Ensure a Disease Free Summer for your Children by following these Tips

Post on 26-Jan-2017

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Ensure a Disease Free Summer for

your Children by following

these Tips

As summer reaches its peak, there are many air borne and water

borne diseases which are set to take a toll on your children if they ate not provided with adequate care. Although there are many child vaccination programs in

India, it is also necessary to follow certain essential precautions to

ensure safety of children.


Ensure a Disease Free Summer for your Children by following these Tips

If you wish to keep your child safe and healthy through these climate changes, here are some very simple but important tips to ensure their safety.


1. Make them drink lots of water91-11-41213100

Water is a very vital ingredient for your body and helps to flush out toxins and disease causing germs. Doctors advice on taking atleast 4 litres of water everyday. Infact it can be generally observed that whenever disease strikes, ample amount of water intake helps in a quick recovery.


Children should also wash their hands before eating anything. Again, it is also advised that they wash their hands from time to time to avoid disease causing germs from accumulating in their body.

2. Wash hands after frequent intervals

3. Availing benefits of child vaccination programs in India


Parents should also ensure that their children are being administered with the vaccination that is recommended for their age. Vaccinations are the one sure shot way to keep away from diseases which otherwise cause immense harm to the body.

Since children have a habit of eating street food, parents should advise them to not eat so especially during the monsoons and during cusp season. Since lots of diseases spread through water, this will help in keepin diseases at bay.


4. Avoiding street food

Thus by following these essential tips, summer can be totally healthy and disease free.


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New Delhi- 110017, IndiaWebsite: https://www.itsu.org.in

