English Language Arts Terms 2

Post on 07-Nov-2014

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Elementary School

Transcript of English Language Arts Terms 2

The standard rules of spelling, grammar, usage, capitalization, and punctuation


Language Arts Terms 2

Makes a statement and ends with a period

Declarative Sentence

Tells which one (this, that, these, those) Demonstrative



Someone’s exact words Direct Quotation

The part of the writing process when the writer first puts ideas on paper in the form of a composition


To give more detailsElaborate

Shows strong feelings. It ends with an exclamation point (!)

Exclamatory Sentence

Shows action will happen Future Tense

A verb that comes before the main verb, such as have, has, had.

Helping Verb

Thoughts that form the main points of a composition


Gives a command and ends with a period

Imperative Sentence

To begin the first line of a sentence a few spaces from the margin


A word that shows strong feeling Interjection

Asks a question and ends with a question mark

Interrogative Sentence

Verbs that do not use –ed to show past action

Irregular Verbs

A verb that joins the subject to a word in the predicate that names or describes the subject

Linking Verb

The most important thought Main Idea

The most important verb Main Verb

A word that means “no” Negative

A word that names a person, a place, or a thing


Word that signal sequence, such as first, next, or last

Order Words

The structure of a composition


The End