor Bernoulli shifts [32], the theory of Kakutani equivalence [19, 11, 33, 9], and Kammeyerand Rudolph’s general theory of restricted orbit equivalence for p.m.p. actions of countableamenable groups that all of this inspired [37, 17, 18] (see Chapter 1 of [18] for a genealogy).In a somewhat different vein from these lines of investigation, Rudolph and Weiss later provedin [38] that, for a free p.m.p. action of a countable amenable group, the conditional entropywith respect to a prescribed invariant sub-σ-algebra S is preserved under every S -measurableorbit equivalence. As Rudolph and Weiss demonstrated in the application to completely positiveentropy that motivated their paper, this crisp expression of complementarity between entropyand orbit equivalence, when combined with the Ornstein–Weiss theorem [34], turns out to bevery useful as a tool for lifting results from Z-actions to actions of general countable amenablegroups. More recently Austin has shown, for free p.m.p. actions of finitely generated amenablegroups, that entropy is an invariant of bounded and integrable orbit equivalence, and that thereis an entropy scaling formula for stable versions of these equivalences [3]. It is interesting to notethat Austin makes use of both the theory of Kakutani equivalence (to handle the virtually cycliccase, which his approach requires him to treat separately) and the Rudolph–Weiss theorem (ina reduction-to-Z argument which, ironically, forms part of the verification of the non-virtually-cyclic case).

The basic geometric idea at play in Austin’s work when the group is not virtually cyclic isthe possibility of finding, within suitable connected Følner subsets of the group, a connectedsubgraph which is sparse but at the same time dense at a specified coarse scale. By recasting thissparse connectivity as a condition on the action that we called property SC and circumventingthe “derandomization” of [3] with its reliance on the Rudolph–Weiss technique, we established in[25] the following extension beyond the amenable setting: if G is a countable group containing aw-normal amenable subgroup which is neither locally finite nor virtually cyclic, H is a countablegroup, and G y (X,µ) and H y (Y, ν) are free p.m.p. actions which are Shannon orbitequivalent (i.e., the cocycle partitions all have finite Shannon entropy), then the maximumsofic measure entropies of the actions satisfy

hν(H y Y ) ≥ hµ(Gy X).(1)

One property shared by the groups G in this theorem is that their first `2-Betti number vanishes,which in the nonamenable world can be roughly intuited as an expression of anti-freeness, andindeed our approach breaks down for free groups (see Section 3.5 of [25]). In what is surely nota coincidence, groups whose Bernoulli actions are cocycle superrigid also have vanishing first`2-Betti number [35], and it has been speculated that these two properties are equivalent inthe nonamenable realm (curiously, however, Bernoulli cocycle or orbit equivalence superrigidity


remains generally unknown for wreath products of the form Z oH with H nonamenable, whichsatisfy the hypotheses on G above).

Given that nonamenable products of countably infinite groups form a standard class of exam-ples within the circle of ideas around superrigidity, cost one, and vanishing first `2-Betti number,and in particular are known to satisfy Bernoulli cocycle superrigidity by a theorem of Popa [36],it is natural to wonder whether the entropy inequality (1) holds if G is instead assumed to besuch a product. In [25] we demonstrated, in analogy with Gaboriau’s result on cost for productsof equivalence relations [13], that product actions of non-locally-finite product groups, whenequipped with an arbitrary invariant probability measure, satisfy property SC, which is suffi-cient for establishing (1). However, such actions always have maximum sofic entropy zero or−∞. One of the main questions motivating the present paper is whether one can remove thisproduct structure hypothesis on the action.

To this end we establish Theorem A below, which gives the conclusion for bounded orbitequivalence (i.e., orbit equivalence with finite cocycle partitions, as explained in Section 2.3)and uniquely ergodic actions. We say that a p.m.p. action G y (X,µ) is uniquely ergodicif the only G-invariant mean on L∞(X,µ) is integration with respect to µ, i.e., the inducedaction of G on the spectrum of L∞(X,µ) is uniquely ergodic in the usual sense of topologicaldynamics. When µ is atomless, unique ergodicity forces the acting group to be nonamenable [39,Theorem 2.4]. In fact an ergodic p.m.p. action Gy (X,µ) is uniquely ergodic if and only if therestriction of the Koopman representation to L2(X,µ)C1 does not weakly contain the trivialrepresentation [39, Proposition 2.3]. It follows that if G is nonamenable then unique ergodicityholds whenever the restriction of the Koopman representation to the orthogonal complement ofthe constants is a direct sum of copies of the left regular representation, and in particular whenthe action has completely positive entropy [15, Corollary 1.2][40, Corollary 1.7], and thus occursin the following examples:

(i) Bernoulli actions G y (XG, µG), where (X,µ) is a standard probability space and(gx)h = xg−1h for all g, h ∈ G and x ∈ XG (see Section 2.3.1 of [24]),

(ii) algebraic actions of the form Gy ( (ZG)n/(ZG)nA,µ) where A ∈Mn(ZG) is invertibleas an operator on `2(G)⊕n and µ is the normalized Haar measure [16, Corollary 1.5].

Moreover, if G has property (T) then all of its ergodic p.m.p. actions are uniquely ergodic [39,Theorem 2.5].

As above hµ(·) denotes the maximum sofic measure entropy, and we write hµ(·) for the infimumsofic measure entropy (see Section 2.6).

Theorem A. Let G and Γ be countably infinite sofic groups at least one of which is not locallyfinite, and let H be a countable group. Let G × Γ y (X,µ) and H y (Y, ν) be free p.m.p.actions which are boundedly orbit equivalent. Suppose that the action of H is uniquely ergodic.Then

hν(H y Y ) ≥ hµ(G× Γ y X).

Theorem A is a direct consequence of Theorem 5.2 and Proposition 3.15. When combinedwith Theorem A of [25] it yields the following Theorem B. We say that an action is entropyregular if its maximum and infimum sofic entropies are equal, i.e., the sofic entropy does notdepend on the choice of sofic approximation sequence. Entropy regularity for a p.m.p. action isknown to hold in the following situations:


(i) the group is amenable, in which case the sofic measure entropy is equal to the amenablemeasure entropy [23, 6],

(ii) the action is Bernoulli [5, 22],

(iii) the action is an algebraic action of the form G y ( (ZG)n/(ZG)nA,µ) where A ∈Mn(ZG) is injective as an operator on `2(G)⊕n and µ is the normalized Haar measure[14],

(iv) the action is a shift action G y 1, . . . , nG equipped with a Gibbs measure satisfyingone of various uniqueness conditions [1, 2].

For the definition of w-normality see the paragraph before Theorem 3.12.

Theorem B. Let G and H be countable sofic groups each of which either

(i) contains a w-normal amenable subgroup which is neither locally finite nor virtuallycyclic, or

(ii) is a product of two countably infinite sofic groups at least one of which is not locallyfinite.

Let G y (X,µ) and H y (Y, ν) be free p.m.p. actions which are uniquely ergodic and entropyregular, and suppose that they are boundedly orbit equivalent. Then

hν(H y Y ) = hµ(Gy X).

We note that, by a theorem of Belinskaya [4], if two ergodic p.m.p. Z-actions are integrablyorbit equivalent, and in particular if they are boundedly orbit equivalent, then they are measureconjugate up to an automorphism of Z (what is referred to as “flip conjugacy”). On the otherhand, a bounded orbit equivalence between ergodic p.m.p. Zd-actions for d ≥ 2 can scramblelocal asymptotic data to the point of scuttling properties like mixing and completely positiveentropy, as Fieldsteel and Friedman demonstrated in [12].

Our strategy for proving Theorem A is to localize property SC to sofic approximations, yield-ing what we call “property sofic SC” for a group or an action, or more generally “property S -SC”where S is a collection of sofic approximations for the group in question (see Section 3.1). Theadvantage of this localization is that the action itself need not have a product structure, onlythe sofic approximation used to model it. This accounts for the appearance of the infimum soficentropy in Theorem A, in contrast to (1), but as noted above many actions of interest are knownto be entropy regular, in which case one does in fact get (1). The trade-off in using propertysofic SC is its natural and frustratingly stubborn compatibility with the point-map formulationof sofic entropy, which is a kind of dualization of the homomorphism picture adopted in [25] andrequires the choice of a topological model. This has put us into the situation of not being able tocontrol the empirical distribution of microstates except under the hypothesis of unique ergodic-ity, when the variational principle makes such control unnecessary for the purpose of computingthe entropy, and even then we have had to restrict the hypothesis on the orbit equivalence fromShannon to bounded.

Given that we are adhering to the point-map picture with its use of topological models, itmakes sense to isolate as much of the argument as possible to the purely topological framework,which also has its own independent interest. Accordingly we establish the following theorem, thesecond part of which goes into proving Theorem A via Theorem 5.2. It is a direct consequence ofTheorems 4.1 and 3.12 and Proposition 3.15. Here h(·) denotes the maximum sofic topologicalentropy and h(·) the infimum sofic topological entropy (see Section 2.5).


Theorem C. Let Gy X and H y Y be topologically free continuous actions of countable soficgroups on compact metrizable spaces, and suppose that they are continuously orbit equivalent.If G contains a w-normal amenable subgroup which is neither locally finite nor virtually cyclicthen

h(H y Y ) ≥ h(Gy X),

while if G is a product of two countably infinite groups at least one of which is not locally finitethen

h(H y Y ) ≥ h(Gy X).

If the actions of G and H above are genuinely free or if G and H are torsion-free, then usingthe variational principle (Theorem 10.35 in [24]) and (in the case of torsion-free G and H) themain result of [30] one can also derive the first part of the above theorem from Theorem A of[25], or from [3] if G and H are in addition amenable and finitely generated.

In parallel with the p.m.p. setting, we define a continuous action of a countable sofic group ona compact metrizable space to be entropy regular if its maximum and infimum sofic topologicalentropies are equal, and note that this occurs in the following situations:

(i) the group is amenable, in which case the sofic topological entropy is equal to theamenable topological entropy [23],

(ii) the action is a shift action G y XG where X is a compact metrizable space [24,Proposition 10.28],

(iii) the action is an algebraic action of the form G y (ZG)n/(ZG)nA where A ∈ Mn(ZG)is injective as an operator on `2(G)⊕n [14].

From Theorem C we immediatety obtain:

Theorem D. Let G and H be countable sofic groups each of which either

(a) contains a w-normal amenable subgroup which is neither locally finite nor virtuallycyclic, or

(b) is a product of two countably infinite sofic groups at least one of which is not locallyfinite.

Let Gy X and H y Y be topologically free and entropy regular continuous actions on compactmetrizable spaces, and suppose that they are continuously orbit equivalent. Then

h(H y Y ) = h(Gy X).

It was shown in [7, 8] that the finite-base shift actions of a finitely generated group satisfycontinuous cocycle superrigidity if and only if the group has one end (a property that the groupsin Theorem D possess when they are finitely generated—see Example 1 in [7]). As observedin [7], this implies, in conjunction with a theorem from [28], that if a finitely generated groupis torsion-free and amenable then each of its shift actions with finite base is continuous orbitequivalence superrigid. Whether such superrigidity ever occurs in the nonamenable settingappears however to be unknown.

We begin the main body of the paper in Section 2 by setting up general notation and re-viewing terminology concerning continuous and bounded orbit equivalence and sofic entropy. InSection 3.1 we define properties S -SC and sofic SC for groups, p.m.p. actions, and continuousactions on compact metrizable spaces. In Section 3.2 we determine that a countable group fails


to have property sofic SC if it is locally finite or finitely generated and virtually free. In Sec-tion 3.3 we verify that, for free p.m.p. actions, property SC implies property sofic SC, and thenuse this in conjunction with [25] to show that (i) for countable amenable groups property soficSC is equivalent to the group being neither locally finite nor virtually cyclic, and (ii) if a count-able group has a w-normal subgroup which is amenable but neither locally finite nor virtuallycyclic then the group has property sofic SC. In Section 3.4 we prove that if a w-normal subgrouphas property sofic SC then so does the ambient group, while in Section 3.5 we determine thatthe product of two countably infinite groups has property S -SC, where S is the collectionof product sofic approximations, if and only if at least one of the factors is not locally finite.Sections 3.6 and 3.7 show property sofic SC to be an invariant of continuous orbit equivalencefor topologically free continuous actions on compact metrizable spaces and of bounded orbitequivalence for free p.m.p. actions. Section 4 is devoted to the proof of Theorem 4.1, whichtogether with Theorem 3.12 and Proposition 3.15 gives Theorem C. Finally, in Section 5 weestablish Theorem 5.2, which together with Proposition 3.15 yields Theorem A.

Acknowledgements. The first author was partially supported by NSF grant DMS-1800633 andwas affiliated with Texas A&M University during the course of the work. Preliminary stageswere carried out during his six-month stay at the ENS de Lyon in 2017-2018, during which timehe held ENS and CNRS visiting professorships and was supported by Labex MILYON/ANR-10-LABX-0070. The second author was partially supported by NSF grants DMS-1600717 andDMS-1900746. We thank the referee for helpful comments and suggestions.

2. Preliminaries

2.1. Basic notation and terminology. Throughout the paper G and H are countable discretegroups, with identity elements eG and eH . We write F(G) for the collection of all nonemptyfinite subsets of G, and F(G) for the collection of symmetric finite subsets of G containing eG.For a nonempty finite set V , the algebra of all subsets of V is denoted by PV , the group of allpermutations of V by Sym(V ), and the uniform probability measure on V by m.

Given a property P, a group is said to be virtually P if it has a subgroup of finite index withproperty P, and locally P if each of its finitely generated subgroups has property P.

A standard probability space is a standard Borel space (i.e., a Polish space with its Borel σ-algebra) equipped with a probability measure. Partitions of such a space are always understoodto be Borel. A p.m.p. (probability-measure preserving) action of G is an action Gy (X,µ) of Gon a standard probability space by measure-preserving transformations. Such an action is freeif the set X0 of all x ∈ X such that sx 6= x for all s ∈ G \ eG has measure one. Two p.m.p.actions G y (X,µ) and G y (Y, ν) are measure conjugate if there exist G-invariant conull setsX0 ⊆ X and Y0 ⊆ Y and a G-equivariant measure isomorphism X0 → Y0.

A continuous action G y X on a compact metrizable space is said to be topologically free ifthe Gδ set of all x ∈ X such that sx 6= x for all s ∈ G \ eG is dense. It is uniquely ergodicif there is a unique G-invariant Borel probability measure on X. By Gelfand theory this isequivalent to the existence of a unique G-invariant state (i.e., unital positive linear functional)for the induced action of G on the C∗-algebra C(X) of continuous functions on X given by(gf)(x) = f(g−1x) for all g ∈ G, f ∈ C(X), and x ∈ X.

A p.m.p. action G y (X,µ) is uniquely ergodic if there is a unique state (or mean as itis also called in this setting) on L∞(X,µ) which is invariant for the action of G given by


(gf)(x) = f(g−1x) for all g ∈ G, f ∈ L∞(X,µ), and x ∈ X. Again by Gelfand theory, thisis equivalent to the unique ergodicity, in the topological-dynamical sense above, of the inducedaction of G on the spectrum of L∞(X,µ).

2.2. Continuous orbit equivalence. We say that two continuous actions Gy X and H y Yon compact metrizable spaces are continuously orbit equivalent if there exist a homeomorphismΦ : X → Y and continuous maps κ : G×X → H and λ : H × Y → G such that

Φ(gx) = κ(g, x)Φ(x),

Φ−1(ty) = λ(t, y)Φ−1(y)

for all g ∈ G, x ∈ X, t ∈ H, and y ∈ Y . Such a Φ is called a continuous orbit equivalence.If the action H y Y is topologically free then the continuity of Φ implies that the map κ is

uniquely determined by the first line of the above display and satisfies the cocycle identity

κ(fg, x) = κ(f, gx)κ(g, x)

for f, g ∈ G and x ∈ X. In the case that both G y X and H y Y are topologically free wehave

λ(κ(g, x),Φ(x)) = g

for all g ∈ G and x ∈ X, and λ is uniquely determined by this identity.

2.3. Bounded orbit equivalence. Two free p.m.p. actions G y (X,µ) and H y (Y, ν) areorbit equivalent if there exist a G-invariant conull set X0 ⊆ X, an H-invariant conull set Y0 ⊆ Y ,and a measure isomorphism Ψ : X0 → Y0 such that Ψ(Gx) = HΨ(x) for all x ∈ X0. Such a Ψ iscalled an orbit equivalence. Associated to Ψ are the cocycles κ : G×X0 → H and λ : H×Y0 → Gdetermined (up to null sets, in accord with our definition of freeness) by

Ψ(gx) = κ(g, x)Ψ(x),

Ψ−1(ty) = λ(t, y)Ψ−1(y)

for all g ∈ G, x ∈ X0, t ∈ H, and y ∈ Y0. We say that the cocycle κ is bounded if κ(g,X0) isfinite for every g ∈ G, and define boundedness for λ likewise. If X0, Y0, and Ψ can be chosenso that κ and λ are both bounded, then we say that the actions are boundedly orbit equivalent,and refer to Ψ as a bounded orbit equivalence.

2.4. Sofic approximations. Given a nonempty finite set V we define on V V the normalizedHamming distance

ρHamm(T, S) =1

|V ||v ∈ V : Tv 6= Sv|.

A sofic approximation for G is a (not necessarily multiplicative) map σ : G→ Sym(V ) for somenonempty finite set V . Given a finite set F ⊆ G and a δ > 0, we say that such a σ is an(F, δ)-approximation if

(i) ρHamm(σst, σsσt) ≤ δ for all s, t ∈ F , and(ii) ρHamm(σs, σt) ≥ 1− δ for all distinct s, t ∈ F .


A sofic approximation sequence for G is a sequence Σ = σk : G → Sym(Vk)∞k=1 of soficapproximations for G such that for every finite set F ⊆ G and δ > 0 there exists a k0 ∈ N suchthat σk is an (F, δ)-approximation for every k ≥ k0. A sofic approximation σ : G→ Sym(V ) issaid to be good enough if it is an (F, δ)-approximation for some finite set F ⊆ G and δ > 0 andthis condition is sufficient for the purpose at hand.

The group G is sofic if it admits a sofic approximation sequence, which is the case for instanceif G is amenable or residually finite. It is not known whether nonsofic groups exist.

Given a sofic approximation σ : G→ Sym(V ) and a set A ⊆ G, we define an A-path to be afinite tuple (v0, v1, . . . , vn) of points in V such that for every i = 1, . . . , n there is a g ∈ A forwhich vi = σgvi−1. The integer n is the length of the path, the points v0, . . . , vn its vertices, andv0 and vn its endpoints. When n = 1 we also speak of an A-edge. For r ∈ N, we say that a setW ⊆ V is (A, r)-separated if σArv ∩ σArw = ∅ for all distinct v, w ∈W .

2.5. Sofic topological entropy. Let Gy X be a continuous action on a compact metrizablespace. Let d be a compatible metric on X. Let F be a finite subset of G and δ > 0. Letσ : G → Sym(V ) be a sofic approximation for G. On the set of maps V → X define thepseudometrics

d2(ϕ,ψ) =


|V |∑v∈V

d(ϕ(v), ψ(v))2



d∞(ϕ,ψ) = maxv∈V

d(ϕ(v), ψ(v)).

Define Mapd(F, δ, σ) to be the set of all maps ϕ : V → X such that d2(ϕσg, gϕ) ≤ δ for all g ∈ F .For a pseudometric space (Ω, ρ) and ε > 0 we write Nε(Ω, ρ) for the maximum cardinality of asubset Ω0 of Ω which is (ρ, ε)-separated in the sense that ρ(ω1, ω2) ≥ ε for all distinct ω1, ω2 ∈ Ω0.

Let Σ = σk : G→ Sym(Vk)∞k=1 be a sofic approximation sequence for G. For ε > 0 we set

hεΣ,∞(Gy X) = infF


lim supk→∞


|Vk|logNε(Mapd(F, δ, σk), d∞),

hεΣ,2(Gy X) = infF


lim supk→∞


|Vk|logNε(Mapd(F, δ, σk), d2),

where the first infimum in each case is over all finite sets F ⊆ G. The sofic topological entropyof the action Gy X with respect to Σ is then defined by

hΣ(Gy X) = supε>0

hεΣ,∞(Gy X).

This quantity does not depend on the choice of compatible metric d, as is readily seen, and byProposition 10.23 of [24] we can also compute it using separation with respect to d2, i.e.,

hΣ(Gy X) = supε>0

hεΣ,2(Gy X).

We define the maximum and infimum sofic topological entropies of Gy X by

h(Gy X) = maxΣ

hΣ(Gy X),

h(Gy X) = infΣhΣ(Gy X),


where Σ ranges in each case over all sofic approximation sequences for G (when G is nonsofic weinterpret these quantities to be −∞). It is a straightforward exercise to show that the maximumdoes indeed exist (we do not know however whether the infimum is always realized). Note that−∞ is a possible value for hΣ(G y X), and so if it occurs for some Σ then h(G y X) = −∞,and if it occurs for all Σ then h(G y X) = −∞. The action G y X is entropy regular if itsmaximum and infimum sofic topological entropies are equal, i.e., the sofic topological entropydoes not depend on the choice of sofic approximation sequence.

2.6. Sofic measure entropy. Let G y (X,µ) be a p.m.p. action. Let C be a finite Borelpartition of X, F a finite subset of G containing eG, and δ > 0. Write alg(C ) for the algebragenerated by C , which consists of all unions of members of C , and write CF for the join

∨s∈F sC .

Let σ : G → Sym(V ) be a sofic approximation for G. Write Homµ(C , F, δ, σ) for the set of allhomomorphisms ϕ : alg(CF )→ PV satisfying


A∈C m(σgϕ(A)∆ϕ(gA)) < δ for all g ∈ F , and(ii)


|m(ϕ(A))− µ(A)| < δ.

For a finite Borel partition P ≤ C we write |Homµ(C , F, δ, σ)|P for the cardinality of the setof restrictions of elements of Homµ(C , F, δ, σ) to P.

Given a sofic approximation sequence Σ = σk : G→ Sym(Vk)∞k=1 for G, we define the soficmeasure entropy of the action Gy (X,µ) with respect to Σ by

hΣ,µ(Gy X) = supP




lim supk→∞


|Vk|log |Homµ(C , F, δ, σk)|P ,

where the supremum is over all finite partitions P of X, the first infimum is over all finitepartitions C of X refining P, and the second infimum is over all finite sets F ⊆ G containingeG.

As in the topological case, one can check that there is a maximum among the quantitieshΣ,µ(G y X) over all sofic approximation sequences Σ for G, where −∞ is included as apossible value. The maximum and infimum sofic measure entropies of G y (X,µ) are thendefined by

hµ(Gy X) = maxΣ

hΣ,µ(Gy X),

hµ(Gy X) = infΣhΣ,µ(Gy X),

where Σ ranges in each case over all sofic approximation sequences for G. When G is nonsoficthese quantities are interpreted to be −∞. The action is entropy regular if its maximum andinfimum sofic measure entropies are equal, i.e., the sofic measure entropy does not depend onthe choice of sofic approximation sequence.

3. Properties S -SC and sofic SC

3.1. Definitions of properties S -SC and sofic SC. Write SG for the collection of all soficapproximations for G.

Let S be any collection of sofic approximations for G.

Definition 3.1. We say that the group G has property S -SC (or property sofic SC if S = SG)if for any function Υ : F(G) → [0,∞) there exists an S ∈ F(G) such that for any T ∈ F(G)there are C, n ∈ N, and S1, . . . , Sn ∈ F(G) such that for every good enough sofic approximation


π : G → Sym(V ) in S there are subsets W and Vj of V for 1 ≤ j ≤ n satisfying the followingconditions:


j=1 Υ(Sj)m(Vj) ≤ 1,

(ii)⋃g∈S πgW = V ,

(iii) if w1, w2 ∈ W satisfy πgw1 = w2 for some g ∈ T then w1 and w2 are connected by apath of length at most C in which each edge is of the form (v, πhv) for some 1 ≤ j ≤ n,h ∈ Sj , and v ∈ Vj with πhv ∈ Vj .

Definition 3.2. We say that a continuous action Gy X on a compact metrizable space X withcompatible metric d has property S -SC (or property sofic SC if S = SG) if for any functionΥ : F(G) → [0,∞) there exists an S ∈ F(G) such that for any T ∈ F(G) there are C, n ∈ N,S1, . . . , Sn ∈ F(G), F ] ∈ F(G), and δ] > 0 such that for every good enough sofic approximationπ : G → Sym(V ) in S with Mapd(F

], δ], π) 6= ∅ there are W and Vj for 1 ≤ j ≤ n as inDefinition 3.1. By [24, Lemma 10.24] this does not depend on the choice of d.

Definition 3.3. We say that a p.m.p. action Gy (X,µ) has property S -SC (or property soficSC if S = SG) if for any function Υ : F(G) → [0,∞) there exists an S ∈ F(G) such thatfor any T ∈ F(G) there are C, n ∈ N, S1, . . . , Sn ∈ F(G), a finite Borel partition C ] of X, anF ] ∈ F(G) containing eG, and a δ] > 0 such that for every good enough sofic approximationπ : G → Sym(V ) in S with Homµ(C ], F ], δ], π) 6= ∅ there are W and Vj for 1 ≤ j ≤ n as inDefinition 3.1.

The following proposition shows that, when G is finitely generated, in Definition 3.1 we canfix n = 1 and take S1 to be any symmetric finite generating subset of G containing eG, but withthe price that

⋃g∈S πgW is only most of V instead of the whole of V .

Proposition 3.4. Suppose that G is finitely generated. Let A be a generating set for G in F(G).Then G has property S -SC if and only if for any ε > 0 there exists an S ∈ F(G) such that forany T ∈ F(G) and δ > 0 there is a C ∈ N such that for any good enough sofic approximationπ : G→ Sym(V ) in S there are subsets W and V of V satisfying the following conditions:

(i) m(V) ≤ ε,(ii) m(

⋃g∈S πgW ) ≥ 1− δ,

(iii) if w1, w2 ∈ W satisfy πgw1 = w2 for some g ∈ T then w1 and w2 are connected by anA-path of length at most C whose vertices all lie in V.

Proof. Denote by `A the word length function on G associated to A.Suppose first that G has property S -SC. Let ε > 0. Define Υ : F(G) → [0,∞) by Υ(F ) =

ε−1|A|maxg∈F `A(g). Then there is an S ∈ F(G) witnessing property S -SC. Let T ∈ F(G) and δ >0. Then we have C, n, S1, . . . , Sn as given by Definition 3.1. Set m = max1≤j≤n maxg∈Sj `A(g).Let π : G → Sym(V ) be a good enough sofic approximation for G in S . Then we have Wand V1, . . . ,Vn satisfying conditions (i)-(iii) in Definition 3.1. Denote by V ′ the set of all v ∈ Vsatisfying πghv = πgπhv for all g, h ∈ AmC . When π is a good enough sofic approximation, wehave m(V \ V ′) ≤ δ/|S|. Set W ′ = W ∩ V ′. For each 1 ≤ j ≤ n, set mj = maxg∈Sj `A(g) and

V†j =

⋃g∈Amj πgVj . Set V =

⋃nj=1 V

†j . Then

m(V) ≤n∑j=1

m(V†j) ≤n∑j=1

|Amj | ·m(Vj) ≤ εn∑j=1

Υ(Sj)m(Vj) ≤ ε,


verifying condition (i) in the proposition statement. Note also that


( ⋃g∈S

πgW′)≥ m

( ⋃g∈S


)− |S| ·m(V \ V ′) ≥ 1− δ,

which verifies condition (ii) in the proposition statement. Let g ∈ T and w1, w2 ∈ W ′ be suchthat πgw1 = w2. Then w1 and w2 are connected by a path of length at most C in which eachedge is an Sj-edge with both endpoints in Vj for some 1 ≤ j ≤ n. It is easily checked that theendpoints of such an edge are connected by an A-path of length at most mj with all vertices in

V†j . Thus w1 and w2 are connected by an A-path of length at most Cm with all vertices in V,

verifying condition (iii) in the proposition statement. This proves the “only if” part.To prove the “if” part, suppose that G satisfies the condition in the statement of the propo-

sition. Let Υ be a function F(G)→ [0,∞). Take 0 < ε < 1/(2Υ(A)). Then we have an S as inthe statement of the proposition. Let T ∈ F(G). Take 0 < δ < 1/(6|T |Υ(T )). Then we have a Cas in the statement of the proposition. Set n = 2, S1 = A, and S2 = T . Let π : G→ Sym(V ) bea good enough sofic approximation for G in S . Then we have W and V as in the statement ofthe proposition. Set W ′ = W ∪ π−1

eG(V \

⋃g∈S πgW ). Then

⋃g∈S πgW

′ = V , verifying condition

(ii) in Definition 3.1. Set V1 = V and V2 =⋃g∈T ((W ′ \W )∪πg(W ′ \W )∪π−1

g (W ′ \W )). Then

m(V2) ≤ (2|T |+ 1)m(W ′ \W ) ≤ 3|T |δ,

and hence

Υ(S1)m(V1) + Υ(S2)m(V2) ≤ Υ(A)ε+ 3Υ(T )|T |δ < 1



2= 1,

which verifies condition (i) in Definition 3.1. Let g ∈ T and w1, w2 ∈W ′ be such that πgw1 = w2.If w1 6∈ W or w2 6∈ W , then (w1, w2) is an S2-edge with both endpoints in V2. If w1, w2 ∈ W ,then w1 and w2 are connected by an S1-path of length at most C such that all vertices of thispath lie in V = V1, yielding condition (iii) in Definition 3.1.

3.2. Groups without property sofic SC. Let S be a collection of sofic approximations forG which contains arbitrarily good sofic approximations (or, equivalently, which contains a soficapproximation sequence). In Propositions 3.6 and 3.7 we identify two classes of groups whichfail to have property S -SC, and in particular fail to have property sofic SC.

Lemma 3.5. Suppose that G is finite. Then G does not have property S -SC.

Proof. Suppose to the contrary that G has property S -SC. Define Υ : F(G) → [0,∞) byΥ(F ) = 4|G| for all F ∈ F(G). Then there is some S ∈ F(G) satisfying the conditions inDefinition 3.1. Put T = eG. Then there are C, n ∈ N and S1, . . . , Sn ∈ F(G) satisfying theconditions in Definition 3.1.

Let π : G → Sym(V ) be a good enough sofic approximation in S so that there are subsetsW and V1, . . . ,Vn of V satisfying conditions (i)-(iii) in Definition 3.1 and also so that m(U) ≤1/(4|G|) where U consists of all v ∈ V satisfying πeGv 6= v. Seeing that W ⊆ U ∪

⋃nj=1 Vj , we


m(W ) ≤ m(U) + m

( n⋃j=1


)≤ 1



m(Vj) =1





Υ(Sj)m(Vj) ≤1




1 = m

( ⋃g∈S


)≤ |S|m(W ) ≤ |G|m(W ) ≤ 1


a contradiction.

Proposition 3.6. Suppose that G is locally finite. Then G does not have property S -SC.

Proof. Suppose to the contrary thatG has property S -SC. ThenGmust be infinite by Lemma 3.5.Take a strictly increasing sequence Gk of finite subgroups of G such that G =

⋃k∈NGk. For

each F ∈ F(G), denote by Φ(F ) the smallest k ∈ N satisfying F ⊆ Gk. Define Υ : F(G)→ [0,∞)by Υ(F ) = 3|GΦ(F )|. Then there is some S ∈ F(G) satisfying the conditions in Definition 3.1.

Put m = Φ(S) and T = Gm+1 ∈ F(G). Then there are C, n ∈ N and S1, . . . , Sn ∈ F(G)satisfying the conditions in Definition 3.1. Put M = maxmax1≤j≤n Φ(Sj),m+ 1.

Let π : G→ Sym(V ) be a good enough sofic approximation in S so that there is a set V1 ⊆ Vsatisfying the following conditions:

(i) πgπhv = πghv for all g, h ∈ GM and v ∈ V1,(ii) πgv 6= πhv for all v ∈ V1 and distinct g, h ∈ GM ,(iii) πgV1 = V1 for all g ∈ GM ,(iv) m(V1) ≥ 1/2.

Then GM acts on V1 via π. Denote by P the partition of V1 into Gm+1-orbits.By assumption, when π is a good enough sofic approximation we can find subsets W and

V1, . . . ,Vn of V satisfying conditions (i)-(iii) in Definition 3.1. Note that V =⋃g∈S πgW =⋃

g∈Gm πgW , which implies that for every member P of P the intersection P∩W is not containedin a single Gm-orbit.

Set V =⋃nj=1 πGΦ(Sj)

(Vj ∩ V1). Then

m(V) ≤∑

1≤j≤n|GΦ(Sj)|m(Vj ∩ V1) ≤


|GΦ(Sj)|m(Vj) =1



Υ(Sj)m(Vj) ≤1


Now let P ∈P and w1 ∈ P ∩W . Then we can find some w2 ∈ P ∩W such that w1 and w2

are in different Gm-orbits. We have w2 = πtw1 for some t ∈ Gm+1 \Gm = T \Gm. Thus we canfind some 1 ≤ l ≤ C, 1 ≤ j1, . . . , jl ≤ n, vk ∈ Vjk for 1 ≤ k ≤ l, and gk ∈ Sjk for 1 ≤ k ≤ l suchthat, setting v0 = w1, we have πgkvk−1 = vk for all 1 ≤ k ≤ l and vl = w2. Then

w2 = vl = πgl . . . πg1v0 = πgl...g1w1,

and hence gl · · · g1 = t. It follows that the elements g1, . . . , gl cannot all lie in Gm. Denoteby i the smallest k satisfying gk 6∈ Gm. Then vi ∈ πGΦ(Sji

)w1, and hence w1 ∈ πGΦ(Sji



πGmw1 ⊆ πGmπGΦ(Sji)vi = πGΦ(Sji

)vi ⊆ πGΦ(Sji

)(Vji ∩ V1) ⊆ V.

Therefore V1 =⋃

P = πGm(W ∩ (⋃

P)) ⊆ V, whence m(V) ≥ m(V1) ≥ 1/2, contradicting(2).

Proposition 3.7. Suppose that G is finitely generated and virtually free. Then G does not haveproperty S -SC.


Proof. By Lemma 3.5 we may assume that G is infinite. Take a free subgroup G1 of G with finiteindex. Then G1 is nontrivial and, by Schreier’s lemma, finitely generated. Take free generatorsa1, . . . , ar for G1. Set A = a1, . . . , ar, a

−11 , . . . , a−1

r , eG. Denote by ` the word length function

on G1 associated to a1, . . . , ar, a−11 , . . . , a−1

r . For each n ∈ N denote by Bn the set of elements gin G1 satisfying `(g) ≤ n. Take a subset H of G containing eG such that G is the disjoint unionof the sets hG1 for h ∈ H. Set D = H ∪ A. For each F ∈ F(G), denote by Ψ(F ) the smallestn ∈ N satisfying F ⊆ HBn, and set F ′ = HBΨ(F ).

For any g ∈ G and h ∈ H we can write gh uniquely as bd with b ∈ H and d ∈ G1, and usingthis factorization we set R to be the maximum value of `(d) over all g ∈ D and h ∈ H. DefineΥ : F(G)→ [0,∞) by Υ(F ) = 3|HBR| · |F ′|.

Suppose that G has property S -SC. Then there is some S ∈ F(G) satisfying the conditions

in Definition 3.1. Put m = Ψ(S), N = m + 1, and T = Sa2N1 , eG, a

−2N1 S ∈ F(G). Then

there are C, n ∈ N and S1, . . . , Sn ∈ F(G) satisfying the conditions in Definition 3.1. Put

C ′ = C max1≤j≤n(1 + Ψ(Sj)) ∈ N and U = ((HA)C′HB2N ) ∪ ((HA)C

′HB2N )−1 ∈ F(G).

Let π : G→ Sym(V ) be a good enough sofic approximation in S so that there are subsets Wand V1, . . . ,Vn of V satisfying conditions (i)-(iii) in Definition 3.1 and a set V ′ ⊆ V satisfyingthe following conditions:

(i) πgπhv = πghv for all g, h ∈ U10 and v ∈ V ′,(ii) πgv 6= πhv for all v ∈ V ′ and distinct g, h ∈ U ,(iii) m(V ′) ≥ 1/2.

For each 1 ≤ j ≤ n, set V′j =⋃g∈S′j

πgVj . Set V =⋃nj=1 V

′j .

Let v ∈ V ′. We have πaN1v = πh1w1 and πa−N1

v = πh2w2 for some h1, h2 ∈ S and w1, w2 ∈W .


πh−12 a−2N

1 h1w1 = π−1


π−1aN1πh1w1 = π−1


v = w2.

By assumption we can find a path from w1 to w2 of length at most C in which each edge is anSj-edge with both endpoints in Vj for some 1 ≤ j ≤ n. Replacing each such edge by a D-path oflength at most 1 + Ψ(Sj) and with all vertices in V′j , we find a D-path from w1 to w2 of length

at most C ′ such that all vertices are in V. Thus we get some 1 ≤ l ≤ C ′, vk ∈ V for 1 ≤ k ≤ l,and gk ∈ D for 1 ≤ k ≤ l such that, setting v0 = w1, we have πgkvk−1 = vk for all 1 ≤ k ≤ l andvl = w2. Then

πh−12 a−N1

v = w2 = πgl . . . πg1w1 = πgl...g1h−11 aN1


Since h−12 a−N1 and gl . . . g1h

−11 aN1 belong to U , we conclude that h−1

2 a−N1 = gl . . . g1h−11 aN1 . Set

tj = gj . . . g1h−11 aN1 ∈ U for 0 ≤ j ≤ l. We can write each tj uniquely as bjdj for some bj ∈ H

and dj ∈ G1. Then we have

`(djd−1j−1) ≤ R

for all 1 ≤ j ≤ l. Consider the path p in G1 from d0 to dl defined by concatenating the geodesicfrom dj−1 to dj for all 1 ≤ j ≤ l, where we endow G1 with the right invariant metric induced

from `. Note that as reduced words d0 and dl end with a1 and a−11 respectively. Thus p passes

through eG. It follows that there is some 1 ≤ i ≤ l with `(di) ≤ R. Then ti ∈ HBR, whence

v = π−1tivi = πt−1

ivi ∈




Therefore V ′ ⊆⋃g∈(HBR)−1 πgV.

Now we get


2≤ m(V ′) ≤ m

( ⋃g∈(HBR)−1


)≤ |HBR|m(V)

≤ |HBR|n∑j=1

|S′j |m(Vj) =1



Υ(Sj)m(Vj) ≤1


a contradiction.

3.3. Groups with property sofic SC. In Theorems 3.11 and 3.12 below we will identifyclasses of groups that have property sofic SC. This will rely on results from [25] that we canaccess via the connection to property SC established in Proposition 3.10.

Definition 3.8. Let Y be a class of free p.m.p. actions of a fixed infinite G. We say that Y hasproperty SC if for any function Υ : F(G) → [0,∞) there exists an S ∈ F(G) such that for anyT ∈ F(G) there are C, n ∈ N, and S1, . . . , Sn ∈ F(G) so that for any Gy (X,µ) in Y there areBorel subsets W and Vj of X for 1 ≤ j ≤ n satisfying the following conditions:


j=1 Υ(Sj)µ(Vj) ≤ 1,

(ii) SW = X,(iii) if w1, w2 ∈ W satisfy gw1 = w2 for some g ∈ T then w1 and w2 are connected by a

path of length at most C in which each edge is an Sj-edge with both endpoints in Vjfor some 1 ≤ j ≤ n.

We say that a p.m.p. action G y (X,µ) has property SC if the singleton class containing ithas property SC. We say that G itself has property SC if the class of all free p.m.p actionsGy (X,µ) has property SC (note that freeness implies atomlessness of the measure since G isinfinite).

Remark 3.9. When Y consists of either a single free p.m.p. action or all free p.m.p. actions ofa fixed G, the existence of the bound C is automatic, as explained in the paragraph followingProposition 3.5 in [25].

Proposition 3.10. Suppose that G is infinite and sofic. Let Gy (X,µ) be a free p.m.p. actionwith property SC. Then the action has property sofic SC.

Proof. We may assume, by passing to a suitable G-invariant conull subset of X, that the actionof G is genuinely free. Let Υ be a function F(G)→ [0,∞). Since Gy (X,µ) has property SC,using the function 2Υ we find an S ∈ F(G) such that for any T ∈ F(G) there are C, n ∈ N,S1, . . . , Sn ∈ F(G), and Borel subsets W and Vk of X for 1 ≤ k ≤ n satisfying the followingconditions:

(i) 2∑n

k=1 Υ(Sk)µ(Vk) ≤ 1,(ii) SW = X,(iii) if w1, w2 ∈ W satisfy gw1 = w2 for some g ∈ T then w1 and w2 are connected by a

path of length at most C in which each edge is an Sk-edge with both endpoints in Vkfor some 1 ≤ k ≤ n.


Let T ∈ F(G). Then we have C, n, Sk for 1 ≤ k ≤ n, and W and Vk for 1 ≤ k ≤ n as above.We now verify conditions (i)-(iii) in Definition 3.1 as referenced in Definition 3.3.

Let g ∈ T . For each x ∈W ∩ g−1W , we can find g1, . . . , gl ∈ G for some 1 ≤ l ≤ C such thatg = glgl−1 · · · g1 and for each 1 ≤ j ≤ l one has gj ∈ Skj and gj−1 · · · g1x, gjgj−1 · · · g1x ∈ Vkj for

some 1 ≤ kj ≤ n. Then we can find a finite Borel partition Cg of W ∩ g−1W such that

|Cg| ≤ CnC(



and for each A ∈ Cg we can choose the same l, g1, . . . , gl, k1, . . . , kl for all x ∈ A. Then for all1 ≤ j ≤ l the sets gj−1 · · · g1A and gjgj−1 · · · g1A are contained in Vkj .

Denote by C ] the finite partition of X generated by W,V1, . . . ,Vn and Cg for g ∈ T . Set

F ] = (T ∪ S ∪⋃nk=1 Sk)

100C ∈ F(G). Set D = |T |C2nC(max1≤k≤n |Sk|)C > 0, and take δ > 0with 3δ|T |Υ(T ) ≤ 1/4. Take

0 < δ] ≤ min





, δ/(|S|(|T |+D + 2))


Let π : G → Sym(V ) be a sofic approximation for G with Homµ(C ], F ], δ], π) 6= ∅ which is

good enough so that m(VF ]) > 1− δ], where VF ] denotes the set of all v ∈ V satisfying πghv =

πgπhv for all g, h ∈ F ] and πgv 6= πhv for all distinct g, h ∈ F ]. Take ϕ ∈ Homµ(C ], F ], δ], π).

Then ϕ is an algebra homomorphism alg(C ]F ]

)→ PV satisfying


A∈C ] m(πgϕ(A)∆ϕ(gA)) ≤ δ] for all g ∈ F ], and


A∈C ]F]|m(ϕ(A))− µ(A)| ≤ δ].

Let g ∈ T and A ∈ Cg. Then we have l, g1, . . . , gl, k1, . . . , kl as above. Denote by W ′′g,A the set⋃1≤j≤l(π


(ϕ(gjgj−1 · · · g1A))∆ϕ(A)). Then

m(W ′′g,A) ≤l∑



(ϕ(gjgj−1 · · · g1A))∆ϕ(A))



m(ϕ(gjgj−1 · · · g1A)∆πgjgj−1···g1ϕ(A)) ≤ Cδ].

Also set W ′′g =⋃A∈Cg

W ′′g,A and W ′′ =⋃g∈T W

′′g . Then

m(W ′′g ) ≤ |Cg|Cδ] ≤ C2nC(




m(W ′′) ≤ |T |C2nC(


|Sk|)Cδ] = Dδ].

Set W ′ =⋃g∈T (π−1

g (ϕ(W ) ∩ VF ]) \ ϕ(g−1W )). Note that

W ′ =⋃g∈T

(πg−1(ϕ(W ) ∩ VF ]) \ ϕ(g−1W )) ⊆⋃g∈T

(πg−1ϕ(W ) \ ϕ(g−1W )),


and hencem(W ′) ≤


m(πg−1ϕ(W )∆ϕ(g−1W )) ≤ |T |δ].

Set W ∗ = (ϕ(W )∩VF ])\(W ′∪W ′′), and W † = W ∗∪π−1eG

(V \⋃g∈S πgW

∗). Then⋃g∈S πgW

† =

V , verifying condition (ii) in Definition 3.1.We have


( ⋃g∈S

πgW∗)≥ m

( ⋃g∈S

πgϕ(W )

)− |S|m(W ′ ∪W ′′ ∪ (V \ VF ]))

≥ m

( ⋃g∈S



(( ⋃g∈S

πgϕ(W )


( ⋃g∈S


))− |S|(|T |δ] +Dδ] + δ])

= 1−m

(( ⋃g∈S

πgϕ(W )


ϕ(gW )

)− |S|(|T |+D + 1)δ]

≥ 1−∑g∈S

m(πgϕ(W )∆ϕ(gW ))− |S|(|T |+D + 1)δ]

≥ 1− |S|δ] − |S|(|T |+D + 1)δ] ≥ 1− δ,and hence

m(W † \W ∗) ≤ m

(V \


πgW∗)≤ δ.

Put V†k = ϕ(Vk) for 1 ≤ k ≤ n, Sn+1 = T ∈ F(G), and

V†n+1 =


((W † \W ∗) ∪ πg(W † \W ∗) ∪ π−1g (W † \W ∗)).

Thenm(V†n+1) ≤ (2|T |+ 1)m(W † \W ∗) ≤ 3δ|T |,

and hencen+1∑k=1

Υ(Sk)m(V†k) ≤ 3δ|T |Υ(T ) +


Υ(Sk)(µ(Vk) + δ]) ≤ 1



2+ δ]


Υ(Sk) ≤ 1,

verifying condition (i) in Definition 3.1.Let g ∈ T and w1, w2 ∈ W † with πgw1 = w2. If w1 6∈ W ∗ or w2 6∈ W ∗, then (w1, w2) is

an Sn+1-edge with both endpoints in V†n+1. Thus we may assume that w1, w2 ∈ W ∗. Then

w1 = π−1g w2 ∈ π−1

g (ϕ(W ) ∩ VF ]). Since w1 /∈W ′, we get w1 ∈ ϕ(g−1W ). Thus

w1 ∈ ϕ(W ) ∩ ϕ(g−1W ) = ϕ(W ∩ g−1W ) = ϕ

( ⋃A∈Cg




We have w1 ∈ ϕ(A) for some A ∈ Cg. Let l, g1, . . . , gl, k1, . . . , kl be as above for this A. Thenfor all 1 ≤ j ≤ l the sets gj−1 . . . g1A and gjgj−1 . . . g1A are contained in Vkj . Since w1 /∈ W ′′g,A,

we have πgjgj−1...g1w1 ∈ ϕ(gjgj−1 . . . g1A) for all 1 ≤ j ≤ l. Thus πgj−1...g1w1, πgjgj−1...g1w1 ∈


ϕ(Vkj ) = V†kj

for all 1 ≤ j ≤ l. Therefore w1 and w2 are connected by a path of length l in which

each edge is an Sk-edge with both endpoints in V†k for some 1 ≤ k ≤ n, verifying condition (iii)

in Definition 3.1.

Theorem 3.11. Consider the following conditions for an infinite G:

(i) G has property SC,(ii) every free p.m.p. action Gy (X,µ) has property SC,

(iii) there exists a nontrivial Bernoulli action of G with property SC,(iv) there exists a nontrivial Bernoulli action of G with property sofic SC,(v) G has property sofic SC,

(vi) G is neither locally finite nor finitely generated and virtually free.

We have (i)⇔(ii)⇔(iii)⇒(iv)⇔(v)⇒(vi). Moreover, when G is amenable all of these conditionsare equivalent.

Proof. The equivalence of (i), (ii), and (iii) is the content of Proposition 3.5 of [25]. For (iii)⇒(iv)apply Proposition 3.10. The implication (iv)⇒(v) follows from the fact that nontrivial Bernoulliactions have positive sofic entropy with respect to every sofic approximation sequence [5, 22, 21],while (v)⇒(iv) follows from the definitions and (v)⇒(vi) from Propositions 3.6 and 3.7.

In the case that G is amenable, Proposition 3.28 of [25] asserts that (vi)⇔(i), which gives usthe equivalence of all of the conditions.

A subgroup G0 of G is said to be w-normal in G if there are a countable ordinal γ and asubgroup Gλ of G for each ordinal 0 ≤ λ ≤ γ such that

(i) for any λ < λ′ ≤ γ one has Gλ ⊆ Gλ′ ,(ii) G = Gγ ,(iii) for each λ < γ the group Gλ is normal in Gλ+1,(iv) for each limit ordinal λ′ ≤ γ one has Gλ′ =

⋃λ<λ′ Gλ.

In conjunction with Theorem 3.11 above, Theorem 3.29 of [25] yields the following.

Theorem 3.12. Suppose that G has a w-normal subgroup G0 which is amenable but neitherlocally finite nor virtually cyclic. Then G has property sofic SC.

3.4. W-normal subgroups and property sofic SC. The proof of the following lemma appliessome of the ideas from Section 8.1 of [3] to the sofic framework.

Lemma 3.13. Suppose that G is finitely generated and not virtually cyclic, and let A be agenerating set for G in F(G). Then there is a constant b > 0 such that given any

(i) group H containing G as a subgroup,(ii) finite subset F of H, and

(iii) r,M ∈ N and δ > 0

one can find, for any good enough sofic approximation π : H → Sym(V ) for H, sets Z ⊆ V ⊆ VF ,where VF denotes the set of all v ∈ V satisfying πgh = πgπhv for all g, h ∈ F and πgv 6= πhv forall distinct g, h ∈ F , such that

∣∣⋃g∈A2r πgV

∣∣/|V | ≥ 1− δ, |V| ≤ b|V |/r, |Z| ≤ |V |/M , and everypoint of V is connected to some point of Z by an A-path of length at most 2M with all verticesin V.


Proof. Since G is not virtually cyclic, there exists a c > 0 such that |An| ≥ cn2 for all n ∈ N(Corollary 3.5 of [29]). Set b = 5/c. Let H,F, r,M, δ, and π be as in the lemma statement. SetN = |A|3M . Take k ∈ N such that |Akr| ≥ N |A2r|.

Denote by V ′ the set of all v ∈ V satisfying πghv = πgπhv for all g, h ∈ (F ∪ A)100(M+r)

and πgv 6= πhv for all distinct g, h ∈ (F ∪ A)100(M+r). Denote by V ′′ the set of all v ∈ V

satisfying πghv = πgπhv for all g, h ∈ (F ∪ A)(200+k)(M+r) and πgv 6= πhv for all distinct

g, h ∈ (F ∪ A)(200+k)(M+r). Then πgV′′ ⊆ V ′ for every g ∈ A(k+6)r. Assuming that π is a good

enough sofic approximation, we have |V ′′|/|V | ≥ 1− δ. Take a maximal (A, r)-separated subsetW of V ′′, and also take a maximal (A, r)-separated subset W ′ of V ′ containing W . Then wehave

⋃g∈A2r πgW ⊇ V ′′, and hence


|V |

∣∣∣∣ ⋃g∈A2r


∣∣∣∣ ≥ |V ′′||V | ≥ 1− δ.

Let w ∈W . Set Tw = W ′∩πA(k+2)rw. Note that πAkrw ⊆ V ′ ⊆ πA2rW ′. For each g ∈ Akr wehave πgw ∈ πA2rz for some z ∈W ′. Then z ∈ πA2rπgw ⊆ πA(k+2)rw, and hence z ∈ Tw. Thus

πAkrw ⊆ πA2rTw.


|Tw| ≥|Akr||A2r|

≥ N.

Set T =⋃w∈W Tw ⊆W ′. We have

|Ar||W ′| =∣∣∣∣ ⊔w∈W ′


∣∣∣∣ ≤ |V |whence

|T | ≤ |W ′| ≤ |V ||Ar|

≤ |V |cr2


Let w ∈ W . Let (Tw, Ew) be the graph whose edges are those pairs of vertices which canbe joined by an A-path of length at most 4r + 1, and let us show that it is connected. It isenough to demonstrate that a given v ∈ Tw is connected to w by a path in (Tw, Ew). Choose ashortest A-path from w to v. For each vertex z in this path contained in πAkrw, the fact thatz ∈ πAkrw ⊆ πA2rTw means that we can connect z to some uz ∈ Tw by an A-path pz of lengthat most 2r. By inserting pz and its reverse at z, we construct an A-path from w to v in whichpoints of Tw appear in every interval of length 4r + 1. Therefore v is connected to w by somepath in (Tw, Ew), showing that (Tw, Ew) is connected.

Consider the graph (T,E) whose edges are those pairs of vertices which can be joined by anA-path of length at most 4r+ 1. From the above, every connected component of this graph hasat least N points. Starting with (T,E), we recursively build a sequence of graphs with vertexset T by removing one edge at each stage so as to destroy some cycle at that stage, until thereare no more cycles left and we arrive at a subgraph (T,E′) such that (T,E) and (T,E′) havethe same connected components and each connected component of (T,E′) is a tree.

For each pair (v, w) in E′, we choose an A-path in πA4rT joining v to w of length at most4r + 1. Denote by V the collection of all vertices which appear in one of these paths. Then


V ⊆ πA4rT ⊆ V ′ ⊆ VF . Note that each A-connected component of V has at least N points, andW ⊆ T ⊆ V. Thus


|V |

∣∣∣∣ ⋃g∈A2r


∣∣∣∣ ≥ 1

|V |

∣∣∣∣ ⋃g∈A2r


∣∣∣∣ ≥ 1− δ.

Moreover, using (3) we have

|V| ≤ |T |+ 4r|E′| ≤ (4r + 1)|T | ≤ 5r · |V |cr2

=b|V |r.

Let C be an A-connected component of V. Denote by (C, EC) the graph whose edges are thepairs (w, v) ∈ C2 such that πgw = v for some g ∈ A. Then (C, EC) is connected. Endow C

with the geodesic distance ρ induced from EC. Take a maximal subset ZC of C which is (ρ,M)-separated in the sense that the M -balls v ∈ C : ρ(v, z) ≤ M for z ∈ ZC are pairwise disjoint.Then ZC is (ρ, 2M)-spanning in C, i.e., every point of C is connected to some point of ZC byan A-path of length at most 2M with all vertices in C. Since |C| ≥ N = |A|3M > |A|2M , wehave |ZC| ≥ 2. Then |C ∩ πAM z| ≥M for every z ∈ ZC. Since the sets C ∩ πAM z for z ∈ ZC arepairwise disjoint, we get

|ZC|M ≤∑z∈ZC

|C ∩ πAM z| ≤ |C|.

Denote by Z the union of the sets ZC where C runs over all A-connected components of V.Then every point of V is connected to some point of Z by an A-path of length at most 2M withall vertices in V, and |Z|/|V | ≤ 1/M .

For the definition of w-normality, see the paragraph before Theorem 3.12.

Proposition 3.14. Suppose that G has a w-normal subgroup G[ with property sofic SC. ThenG has property sofic SC.

Proof. Suppose first that G[ is locally virtually cyclic. Then G[ is amenable and, by Lemma 3.5and Theorem 3.11, neither locally finite nor virtually cyclic. It follows by Theorem 3.12 that Ghas property sofic SC, as desired.

Suppose now that G[ is not locally virtually cyclic. In this case we will first carry out theargument under the assumption that G[ is normal in G. Take a finitely generated subgroup G0

of G[ such that G0 is not virtually cyclic. Take an S1 ∈ F(G0) generating G0. Let b > 0 be asgiven by Lemma 3.13 for the group G0 and generating set S1.

Let Υ be a function F(G)→ [0,∞). Choose an r ∈ N large enough so that

3bΥ(S1) ≤ r.(4)

Set S = S2r1 ∈ F(G0).

Consider the restriction of 3Υ to F(G[). Since G[ has property sofic SC, there exists an

S[ ∈ F(G[) such that for any T [ ∈ F(G[) there are C[, n[ ∈ N and S[1, . . . , S[n[∈ F(G[) such

that for any good enough sofic approximation π : G→ Sym(V ) for G there are subsets W [ and

V[k of V for 1 ≤ k ≤ n[ satisfying the following conditions:


k=1 3Υ(S[k)m(V[k) ≤ 1,

(ii)⋃g∈S[ πgW

[ = V ,


(iii) if w1, w2 ∈ W [ satisfy πgw1 = w2 for some g ∈ T [ then w1 and w2 are connected by a

path of length at most C[ in which each edge is an S[k-edge with both endpoints in V[kfor some 1 ≤ k ≤ n[.

Let T ∈ F(G). Set

S2 = S[TS[ ∈ F(G).

Take an M ∈ N large enough so that

M ≥ 12Υ(S2)|S2|.(5)

Set T [ =⋃g∈T (S[S2M

1 gS2M1 g−1S[ ∪ S[gS2M

1 g−1S2M1 S[) ∈ F(G[). Then we have C[, n[, and

S[k for 1 ≤ k ≤ n[ as above. Set

C = 4M + 2 + C[ ∈ N,

and F = (S1 ∪ T ∪ S[ ∪⋃n[

k=1 S[k)

100MCr ∈ F(G).Now let π : G→ Sym(V ) be a good enough sofic approximation for G. By Lemma 3.13 we can

find sets Z ⊆ V1 ⊆ VF , where VF denotes the set of v ∈ V satisfying πgh = πgπhv for all g, h ∈ Fand πgv 6= πhv for all distinct g, h ∈ F , such that m

(⋃g∈S πgV1

)≥ 1 − 1/M , m(V1) ≤ b/r,

m(Z) ≤ 1/M , and every point of V1 is connected to some point of Z by an S1-path of length atmost 2M with all vertices in V1. Note that

Υ(S1)m(V1) ≤ Υ(S1)b



≤ 1


Set W = V1 ∪ π−1eG

(V \⋃g∈S πgV1) ⊆ V . Then

⋃g∈S πgW = V , which verifies condition (ii) in

Definition 3.1.Set V2 =

(⋃g∈T ((W \ V1) ∪ πg(W \ V1) ∪ π−1

g (W \ V1)))∪⋃g∈S2

πgZ ⊆ V . Then

m(V2) ≤ 3|T |m(W \ V1) + |S2|m(Z) ≤ 3|S2|m(V \⋃g∈S

πgV1) + |S2|/M ≤ 4|S2|/M,

and hence

Υ(S2)m(V2) ≤ 4Υ(S2)|S2|/M(5)

≤ 1


Assuming that π is a good enough sofic approximation for G, we have W [ and V[k for 1 ≤ k ≤ n[as above, in which case


Υ(S[k)m(V[k) ≤1


Putting the above estimates together we get

Υ(S1)m(V1) + Υ(S2)m(V2) +


Υ(S[k)m(V[k) ≤ 1,

which verifies condition (i) in Definition 3.1.Let g ∈ T and w1, w2 ∈ W be such that πgw1 = w2. If either w1 ∈ W \ V1 or w2 ∈ W \ V1,

then (w1, w2) is an S2-edge with both endpoints in V2. Thus we may assume that w1, w2 ∈ V1.For i = 1, 2, we can connect wi to some zi ∈ Z by an S1-path of length at most 2M with allvertices in V1. Then wi = πtizi for some ti ∈ S2M

1 . We have πgz1 = πa1u1 for some u1 ∈ W [


and a1 ∈ S[, and z2 = πa2u2 for some u2 ∈ W [ and a2 ∈ S[. Note that a−11 g and a−1

2 are bothin S2. Since πa−1

1 gz1 = u1, the pair (z1, u1) is an S2-edge with both endpoints in V2. Also, since

πa−12z2 = u2 the pair (w2, u2) is an S2-edge with both endpoints in V2. Note that

πa−12 t−1

2 gt1g−1a1u1 = πa−1



= πa−12πt−1


= πa−12πt−1


= πa−12πt−1


= πa−12z2

= u2.

Since a−12 t−1

2 gt1g−1a1 ∈ S[S2M

1 gS2M1 g−1S[ ⊆ T [, this means that u2 ∈ πT [u1. Then u1 and

u2 are connected by a path of length at most C[ in which each edge is an S[k-edge with both

endpoints in V[k for some 1 ≤ k ≤ n[. Therefore w1 and w2 are connected by a path of length

at most 4M + 2 + C[ = C in which each edge is either an Sj-edge with both endpoints in Vjfor some 1 ≤ j ≤ 2 or an S[k-edge with both endpoints in V[k for some 1 ≤ k ≤ n[, verifyingcondition (iii) in Definition 3.1.

Notice that the set S used in the above verification of property sofic SC for G is contained inG0, which can be any non-virtually-cyclic finitely generated subgroup of G[, and only dependson the restriction of Υ to F(G0). This has the consequence that if G1, G2, . . . is a sequence ofcountable groups such that Gn is a normal subgroup of Gn+1 for each n and G1 is not locallyvirtually cyclic and has property sofic SC then the group

⋃∞n=1Gn has property sofic SC. Indeed

we can fix a finitely generated subgroup G′1 of G1 which is not virtually cyclic and apply the

above argument recursively taking G0 = G′1, G[ = Gn, and G = Gn+1 at the nth stage todeduce that Gn+1 has property sofic SC, and if the function Υ is taken at each stage to be therestriction of a prescribed function F(

⋃∞n=1Gn) → [0,∞) then we can use the same set S for

all n, showing that⋃∞n=1Gn has property sofic SC. It follows by ordinal well-ordering that if

G[ is merely assumed to be w-normal in G then we can still conclude that G has property soficSC.

3.5. Product groups. Let G and H be countable groups. Let π : G→ Sym(V ) and σ : H →Sym(W ) be sofic approximations. The product sofic approximation π×σ : G×H → Sym(V ×W )is defined by

(π × σ)(g,h)(v, w) = (πg(v), σh(w))

for all g ∈ G, h ∈ H, v ∈ V , and w ∈ W . Note that if πk and σk are sofic approximationsequences for G and H, respectively, then πk×σk is a sofic approximation sequence for G×H.

Proposition 3.15. Let G and H be countably infinite groups. Let S be the collection of productsofic approximations for G×H. Then G×H has property S -SC if and only if at least one ofG and H is not locally finite.

Proof. If G and H are both locally finite then G ×H is locally finite and hence does not haveproperty S -SC by Proposition 3.6. Suppose then that at least one of G and H is not locallyfinite. Take two nontrivial Bernoulli actions G y (X,µ) and H y (Y, ν). By Proposition 3.32


of [25] the p.m.p. action G×H y (X × Y, µ× ν) given by (g, h)(x, y) = (gx, hy) for all g ∈ G,h ∈ H, x ∈ X, and y ∈ Y has property SC, and hence has property sofic SC by Proposition 3.10.

By [5, 21], for every finite partition C of X, F ∈ F(G) containing eG, and δ > 0 one hasHomµ(C , F, δ, π) 6= ∅ for every sufficiently good sofic approximation π for G, and for everyfinite partition D of Y , L ∈ F(H) containing eH , and δ > 0 one has Homν(D , L, δ, σ) 6= ∅for every sufficiently good sofic approximation σ for H. Given such sofic approximations π :G → Sym(V ) and σ : H → Sym(W ) and ϕ ∈ Homµ(C , F, δ, π) and ψ ∈ Homν(D , L, δ, σ)we have a homomorphism ζ : alg(CF × DL) = alg((C × D)F×L) → PV×W determined byζ(C ×D) = ϕ(C)×ψ(D) for C ∈ CF and D ∈ DL, and one can readily verify that ζ belongs toHomµ×ν(C×D , F×L, 2δ, π×σ), showing that this set of homomorphisms is nonempty. Since thealgebra of subsets of X × Y generated by products of finite partitions is dense in the σ-algebrawith respect to the pseudometric d(A,B) = (µ×ν)(A∆B), it follows by a simple approximationargument that for every finite partition E of X × Y , finite set eG×H ∈ K ⊆ G ×H, and δ > 0one has Homµ×ν(E ,K, δ, π × σ) 6= ∅ for all good enough sofic approximations π : G→ Sym(V )and σ : H → Sym(W ). Since the action G × H y (X × Y, µ × ν) has property sofic SC, itfollows that G×H has property S -SC.

3.6. Property sofic SC under continuous orbit equivalence.

Proposition 3.16. Let Gy X and H y Y be topologically free continuous actions on compactmetrizable spaces which are continuously orbit equivalent. Suppose that G y X has propertysofic SC. Then H y Y has property sofic SC.

To prove this proposition we may assume that X = Y and that the identity map of X providesa continuous orbit equivalence between the actions G y X and H y X. Let κ : G ×X → Hand λ : H ×X → G be the associated cocycles.

The actions of G and H generate an action G∗H y X of their free product via the canonicalembeddings of G and H into G ∗H. Since the actions of G and H are topologically free, we canfind a G-invariant dense Gδ set W1 ⊆ X on which G acts freely and an H-invariant dense Gδ setW2 ⊆ X on which H acts freely. Set X0 =

⋂s∈G∗H s(W1 ∩W2). Then X0 is a G ∗H-invariant

dense Gδ subset of X on which both G and H act freely.Fix a compatible metric d on X which gives X diameter no bigger than 1. For each g ∈ G

there is an ηg > 0 such that for any x, y ∈ X with d(x, y) ≤ ηg one has κ(g, x) = κ(g, y),and likewise for each s ∈ H there is an ηs > 0 such that for any x, y ∈ X with d(x, y) ≤ ηsone has λ(s, x) = λ(s, y). We put ηF = ming∈F ηg > 0 for a nonempty finite set F ⊆ G, andηL = mins∈L ηs > 0 for a nonempty finite set L ⊆ H.

We will need the following lemma, which will also be of use in the proof of Theorem 4.1.

Lemma 3.17. Let L ∈ F(H), and 0 < τ < 1. Set F = λ(L2, X) ∈ F(G) and

τ ′ = minηL2τ1/2/(8|F |)1/2, τ/(22|F |2)

> 0.

Let π : G → Sym(V ) be an (F, τ ′)-approximation for G. Let ϕ ∈ Mapd(F, τ′, π) be such that

ϕ(V ) ⊆ X0. Define σ′ : H → V V by

σ′tv = πλ(t,ϕ(v))v

for t ∈ H and v ∈ V . Then there is an (L, τ)-approximation σ : H → Sym(V ) for H such thatρHamm(σt, σ

′t) ≤ τ for all t ∈ L2.


Proof. Denote by VF the set of all v ∈ V satisfying πgπhv = πghv for all g, h ∈ F and πgv 6= πhvfor all distinct g, h ∈ F . Then

m(V \ VF ) ≤ 2|F |2τ ′ ≤ τ


Denote by Vϕ the set of all v ∈ V satisfying d(ϕ(πgv), gϕ(v)) ≤ ηL2 for all g ∈ F . Then

m(V \ Vϕ) ≤ |F |(τ ′



≤ τ


For all s, t ∈ L2 and v ∈ VF ∩ Vϕ, since λ(t, ϕ(v)) ∈ F we have

d(ϕ(πλ(t,ϕ(v))v), λ(t, ϕ(v))ϕ(v)) ≤ ηL2

and henceλ(s, ϕ(πλ(t,ϕ(v))v)) = λ(s, λ(t, ϕ(v))ϕ(v)) = λ(s, tϕ(v)),

which yields

σ′sσ′tv = πλ(s,ϕ(σ′tv))σ

′tv = πλ(s,ϕ(πλ(t,ϕ(v))v))πλ(t,ϕ(v))v

= πλ(s,tϕ(v))πλ(t,ϕ(v))v

= πλ(s,tϕ(v))λ(t,ϕ(v))v

= πλ(st,ϕ(v))v

= σ′stv,

so that

ρHamm(σ′sσ′t, σ′st) ≤ m(V \ (VF ∩ Vϕ)) ≤ τ





Note that σ′eH = πeG . For each t ∈ H choose a σt ∈ Sym(V ) such that σtv = σ′tv for all v ∈ Vsatisfying σ′t−1σ

′tv = v. For each t ∈ L2, taking s = t−1 in (6) we conclude that

ρHamm(σt, σ′t) ≤ ρHamm(σ′t−1σ

′t, id)

≤ ρHamm(σ′t−1σ′t, σ′eH

) + ρHamm(σ′eH , id)

≤ 19τ

88+ ρHamm(πeG , id)

≤ 19τ

88+ τ ′

≤ 19τ






which in particular shows that ρHamm(σt, σ′t) < τ . For all s, t ∈ L we then have

ρHamm(σsσt, σst) ≤ ρHamm(σs, σ′s) + ρHamm(σt, σ

′t) + ρHamm(σ′sσ

′t, σ′st) + ρHamm(σst, σ


≤ 23τ







88= τ.

For all distinct s, t ∈ L2, since ϕ(V ) ⊆ X0 we have σ′sv 6= σ′tv for all v ∈ VF and hence

ρHamm(σs, σt) ≥ ρHamm(σ′s, σ′t)− ρHamm(σs, σ

′s)− ρHamm(σt, σ


≥ m(VF )− 23τ

88− 23τ



≥ 1− τ

11− 23τ

44> 1− τ.

Proof of Proposition 3.16. Let ΥH be a function F(H) → [0,∞). Define the function ΥG :F(G)→ [0,∞) by ΥG(F ) = 2ΥH(κ(F,X)).

Since the action G y X has property sofic SC, there exists an SG ∈ F(G) such that for anyTG ∈ F(G) there are CG, nG ∈ N, SG,1, . . . , SG,nG ∈ F(G), LG ∈ F(G), and 0 < τG < 1 suchthat, for any (LG, τG)-approximation π : G → Sym(V ) for G with Mapd(LG, τG, π) 6= ∅, thereare subsets WG and VG,j of V for 1 ≤ j ≤ nG satisfying the following conditions:


j=1 ΥG(SG,j)m(VG,j) ≤ 1,

(ii)⋃g∈SG πgWG = V ,

(iii) if w1, w2 ∈ WG satisfy πgw1 = w2 for some g ∈ TG then w1 and w2 are connected by apath of length at most CG in which each edge is an SG,j-edge with both endpoints inVG,j for some 1 ≤ j ≤ nG.

Set SH = κ(SG, X) ∈ F(H).Let TH ∈ F(H). Set TG = λ(TH , X) ∈ F(G). Then we have CG, nG, SG,j for 1 ≤ j ≤ nG,

LG, and τG as above. Set CH = CG, nH = nG + 1, SH,j = κ(SG,j , X) ∈ F(H) for 1 ≤ j ≤ nG,

and SH,nH = TH ∈ F(H). Take 0 < δH < 1/(6ΥH(TH)|TH |). Also, set A = LG ∪ SG ∪ TG ∪⋃nGj=1 SG,j ∈ F(G), LH = κ(A2(100+CG), X) ∈ F(H), and

τG = min

(τG/2)2, δH/(4|SG| · |A|2(100+CG))> 0,

τH = minηA2(100+CG) τ

1/2G /(8|LH |)1/2, τG/(22|LH |2), τG/(2|LH |1/2)

> 0.

Let σ : H → Sym(V ) be an (LH , τH)-approximation for H with Mapd(LH , τH/2, σ) 6= ∅.Choose a ϕ ∈ Mapd(LH , τH/2, σ). Since X0 is dense in X, by perturbing ϕ if necessary we mayassume that ϕ ∈ Mapd(LH , τH , σ) and ϕ(V ) ⊆ X0. Define π′ : G→ V V by

π′gv = σκ(g,ϕ(v))v

for all v ∈ V and g ∈ G. By Lemma 3.17 there is an (A100+CG , τG)-approximation π : G →Sym(V ) such that ρHamm(πg, π

′g) ≤ τG for all g ∈ A100+CG . For each g ∈ LG ⊆ A100+CG we have

d2(gϕ, ϕπg) ≤ d2(gϕ, ϕπ′g) + d2(ϕπ′g, ϕπg)



|V |∑v∈V

d(κ(g, ϕ(v))ϕ(v), ϕ(σκ(g,ϕ(v))v))2


+ τ1/2G



|V |∑v∈V


d(tϕ(v), ϕ(σtv))2



≤ (τ2H |LH |)1/2 +


≤ τG.

Thus ϕ ∈ Mapd(LG, τG, π). Then we have WG and VG,j for 1 ≤ j ≤ nG as above.We now verify conditions (i)-(iii) in Definition 3.1 as referenced in Definition 3.2. Denote

by V1 the set of all v ∈ V satisfying πg1g2v = πg1πg2v for all g1, g2 ∈ A100+CG . Then m(V \V1) ≤ |A|2(100+CG)τG. Also, denote by V2 the set of v ∈ V satisfying πgπg1v = π′gπg1v for


all g ∈ A and g1 ∈ ACG . Then m(V \ V2) ≤ τG|A|1+CG . Set W ′H = WG ∩ V1 ∩ V2, andWH = W ′H ∪ σ−1

eH(V \

⋃h∈SH σhW

′H). Then

⋃h∈SH σhWH = V , verifying condition (ii) in

Definition 3.1.Note that

m(WH \W ′H) ≤ 1−m( ⋃h∈SH


)≤ 1−m

( ⋃g∈SG


)= 1−m

( ⋃g∈SG


)≤ |SG|(m(V \ V1) + m(V \ V2))

≤ |SG|(τG|A|2(100+CG) + τG|A|1+CG)

≤ δH .

Put VH,j = VG,j for all 1 ≤ j ≤ nG, and

VH,nH =⋃h∈TH

((WH \W ′H) ∪ σh(WH \W ′H) ∪ σ−1h (WH \W ′H)).


m(VH,nH ) ≤ (2|TH |+ 1)m(WH \W ′H) ≤ 3|TH |δH ,and hence


ΥH(SH,j)m(VH,j) = ΥH(TH)m(VH,nH ) +


ΥH(κ(SG,j , X))m(VG,j)

= ΥH(TH)m(VH,nH ) +1




≤ 3ΥH(TH)|TH |δH +1

2≤ 1,

verifying condition (i) in Definition 3.1. Let h ∈ TH and w1, w2 ∈ WH with σhw1 = w2. Ifw1 6∈ W ′H or w2 6∈ W ′H , then (w1, w2) is an SH,nH -edge with both endpoints in VH,nH . We maythus assume that w1, w2 ∈W ′H . Then

w2 = σhw1 = π′λ(h,ϕ(w1))w1 = πλ(h,ϕ(w1))w1 ∈ πTGw1

and so w1 and w2 are connected by a path of length at most CG in which each edge is anSG,j-edge with both endpoints in VG,j for some 1 ≤ j ≤ nG. It is easily checked that such anedge is also an SH,j-edge. This verifies condition (iii) in Definition 3.1.

3.7. Property sofic SC under bounded orbit equivalence.

Proposition 3.18. Let Gy (X,µ) and H y (Y, ν) be free p.m.p. actions which are boundedlyorbit equivalent. Suppose that Gy (X,µ) has property sofic SC. Then so does H y (Y, ν).


To prove this proposition we may assume that (X,µ) = (Y, ν), the actions G y X andH y X are free, and the identity map of X provides a bounded orbit equivalence between theactions Gy X and H y X. Let κ : G×X → H and λ : H ×X → G be the associated cocyles.

For each g ∈ G denote by Pg the finite Borel partition of X consisting of the sets Xg,t :=x ∈ X : gx = tx for t ∈ H, and likewise for t ∈ H denote by Pt the finite Borel partition ofX consisting of the sets Xg,t for g ∈ G. For every F in F(G) or F(H), write FP =

∨g∈F Pg.

The following is a specialization of Lemma 4.2 in [25] to the case of bounded orbit equivalence,which permits a simplification of the statement.

Lemma 3.19. Let F ∈ F(G) and set L = κ(F 2, X) ∈ F(H). Let 0 < τ < 1 and 0 < τ ′ ≤τ/(60|L|2). Let σ : H → Sym(V ) be an (L, τ ′)-approximation for H. Let ϕ ∈ Homµ(F 2P, L, τ ′, σ).Let π′ : F 2 → V V be such that

π′gv = σκ(g,A)v

for all g ∈ F 2, A ∈ F 2P and v ∈ ϕ(A). Then there is an (F, τ)-approximation π : G→ Sym(V )for G such that ρHamm(πg, π

′g) ≤ τ/5 for all g ∈ F 2.

Proof of Proposition 3.18. Let ΥH be a function F(H)→ [0,∞). Define a function ΥG : F(G)→[0,∞) by ΥG(F ) = 2ΥH(κ(F,X)).

Since G y (X,µ) has property sofic SC, there exists an SG ∈ F(G) such that for anyTG ∈ F(G) there are CG, nG ∈ N, SG,1, . . . , SG,nG ∈ F(G), a finite Borel partition CG of X, an

LG ∈ F(G), and 0 < τG < 1 such that, for any (LG, τG)-approximation π : G → Sym(V ) for Gwith Homµ(CG, LG, τG, π) 6= ∅, there are subsets WG and VG,j of V for 1 ≤ j ≤ nG satisfyingthe following conditions:


j=1 ΥG(SG,j)m(VG,j) ≤ 1,

(ii)⋃g∈SG πgWG = V ,

(iii) if w1, w2 ∈ WG satisfy πgw1 = w2 for some g ∈ TG then w1 and w2 are connected by apath of length at most CG in which each edge is an SG,j-edge with both endpoints inVG,j for some 1 ≤ j ≤ nG.

Set SH = κ(SG, X) ∈ F(H).Let TH ∈ F(H). Set TG = λ(TH , X) ∈ F(G). Then we have CG, nG, SG,j for 1 ≤ j ≤ nG, CG,

LG, and τG as above. Set CH = CG, nH = nG + 1, SH,j = κ(SG,j , X) ∈ F(H) for 1 ≤ j ≤ nG,

and SH,nH = TH ∈ F(H). Take 0 < δH < 1/(6ΥH(TH)|TH |). Set U = LG∪SG∪TG∪⋃nGj=1 SG,j ∈

F(G), CH = (CG)LG ∨ U2(100+CG)P ∨ THP, LH = κ(U2(100+CG), X) ∈ F(H), and

τG = minτG/4, δH/(2|SG| · |U |2(100+CG))

> 0,

τH = minτG/(60|LH |2), τG/(2|κ(LG, X)|)

> 0.

Let σ : H → Sym(V ) be an (LH , τH)-approximation for H with Homµ(CH , LH , τH , σ)

nonempty. Take ϕ ∈ Homµ(CH , LH , τH , σ). Define π′ : U2(100+CG) → V V by

π′gv = σκ(g,A)v

for all g ∈ U2(100+CG), A ∈ Pg, and v ∈ ϕ(A). By Lemma 3.19 there is a (U100+CG , τG)-approximation π : G→ Sym(V ) for G such that ρHamm(πg, π

′g) ≤ τG for all g ∈ U100+CG .


Let g ∈ LG. We have∑A∈CG

m(πgϕ(A)∆ϕ(gA)) ≤∑A∈CG

m(πgϕ(A)∆π′gϕ(A)) +∑A∈CG


≤ 2ρHamm(πg, π′g) +



m(π′gϕ(A ∩B)∆ϕ(g(A ∩B))).

For any A ∈ CG and B ∈ Pg, say h = κ(g,B) ∈ LH , we have π′gϕ(A ∩ B) = σhϕ(A ∩ B) andϕ(g(A ∩B)) = ϕ(h(A ∩B)), whence∑


m(π′gϕ(A ∩B)∆ϕ(g(A ∩B))) =∑A∈CG

m(σhϕ(A ∩B)∆ϕ(h(A ∩B))) ≤ τH .


m(πgϕ(A)∆ϕ(gA)) ≤ 2ρHamm(πg, π′g) +



m(π′gϕ(A ∩B)∆ϕ(g(A ∩B)))

≤ 2τG +∑B∈Pg


≤ τG2

+ |κ(g,X)|τH ≤ τG.

We also have ∑A∈(CG)LG

|m(ϕ(A))− µ(A)| ≤∑B∈CH

|m(ϕ(B))− µ(B)| ≤ τH ≤ τG.

Therefore ϕ ∈ Homµ(CG, LG, τG, π). Then we have WG and VG,j for 1 ≤ j ≤ nG as above.We now verify conditions (i)-(iii) in Definition 3.1 as referenced in Definition 3.3. Denote

by V1 the set of v ∈ V satisfying πg1g2v = πg1πg2v for all g1, g2 ∈ U100+CG . Then m(V \V1) ≤ τG|U |2(100+CG). Also denote by V2 the set of v ∈ V satisfying πgπg1v = π′gπg1v for

all g ∈ U and g1 ∈ UCG . Then m(V \ V2) ≤ τG|U |1+CG . Set W ′H = WG ∩ V1 ∩ V2, andWH = W ′H ∪ σ−1

eH(V \

⋃h∈SH σhW

′H). Then

⋃h∈SH σhWH = V , verifying condition (ii) in

Definition 3.1. Note that

m(WH \W ′H) ≤ 1−m

( ⋃h∈SH



≤ 1−m

( ⋃g∈SG



= 1−m

( ⋃g∈SG


)≤ |SG|(m(V \ V1) + m(V \ V2))

≤ |SG|(τG|U |2(100+CG) + τG|U |1+CG) ≤ δH .Put VH,j = VG,j for all 1 ≤ j ≤ nG, and

VH,nH =⋃h∈TH

((WH \W ′H) ∪ σh(WH \W ′H) ∪ σ−1h (WH \W ′H)).


Thenm(VH,nH ) ≤ (2|TH |+ 1)m(WH \W ′H) ≤ 3|TH |δH ,

and hencenH∑j=1

ΥH(SH,j)m(VH,j) = ΥH(TH)m(VH,nH ) +


ΥH(κ(SG,j , X))m(VG,j)

= ΥH(TH)m(VH,nH ) +1




≤ 3ΥH(TH)|TH |δH +1

2≤ 1,

verifying condition (i) in Definition 3.1. Let h ∈ TH and w1, w2 ∈ WH with σhw1 = w2. Ifw1 6∈ W ′H or w2 6∈ W ′H , then (w1, w2) is an SH,nH -edge with both endpoints in VH,nH . Thus wemay assume that w1, w2 ∈ W ′H . Then w1 ∈ ϕ(A) for some A ∈ Ph. Set g = λ(h,A) ∈ TG.Then

w2 = σhw1 = π′gw1 = πgw1,

and so w1 and w2 are connected by a path of length at most CG in which each edge is anSG,j-edge with both endpoints in VG,j for some 1 ≤ j ≤ nG. It is easily checked that such anedge is also an SH,j-edge. This verifies condition (iii) in Definition 3.1.

4. Topological entropy and continuous orbit equivalence

Our energies in this section will be invested in the proof of Theorem 4.1, which in conjunctionwith Theorem 3.12 and Proposition 3.15 yields Theorem C.

Theorem 4.1. Let G y X and H y Y be topologically free continuous actions on compactmetrizable spaces, and suppose that they are continuously orbit equivalent. Let S be a collectionof sofic approximations for G, and suppose that the action G y X has property S -SC. Let Πbe a sofic approximation sequence for G in S . Then

h(H y Y ) ≥ hΠ(Gy X).

For the purpose of establishing the theorem we may assume, by conjugating the H-actionby a continuous orbit equivalence, that Y = X and that the identity map on X is an orbitequivalence between the two actions. As usual we write κ and λ, respectively, for the cocyclemaps G×X → H and H ×X → G. As in Section 3.6, we take a dense Gδ subset X0 of X suchthat X0 is G ∗H-invariant and that both G and H act on X0 freely.

Fix a compatible metric d on X which gives X diameter no bigger than 1. For each t ∈ G(resp. t ∈ H) we can find an ηt > 0 such that for any x, y ∈ X with d(x, y) ≤ ηt we haveκ(t, x) = κ(t, y) (resp. λ(t, x) = λ(t, y)), and for a nonempty finite subset L of G or H we setηL = mint∈L ηt > 0.

Lemma 4.2. Let L ∈ F(H) and 0 < δ, τ < 1 with τ < δ2. Set F = λ(L2, X) ∈ F(G) and

τ ′ = minηL2τ1/2/(8|F |)1/2, τ/(22|F |2)

> 0.

Let δ1 > 0 be such that (τ + 7δ1)1/2 ≤ δ. Let π : G → Sym(V ) be an (F, τ ′)-approximation forG. Suppose that S ∈ F(G) and that W is a subset of V satisfying the following conditions:


(i) πg−1πgw = w for all w ∈W and g ∈ S,(ii) πgπaπhw = πgahw for all g, h ∈ S, a ∈ λ(L,X), and w ∈W ,

(iii) m(⋃g∈S πgW ) ≥ 1− δ1.

Take 0 < δ2 ≤ ηS∪λ(L,X) such that for any x, y ∈ X with d(x, y) ≤ δ2 one has maxt∈κ(S,X) d(tx, ty) ≤δ1. Set

δ′ = δ1/21 δ2/(|S|1/2|Sλ(L,X)S|1/2) > 0.

Let ϕ0 be a map in Mapd(F, τ′, π) ∩Mapd(Sλ(L,X)S, δ′, π) with ϕ0(V ) ⊆ X0 and ϕ a map in

Mapd(Sλ(L,X)S, δ′, π) such that

κ(g, ϕ0(w)) = κ(g, ϕ(w))

for all w ∈ W and g ∈ Sλ(L,X)S satisfying πgw ∈ W . Let σ : H → Sym(V ) be a map suchthat ρHamm(σt, σ

′t) ≤ τ for all t ∈ L, where σ′ : H → V V is given by

σ′tv = πλ(t,ϕ0(v))v

for all t ∈ H and v ∈ V . Take ϕ : V → X such that ϕ = ϕ on W and such that for eachv ∈

⋃g∈S πgW one has

ϕ(v) = κ(g, ϕ0(w))ϕ(w)

for some g ∈ S and w ∈W with πgw = v. Then ϕ ∈ Mapd(L, δ, σ).

Proof. For each t ∈ H set Vt = v ∈ V : σtv = σ′tv. Then m(Vt) ≥ 1− τ for all t ∈ L.Denote by Vϕ the set of all v ∈ V satisfying d(gϕ(v), ϕ(πgv)) ≤ δ2 for all g ∈ Sλ(L,X)S.


m(V \ Vϕ) ≤ |Sλ(L,X)S|(δ′





We define Vϕ0 in the same way, and get m(V \ Vϕ0) ≤ δ1/|S|. Set W ′ = W ∩ Vϕ ∩ Vϕ0 andV ′ = (

⋃g∈S πgW ) \ (

⋃g∈S πg(V \ (Vϕ ∩ Vϕ0))). Then

m(V ′) ≥ m

( ⋃g∈S


)− |S| ·m(V \ Vϕ)− |S| ·m(V \ Vϕ0) ≥ 1− 3δ1.

Let t ∈ L, v1 ∈ Vt∩V ′, and v2 ∈ V ′ be such that σtv1 = v2. Then we can find some g1, g2 ∈ Sand w1, w2 ∈ W such that πgjwj = vj and ϕ(vj) = κ(gj , ϕ0(wj))ϕ(wj) for j = 1, 2. Sincevj ∈ V ′, we actually have wj ∈W ′. We also have

w2 = πg−12v2 = πg−1


= πg−12σ′tv1

= πg−12πλ(t,ϕ0(v1))v1

= πg−12πλ(t,ϕ0(v1))πg1w1

= πg−12 λ(t,ϕ0(v1))g1


Observe that

d(g1ϕ0(w1), ϕ0(v1)) = d(g1ϕ0(w1), ϕ0(πg1w1)) ≤ δ2 ≤ ηλ(L,X)


d(ϕ0(w2), g−12 λ(t, ϕ0(v1))g1ϕ0(w1))


= d(ϕ0(πg−12 λ(t,ϕ0(v1))g1

w1), g−12 λ(t, ϕ0(v1))g1ϕ0(w1)) ≤ δ2 ≤ ηS ,

and hence

κ(λ(t, ϕ0(v1)), g1ϕ0(w1)) = κ(λ(t, ϕ0(v1)), ϕ0(v1)) = t


κ(g−12 , λ(t, ϕ0(v1))g1ϕ0(w1)) = κ(g2, g

−12 λ(t, ϕ0(v1))g1ϕ0(w1))−1 = κ(g2, ϕ0(w2))−1.


κ(g−12 λ(t, ϕ0(v1))g1, ϕ0(w1))

= κ(g−12 , λ(t, ϕ0(v1))g1ϕ0(w1))κ(λ(t, ϕ0(v1)), g1ϕ0(w1))κ(g1, ϕ0(w1))

= κ(g2, ϕ0(w2))−1tκ(g1, ϕ0(w1)).

We then get

κ(g2, ϕ0(w2))−1ϕ(v2) = ϕ(w2)

≈δ2 g−12 λ(t, ϕ0(v1))g1ϕ(w1)

= κ(g−12 λ(t, ϕ0(v1))g1, ϕ(w1))ϕ(w1)

= κ(g−12 λ(t, ϕ0(v1))g1, ϕ0(w1))ϕ(w1)

= κ(g2, ϕ0(w2))−1tκ(g1, ϕ0(w1))ϕ(w1)

= κ(g2, ϕ0(w2))−1tϕ(v1),

and consequently d(ϕ(v2), tϕ(v1)) ≤ δ1. We conclude that

d2(tϕ, ϕσt) ≤ (τ + 6δ1 + δ21)1/2 ≤ (τ + 7δ1)1/2 ≤ δ

and hence that ϕ ∈ Mapd(L, δ, σ).

Proof of Theorem 4.1. Let Π = πk : G → Sym(Vk)∞k=1 be a sofic approximation sequence inS with hΠ(Gy X) ≥ 0. Let ε > 0. To establish the theorem it is enough to show the existenceof a sofic approximation sequence Σ for H such that hΣ(H y Y ) ≥ hεΠ,2(Gy X)− 2ε.

For each F ∈ F(G), since κ : G×X → H is continuous there exists a finite clopen partition

FP of X such that for every g ∈ F the map x 7→ κ(g, x) is constant on each member of FP.Define Υ : F(G)→ [0,∞) by Υ(F ) = (2/ε) log |FP|.

Take a decreasing sequence 1 > δ1 > δ2 > . . . converging to 0. Take also a decreasing sequence1 > τ1 > τ2 > · · · > 0 with τ2

k < δk for all k. Choose an increasing sequence Lk in F(H) withunion H.

For each k ∈ N, set Fk = λ(L2k, X) ⊆ G and T ′k = λ(Lk, X) ⊆ Fk.

Since G y X has property S -SC, there is some S ∈ F(G) such that for each k ∈ N, there

are Ck, nk ∈ N, Sk,1, . . . , Sk,nk ∈ F(G), F ]k ∈ F(G), and δ]k > 0 such that for any good enough

sofic approximation π : G → Sym(V ) in S with Mapd(F]k, δ

]k, π) 6= ∅ there are subsets W ′ and

Vj of V for 1 ≤ j ≤ nk satisfying the following conditions:


j=1 Υ(Sk,j)m(Vj) ≤ 1,

(ii)⋃g∈S πgW

′ = V ,


(iii) if w1, w2 ∈W ′ satisfy πgw1 = w2 for some g ∈ Tk := ST ′kS ∈ F(G) then w1 and w2 areconnected by a path of length at most Ck in which each edge is an Sk,j-edge with bothendpoints in Vj for some 1 ≤ j ≤ nk.

Take ε′ > 0 such that for any x, y ∈ X with d(x, y) ≤ ε′ one has d(gx, gy) < ε/8 for every g ∈ S.Fix k ∈ N. Set

τ ′k = minηL2

1/2k /(8|Fk|)1/2, τk/(22|Fk|2)

> 0.

Let 0 < δk,1 < 1/2 be such that (τk + 7δk,1)1/2 ≤ δk and ((ε/4)2 + δk,1)1/2 < ε/2. Take0 < δk,2 ≤ ηTk such that for any x, y ∈ X with d(x, y) ≤ δk,2 one has maxt∈κ(S,X) d(tx, ty) ≤ δk,1.

Set δ′k = δ1/2k,1 δk,2/(|S|

1/2|Tk|1/2) > 0 and ηk = η⋃nkj=1 Sk,j

. By Stirling’s formula there is some

0 < γk < δk,1/(3|S|) such that for any nonempty finite set V the number of subsets of V

with cardinality no bigger than γk|V | is at most eε|V |/2. Set Sk = (⋃nkj=1 Sk,j)

Ck ∈ F(G) and

δ′′k = minδ′k,minηk, ε/16(γk/|Sk ∪ S|)1/2, τ ′k > 0.Take an mk ≥ k large enough so that


|Vmk |logNε(Mapd(Tk ∪ Sk ∪ Fk ∪ F

]k,minδ′′k/2, δ

]k, πmk), d2) ≥ max0, hεΠ,2(Gy X)− ε

and so that πmk : G → Sym(Vmk) is an (Fk, τ′k)-approximation for G and also a good enough

sofic approximation for G to guarantee the existence of W ′ and V1, . . . ,Vnk as above. Denote

by Vmk the set of all w ∈ Vmk satisfying

(iv) πmk,eGw = w,(v) πmk,g−1πmk,gw = w for all g ∈ S,(vi) πmk,gπmk,aπmk,hw = πmk,gahw for all g, h ∈ S and a ∈ T ′k,

(vii) πmk,ghw = πmk,gπmk,hw for all g, h ∈ Sk,(viii) πmk,gw 6= πmk,hw for all distinct g, h in Tk ∪ Sk.

Taking mk sufficiently large, we may assume that m(Vmk) ≥ 1− δk,1/(3|S|).Take a (d2, ε)-separated subset Φ of Mapd(Tk∪Sk∪Fk, δ′′k/2, πmk) with maximum cardinality.

Since X0 is dense in X, we may perturb each element of Φ to obtain a (d2, ε/2)-separated subsetΦ1 of Mapd(Tk ∪ Sk ∪ Fk, δ′′k , πmk) with

|Φ1| = |Φ| = Nε(Mapd(Tk ∪ Sk ∪ Fk, δ′′k/2, πmk), d2)

such that ϕ(Vmk) ⊆ X0 for all ϕ ∈ Φ1.

For each ψ ∈ Mapd(Tk∪Sk∪Fk, δ′′k , πmk), using the fact that δ′′k ≤ minηk, ε/16(γk/|Sk∪S|)1/2

we have m(Vψ) ≥ 1− γk where

Vψ := v ∈ Vmk : d(gψ(v), ψ(πmk,gv)) ≤ minηk, ε/16 for all g ∈ Sk ∪ S.

Thus there is a subset Φ2 of Φ1 such that Vϕ is the same for all ϕ ∈ Φ2 and

|Φ1| ≤ |Φ2|eε|Vmk |/2.

Set W = W ′ ∩ Vmk ∩ Vϕ ⊆ Vmk for ϕ ∈ Φ2. Then


( ⋃g∈S




≥ m

( ⋃g∈S


( ⋃g∈S

πmk,g(V \ Vmk)


( ⋃g∈S

πmk,g(V \ Vϕ)

)≥ 1−

δk,13− γk|S| ≥ 1− δk,1.

For each ψ : Vmk → X, define Θ(ψ) ∈∏nkj=1H

Sk,j×Vj by Θ(ψ)(gj , vj) = κ(gj , ψ(vj)) for

1 ≤ j ≤ nk and (gj , vj) ∈ Sk,j × Vj . Then

|Θ(XVmk )| ≤nk∏j=1

|Sk,jP||Vj | =


e(ε/2)Υ(Sk,j)|Vj | = e(ε/2)∑nkj=1 Υ(Sk,j)|Vj | ≤ eε|Vmk |/2.

Thus we can find a subset Φ3 of Φ2 such that Θ(ϕ) is the same for all ϕ ∈ Φ3 and

|Φ2| ≤ |Φ3|eε|Vmk |/2.

We claim that for any g ∈ Tk and w1, w2 ∈W with πmk,gw1 = w2, the element κ(g, ϕ(w1)) ∈ His the same for all ϕ ∈ Φ3. If w1 = w2, then g = eG and hence κ(g, ϕ(w1)) = eH for all ϕ ∈ Φ3.Thus we may assume that w1 6= w2. We can find l ≤ Ck, g1, . . . , gl ∈ G, w1 = w′1, w

′2, . . . , w

′l+1 =

w2 in Vmk such that for each 1 ≤ i ≤ l one has πmk,giw′i = w′i+1, gi ∈ Sk,ji and w′i, w

′i+1 ∈ Vji

for some 1 ≤ ji ≤ nk. Since w′1 ∈W ⊆ Vmk , we have

πmk,gigi−1...g1w′1 = πmk,giπmk,gi−1 . . . πmk,g1w

′1 = w′i+1

for all 1 ≤ i ≤ l. In particular, πmk,glgl−1...g1w′1 = w′l+1 = πmk,gw

′1, and hence

glgl−1 . . . g1 = g.

Note that w′1 ∈ W ⊆ Vϕ for all ϕ ∈ Φ3 ⊆ Φ2. For each 0 ≤ i ≤ l − 1 and ϕ ∈ Φ3, we havegigi−1 . . . g1 ∈ Sk, and hence d(gigi−1 . . . g1ϕ(w′1), ϕ(πmk,gigi−1...g1w

′1)) ≤ ηk, which implies that

κ(gi+1, gigi−1 . . . g1ϕ(w′1)) = κ(gi+1, ϕ(πmk,gigi−1...g1w′1)).


κ(g, ϕ(w1)) = κ(glgl−1 . . . g1, ϕ(w′1)) =


κ(gi+1, gigi−1 . . . g1ϕ(w′1))


κ(gi+1, ϕ(πmk,gigi−1...g1w′1))


κ(gi+1, ϕ(w′i+1))



Θ(ϕ)(gi+1, w′i+1)

is the same for all ϕ ∈ Φ3. This proves our claim.

Fix one ϕ0 ∈ Φ3. Define σ′k : H → VVmkmk by

σ′k,tv = πλ(t,ϕ0(v))v


for all t ∈ H and v ∈ Vmk . By Lemma 3.17 there is an (Lk, τk)-approximation σk : H →Sym(Vmk) for H such that ρHamm(σk,t, σ

′k,t) ≤ τk for all t ∈ Lk. For each ϕ ∈ Φ3 take a

ϕ : Vmk → X such that ϕ = ϕ on W and such that for each v ∈⋃g∈S πmk,gW one has

ϕ(v) = κ(g, ϕ0(w))ϕ(w)

for some g ∈ S and w ∈ W with πmk,gw = v. We may require that g and w depend only on v,and not on ϕ ∈ Φ3. By Lemma 4.2 we have ϕ ∈ Mapd(Lk, δk, σk).

Let ϕ and ψ be distinct elements in Φ3. Since d2(ϕ,ψ) ≥ ε/2 > ((ε/4)2 + δk,1)1/2 andm(⋃

g∈S πmk,gW)≥ 1 − δk,1, we have d(ϕ(v), ψ(v)) > ε/4 for some v ∈

⋃g∈S πmk,gW . Then

v = πmk,gw for some g ∈ S and w ∈ W such that ϕ(v) = κ(g, ϕ0(w))ϕ(w) and ψ(v) =κ(g, ϕ0(w))ψ(w). Using the fact that w ∈W ⊆ Vϕ = Vψ we have

d(gϕ(w), gψ(w))

≥ d(ϕ(πmk,gw), ψ(πmk,gw))− d(ϕ(πmk,gw), gϕ(w))− d(ψ(πmk,gw), gψ(w))

≥ ε

4− ε

16− ε



From our choice of ε′ we get d(ϕ(w), ψ(w)) = d(ϕ(w), ψ(w)) > ε′. Therefore Φ3 := ϕ : ϕ ∈ Φ3is (d∞, ε

′)-separated and |Φ3| = |Φ3|. Thus


|Vmk |logNε′(Mapd(Lk, δk, σk), d∞) ≥ 1

|Vmk |log |Φ3| =


|Vmk |log |Φ3|

≥ 1

|Vmk |log |Φ1| − ε

≥ hεΠ,2(Gy X)− 2ε.

Now Σ = σkk∈N is a sofic approximation sequence for H. For any finite set L ⊆ H andδ > 0, we have L ⊆ Lk and δ > δk for all large enough k, and hence



|Vmk |logNε′(Mapd(L, δ, σk), d∞) ≥ lim



|Vmk |logNε′(Mapd(Lk, δk, σk), d∞)

≥ hεΠ,2(Gy X)− 2ε.

Taking infima over L and δ, we obtain

hΣ(H y X) ≥ hε′Σ,∞(H y X) ≥ hεΠ,2(Gy X)− 2ε.

5. Measure entropy and bounded orbit equivalence

In this final section we establish Theorem 5.2, which in conjunction with Proposition 3.15yields Theorem A.

For a general reference on the C∗-algebra theory and terminology used in the following proof,see [31].

Lemma 5.1. Let Gy (X,µ) and H y (Y, ν) be orbit equivalent free p.m.p. actions and supposethat H y (Y, ν) is uniquely ergodic. Then there are a zero-dimensional compact metrizable spaceZ, a continuous action G ∗H y Z, and a G ∗H-invariant Borel probability measure µZ on Zof full support such that


(i) Gy (Z, µZ) is measure conjugate to Gy (X,µ) and H y (Z, µZ) is measure conjugateto H y (Y, ν),

(ii) H y Z is uniquely ergodic,(iii) there is a G ∗ H-invariant Borel subset Z0 of Z with µZ(Z0) = 1 such that Gz = Hz

for every z ∈ Z0.

If furthermore Gy (X,µ) and H y (Y, ν) are boundedly orbit equivalent then we may demandthat both Gy Z0 and H y Z0 be free and that the cocycles κ : G×Z0 → H and λ : H×Z0 → Gextend to continuous maps G × Z → H and H × Z → G, so that G y Z and H y Z arecontinuously orbit equivalent.

Proof. We may assume that (X,µ) = (Y, ν) and that Gx = Hx for every x ∈ X. Denote by Bthe σ-algebra of Borel subsets of X. Denote by ϕ the mean f 7→

∫X f dµ on L∞(X,µ).

Let V be a finite subset of B. We claim that for every ε > 0 there is a finite subset Wof B containing V such that for any mean ψ on L∞(X,µ) satisfying ψ(s1A) = ψ(1A) for alls ∈ H and A ∈ W one has |ϕ(1A) − ψ(1A)| < ε for all A ∈ V . Suppose to the contrary thatfor some ε > 0 and every finite subset W of B containing V there is a mean ψW on L∞(X,µ)satisfying ψW (s1A) = ψW (1A) for all s ∈ H and A ∈ W and maxA∈V |ϕ(1A) − ψW (1A)| ≥ ε.Then any cluster point ψ of the net ψW (with index directed by inclusion) is H-invariantand maxA∈V |ϕ(1A) − ψ(1A)| ≥ ε. This contradicts the unique ergodicity of H y (X,µ), thusverifying our claim.

For any countable subset V of B, writing V as the union of an increasing sequence Vkk offinite subsets of V and taking a sequence εkk of positive numbers tending to 0, we concludefrom above that there is a countable subset W of B containing V such that for any mean ψ onL∞(X,µ) satisfying ψ(s1A) = ψ(1A) for all s ∈ H and A ∈ W one has ϕ(1A) = ψ(1A) for allA ∈ V .

For a given countable set A ⊆ B, denote by A ′ the G∗H-invariant subalgebra of B generatedby A , which is again countable. Take a countable subset A1 of B such that for any distinctx, y ∈ X one has 1A(x) 6= 1A(y) for some A ∈ A1. Inductively, having constructed a countablesubset Ak of B, we take a countable subset Ak+1 of B containing A ′k such that for any meanψ on L∞(X,µ) satisfying ψ(s1A) = ψ(1A) for all s ∈ H and A ∈ Ak+1, one has ϕ(1A) = ψ(1A)for all A ∈ A ′k.

Now we put A =⋃k Ak. This is a countable G ∗H-invariant subalgebra of B. For any mean

ψ on L∞(X,µ) satisfying ψ(s1A) = ψ(1A) for all s ∈ H and A ∈ A , one has ϕ(1A) = ψ(1A)for all A ∈ A . Denote by A the G ∗ H-invariant unital C∗-subalgebra of L∞(X,µ) generatedby the functions 1A for A ∈ A . Then A is the closure of the linear span of the functions 1Afor A ∈ A in L∞(X,µ). Thus every state of A is determined by its values on the functions 1Afor A ∈ A . Since every state of A extends to a mean of L∞(X,µ), we conclude that ϕ|A is theunique H-invariant state on A.

Define a G ∗H-action on 0, 1A×(G∗H) by (sw)A,t = wA,s−1t for w ∈ 0, 1A×(G∗H), A ∈ A ,

and s, t ∈ G ∗H, and consider the G ∗H-equivariant Borel map π : X → 0, 1A×(G∗H) givenby π(x)A,t = 1A(t−1x) = 1tA(x) for x ∈ X, A ∈ A , and t ∈ G ∗H. Since A1 ⊆ A , the map π isinjective and hence is a Borel isomorphism from X to π(X) [20, Corollary 15.2]. Put µZ = π∗µand Z = supp(µZ). Then Z is zero-dimensional and µZ is a G ∗H-invariant Borel probabilitymeasure on Z of full support. Put Z0 = π(X)∩Z. Then Z0 is G∗H-invariant with µZ(Z0) = 1,and Gz = Hz for all z ∈ Z0. The pull-back map π∗ : C(Z)→ L∞(X,µ) is a G ∗H-equivariant


∗-homomorphism. From the Stone–Weierstrass theorem we get π∗(C(Z)) = A. Since Z is thesupport of π∗µ, the map π∗ is injective and hence is an isomorphism from C(Z) to A. ThusC(Z) has a unique H-invariant state, which means that H y Z is uniquely ergodic.

Now assume that G y (X,µ) and H y (Y, ν) are boundedly orbit equivalent. By passingto suitable invariant subsets we may assume that G y X and H y X are both genuinely freeand that the cocycles κ′ : G ×X → H and λ′ : H ×X → G are both bounded. Adding moresets to A1, we may assume that for every t ∈ G (resp. t ∈ H) there is a finite partition P of Xcontained in A1 such that κ′ (resp. λ′) is constant on t × P for every P ∈ P. Then we canextend κ (resp. λ) continuously to G× Z → H (resp. H × Z → G).

Theorem 5.2. Let Gy (X,µ) and H y (Y, ν) be free p.m.p. actions which are boundedly orbitequivalent. Let S be a collection of sofic approximations for G. Suppose that G has propertyS -SC and that the action H y (Y, ν) is uniquely ergodic. Let Π be a sofic approximationsequence in S . Then

hν(H y Y ) ≥ hΠ,µ(Gy X).

Proof. Combine Lemma 5.1, Theorem 4.1, and the variational principle (Theorem 10.35 in[24]).


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David Kerr, Mathematisches Institut, WWU Munster, Einsteinstr. 62, 48149 Munster, GermanyEmail address: kerrd@uni-muenster.de

Hanfeng Li, Center of Mathematics, Chongqing University, Chongqing 40133, China and De-partment of Mathematics, SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260-2900, USA

Email address: hfli@math.buffalo.edu