English Newsletter - May

Post on 30-Mar-2016

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English Newsletter - May

Transcript of English Newsletter - May

Hello Everyone,

When we left Norway at the beginning of

April, snow was on the ground. It had been

snowing for a week. Driving into Finland and

seeing the beginning of spring popping up

through the snow reminded us of the life we

receive in Christ.

Our five week adventure in Finland was very

powerful. We visited 15 different churches,

home meetings and healing centers. We wit-

nessed the Lord heal physical and spiritual

problems. We prayed over a building that

would be used for God’s Glory and minis-

tered to leaders in different churches. We

have seen shoulders healed, backs strength-

ened, kidney stones crushed, fevers leave,

cancer driven out, varicose veins reduced,

one’s voice loosed to sing again, pain released

for many, ears opened , veins reconnected,

inner healing received and individuals bap-

tized in the Holy Spirit.

His anointing in each meeting was so power-

ful and amazing to see. It always leaves us

with a sense of awe and wonder of our God

who moves in such a magnificent way be-

cause of His love for His creation.

More revelation has been laid in our hearts

about honor. To see all the people relate to

each other on the same level. To see them

as God sees them. People created in God’s

image with all the gifts and callings that

God had laid at their feet. We are to place

great value on each individual as God does.

That means I will not talk down to you or

talk up but we are on the same level of im-

portance and honor.

Dear brothers and sisters honor each other

with great value as God does. You will be

hearing more on the subject of honor as we

move deeper into what God has placed on

our hearts.

1 Peter 2:17 Honour all men.

Pictures of the yellow flowers are a small sam-

ple of how many fields will look this Spring in

Finland. The house in the background is that of

our wonderful friends, Petri and Tea Latvala.

They are perfect hosts to us when we are in


God’s Great Love to you all,

Kevin & Deborah Martin

Midnight sun in the Lapland

Yellow flowers in Finland used to make cooking oil

Relaxing at a coffee shop in Rovaniemi