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Submitted to the Board of Examination in Partial Fullfillment

of the Requirement for Literature Degree

at English Literature Department



NIM : 403170904












They plan, Allah too plans, and Allah is the best of planners – Qur’an Surah

Ali – Imran Verse 54

”Mereka berencana, Allah-pun berencana, dan Allah adalah sebaik-baiknya

pembuat rencana”

“It’s not about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep

moving forward”

Bukan tentang seberapa kuat kau memukul tapi tentang seberapa kuat kau dapat

menahan pukulan dan tetap terus maju.

-Rocky Balboa-



“In the name of Allah, The most Beneficial, The most Merciful”

The Last and Final Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (pbuh) a good role model

and the leader of human kind.

I dedicated this thesis to:

Myself who never give up no matter what happen.

To both of my parents who always give me the best prayers, supports, and love.

To my family and friends who are always there for me in any circumstances.

And finally, for everyone who have helped me in writing this thesis.

Allow me to deliver my gratitude.




All praises to Allah SWT, God the owner of the universe who wills over

everything who has given me ease in completing this thesis with the title An

Analysis Politeness Strategies Used by the Main Character in Home Alone 1 Film

the requirement of the degree of Sarjana (S1) of English Literatre of Adab and

Humanity Faculty of State Islamic University Sultan ThahaSaifuddin Jambi.

Let’s deliver our blessing and salutation to the last and final messenger of

Allah, Muhammad pbuh who has brought us from the darkness to the brightness

such as we feel today.

I also would like to deliver my best appreciation to those who have helped

me in writing this thesis. My sincere gratitude goes to:

1. The Rector of State Islamic University Sultan ThahaSaifuddin Jambi,

Prof. Dr. H. Suaidi, M.A, Ph.D, the first vice rector, Dr. Rofiqoh

Ferawati, SE., M.EI the second vice rector, Dr. As’ad Isma, M.Pd, the

third vice rector, Dr. Bahrul Ulum, M.A who allowed to study in this


2. The dean of Adab and Humanities faculty, Dr. Halimah Dja’far,

S.Ag.,M.Fil.I, the first deputy dean Dr. Ali Muzakir, M.Ag, the second

deputy dean Dr. Alfian, S.Pd, M.Ed, the third deputy dean Dr.

Raudhoh, S.Ag., SS., M.Pd.I, the head of English Literature

Department, Dian Mukhlisa, M.A, and the secretary of English

Literature Department, Chandri Febri Santi, M.Pd and to all the

lecturers who have shared their knowledge.

3. I would like particularly to thank Dr. Alfian, S.Pd, M.Ed and Yenti,

M.Pd for the many insights they provided me for writing this thesis.

Discussions with them have also proven most helpful.


4. All of the lecturers and staffs of Adab and Humanity faculty for

became the place where I study until undergraduate in this university.

5. My father, Andrio Maijon who always reminds me of Allah, who

always told me to be patient and accept what happen for those are

Allah’s teachings and plans. For my mother, Susi Mediyawati, S.Pd

who always gives me the best she could possibly give, for always there

when I need her. For my siblings and my grandmother for being the

best family I could ever have.

6. For all of my classmates for sharing all the moments during 3 years


7. Last but not least, I want to thank me for believing in me, I want to

thank me for doing all of this hard work, I want to thank me for having

no days off, I want to thank me for never quitting, I want to thank me

for never giving up on me.

This thesis is still far from perfection, the writer humbly request some

critiques and suggestions in order to make it better in the future time. Finally, the

researcher wishes that this thesis could extend useful contribution to the readers,

especially for the students of English Literature Department of Adab and

Humanities Faculty.

Jambi, 17 Februari 2021

Ramadya Abitza




Abitza, Ramadya, 2021 : Analysis Politeness Strategies Used by the Main

Character in Home Alone Film. English Literature

Department, Adab and Humanities Faculty, University of

Islamic Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M.Ed

Supervisor II : Yenti, M.Pd

This thesis discusses the politeness strategies in Home Alone 1 movie.

Home Alone 1 told the story of a child named Kevin who tried to keep his house

from burglars. Kevin used politeness strategies to launch his ambitions. The

purposes of this study were as follows: (1) to know kinds of politeness

strategy used by the main character in the home alone 1 movie, (2) to know

how the main character used the politeness strategies.

This thesis used a pragmatic approach from Eva Alcon Soler and

Aricia Martinez Flor (2008), and politeness from Brown and Levinson theory

(1978). The method used qualitative research and descriptive method to analyze

the data, the researcher used the documentation to collect the data, source of the

data was taken from the dialogues and the scene in Home Alone 1 movie.

The finding in this thesis showed that Kevin used politeness strategies to

keep his house from burglars and communicated with other characters. (1) there

were four types of politeness strategies used by Kevin were bald on record,

positive politeness, negative politeness, and off record, (2) the ways Kevin used

the politeness strategy there were direct communicating and indirect


Keywords : home alone, politeness strategy, film.



Abitza, Ramadya, 2021 : Analysis Politeness Strategies Used by the Main

Character in Home Alone Film. English Literature

Department, Adab and Humanities Faculty, University of

Islamic Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Pembimbing I : Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M.Ed.

Pembimbing II : Yenti, M.Pd

Skripsi ini membahas tentang strategi kesantunan dalam film Home Alone

1. Home Alone 1 bercerita tentang seorang anak bernama Kevin yang berusaha

menjaga rumahnya dari pencuri. Kevin menggunakan strategi kesopanan untuk

meluncurkan ambisinya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: (1)

untuk mengetahui macam-macam strategi kesantunan yang digunakan oleh

pemeran utama dalam film Home Alone 1, (2) untuk mengetahui bagaimana

pemeran utama menggunakan strategi kesantunan.

Skripsi ini menggunakan pendekatan pragmatis dari Eva Alcon Soler dan

Aricia Martinez Flor (2008), dan kesantunan dari teori Brown dan Levinson

(1978). Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dan metode deskriptif

untuk menganalisis data, peneliti menggunakan dokumentasi untuk

mengumpulkan data, sumber data diambil dari dialog dan adegan dalam film

Home Alone 1.

Temuan dalam tesis ini menunjukkan bahwa Kevin menggunakan strategi

kesopanan untuk menjaga rumahnya dari pencuri dan berbicara dengan karakter

lain. (1) Ada empat jenis strategi kesantunan yang digunakan Kevin yaitu

berbicara langsung, kesantunan positif, kesopanan negatif, dan berbicara tidak

langsung, (2) cara Kevin menggunakan strategi kesantunan yaitu komunikasi

langsung dan komunikasi tidak langsung.

Kata Kunci : home alone, strategi kesopanan, film.



APPROVAL ............................................................................................................. ii

NOTA DINAS ........................................................................................................... iii

LETTER OF RATIFICATION .............................................................................. iv

ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT ..................................................................... v

MOTTO .................................................................................................................... vi

DEDICATION .......................................................................................................... vii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................... viii

ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. x

ABSTRAK ................................................................................................................ xi

TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................................... xii


A. Background of Research ................................................................................ 1

B. Formulation of Problem ................................................................................. 5

C. Limitation of the Research ............................................................................. 5

D. Purpose of the Research ................................................................................. 5

E. Significance of the Research .......................................................................... 6


A. Pragmatic........................................................................................................ 7

B. Politeness Strategies ....................................................................................... 8

1. Kinds of Politeness Strategies .................................................................. 10

a. Bald on Record ................................................................................... 11

b. Possitive Politeness ............................................................................ 13

c. Negative Politeness ............................................................................ 18

d. Off Record .......................................................................................... 20

2. The Politeness Strategy Uses ................................................................... 24

a. Direct Communicating ........................................................................ 24

b. Indirectly Communicating ................................................................... 24

C. Review on Previous Research ........................................................................ 25



A. Design of Research ........................................................................................ 29

B. Source of Data ................................................................................................ 30

C. Technique of Data Collection ........................................................................ 30

D. Technique of Data Analysis ........................................................................... 31


A. Finding .......................................................................................................... 33

B. Analysis .......................................................................................................... 33

1. Kinds of Politeness Strategies ................................................................... 33

a. Bald On Record ................................................................................... 33

b. Positive Politeness ............................................................................... 37

c. Negative Politeness ............................................................................... 40

d. Off Record ............................................................................................ 43

2. The Main Character’s Ways of Using Politeness Strategies ..................... 46

a. Direct Communicating .......................................................................... 46

b. Indirect Communicating ....................................................................... 49


A. Conclusion .................................................................................................... 52

B. Suggestion ..................................................................................................... 53






A. Background of the Research

One of the basic needs of human beings in this universe was language, so

language was used to communicate and engage each other. We expressed our

feelings as we used words, as well as the cultural values and traditions of the

cultures that we are members of: our families, social networks and other

organizations.. According to Bloch and Trager, Language is a set of signs that

functions and communicates randomly with an internal system. In general, it can

be said that language is a means of conveying knowledge, emotions, concepts or

feelings.1 Language is a way of transporting something, in other words. Language

analysis is called linguistics. According to Lyons, Linguists typically describe

linguistics as a scholarly study of language.2 Saussure regards Language as a

standardized sign system. He describes linguistics as the study of language and

the study of the manifestations of human speech.3

Linguistics had some parts. First, Semantic was a linguistic branch that

studies the meaning or meaning contained in a language, code, or other types of

representation. Second, Morphology was the science of language that studies

word formation. Third, Syntax was the science of the Strategies and rules for

making sentences in natural language. Fourth, Phonology was the science of the

vocabulary of the phonemes of a language and their distribution. Fifth, Pragmatic

was a branch of linguistics that studies the relationship between context and


1Bloch, Bernard; & Trager, George L. Outline of linguistic analysis. Special

publications of the Linguistic Society of America. Baltimore: Linguistic Society of America,

1942. 2Lyons, John.. Language and Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

1981. 3Saussure, Ferdinand de. Course in General Linguistics. Edited by Charles Bally and

Albert Sechehave, in collaboration with Albert Riedliner. Translate by Wade Baskin. New York :

McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1966.


Pragmatic was a linguistic subdiscipline. According to Leech, The

pragmatics were the study of meaning in reference to speaking situations.4 While

Levinson state, Pragmatics is the study of language-context relation, which

describes the foundation of language comprehension.5 One of the aspects included

in pragmatics was politeness. According to Brown and Levinson, politeness is

how people behave in a way that attempts in considering of the feelings of

their addressee.6 Politeness also means that being polite was not simply way

like saying, “thank you” or “please” in the right place. It was the matter of how

people used their language appropriately toward their addressee. It means

that politeness was an important point to maintain a good relationship with

other people.

The reason for choosing the topic politeness strategies was based on the

researcher curiosity in analyzing on four types of politeness strategies of one of

the characters in the film Home Alone 1 . The topic of politeness strategies in the

film Home Alone 1 was interesting for the researcher because he thought that by

making an interaction, people can describe or show that they want to make a

request, apology, refusal, and thank. So, other people understand what is

meant and the interaction occured naturally. The researcher also knew that

politeness strategies were very needed for people to speak politely with other


When we disscussed about politeness, we had to know what the standard

of politeness in every different culture in this world, based on the title that the

researcher wanted to disscuss, Home Alone 1 was the film where the scene took in

America, Edward stated in western (American) culture, when a man went outside

for drinks, but he said goodbye to his family, he went outside for fresh air at night.

Even though everyone knew he had gone out for drinks, they all acted as if he had

4Leech, Geoffrey. The Principle of Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

1983 5Levinson, Stephen C.. Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1983

6 Brown and Levinson i n Pater Longscope, “The Universalit of Face in Brown and

Levinson Politness Theory: A Japanese Perspective,” Journal University of Pennsylvania

graduate school of education, 1978, p. 70.


indeed gone for some fresh air. Even when he came home drunk, they behaved

with no regard for it. By understanding the polite fiction that applies to the

community, it is hoped that it can help predict what actions will be taken in the

new situation7.

There are several ethical manners that are considered "good manners" in

America. These ethical patterns of courtesy include: (a) We're all equals. When

Americans meet and shake hands, the two of them say “Hi” to each other, One

person will say "How are you?" and the other will answer "Fine, and you?" This

symbolizes that there is no distance between them, no matter who started the

conversation, no status difference. (b) When an American talks to other people, he

will always pay attention to the other person by looking the other person's eyes.

(c) Relax! When an American visits a friend's house, the host always asked the

guest to be able to act as if they were at home. This means that the host fully

entrusts the guest to serve himself as in his own house. (d) You and I are close

friends (or at least: I like you). If an American has just met someone who hasn't

known before, or doesn't even like someone, he will still be friendly. For

Americans, being formal is considered cold. (e) You and I are independent. It is

polite for Americans not to ask others for help with the problems they face.8

In this thesis, the researcher interested to analyse Home Alone 1 based on

their standard of politeness culture. According to Villarejo stated that film is

structured like a language and it is telling stories.9 It means that film offers us of

seeing and feeling and it is inspire product of creative team and might well

stimulate person fantasies. The researcher interested in choosing this politeness

strategies for some reasons :

First, The researcher has chosen politeness strategies as a topic in this

study because politeness is an important subject in communication.

Politeness was related to the research of how people use a language as they

7 Hall, Edward T. 1992. Beyond Culture. New York : Doubleday.

8 http://www.culture-at-work.com/politefiction.html. Accessed 15 April 2021

9 Villarejo, Amy. Film Studies the Basic, (New York : Library of Congress, 2007), Third

Edition, p.12


are living or talking. On the other hand, the researcher chose this movie

because this movie was acted by a child and this movie also played every

years, especially when Christmas day. As stated by Holmes, being

linguistically polite mechanism speaking to people appropriately in the light of

their relationship.10

Second, the researcher has decided to observe and evaluate the use of

politeness strategies. The researcher tried to prove that a film could be a good

medium to learn politeness. The purpose of this analysis is to observe and

evaluate the usage of politeness techniques in a film entitled Home Alone 1. The

researcher selected Home Alone 1 movie because it incorporates the formal and

casual vocabulary used in everyday communication. For instance, formal

conversation was like when student learnt in classroom with the teacher, on the

other side, informal or casual communication was like we communicated by

using telephone or communicated with friends. It reveals a lot of phrases that the

main character uses politeness strategies. Through a regular dialog, the

researcher interpreted the primary character's comments so that study questions

could be resolved. Thus, this film also offers explanations of how politeness

strategies are used in the social sense. Specifically, Home Alone 1 told the story

of a kid named Kevin and the burglars named Harry and Marv. Home Alone 1

film tells the story of a boy who is accidentally left behind by his family as the

holiday season occurs. This incident held him up alone at home, and in the

night, the robbers came to his house.

The researchers discussed the politeness strategies applied by the main

characters in the Home Alone 1 movie although a film can be a good medium to

distinguish things languages and cultures. Through the use of a film, people

would learn about the traditions of the places and the people where the movie

takes place. In addition, it can help English learners especially as the English

Literature Department students who study sociolinguistics and pragmatics,

especially politeness strategies. Moreover, the researcher found out about all the


Holmes, J. (1996). Women, men, and politeness. London: Longman. p. 296


politeness strategies and how the politeness strategies used in this film. The

research accomplished by classifying the strategies of politeness as seen by the

main character in the Home Alone 1 film and the ways of using the strategies of

politeness that affect the main character in applying the strategies of politeness

in their conversation. Based on the description above, the researcher interested in

conducting research on politeness strategies with the title: “ANALYSIS OF



B. Formulation of the Research

Based on the background of the problem above, the formulations of the

problems are formulated as follows :

1. What kinds of politeness strategies were used by the main character in

Home Alone film?

2. How politeness strategies were used by the main character in Home Alone


C. Limitation of the Research

This research was taken from Home Alone 1 as an object. It focused the

technique of politeness used mostly by Kevin. It based on the terms of Kevin's

directive: commands, requests, and suggestions. There had been two underlying

analyzes in this report. The first focused on what sort of politeness strategies he

put out. The second based on the study of Kevin's use of the ways of using

politeness in his directive. To do so, the other characters were included in this

analysis, since they were necessary to determine Kevin's directive and the kind of

politeness strategies used by Kevin even when they were having conversations.

D. Purpose of the Research

The purposes of this research were :

1. To find out what kinds of politeness strategies were used by the main character in

Home Alone film.

2. To find out how politeness strategies were used by the main character in Home

Alone film.


E. Significance of the Research

There were two practical concerns for the execution of the study. This

research was important due to its theoretical and functional functions:

Theoretically, this research was aimed at enriching the theoretical bases of

literary studies, in particular those relevant to the study of the politeness of the

main character. Practically, the principle of politeness upheld in this study gave

some teachings about politeness in regular interactions, particularly in

commanding, requesting, and suggesting. We used different strategies in separate

situations whether we were going to be required to be polite or not. Therefore, we

have also been more vigilant about selecting such strategies in order to preserve

effective relations with others and to accomplish our goal through such a

communication. Reference and alternate knowledge is also supposed to be the

outcome of this research. This study was meant to be helpful for other researchers

conducting related research, such as an investigation of the politeness of the main

character as seen in the Home Alone film.




A. Pragmatic

Pragmatic is one of those terms that gives the appearance that something

very precise and technical is being addressed although, in fact, it often has little

precise understanding and focuses primarily on the analysis of speech acts.11. In

the other hand, the pragmatics concentrate on the interaction between linguistics

and the speakers of certain forms. Pragmatics consider human in observation, in

real life people did not always speak openly to express what they desired in

order to be respectful and appreciate others. In certain special circumstances,

people would prefer to communicate implicitly rather than directly. For

example, while the robber was come to Kevin’s house and Kevin says, it can be

seen in the statement below:

Down here, you big horse's ass!12

The sentence above does not mean that he simply makes a point about

the horse’s ass, but it was an indirect order for the robber to take look for him

and chase him. Kevin could directly say down here and get me! but here he was

attempting to be more polite, so he used an indirect request. Furthermore,

context of language plays an important part in the perception of meaning. In a

single statement, various contexts will give rise to different interpretations. Just

as in this sentence. The interpretation of the comments should be understood on

the basis of the situation or the context. The study of language that emphasizes

on the interpretation of the speaker and the meaning of the context is called


. This statement is supported by some linguists such as, Istvan

Kecskes and Laurance state pragmatics as the study of meaning in the relation


Eva Alcon Soler and Aricia Martinez Flor, Investigating Pragmatics in Foreign

Language Learning, Teaching and Testing, (New York: Cromwell Press, 2008), p. 3. 12

Duration 00.27.23 -> 01.27.27 13

Michael, L. Scott, Programing Language Pragmatics, p. 4.

to a speech situation.14

Similarly, Evala Alcon Soler and Alicia Martinez Flor

also state that The pragmatic study of the meaning and contextual meaning of

the speaker emphasizes on the use of human language in communication,

which is affected by the state of culture.15

From the descriptions above, it can be assumed that it clarified

pragmatically how people create and comprehend ordinary utterances.

Pragmatics are very similar to the context and circumstance of the speaker and

audience in which the conversations took place.

B. Politeness Strategies

One of the facets of pragmatism was politeness. Politeness was not only in

form and in words, but also in the social role and context assumed. If the speaker

said that there was a more humble form than the meaning demanded, the speech

partner would assume that there was a secret intent. Grice figures out, that the

participants in the dialogue should still consider the decency strategies. He said

the role of politeness in society was very important and appropriate.16


to Holmes, the formality factor can also be polite. In formal contexts, the best way

to communicate to your siblings will depend on your role in communicating.17

Politeness was really important to human beings. According to Arthur

Martine, being pleasant in speaking to the right people is really necessary for a

stable social interaction with others18

. It means that politeness has been

translated as a willingness to be more pleasing to others and to inspire them to

build a harmonious relationship. People have sought to stop dissension and to

disappoint polite and more appealing gestures to some.


Istvan Kecskes and Laurance, Exploration In Pragmatics Linguistics, Cognitive

and Intercultural Aspects, (Germany: 2007), p. 9. 15

Evala Alcon Soler and Alicia Martinez Flor, Investigating Pragmatics in Foreign

Language Learning, Teaching and Testing, (Canada: UTP, 5201 Dufferin Street, North York,

Ontario M3H 5T8, 2008), p. 3. 16

Grice, H.P. (1975). "Logic and Conversation," Syntax and Semantics, vol.3 edited by

P. Cole and J. Morgan, Academic Press. 17

Holmes, J. (1992). An Introduction to Sociolinguistic. London and New York: Longman 18

Arthur Martine, Martine Hand’s Book Ettiquete and Guide To

True Politeness, (London: Forgotten Books, 2013), p. 5.

Buyer: Are there any apples?

Shopkeeper: There are just oranges and pineapples, sir.

The communication above was between a shopkeeper and a shopper. The

shopkeeper sought to please the customer by avoiding saying things that left the

buyer unhappy that there was no apple in it. However, the buyer in the

aforementioned discussion expresses tacit apology by giving the other fruits.

Thomas insists that politeness manifested by general social conduct. In

comparison, Arthur Martine claims that there is politeness when it comes to

interference between linguistics, social and cognitive.19

Politeness present

through language and as the result of a person is cognitive assessment in of the

social context. For example to request, apologize, and criticize does not only

involve the performance of a directive, commissure, and assertive. But also

performances of action with clear implication for the identities of the speaker.

People must consider various factors related to social distance and

intimacy when understanding what is said in an interaction. Zeydan K. Omar

and Sura Abdul Wahid states that people typically involve the relative

status of the participants based on social values such as power and age.20


example, speakers who have lower status in English speaking context tend to

mark social distance between themselves and higher status speaking by using

address forms that include a title and last name, but not the first name, for

example: Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Adams, or Dr Dang. While the goal of politeness

is to make all of the parties relaxed and comfortable with one another, these

culturally defined standards at times may be manipulated to inflict shame on a

designated party. Therefore, we need to know more about politeness strategies to

build the harmony of our communication.


Arthur Martine, Martine Hand’s Book Ettiquete and Guide To True Politeness, p. 7. 20

Zeydan K. Omar and Sura Abdul Wahid, “A Pragmatic Analysis of Impoliteness in

Some of Harold Pinter's Plays,” Journal College of Education for Humanities Anbar University,

Number 8 -Year 3 (2010), p. 119.

According to Brown and Levinson, a politeness strategy was developed

to save the "face" of the audience. Face-saving refers to personal respect for

oneself and maintaining "self-esteem" in public or private situations. In some

cases, we should avoid embarrassing the other person or making them

uncomfortable. Threat-to-face behaviors (FTA’s) are behaviors in which hearing

offenders maintain their self-esteem and are respected. The main purpose of

developing a politeness strategy was to deal with these free trade agreements. In

addition, Brown and Levinson proposed four types of politeness strategies,

which summarize human "polite" behaviors: bald on record, negative politeness,

positive politeness, and non-record indirect strategies. The use of each strategy

varies from situation to situation.

Bald on Record was a condition that someone wanted to perform FTA

(Facial Threat Behavior) with maximum efficiency, not to satisfy the audience's

expression, even to any degree. This means that the speaker expresses his needs

directly and usually in imperative form. For example, when a student forgets to

bring a book, and he wants the person sitting next to him to lend him a book, the

student can say “please give me a book”. Positive politeness was the behavior

directed at the positive faces of the audience, that is, the audience's positive self-

image of them. It's well-known for making friends, wanting and personality

traits. Negative politeness was a behavior directed at the negative faces of the

audience. When we talked to people who don’t know them, we use negative

politeness. Off Record was a suggested action for the audience. When we tried

to suggest a good thing to our friends or siblings, we used Off Record strategy.

1. Kinds of Politeness Strategies

Brown and Levinson also introduces two terms in their theory:

“face wants” as the expectations of people is public self-image, and FTA

concept as “the acts that threat another individual is face wants”.21


Brown and Levinson in Pater Longscope, “The Universalit of Face in Brown and

Levinson Politness Theory: A Japanese Perspective,” Journal University of Pennsylvania

graduate school of education, 1978, p. 70.

Politeness strategies are developed for the main purpose of dealing

with the FTAs in order to save the hearers‟ face and usually it is used to

avoid embarrassing the others. There are four strategies for doing FTA is

Brown and Levinson:22

a. Bald on record

Speaking in direct, clear, unambiguous and concise way in circumstances

where face is not irrelevant or minimized. This strategy is performed in

the most direct, clear, unambiguous and concise way as possible. It is the

most effective way for the speaker to get his message through to the hearer

but the speaker ignores the hearer is face and its wants. Here, the utterance

is maximally efficient with regards to Anne is conversational maxims.

According to Zeydan K. Omar and Sura Abdul Wahid, “we do not follow

these maxims in conversations but they motivate the speakers to pay

attention to the face wants and avoid conflict”.23

1) Great Urgency or Desperation

This strategy is used when the speaker is needing the attention very

soon, especially before anything else because of its important. In cases

of great urgency or desperation, a compensation would actually

decrease the communicated urgency.

For examples : (1) “Help!”

(2) “Watch out!”

From the example above, with an exclamation point showed that there

is no other choice in that situation. From the example (1) the speaker

needed help for the hearer than in the example (2) the speaker used

to warn the hearer of danger or an accident that might be happen.


Brown and Levinson in Zeydan K. Omar and Sura Abdul Wahid, “A Pragmatic

Analysis of Impoliteness in Some of Harold Pinter's Plays”, p. 120. 23

Brown and Levinson in Zeydan K. Omar and Sura Abdul Wahid, “A Pragmatic

Analysis of Impoliteness in Some of Harold Pinter's Plays”, p. 121.

2) Speaking as if great efficiency is necessary in attention-getters

This strategy is used where the speaker speaks as if maximum

efficiency were very important, he or she provides metaphorical

urgency for emphasis.

For examples : (1) Look, the point is this...

(2) Listen, I’ve got an idea.

The example in (1) and (2) are used in order to get the attention from

the hearer. In example (1) the word “look” is a verb which used by

the speaker to direct the hearer‟s eyes in order to see in another point.

In example (2) the word “listen” is a verb which used to give attention

to the hearer in order to hear what the speaker said.

3) Task-oriented/ Paradigmatic Form of Instruction

This strategy is used when the speaker gives a task to the hearer in order

to get the desire results. Face redness may be felt to irrelevant when

the focus interaction is task-oriented. The example of this strategy is

“Give me the nails.” From the example, the speaker gave the hearer a

task to give the nails to the speaker.

4) Sympathetic Advice or Warnings

Brown and Levinson state that in doing an FTA, the speaker conveys

that he or she does care about the hearer (and therefore about the hearer’s

positive face), so that no redness is required. Sympathetic advice or

warning may be bald on record.

For examples: (1) Careful! He‟s a dangerous man.

(2) Your slip is showing!

In the example (1) the speaker wants to warn the hearer to be careful

because he is a dangerous man. The word “careful” was used to give an

attention to what the hearer was doing so that he or she did not have a

damage from that man. In the example (2) the speaker gave

sympathetic expression that the hearer is slip was showing.

5) Granting Permission for Something

This strategy is used when the speaker gives or allows the hearer to

do something so that the hearer is allowed to do it. The example of

granting for something is “Yes, you may go.” From the example, it

showed that the speaker allowed the hearer to move to another place.

6) Invitations

This strategy is used when the speaker requested a hearer to do

something. “Come in” or “Enter” are the examples of this strategy. It

implied that the speaker asked the hearer to move towards the speaker in

a room or bulding.

7) Welcoming

Welcoming (or post-greeting) is used when the speaker insisted that the

hearer may impose on his or her negative face. The example of

welcoming is the utterance by the speaker to a person who comes to his

or her house as in “Oh you come. Come in.”

8) Greetings and Farewells

The greeting strategy is used when the speaker welcomes the hearer to

show her or his friendliness or politeness. Meanwhile, the farewell

strategy is used when the speaker says goodbye or takes his or her

leave to the hearer. The examples of this strategy are “come”, “go”,

“sit down”, or “good bye”.

b. Positive politeness

Positive politeness strategy is redressive directed to the addressee's positive

face: his desire that his wants should be thought of as desirable. This

strategy is used to promote high involvement and solidarity. Positive

politeness is not necessarily redressive of the particular face want infringed

by the FTA but a kind of social accelerator such as joking.24

1) Claiming Common Ground

This type involves the speaker to claim the hearer in the common

ground by indicating the speaker and hearer being to a particular group.

This particular group is sharing specific desires or wants which includes

goals and values.

(a) Noticing hearer’s interests, wants, needs, and good

This strategy suggests that the speaker should pay attention or

notice to aspect of hearer's condition. It can be in the form of

sympathy, care or even compliment.

For example: “We ate too many beans tonight, didn’t we?”

The example above shows that the speaker is paid attention to the

hearer. It indicates that the speaker notices the hearer is condition.

(b) Exaggerating interest, approval, and sympathy with the hearer

This strategy can be done by saying something in a way that is

higher than its actual status using exaggerating adjective.

For example: “What a fantastic house you have!”

The example above shows that the speaker exaggerated her

or his compliment about the hearer is house. The word “fantastic”

implied that the hearer have a great house.

(c) Intensifying interest to hearer, making good story, draw hearer

as a participant into the conversation.

This strategy is used for the speaker to the hearer that she or he

wants intensify the interest of speaker is by making a good story.


Zeydan K. Omar and Sura Abdul Wahid, “A Pragmatic Analysis of Impoliteness in

Some of Harold Pinter's Plays,” Journal College of Education for Humanities Anbar University,

Number 8 -Year 3 (2010), p. 192.

For example: “I come down the stairs, and what do you think I see?

A huge mess all over the place, the phone is off the hook and clothes

are scattered all over.”

(d) Using in-group identity markers

This strategy is done by using in-group identity markers are address

form, language dialect, jargon, and slang to indicate that speaker

and hearer belong to some of persons who share specific wants.

For example: “Come here, guys!”

The example above shows that the speaker used in-group identity

markers by saying “guys” intended to the hearer.

(e) Seeking agreement

This strategy is to seek for hearer‟s agreement by raising “safe

topic‟ that the hearer will agree with.

For example: “Isn‟t your new car has a beautiful color?”

The example above showed that the speaker says a comment

to a neighbor‟s new car. The speaker raises the topic which is safer

instead of stating the unsafe topic.

(f) Avoiding disagreement

This strategy showed that avoiding disagreement by stating false

agreement, indirect agreement, white lies, and hedging.

For example:

A : That’s where you live, California?

B : That’s where I was born.

The speaker asked for information to the hearer whether she lived

there or not. Instead of claiming what the speaker says as a mistake,

the speaker states that she was born there. The hearer answered by

avoiding disagreement.

(g) Presupposing to raise and assert common ground

This strategy explains that presupposing is the act of believing

something is true before it is proven.

For example: “ I had a really hard time learning to drive, didn‟t I? ”

(h) Joking

This strategy is a basic positive politeness technique used to

minimize the face threatening acts (FTA). Therefore, it is the form of

claiming common ground. For example: “How about lending me this

heap of junk?”

(i) Presupposing speaker’s knowledge of and concern for the

hearer’s want

This strategy aims to presuppose what the hearer’s desire according

to the speaker’s knowledge toward what hearer’s want.

For example: “I know you love roses but the florist didn’t have

anymore, so I brought you geranium instead.”

(j) Promise

This strategy means that when the speaker makes a promise to the

hearer, the speaker has the intention to fulfill the hearer’s want.

For example: “I will treat you next week.”

The speaker promises to the hearer that she or he would treat next


(k) Being optimistic

In this strategy, the speaker becomes optimistic regarding the

willingness of the hearer to fulfill or wants to do something for the

speaker. For example: “You‟ll lend me your car, right?”

The example above shows that the speaker was optimistic that

hearer would lend her or him a car.

(l) Including both speaker and hearer in an activity

This strategy aims to make the speaker and hearer involve both of

them in the activity and eventually become cooperators. This

strategy uses an inclusive “we” form, when the speaker really means

“you” or “me”.

For example: “Let‟s have a coffee, then.”

The example above shows that actually the speaker wants the hearer

to have a coffee. The speaker’s request used inclusive “we” form

“let’s”. The request will be more polite because it indicates the

cooperation between the speaker and the hearer.

(m) Giving and asking for reason

This strategy shows that the speaker and hearer are cooperators

through the act of asking and giving reason.

For example: “Why don’t we go to the market?”

(n) Assuming or asserting reciprocity

This strategy can be done by creating mutual advantages among

the speaker and the hearer.

For example: “I‟ll lend you dictionary if you lend me your book.”

A reciprocity is a behavior in which two people give each other

help or advantages. In the example above, the speaker wants to

lend the hearer her or his dictionary if the hearer lends the speaker a


(o) Giving gifts to hearer can be in the form of goods,

sympathy, understanding and cooperation.

This strategy shows that the speaker can satisfy hearer‟s positive

face by actually satisfying some of the hearer’s wants. For example:

“I just know that your dog died yesterday. I’m sorry to hear that.”

The speaker gave a gift to the hearer by giving sympathy

and understanding.25

c. Negative politeness

Satisfying person’s negative face by recognizing and respecting the

addressee is negative face wants and negative politeness also making a

request less infringing, such as “If you don‟t mind...” or “If it isn't too

much trouble...” respects a person’s right to act freely. In others word

deference. There is a greater use of indirect speech acts.

1) Be direct

This strategy includes indirect speech acts that contain of indirect

request. When a speaker produces an utterance in accordance with the

negative politeness, it means that speaker wants to achieve what they

want through the FTA but also wants to redress it.

For example, “Can you please pass the salt?”

2) Do not presume /assume hearer

This strategy is done by not presuming and assuming that the FTA is

desired or accepted by the hearer. This strategy namely question and

hedge. Hedge may be functioned to soften command and turn it into a

polite suggestion.For example, “Won’t you open the door?”

3) Being pessimistic

Do not coerce hearer means that the speaker does not persuade hearer to

do something forcefully. This can be done by stating an option for the

hearer that may not do the act. This also can be done by assuming that

hearer does not want to do the act.

For example, “Could you jump over that five-foot fence?”


Brown, P., & Levinson, S. C. (1987). Politeness: Some universals in language usage.


ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

4) Minimizing the imposition

This strategy is used to minimize the imposition or the threat toward the

negative face of the hearer. The minimization can be done by

choosing some words which shows the minimum state of a matter.

For example, “Could I borrow your pen just for a minute”.

5) Giving difference

This strategy explained that giving difference is the act of humbling

oneself and fulfill hearer‟s want of respect. This can be done by using

particular addressing form for someone that is superior.

For example, “Excuse me sir, would you mind if I close the window?”

6) Apologizing

By apologizing the speaker can show the unwillingness to threat the

face of the hearer or to impinge on hearer.

For example, “I am sorry to bother you, but please tell him to call me


7) Impersonalizing the speaker and hearer in a conversation

This strategy deals with avoiding the pronouns “I‟ and “U‟.

For example, “Do this for me.”

8) Stating the FTA as an instance of general rule

This strategy shows that the speaker does not want to impinge the hearer.

The speaker omits the fact that impinge the hearer by

emphasizes a notion that the act is a general rule.

For example, “I am sorry, but late-comers cannot be seated till next


9) Nominalizing

Nominalizing is the act of changing a verb into a noun in a sentence. By

doing this strategy, the speaker can add more distance and formality.

The more formal utterance is, the more visible that the speaker does not

want to impinge the hearer. For example, “It is our regret that we


10) Going on record as incurring a debt or as not indebting hearer

This strategy is done by claiming speaker’s indebtedness to hearer or by

disclaiming any indebtedness of hearer.

Hence, the speaker can redress the FTA. For example, “I’d be eternally

grateful if you would..”26

d. Off Record

Delivering the intention indirectly, it means that the off-record strategy is

used by the speaker to achieve a communicative intention indirectly. In

other words, the speaker is trying to avoid the responsibility of doing an

FAT. In these strategies, the hearer decides how to interpret the speaker

is utterance (FTA). The FTA is performed 'off-record' typically through

the use of anindirect illocutionary act which has more than one



For example, “The door is not open.” which mean the speaker wants the

hearer to open door. The meaning of the statement is not directly stated

by the speaker. According to Brown and Levinson, there are fifteen

strategis of Off Record strategy, they are as follows :

1) Giving hints

This strategy explains that giving hints is an act if saying something

which is not relevant and inviting the hearer to search for an

interpretation of the possible relevance. The speaker invites the hearer

to search for an interpretation of the possible relevance.

For example, “This soup is a bit bland.” As asking the hearer to pass the



Brown, P., & Levinson, S. C. (1987). Politeness: Some universals in language usage.


ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 27

Brown and Levinson in Pater Longscope, “The Universalit of Face in Brown and

Levinson Politness Theory: A Japanese Perspective,” p. 70.

2) Give association clues

The speaker gives a related kind of implication triggered by relevance

violations that is provided by mentioning something associated with

the act of a hearer, either by precedent in the speaker-hearer‟s

experience or by mutual knowledge irrespective of their interactional


For example, “My house is not very far away... There is the path that

leads to my house.” The speaker gives a clue to the hearer to come visit

him or her.

3) Presupposing prior event

This strategy is done by forcing the hearer to search for the relevance of

a prior event. For example, “I washed the car again today.”

As said to convey a criticism to the hearer and to ask the hearer to do it.

4) Understating

The speaker understates what he or she actually wants to say. This is the

act of saying less that what is required. By doing this strategy, the

speaker invites the hearer to search for an interpretation. In the case of

criticism, the speaker avoids the upper points.

For example, “He’s all right.”

That is an understatement which implicates that the person the speaker

is talking about is awful or fabulous.

5) Overstating

The speaker exaggerates or chooses a point on a scale which is higher

than the actual state of affairs. This strategy is saying more than what is

required. For example, “You never do your assignments.”

6) Use tautologies

By uttering a tautology, a speaker encourages hearer to look for an

interpretation from non-informative utterance. For example, “Your

clothes belong to where your clothes belong, my clothes belong where

my clothes belong.” As said to the hearer as a citicism for placing his

belonging in speaker‟s room.

7) Use contradictions

By stating two things that contradict each other, the speaker makes it

appear that he or she cannot be telling the truth.

For example, “I am happy and I am not happy about that.”

8) Being ironic

A speaker can indirectly convey his or her intended meaning by saying

the opposite of what he or she means, if there are clues that his or

her intended meaning is being conveyed indirectly.

For example, “John’s a real genius.” As said after the third person has

just done something stupid.

9) Use metaphors

By using a metaphor the speaker hedges his utterance and he invites

the hearer to interpret the meaning of his hedged utterance.

For example, “Tom is a real fish.” As said to convey that Tom swims like

a fish or swims well.

10) Use rhetorical questions

By using rhetorical question, the speaker asks a question with no

intention of getting the answer. The speaker also invites the hearer to

interpret what he really means. For example, “How many times do I

have to tell you?” As said by the speaker as a criticism to the hearer‟s


11) Being Ambiguous

The speaker makes purposeful ambiguity which may be achieved

through metaphor and lets the hearer to guess what he or she meant.

For example, “Dani’s a pretty sharp cookie.” This could be either a

compliment or an insult, depending on the speaker‟s intention of stating

the connotation sharp.

12) Being vague

The speaker may go off record with an FTA by being vague who the

object of the FTA is, or what the offense is.

For example, “I’m going down the road for a bit.” As said to the local


13) Over-generalizing

This strategy is about a conveying general rule that hearer then has to

choose whether the general rule applies to him.

For example, “Mature people sometimes help to wash dishes.” As

said by the speaker to convey an order or request.

14) Displacing the hearer

The speaker may go off record as to whose target for his FTA is. He may

pretend to address to FTA to someone whom it would not threaten and

hope that the real target of the FTA will be able to realize that the FTA is

addressed to him.

For example, one secretary in the office asks another secretary in

negative politeness to pass the stapler in the circumstances where the

professor is much nearer than the other secretary. The face of the

professor is not threatened and the professor can choose to help as a

bonus for the secretary.

15) Being incomplete

The speaker does not purposefully finish his or her utterances. It can

leave the implication of “hanging in the air”, just like rhetorical question.

For example, “Oh sir, a headache...” It was used by a child to ask her

father for an aspirin. This gave him the option of telling her to go and

lie down instead of dispensing a precious pill.28

From explanation above, the researcher uses kinds of politeness

strategies by Brown and Levinson to find out the politeness Strategies that used

by Kevin in his life to keep his house from burglars, the researcher found that

the dominant between four kinds of politeness strategies to express Kevin ways

to keep his house is negative politeness because Kevin Satisfying person’s

negative face by recognizing and respecting the addressee is negative face

wants and negative politeness also making a request less infringing to a pair of

burglars and the other characters. The researcher used this theory to find kinds of

politeness strategies were used by the main character in the Home Alone 1 film.

2. The Main Character’s Ways of Using Politeness Strategies

Kierkegaard states that the use of politeness strategies could be with the

direct communicating and indirect communicating.29

a. Direct Communicating

Direct communication happens when a speaker is true intentions are

communicated in his/her verbal message. It expresses the

speaker’s/sender’s need and desires explicitly. When a direct

communicator wants or needs something, he/she will “come right out and

say it”. Direct communicators take the other speaker is words at face

value: they will not analyze the message for underlying meaning. They

value the effectiveness of short, direct answers, and expect and respect

honesty and frankness.

b. Indirect Communicating

Indirect communication happens when a speaker is true intentions are

hidden. Indirect speakers will not make a direct statement or directly

answer a question that might cause tension or result in an uncomfortable


Brown, P., & Levinson, S. C. (1987). Politeness: Some universals in language usage.


ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 29

George Pattison. “The Theory and Practice of Language and Communication in

Kierkegaard is Upbuilding Discourses” p. 85-87

situation. They are more likely to say “maybe” or “possibly‟ when the true

answer is “no”. Indirect communicators believe that being polite is more

important than giving a true response; this belief is related to the concept

of “saving face” to avoid hurting another person is self-esteem. Indirect

communication is acting out rather than directly saying what a person is

thinking or feeling using facial expressions, tone of voice, and or gestures.

Based on the explanations above, it can be concluded that there are two

ways to use the language function for communicating the message they are direct

communicating and indirect communicating. The researcher will use this theory

to find out the use politeness Strategies used by Kevin by the way keep his

house from a pair of burglars in Home Alone 1 film.

C. Review on Previous Research

There have been relevant previous researchers investigated about

Politeness, their research support on this research paper as follow :

Firstly, This thesis was written by Resi Novira in 2010, entitled

Negative Politeness Strategies As found in Rachael Ray Show30

. The purpose of

this research is to know which strategy that mostly used in Rachael Ray Show and

She used politeness strategy theory by Brown and Levinson (1987), and

negative politeness strategy as her specific analysis. She used quantitative

method in this reseacrh because she wants to know which strategy that mostly

used in the data. The results of this study are speakers of applying a negative

politeness strategies were found in 31 utterances. Strategy 1. Be conventionally

indirect there are two utterances (6.45%), strategy 2. Question, Hedge there are

nine utterances (29,03%), strategy 3. Be pessimistic there are four utterances

(12,90%), strategy 4. Minimize the imposition, Rx there are 3 utterances (9,68%),

strategy 5. Give deference there are four utterances (12,09%), strategy 6.

Apologize there are 1 utterance (3,23%), strategy 7. Impersonalize S and H


Resi Novira. Negative Politeness Strategies as Found in Rachel

Ray Show. (Padang: Universitas Andalas, 2010)

there are three utterances (9,68%), strategy 8. State FTA as a general rule there

are 3 utterances (9,68%), strategy 9 and 10 there are only one utterance (3,23%).

Secondly, the student of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.

School of Teacher Training and Education named Ahlam Veryya Afnani , by

thesis entitled “Politeness in Love Expression Used in the Last Promise

Novel”31. This research aims to describe the politeness strategy of love

expression used in the last promise novel, he used theory by Brown and

Levinson (1987) and the type of this research is descriptive qualitative research

which the writer uses documentation and observation method as the method of

collecting data. The result of the research shows the politeness patterns of love

expression are bald on 10%, positive politeness strategy 77,5% and negative

politeness strategy 12,5%.

Thirdly, the student of Arts Yogyakarta State University English Language

And Literature Study Program English Education Department Faculty of

Languages named Mifta Hasmi, by thesis entitled “A Pragmatic Analysis

Of Politeness Strategies Reflected In Nanny Mcphee Movie.”32

This research

aims to identify the types of politeness strategies employed by the main

characters in Nanny McPhee movie and (2) to describe the way politeness

strategies are realized in the utterances employed by the main characters in

Nanny McPhee movie. This research used theory by Brown and Levinson

(1987) and this research used descriptive qualitative. The results of the

research show two important points. First, there are four types of politeness

strategies employed by the main characters in Nanny McPhee movie when

having conversation with the children: Bald-on record strategy (31 out of 104),

Positive politeness strategy (46), Negative politeness strategy (15), and Off

record strategy (12). Positive politeness strategy has the highest frequency

among other strategies since the dialogues are among family members who


Ahlam Veryya Afnani, “Politeness in Love Expression Used in the Last Promise

Novel,” Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. School of Teacher Training and Education,

2013, p. 5 32

Mifta Hasmi, “A Pragmatic Analysis Of Politeness Strategies Reflected In Nanny

Mcphee Movie,” Arts Yogyakarta State University English Language And Literature Study

Program English Education Department Faculty of Languagesm 2013, p. 5.

have a close relationship and know each other very well. Second, in realizing

those politeness strategies, the main characters utilize their own sub-strategies.

Fourthly, the student of Faculty of Humanities Dian Nuswantoro

University named Eva Indriani, by thesis entitled “Positive Politeness Strategies

Used By Grace And Meg In Monte Carlo Movie”.33 This research aims to

describe the types of politeness strategies produced by Grace and Meg in

“Monte Carlo” movie. This research used politeness strategy theory by

Brown and Levinson (1987), and positive politeness strategy as his specific

analysis. The researcher used a qualitative research since the data engaged are

displayed in the form of strings of words.. The unit of analysis of this research is

focused on the utterances produced by the main character Grace and her step

sister Meg in Monte Carlo movie. Meanwhile, it is found that strategy 4: Use in

group identity markers and strategy 12: Include both S and H become the

highest number of strategy made by both characters in their utterances with 4 in

total. Then it is followed by strategy 1: Notice, Attend to hearer is wants and

strategy 5: seek agreement with 3 numbers. After that, strategy 2:

Exaggerate Interest and Strategy 3: Intensity interest to Hearer is in the third

place with 2. The least number of positive politeness strategies is Strategy 8:

Joke with only 1 found in the utterances produced by Grace and Meg. The result

shows that Grace as the main character produced the highest number of positive

politeness in her utterances compared to Meg.

Fifth, this thesis was written by Yuliana Prameswari in 2012, entitled

Negative Politeness Strategy in Diplomacy Meeting at UN Security Council

Summit on Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Nuclear Disarmament.34


aims of this research was to know the impact of negative politeness strategy

in diplomacy meeting and she used qualitative method and several theories to

analyzed the unit analysis, the theories are Brown and Levinson is negative


Eva Indriani,“ Positive Politeness Strategies Used By Grace And Meg In Monte

Carlo Movie,” Faculty of Humanities Dian Nuswantoro University, 2014, 5. 34

Yuliana Prameswari. NegativePoliteness Strategy in Diplomacy Meeting at UN

Security Council Summit on Nuclear Non Proliferation Disarmament. (Jakarta: UIN Syarif

Hidayatullah, 2012)

politeness strategy, supported by other theories such as John Searle is indirect

speech act, Grice is co-operative principle dimensions-non-spuriousness,

relevance, and perspicuosness, Leech is tact maxim, Agha is honorification,

Ross is degrees of nouniness and Scollon is politeness system. From this

research, the writer found the fact that by applying the theories, the researcher

knows that negative politeness strategy regularly implies in spokesman is

utterances to not infringe the hearer is negative face and to maintain the

harmonized atmosphere among them. The results, negative politeness as the

heart of respect behavior has greatly contribution to the success of

international diplomacy, with negative politeness strategies, diplomats from

different states can represent their own policy and resolution without

infringement to territory of hearer is freedom.

From the preview related research above, it can be seen that this research

had difference and similiarity from them. From the five previous researchers, this

research had different in choosing object from the second reserachers above, and

also using the different theory in four and five researchers above. The similiarity

can be seen in the first, third, becuase the researchers choosing film as their

object, but still had different in the selection of problems of this research question

about how the main character delivered politeness strategy, then this research had

similiarities with the first until four researchers in selection of descriptive





A. Design of Research

In writing this thesis, the researcher used qualitative research and

descriptive method that was suitable with the aim of this research. Qualitative

research might be in descriptive form. The data collected in the form of words

as a descriptive explanation than a number. The result of the research contained

quotation from the data to illustrate and substantive the presentation. Descriptive

method is a research which aims to describe a phenomenon accurately based

on the characteristic of research.35

In this thesis, the researcher used

qualitative research, where the data analyzed through interpreting, not statistical

analysis. Nyoman Kutha Ratna stated: “Qualitative research provides attention to

natural data, data in relation to the context of its existence. These are the ways

in which qualitative research was perceived as multi-research because research

in turn involves a large number of relevant social phenomena. In the study of

literary works, for example, will be the author, the social environment in which

the author is located, including cultural elements.”36

According to Creswell in

his book: “Qualitative research is a means for exploring and understanding the

meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem. The process

of research involves emerging questions and procedures. Data typically collected

in partcipant’s setting. Data analysis inductively building from particulars to

general themes, and the researcher making interpretations of the meaning of the

data. The final written report has flexible structure. Those who engage in this form

of inquiry support a way meaning, and the importance of rendering the complexity

of a situation’.37


John W. Creswell, Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design, (United States of America:

California 1997), p. 15. 36

Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori, Metode dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra. Cet. Ke-III edisi

revisi, (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2011), p. 47. 37

John. W. Creswell, Research Design Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Ways

Approaches, (United States of America: SAGE Publications, 2009), p. 4

Based on the quotation above, the qualitative research used in this

research due to the qualitative method did not only involve the intrinsic aspect

in literary work. But, it related with the extrinsic aspect in the literary itself. So,

that is why, the qualitative method also said as multi method. Because, the

relating of the intrinsic aspect and extrinsic aspect in the literary itself. In this

theory, qualitative research in research procedures which produce descriptive

data as spoken words of the person or behaviour be research. It easier for

researcher to get the right data. It means that qualitative method analyzed about

descriptive data that were used documentation in this research, by using this

qualitative method, the researcher felt easy to analyze the film.

Based on those statements, it concluded that qualitative research

analyzed about descriptive data that collected in the form of the situation of the

natural object. Where descriptive data such as writer or spoken, by using

qualitative research the researcher had a nice answer about the questions in

analyzing the problem in Home Alone 1 film.

B. Sources of Data

The data for this thesis was taken from Home Alone 1 film. The

researcher used the script, dialogues, and picture on screen. Thus, The data of

the research was some dialogues among main character and another characters

which is contain politeness strategies. The researcher download the film from

http://d21.asia/home-alone-1990/ and the researcher download the script from


C. Technique of Data Collection

In an effort to get the data and fact, in this Thesis, the researcher used

qualitative research. The researcher used documentation, documentation was

the provision of footnotes, appendices, or addenda referring to or containing

documentary evidence. Scott regards the movie script was the document that

needed as the material of qualitative research38

. A document was an artefact

which has as its central feature an inscribed text. Miles and Huberman


Scott, J. (1990). A matter of record, documentary sources in social research.

Cambridge: Polity Press

explained that documents could be public records, textbook, letters, films, tapes,

diaries, themes, reports and so on.39

The researcher had some steps to collect the

data for this thesis :

1. Watching the film repeatedly, after getting all important sources, the

researcher watched it to make sure that the data was correlated to the


2. Collecting the data and all information, then making a note od data.

After watched the sources carefully, the researcher marked any kinds

of politeness strategies to help the researcher in analyzing process.

3. Identifying and classifying the data, after finding all the data

completely, the researcher made a good arrangement for the thesis

proposal as the last step in finalizing research.

D. Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the researcher analyzed the data. In qualitative

research, technique analysis data uses to answer the formulation of the problem

in analysis data; the researcher uses a technique of data analysis. The researcher

have several techniques from the data analysis, in order to make this research

more specific. According to Susan Stainback, “Data analysis is critical to the

qualitative research process. It is to recognition, study, and understanding of

interrelationship and concept in your data that hypotheses and assertions can be

developed and evaluated”.40

Nyoman Kutha Ratna stated: “Sesuai dengan

namanya analisis isi terutama berhubungan dengan isi komunikasi baik secara

verbal maupun nonverbal.41

In line with this statement, the researcher uses the

descriptive. In this thesis, there were some activities that the researcher have to do

to be able to analyze the data correctly :

1. Identifying

The researcher identified the data and made assumptions or finds the politness

strategy that appeared from Kevin’s utterances and the other characters.


Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A.M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded

sourcebook (2nd

ed.). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. 40

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D, p. 244. 41

Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori, Metode dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra, p. 48.

2. Classifying the data

The researcher classified the data which has taken into several parts of

classification of data that will answer the formulaton of the problem.

3. Analyzing, describing, explaining

The researcher analyzed, described and explained the data about politeness

strategy in Home Alone 1 film.

4. Making the conclusion

After all the data have been analyzed, described and explained in this research,

the researcher made the conclusion of the research.




A. Finding

In this chapter, the results of the research presented in detail on the

findings and discussion section. The results answer the objectives the research to

identify and to describe the kinds of politeness strategies by Brown and Levinson

theory, and how politeness strategies used by the main character by using

Kierkegaard theory in the Home Alone 1 film. In the finding, the frequencies of

the types politeness strategies, and how politeness strategies used by the main

character presented in the analysis section.

The findings of this research based on the first research question the

researcher found four kinds of politeness strategies experienced by Kevin, they

are bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, off record. As for the

aspect of linguistics that effected, there are two ways of using politeness

strategies, those are direct communcating and indirect communicating. The

researcher found three types of direct communicating and two of indirect


B. Analysis

1. Kinds of Politeness Strategies Used by the Main Character

In this part, the researcher explained about types of politeness strategies

used by the main character, they are bald on record, positive politeness,

negative politeness, off record. It can be seen below:

a. Bald on Record Strategy

According to Brown and Levinson: “bald on record strategy is speaking

in direct, clear, unambiguous and concise way in circumstances where face

is not irrelevant or minimized”42

. This strategy was performed in the

most direct, clear, unambiguous and concise way as possible. Based on the


Brown and Levinson in Zeydan K. Omar and Sura Abdul Wahid, “A Pragmatic

Analysis of Impoliteness in Some of Harold Pinter's Plays”, p. 121.

data, the researcher found about bald on record, there were four data found.

It can be seen in the discoure below:

Datum 1

Context :

In the night of Christmas eve, Kevin went to church and sat on chair with

Marley, they both undeliberately met in there because they had bad feeling

about theirself, and they talked each other about their problems. Whereas

Kevin had problem about his family, and Marley had problem with his

son, then Kevin spoke direct and clear to Marley. It can be seen in the

dialogs below:

Marley : What's your point?

Kevin : My point is, you should call your son.

Marley : What if he won't talk to me?

Kevin : At least you'll know. Then you could stop worrying about it.

Then you won't have to be afraid anymore. I don't care how

mad I was, I'd talk to my dad ad. Especially around the


Analysis :

Based on the statement of Kevin in the dialogues, Kevin gave suggestion

to Marley, he tried to convey Marley that he should not be afraid to talk

again with his son, they met in the church at evening while they saw a

singging group sang Christmas song in front of them, on the other side,

the researcher identified that Kevin used bald on record strategy because

Kevin spoke to Marley directly, clear and unambiguous, “My point is, you

should call your son.” it mean that Kevin had fulfill the requirements from

the bald on record strategy.


Duration 01.11.37 -> 01.11.54

Datum 2

Context :

In the afternoon Kevin went to grocery to bought groceries, Kevin met

Kelly the grocery storekeeper, at the time he had to pay the stuff, Kelly

asked him about his mother. It can be seen in dialogs below:

Kelly : Where's your mom?

Kevin : My mom's in the car44

Analysis :

Based on dialogs above, Kevin went to groceries at afternoon, Kelly

asked to Kevin, it was very rare the child went to the store without his

mother or his father, so Kelly wondered why Kevin went to grocery

store alone, so she asked him about where his mother was. From the

quotations above the researcher identified that Kevin used bald on

record strategy because Kevin spoke directly to Kelly, “My mom's in

the car.” from the conversation was expressed by Kevin to Kelly, it mean

that Kevin had used the bald on record strategy because Kevin made it


Datum 3

Context :

In the night of Christmas eve, Jeff ordered Pizza, but Buzz ate all the

pizza and Kevin did not eat the pizza, he disappointed to Buzz and

attacked Buzz, but Kevin’s mother got angry because Kevin acted

excessive. Then Kevin got punishment from his mother, he got pissed up

and he said terrible words to his mother. It can be seen in dialogs below:


Duration 00.53.28 -> 00.53.30

Kevin : I don't want to see you again for the rest of my whole life.

And I don't want to see anybody else either.

Kate : I hope you don't mean that. You'd feel pretty sad if you woke up

tomorrow morning and you didn't have a family.45

Analysis :

Show on the dialogue above, Kevin argued his mother at night, they got

problem because of Kevin’s attitude then Kevin disappointed to his family

that treated him like a scum and then Kate punished Kevin to sleep in

rooftop. Based on the quotations above, the researcher identified that

Kevin used bald on record strategy because Kevin spoke directly to Kate

because he disappointed to his family, “I don't want to see you again for the

rest of my whole life. And I don't want to see anybody else either” seen

from the conversation, Kevin said with clear and unambiguous. It mean

that Kevin had fulfill the requirements of bald on record strategy.

Datum 4

Context :

At the evening of christmas day, everybody in Kevin’s house was busy,,

they pack up their own stuff while Kevin still did not know what should he

does. Linnie asked Kevin to sleep with Fuller but Kevin was disappointed. It

can be seen in dialog below :

Linnie: You have to sleep on the hide-a-bed with Fuller. If he has

something to drink, he's going to wet the bed.

Kevin: This house is so full of people. It makes me sick! When I grow

up and get married, I'm living alone! Did you hear me? I'm

living alone! I'm living alone!46


Duration 00.12.14 -> 00.12.25 46

Duration 00.04.38 –> 00.04.57

Analysis :

Show on dialogue above, Kevin mad with Linnie who made him

disappointed with his family and Kevin scream in his house, the researcher

identified that Kevin used bald on record strategy because Kevin spoke

directly to Linnie and everybody in his house, “This house is so full of

people. It makes me sick! When I grow up and get married, I'm living alone!

Did you hear me? I'm living alone! I'm living alone!” seen from the

conversation, Kevin said with clear and unambiguous. It mean that

Kevin had fulfill the requirements of bald on record strategy.

From the explanations above, there were four bald on record strategy

used by the main character, according to limited of research in this part the

researcher found only one suggestion that main character used, and Kevin said it

to Marley in the church at evening.

b. Positive Politeness Strategy

According to Brown and Levinson, positive politeness strategy is directed

to the addressee’s positive face. This strategy is used to promote high

involvement and solidarity. Considering the positive face of person by

indicating that in some respects and also positive politeness seeks to

establish a positive relationship between parties; respects a person's need

to be liked and understood.47

Based on the data that the researcher found,

in positive politenesss the researcher only found three of the data. It can

be seen in the discourse below:

Datum 1

Context :

In the Christmas eve, Kevin went to the store and he saw an Elf woman, he

gave compliment to her about her shoes and then asked whereabouts Santa,

because he needed to talk with Santa and made wish that he wanted his

family to come back. It can be seen in dialogs below :


Brown and Levinson in Zeydan K. Omar and Sura Abdul Wahid, “A Pragmatic

Analysis of Impoliteness in Some of Harold Pinter's Plays”, p. 121.

Kevin : Hey, nice shoes.

Elf : Oh, thanks.

Kevin : Is he still here? It's really important that I see him.

Elf : Well, he's getting in his car. If you hurry, you can catch him.48

Analysis :

Show on the dialogues above, the researcher identified that Elf used the

positive politeness strategy because Elf put a positive face to Kevin.

She appreciated that Kevin complimented her about her shoes. Elf

throwed a smile at Kevin, it mean that Elf used positive politeness

because in the theory it shows that the smile or positive face is a part of

the theory, and Elf used this theory to appreciate Kevin’s complimented.

Datum 2

Context :

After Kevin finished to talk to Elf, Kevin came over to meet Santa in his

car and told Santa about Kevin’s wish. It can be seen in dialogs below :

Kevin : Okay, this is extremely important. Would you please tell Him

that instead of presents this year, I just want my family back.

No toys. Nothing but Peter, Kate, Buzz, Megan, Linnie and

Jeff. And my aunt and my cousins. And if he has time, my

Uncle Frank. Okay?

Santa : Okay. I'll see what I can do.49

Analysis :

Based on the dialogues above, Kevin requested to Santa to made his wish

came true, the researcher identified that Santa used the positive politeness

strategy because he appreciated Kevin is wish, he just wanted his family


Duration 01.03.46 -> 01.03.58 49

Duration 01.04.38 -> 01.04.59

back because he missed them so much. Even Kevin disappointed to his

family but deep inside his heart he missed them so much, Santa used the

positive politeness, because in this strategy explained that smile or positive

face is a condition of the theory. Santa had fulfill these requirements.

Datum 3

Context :

In the night of Christmas day, Kevin went to the church to pray to God,

then he met Marley at Church, then Marley advised Kevin to go home

because it was already late night and Kevin agreed with Marley. It can be

seen in dialogs below :

Marley : You better run along home where you belong. Think about

what I said. All right?

Kevin : Okay.

Marley : It's nice talking to you.

Kevin : Nice talking to you.50

Analysis :

Based on the dialogue above, Kevin and Marley respected each other, they

involuntary met in the church at night, because they got problem in their

life and they gave advice to each other, the researcher identified that Kevin

and Marley used the positive politeness strategy because they said the

same sentenses at the end of dialog. Kevin and Marley used the positive

politeness, because in this strategy explains that smile or positive face is a

condition of the theory. They both had fulfill these requirements.

From the explanations above, there were three positive politeness

strategy used by the main character and also based on the limited of research, in

this part the researcher only found one of requested that the main character used in

dialog, it can be seen in second example that Kevin made his wish to Santa.


Duration 01.12.28 -> 01.12.38

c. Negative Politeness Strategy

According to Brown and Levinson, negative politeness strategy is

satisfying person is negative face by recognizing and respecting the

addressee is negative face wants and negative politeness also making a

request less infringing.51

According to the data, the researcher found five of

data that included into negative politeness. It can be seen in the discourse


Datum 1

Context :

When Kevin asked Jeff about what should he packs up his stuff, but he

did not know what he should does, because the child like Kevin still

younger, as we knew the child should not pack up his own stuff by

himself. It can be seen in dialog below:

Kevin : Do you know what I should pack?

Jeff : Buzz told you, cheek-face. Toilet paper and water.52

Analysis :

Show on the dialogue above, Kevin asked Jeff at night when they were

busy at their own stuff, the researcher identified that Kevin used the

negative politeness strategy because Kevin put a negative face on Jeff,

Kevin used that strategy because he did not know what should he does, on

the other hand, because he was still a kid, and he did not know how to

pack up his stuff.


Brown and Levinson in Zeydan K. Omar and Sura Abdul Wahid, “A Pragmatic

Analysis of Impoliteness in Some of Harold Pinter's Plays”, p. 121 52

Duration 00.04.17 -> 00.04.20

Datum 2

Context :

Kevin went to store at afternoon to bought toothbrush, Kevin asked the

cashier about the toothbrush licence, because he needed to know the

toothbrush approved or not. It can be seen in this dialogs below :

Cashier : How may I help you?

Kevin : Is this toothbrush approved by the American Dental


Cashier : Well, I don't know. It doesn't say, hon.53

Analysis :

Show on the dialogues above, the researcher identified that Cashier used

the negative politeness strategy because Cashier put a negative face on

Kevin, Cashier used that strategy because she did not about Kevin and she

treated Kevin like other costumers of her store.

Datum 3

Context :

At the same time, Kevin asked again the cashier about the toothbrush

licence, he wanted to find out about that toothbrush. It can be seen in this

dialogs below :

Kevin : Can you please find out?

Cashier : Herb.

Herb : Yeah?

Cashier : I've got a question here about a toothbrush. Do you know,

is this brush approved by the American Dental


Herb : I don't know.54


Duration 00.38.50 -> 00.39.00 54

Duration 00.39.01 -> 00.39.22

Analysis :

Show on the dialogues above, Kevin requested the Cashier to find out

about the toothbrush, the researcher identified that Kevin also used the

negative politeness strategy because Kevin needed to find out about the

toothbrush approved or not approved by the American Dental

Association, the Cashier called her husband and asked about the

toothbrush, but her husband also did not know the answer.

Datum 4

Context :

Kevin entered Buzz’s room, after he scream out that he wanted to living

alone when he grew up, Kevin asked buzz can he sleep with Buzz in his

room, because Kevin did not want to sleep with Fuller. It can be seen in

dialog below :

Kevin : Can I sleep in your room? I don't want to sleep in the hide-a-

bed with Fuller. If he has something to drink, he'll wet the bed.

Buzz : I wouldn't let you sleep in my room if you were growing on my

ass. 55

Analysis :

Show on the dialogues above, Kevin asked Buzz that he wanted to sleep

with him, Kevin did not want to sleep with Fuller becuase he will wet the

bed, the researcher identified that Kevin also used the negative politeness

strategy because in this situation Kevin using “can” it mean that Kevin

asking his older brother for help, but Buzz did not want to help him.

Datum 5

Context :

In the night of christmas day, Buzz ordered pizza for dinner the the pizza

boy came over, everybody went to kitchen for eat their pizza, but Kevin


Duration 00.05.29 –> 00.05.40

was late comers so he asked his family about his pizza. It can be seen in

dialog below :

Kevin : Did anyone order me a plain cheese?

Buzz : Oh, yeah, we did. But if you want any, somebody's gonna

have to barf it up, because it's gone.56

Analysis :

Show on dialogues above, Kevin asked his family about his pizza, but the

pizza has been gone because he was late comers to kitchen where

everybody was eaten the pizza, researcher identified that Kevin also used

the negative politeness strategy because in this situation Kevin using

“did” it mean that Kevin tried to be polite because in kitchen there was

adults eat the pizza too.

From the explanations above, there were five negatve politeness strategy

used by the main character and also based on limited of research, the researcher

found two of request statement that the main character used, and Kevin used it

to the Cashier as we saw in third example and Kevin used it to Buzz as we saw

in fourth example.

d. Off Record Strategy

According to Brown and Levinson, off record strategy is delivering the

intention indirectly; it means that the off-record strategy is used by the

speaker to achieve a communicative intention indirectly.57

Based on the

data, only three of data that the researcher found in this part. It can be

seen in the discourse below :


Duration 00.09.19 –> 00.09.27 57

Brown and Levinson in Zeydan K. Omar and Sura Abdul Wahid, “A Pragmatic

Analysis of Impoliteness in Some of Harold Pinter's Plays”, p. 121

Datum 1

Context :

At the night when Kevin at home and thieves came to get him, Kevin

told Marv about where he was and asked Marv to get him before Kevin

called the police department. It can be seen in dialogs below:

Kevin : Down here, you big horse's ass! Come and get me before I

call the police.

Marv : Let's get him!58

Analysis :

Show on the dialogs above, Kevin commanded to Marv to get him before

he called police department, the researcher identified that Kevin used the

Off-Record Strategy because Kevin spoke indirectly to Marv seen from

the first sentence “Down here, you big horse's ass! Come and get me before

I call the police” it mean that Kevin actually wanted to say Harv was

criminal, but he used indirectly so that Kevin tried to make Harv angry and

asked Harv to chase him before he called the police. By talked like that,

Kevin hoped that Harv would understand his wishes, it mean that Kevin

used Off Record strategy.

Datum 2

Context :

At night of christmas, after Kevin finished to talk to Jeff, Kevin went to

Buzz’s without knock on the door before and then he called him. It can be

seen in this dialogs below :

Kevin : Buzz?

Buzz : Don't you know how to knock, phlegm-wad?59


Duration 00.27.23 -> 01.27.27 59

Duration 00.05.24 -> 00.05.28

Analysis :

Show on the dialogs above, the researcher identified that Buzz used the

Off-Record Strategy because Buzz spoke indirectly to Kevin seen from

the second conversations Buzz said “you know how to knock, phlegm-

wad?” it mean that Buzz actually wanted to say to Kevin that he was

helpless, but Buzz used indirectly to Kevin. By talked like that, Buzz

hoped that Kevin understand his wish, it mean that Buzz used Off Records

because in the theory explains that off record is talking indirectly and

Buzz spoke indirectly to Kevin.

Datum 3

Context :

Thus, at night of christmas where everybody was busy at their own

business to pack up their own stuff, Kevin spoke to Jeff and Megan, Kevin

disappointed about Megan’s statement and Jeff agreed with Megan, Kevin

replied the statement to Jeff. It can be seen in dialogs below:

Kevin : I'm not an idiot!

Megan : Oh, really? You're completely helpless! Everyone has to

do everything for you.

Jeff : She's right, Kev.

Kevin : Excuse me, puke-breath. I'm a lot smaller than you. I

don't know how to pack a suitcase.60

Analysis :

Show on the dialogs above, the researcher identified that Kevin used the

Off-Record Strategy because Kevin spoke indirectly to Jeff, seen from the

fourth conversations Kevin said “Excuse me, puke-breath. I'm a lot smaller

than you. I don't know how to pack a suitcase.” It mean that Kevin wanted

to say to Jeff that he was suck but Kevin used indirectly to Jeff. By talked


Duration 00.04.02 -> 00.04.12

like that, Kevin hope that Jeff understand his wish, it mean that Kevin

used Off Record because in the theory explains that off record is talking

indirectly and Kevin spoke indirectly to Jeff. According to limited of

research, the researcher found requested statement that the main character

used in this part, as we saw in the first example.

Based on Brown and Levinson theory, from the explanations above it

can be concluded there were four kinds of politeness strategies are used by the

main character in Home Alone 1, they are bald on record, positive politeness,

negative politeness, off record strategy. Referring to the question number one

about types of politeness strategies, it was found that there are four types about

politeness strategis used by the main character, they are bald on record, positive

politeness, negative politeness, off record, this finding was similiar with Resi

Novira. The researcher found negative politeness was mostly dominant in this

film, while Resi Novira thesis found the same, that mostly dominant about

negative politeness.

2. The Ways of Using Politeness Strategies

In this part, the researcher explained about how the main character’s ways

of using politeness strategies, there are two ways of it, direct communicating

and indirect communicating. It can be seen below:

a. Direct Communicating

According to Kierkegaard, direct communication happens when a speaker’s

true intentions are communicated in his/her verbal message. It

expresses the speaker’s/sender’s needs and desires explicitly.61


to the data that the researcher found, only four of the dta but the reseaarher

only put two example of direct comunicating. It can be seen in the

quotation below :

61 George Pattison. “The Theory and Practice of Language and Communication in

Kierkegaard’s Upbuilding Discourses” p. 85-87.

Datum 1

Context :

In the night of Christmas eve, Kevin went to church and sat on chair with

Marley, they both involuntary met in there because they had bad feeling

about their self, and they talked each other about their problems. Whereas

Kevinn had problem about his family, and Marley had problem with his

son, then Kevin spoke direct and clear to Marley. It can be seen in the

dialogs below:

Marley : What's your point?

Kevin : My point is, you should call your son.

Marley : What if he won't talk to me?

Kevin : At least you'll know. Then you could stop worrying about it.

Then you won't have to be afraid anymore. I don't care how

mad I was, I'd talk to my dad ad. Especially around the


Analysis :

According to statement of Kevin in the dialogues, the researcher

identified that Kevin used direct comunicating strategy because Kevin

spoke to Marley directly, clear and unambiguous, “My point is, you

should call your son.” it mean that Kevin had fulfill the requirements from

the directly comunicating strategy.

Datum 2

Context :

Kate gave Kevin punishment because Kevin’s attitude at the night, Kate

asked Kevin to sleep in rooftop all along, and Kevin disappointed because

his family treated him like a scum. It can be seen in dialogs below:


Duration 01.11.37 -> 01.11.54

Kevin : I don't want to see you again for the rest of my whole life.

And I don't want to see anybody else either.

Kate : I hope you don't mean that. You'd feel pretty sad if you woke up

tomorrow morning and you didn't have a family.63

Analysis :

Based on the dialogues above, when Kevin disappointed that how his

family treat him like a scum and then Kate punished Kevin to sleep at

night in rooftop. Show on the dialogues, it can be known that Kevin in the

Home Alone film, the first conversation when Kevin talked to Marley, then

Kevin Gave him an advised to call his son, then the second conversations

when Kevin talked with Kate that Kevin disappointed to his family and he

did not want to see them anymore, in this situation Kevin spoke directly

and clear to Marley and Kate. Based on the quotation above the researcher

identified that Kevin used the direct communicating to speak to Marley and

Kate about his wishes.

Datum 3

Context :

At the evening of christmas day, everybody in Kevin’s house was busy,,

they pack up their own stuff while Kevin still did not know what should he

does. Linnie asked Kevin to sleep with Fuller but Kevin was disappointed. It

can be seen in dialog below :

Linnie: You have to sleep on the hide-a-bed with Fuller. If he has

something to drink, he's going to wet the bed.

Kevin: This house is so full of people. It makes me sick! When I grow

up and get married, I'm living alone! Did you hear me? I'm

living alone! I'm living alone!64


Duration 00.12.14 -> 00.12.25 64

Duration -> 04.38 – 04.57

Analysis :

Show on dialogue above, Kevin mad with Linnie who made him

disappointed with his family and Kevin scream in his house, the researcher

identified that Kevin used direct communicating because Kevin spoke

directly to Linnie and everybody in his house, “This house is so full of

people. It makes me sick! When I grow up and get married, I'm living alone!

Did you hear me? I'm living alone! I'm living alone!” seen from the

conversation, Kevin said with clear and unambiguous. It mean that

Kevin had fulfill the requirements of indirect communicating. From the

explanations above, there are three direct communicating used by the

main character.

b. Indirect Communicating

According to Kierkegaard, indirect communication happens when a

speaker’s true intentions are hidden. Indirect speakers will not make a

direct statement or directly answer a question that might cause tension or

result in an uncomfortable situation.65

According to the data that the

researcher found, only three of the data in this part but the researcher only

put two example of indirect comunicating in here. It can be seen in the

quotation below:

Datum 1

Context :

In the night of christmas eve, Kevin was Home Alone and the thieves

came to his house and Kevin told Marv about where he was and asked

Marv to get him before Kevin called the police department. It can be

seen in dialogs below:


George Pattison. “The Theory and Practice of Language and Communication in

Kierkegaard’s Upbuilding Discourses” p. 85-87.

Kevin : Down here, you big horse's ass! Come and get me before I

call the police.

Marv : Let's get him!66

Analysis :

Show on the dialogs above, the researcher identified that Kevin used the

indirect comunicating Strategy because Kevin spoke indirectly to Marv

seen from the first sentence “Down here, you big horse's ass! Come and get

me before I call the police” it mean that Kevin wanted to say criminal to

Harv but he used indirectly so that Kevin tried to make Harv mad and

asked Harv to chase him before he called the police. By talked like that,

Kevin hope that Harv understand his wish, it mean that Kevin used

indirect communicating.

Datum 2

Context :

Thus, at night of christmas where everybody was busy at their own

business to pack up their own stuff, Kevin spoke to Jeff and Megan, Kevin

disappointed about Megan’s statement and Jeff agreed with Megan, Kevin

replied the statement to Jeff. It can be seen in dialogs below:

Megan : You're completely helpless! Everyone has to

do everything for you.

Jeff : She's right, Kev.

Kevin : Excuse me, puke-breath. I'm a lot smaller than you.67

Analysis :

Show on the dialogs above, the researcher identified that Kevin used the

indirect comunicating Strategy because Kevin spoke indirectly to Jeff,

seen from the fourth conversations Kevin said “Excuse me, puke-breath.


Duration 00.27.23 -> 01.27.27 67

Duration 00.04.02 -> 00.04.12

I'm a lot smaller than you. I don't know how to pack a suitcase.” It means

that Kevin actually wanted to say to Jeff that he was helpless but Kevin

used indirectly to Jeff. By talked like that, Kevin hoped that Jeff

understand his wish, it mean that Kevin used indirect communicating.

Based on the quotation above the researcher identified that Kevin used

the indirect communicating, first conversation when he talked with Harv

and, the second conversations when he talked with Jeff. There are two

indirect communicating of the ways to being politeness strategies by the

main character.

From the explanations above it can be concluded there were two the

Main Character’s Ways of Using Politeness Strategies in Home Alone film. First,

Direct Communicating: where Kevin spoke directly to Marley and Kate.

Second, indirect Communicating: where Kevin spoke indirectly to Marv and

Jeff. This finding matched with theory by Kiekegaard, saying that two ways of

how using politeness strategy, but the differences from other research findings,

the researcher focussed on Kevin’s utterances and the other characters are being

involved while they were in conversation while Mifta Hasmi from Arts

Yogyakarta State University only discussed about types and realized in the

utterances employed. The researcher found Direct Communicating mostly

dominant in this film.




This chapter consists of conclusion and suggestion. The researcher

concluded base on the finding and discussion, also gave some suggestion to the

reader. There are two parts of conclusion, which is summary and concluding


A. Conclusion

1. There four types of politeness strategies in Home Alone 1 film consist of : Bald

on record, Positive politeness, Negative politeness, and last Off record. The

types of politeness strategies found Bald on Record as four data, Positive

Politeness three data, Negative Politeness five data, and Off Record three data.

In Bald on Record, the researcher found suggestion statement that the main

character used in the conversation, in Positive Politeness and Negative

Politeness, the researcher found request statement that the main character used

in conversation, thus, in Off Record, the researcher found command statement

that the main character used in the conversation. In conclusion, Negative

Politeness mostly dominant used in this movie, because it more polite and in

this film the main character often talked to stranger.

2. The Main Character’s Ways of Using Politeness Strategies in Home Alone 1 ,

they are direct communicating, the researcher found three data and indirect

communicating the researcher found two data. In conclusion, direct

communicating mostly dominant used in this film, because the main character

often talked direct, clear, and unambiguous.

In conclusion, the findings in this research showed that the main

character’s used Negative Politeness mostly dominant in this movie, because it

more polite and in this film the main character often talked to strangers. This

research also showed that the main character used direct communicating more

than he used indirect communicating. This research was important because

politeness was part of human life.

B. Suggestion

The researcher states several point that could be used as suggestion and

recommendation for the readers who interested in studying the politeness strategy

because there are a lot of things that can be discussed about linguistic especially

about politeness strategy in the different discussion and point of view.

Meanwhile, for the student who are learning the politeness strategy, this

research can be alternative reference, because this research present the politeness

strategy in Home Alone film that involving the study of context, speech act,

speech event, and so on.

In addition, it also recommended for the next researchers who are

interested in doing further research in the same area to use these findings as a

starting point in conducting the research. Moreover, by using the theory Brown

and Levinson, it is suggested to use other sources of data such as from the book or

journal, advertisement or even in spoken language like speech and so on. Overall,

this research hopes to be useful for all the readers, especially who are interested in

the same field because politeness is interesting topic to discuss.


Afnani, Ahlam Veryya. (2013). “Politeness in Love Expression Used in the

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Bloch, Bernard; & Trager, George L. (1942). Outline of linguistic analysis.

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Foreign Language Learning, Teaching and Testing. New York: Cromwell


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Holmes, J. (1996). Women, men, and politeness. London: Longman.

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Meg In Monte Carlo Movie,” Faculty of Humanities Dian Nuswantoro


Istvan Kecskes and Laurance. (2007). Exploration In Pragmatics Linguistics,

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John, W. Creswell (1997). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design. United

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1990. Home Alone Script. Retrivied from https://subscene.icu/subtitles/english-




1990. Home Alone Synopsis. Retrivied from



A. Kinds of Politeness Strategies Used by the Main Character.

1. Bald on Record Strategy

No Dialogue/Pictures Description Duration



Marley : What's your point?

Kevin : My point is, you

should call your son.

Marley : What if he won't

talk to me?

Kevin : At least you'll

know. Then you could stop

worrying about it. Then you

won't have to be afraid

anymore. I don't care how

mad I was, I'd talk to my dad.

Especially around the


Kelly : Where's your mom?

Kevin : My mom's in the


Kevin spoke

directly, clear,

and unambiguous

to Marley, that he

should not be

afraid to talk

again with his


Kevin spoke

directly, clear,

and unambiguous

to Kelly, because

Kelly wondered

where Kevin’s

mother was.

01.11.37 -> 01.11.54

00.53.28 -> 00.53.30



Kevin : I don't want to see

you again for the rest of my

whole life. And I don't want

to see anybody else either.

Kate : I hope you don't

mean that. You'd feel pretty

sad if you woke up tomorrow

morning and you didn't have

a family.

Linnie: You have to sleep on

the hide-a-bed with Fuller. If

he has something to drink, he's

going to wet the bed.

Kevin: This house is so full of

people. It makes me sick!

When I grow up and get

married, I'm living alone!

Did you hear me? I'm living

alone! I'm living alone!

Kevin spoke

direcly, clear, and

unambigous to

his mother, that

he disappointed

with his family.

Kevin spoke

directly, clear to

Linnie that he

wanted to live

alone when he

grew up

00.12.14 -> 00.12.25

00.04.38 – 00.04.57

There were four Bald on Record strategies used by the main character.

2. Positive Politeness Strategy

No Dialogue/Pictures Description Duration



Kevin : Hey, nice shoes.

Elf : Oh, thanks.

Kevin : Is he still here? It's

really important that I see him.

Elf : Well, he's getting in his

car. If you hurry, you can

catch him.

Kevin : Okay, this is

extremely important. Would

you please tell Him that

instead of presents this year, I

just want my family back. No

toys. Nothing but Peter, Kate,

Buzz, Megan, Linnie and Jeff.

And my aunt and my cousins.

And if he has time, my Uncle

Frank. Okay?

Santa : Okay. I'll see what

I can do

Elf put positive

face to Kevin

because she

appreciated Kevin


Santa put positive

face to Kevin,

because he


Kevin’s wish to

have his family


01.03.46 -> 01.03.58

01.04.38 -> 01.04.59


Marley : You better run along

home where you belong.

Think about what I said. All


Kevin : Okay.

Marley : It's nice talking to


Kevin : Nice talking to you.

Kevin and

Marley, they

discussed their

problem together

in the church and

in the end of

conversation they

put positive face


01.12.28 -> 01.12.38

There were three Positive Strategies used by the main character.

3. Negative Politeness Starategy

No Dialogue Description Duration


Kevin : Do you know what I

should pack?

Jeff : Buzz told you, cheek-

face. Toilet paper and water.

At the night of


everybody was

busy with their

own stuff, while

kevin did not

know what

should he does.

So Kevin asked

Jeff, and Kevin

put negative face

to Jeff.

00.04.17 -> 00.04.20



Cashier : How may I help


Kevin : Is this toothbrush

approved by the American

Dental Association?

Cashier : Well, I don't know. It

doesn't say, hon.

Kevin : Can you please find


Cashier : Herb.

Herb : Yeah?

Cashier : I've got a question

here about a toothbrush. Do

you know, is this brush

approved by the American

At afternoon,

Kevin went to

grocery to buy

toothbrush, and

then he came to

the cashier and

the cashier asked

him. The cashier

put negative face

to Kevin because

she did not know

Kevin and treated

Kevin as other


At the same time,

Kevin asked the

cashier to find out

about that

toothbrush, so the

cashier called her

husband and

asked him, but

her husband did

not know about

that toothbrush

approved or not

by American



00.38.50 -> 00.39.00

00.39.01 -> 00.39.22



Dental Association?

Herb : I don't know.

Kevin : Can I sleep in your

room? I don't want to sleep in

the hide-a-bed with Fuller. If he

has something to drink, he'll wet

the bed.

Buzz : I wouldn't let you sleep in

my room if you were growing on

my ass.

Kevin : Did anyone order me a

plain cheese?

Buzz : Oh, yeah, we did. But if

you want any, somebody's gonna

have to barf it up, because it's


Kevin asked

Buzz that he

wanted to sleep

with him, but

Buzz rejected

Kevin’s wish.

Kevin asked his

family about his

pizza, but Buzz

ate kevin’s pizza,

then Kevin

fought with Buzz

until he got

punishment from

his mother

00.05.29 –> 00.05.40

00.09.19 –> 00.09.27

There were five Negative Politeness Strategies used by the main character.

4. Off Record

No Dialogue Description Duration




Kevin : Down here, you big

horse's ass! Come and get

me before I call the police.

Marv : Let's get him!

Kevin : Buzz?

Buzz : Don't you know how

to knock, phlegm-wad?

Kevin : I'm not an idiot!

Megan : Oh, really? You're

completely helpless!

Everyone has to do

everything for you.

At the night of

christmas, the

thieves came

over to Kevin’s

house, Kevin


Indirectly to

Marv, he tried to


Marv to get him

before he called

the police.

At the night of

christmas, after

Kevin asked his

cousin in his

house, Kevin

went to Buzz’s

room, but when

he entered

Buzz’s room he

forgot to know

the door, so Buzz

asked him with



At the night of

christmas, Kevid

talked with

Megan and Jeff,

whereas Kevin

used indirectly

statement to Jeff

that he did not

know what

should he packed


01.27.23 -> 01.27.27

00.05.24 -> 00.05.28

00.04.02 -> 00.04.12

Jeff : She's right, Kev.

Kevin : Excuse me, puke-

breath. I'm a lot smaller than

you. I don't know how to

pack a suitcase.

There were three Off Record Strategies used by the main character.

B. The Main Character’s Ways of Using Politeness Strategies

1. Direct Communicating

No Dialogue Description Duration


Marley : What's your point?

Kevin : My point is, you

should call your son.

Marley : What if he won't talk

to me?

Kevin : At least you'll know.

Then you could stop worrying

about it. Then you won't have

to be afraid anymore. I don't

care how mad I was, I'd talk

to my dad. Especially around

the holidays.

Kevin used direct

communicating to

Marley, that he

should not be

afraid to talk

again with his


01.11.37 -> 01.11.54



Kevin : I don't want to see

you again for the rest of my

whole life. And I don't want

to see anybody else either.

Kate : I hope you don't mean

that. You'd feel pretty sad if

you woke up tomorrow

morning and you didn't have a


Linnie: You have to sleep on

the hide-a-bed with Fuller. If he

has something to drink, he's

going to wet the bed.

Kevin: This house is so full of

people. It makes me sick! When I

grow up and get married, I'm

living alone! Did you hear me?

I'm living alone! I'm living alone!

Kevin used direct

communicating to

his mother, that

he disappointed

with his family.

Kevin spoke

directly, clear to

Linnie that he

wanted to live

alone when he

grew up

00.12.14 -> 00.12.25

00.04.38 – 00.04.57

There were three Direct Communicating used by the main character.

2. Indirect Communicating

No Dialogue Description Duration



Kevin : Down here, you big

horse's ass! Come and get

me before I call the police.

Marv : Let's get him!

Kevin : I'm not an idiot!

Megan : Oh, really? You're

completely helpless!

Everyone has to do

everything for you.

Jeff : She's right, Kev.

Kevin : Excuse me, puke-

breath. I'm a lot smaller than

you. I don't know how to

pack a suitcase.

Kevin used


communicating to

provocateur Marv

Kevin used


communicating to

Jeff, because he

tried to defence

his respect

00.27.23 -> 01.27.27

00.04.02 -> 00.04.12

There were two Indirect Communicating used by the main character.


The McCallister family is preparing to spend Christmas in Paris, gathering

at Peter and Kate's home in a Chicago suburb on the night before their departure.

Peter and Kate's youngest son, Kevin, is the subject of ridicule by his older

siblings. Later, Kevin accidentally ruins the family dinner and their flight tickets

to Paris after a scuffle with his older brother Buzz, resulting in him getting sent to

the attic of the house as a punishment, where he berates Kate and wishes that his

family would disappear. During the night, heavy winds damage the power lines,

which causes a power outage and resets the alarm clocks, causing the family to

oversleep. In the confusion and rush to get to the airport, Kevin is accidentally left


Kevin wakes to find the house empty and, thinking that his wish has come

true, is overjoyed with his newfound freedom. However, he soon becomes

frightened by his next door neighbor, Old Man Marley, who is rumored to be

a serial killer who murdered his own family, as well as the "Wet Bandits", Harry

and Marv, a pair of burglars who have been breaking into other vacant houses in

the neighborhood and have targeted the McCallisters' house. Kevin tricks them

into thinking that his family is still home, forcing them to put their plans on hold.

Kate realizes mid-flight that Kevin was left behind, and upon arrival in

Paris, the family discovers that all flights for the next two days are booked. Peter

and the rest of the family stay in his brother's apartment in Paris, while Kate

manages to get a flight back to the United States, but only gets as far as Scranton,

Pennsylvania. She attempts to book a flight to Chicago, but again, everything is

booked. Unable to accept this, Kate is overheard by Gus Polinski, the lead

member of a traveling polka band, who offers to let her travel with them

to Chicago on their way to Milwaukee in a moving van, which she gratefully


Meanwhile, Harry and Marv finally realize that Kevin is home alone, and

on Christmas Eve, Kevin overhears them discussing plans to break into his house

that night. Kevin starts to miss his family and asks the local Santa

Claus impersonator if he could bring his family back for Christmas. He goes to

church and watches a choir perform, then meets Old Man Marley, who dispels the

rumors about him. He points out his granddaughter in the choir, whom he never

gets to meet, as he and his son are estranged; Kevin suggests that he should

reconcile with his son.

Kevin returns home and rigs the house with booby traps to take on the

burglars. Harry and Marv break in, spring the traps, and suffer various injuries.

While the duo pursues Kevin around the house, he calls the police and flees, then

lures Harry and Marv into a neighboring home which they previously broke into.

They ambush him and prepare to get their revenge, but Marley intervenes and

knocks them unconscious with his snow shovel. The police arrive and arrest Harry

and Marv, having identified all the houses that they broke into due to Marv's

destructive characteristic of flooding them.

On Christmas Day, Kevin is disappointed to find that his family is still

gone. He then hears Kate enter the house and call for him; they reconcile and are

soon joined by Peter, Buzz, Jeff, Megan, and Linnie, who waited in Paris until

they could obtain a direct flight to Chicago. Kevin keeps silent about his

encounter with Harry and Marv, although Peter finds Harry's knocked-out gold

tooth. Kevin then observes Marley reuniting with his son, daughter-in-law, and

granddaughter. Marley notices Kevin, and the pair wave to each other.