English - charltonschool.files.wordpress.comwhom have an opinion about whether deforestation is a...

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Transcript of English - charltonschool.files.wordpress.comwhom have an opinion about whether deforestation is a...


Term 6 Week 6

Deforestation of the rainforests

Day 1 DeforestationHave a look at these photos and the writing on the next page. It tells you all about deforestation which is having a devastating effect on the rainforests around the world.

Day 1 Deforestation

Some people do not see deforestation as a bad thing. Have a look at each of these statements and decide whether you think they are for or against deforestation. Can

you think of any other reasons for or against deforestation?

Day 1 Deforestation - two sides to the story…

Day 2 Deforestation debate

• Have a look on the next two slides – I have given you different roles, all of whom have an opinion about whether deforestation is a good thing or not.

• Choose a character role from the cards. Decide first, whether you are for or against deforestation according to the description. Then, either in writing or verbally (telling someone) give reasons for your opinion. For example, if you are a cattle farmer then you are for it, but if you are an inhabitant (someone who lives there) you would be against it.

• Perhaps other members of your family could take on different roles and you could have a debate with them. Try and get your opinions across clearly, but politely and give each person a chance to speak and share their opinions.

• Remember, this is not what you think personally, just the opinion of the character you are playing! How persuasive can you be?!

These are some of the things we can do ourselves to help stop deforestation. Use these ideas or any more of your own to design a poster to persuade people to do more to prevent further damage caused by deforestation.

Day 3 What can we do to help?

Day 4 Rainforest glossary

• We have been using many technical words related to the rainforest in the last two weeks. Today I would like you to create a glossaryfor some of those technical words we have been using. Remember to write them in alphabetical order and write a clear definition of each word. Use a dictionary to help if you need to. I’ve done two to start you off:

• Deforestation: the removal of trees from an area

• Emergent layer: top layer of the rainforest

Day 5 SpellingsThis week’s spellings is all about homophones which are two words that sound the same but have different spellings and different meanings. For example:

• accept/except• affect/effect• ball/bawl• medal/meddle • plain/plane

• scene/seen• whether/weather• whose/who’s• meat/meet

Look up any words you are unsure of. What other homophones can you think of? It’s surprising how many there are in our language!!