Engle Za

Post on 05-Nov-2015

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Transcript of Engle Za


It was warm here. The breeze was gentle and it came as a consolation for her heart. This was the place of the beginning: the sea in front of her, the cliff that she stood on, even the wind, they all were her witnesses over and over again. The cliff was just next to the road that connected the two halves of the city. It was partly hidden by a birch that had grown over the years. The road would pass next to it, for the town had been separated in the West Side and the East Side and the two parts had developed quite separately, eventually turning in two smaller towns. There were many people that would cross daily that path, for it was the only road between the two cities. That somehow reminded her about him. He came from the West Side which was considered to be poorer than the Eastern one. They would always joke about how her coming from East and him coming from West would be the work of fate. "He should be here by now", her thoughts surfaced. Observing how her mind would always return to him, no matter what she did, she sighed. Her coming here was proof enough that she was still looking for him, even in her dreams. As the wind slowly dispersed, she heard footsteps behind. It was a slow walk, with heavy steps. She could hear the pebbles creaking under the stranger's feet.

"Excuse me, I've been watching you", a deep, vibrant voice emerged from her right. "You're not here to die or anything, right?" The voice had an ironic tone that masked uneasiness. "No", she said after a while, smiling wearily. "I'm actually here to live", she added, turning her face towards the stranger. Her smile grew at the sight of his face, but at the same time, it felt as if something had suddenly saddened her whole person, from her soul to her body. "I'm Sebastian", he said, a big smile spreading across his face."I'm Cielle", she answered as they both started to giggle."Would you like a cup of coffee? It's right around the corner", he quickly added pointing at the road towards the East Side. She knew the cafe, it was a small building with tall windows. It had been built about 8 years ago, and it was quite successful. In hot summer days, the cafe would be full, all the people that crossed the cliff would stop there to take a rest. "Wait a moment, I'm a bit busy here", she said as she turned towards her backpack. She then pulled out an old polaroid camera, the type that aren't made anymore. She checked the camera and turned towards the man beside her."Smile! One", she positioned her camera in front of them both, "Two", she said as she turned her face towards it, "Three!" And as she pushed the photo button, waiting for the flash to come and take her back, she felt more happy than she had been in a long time.


"Hey, wake up mister! It's late already and you promised you would fix my toy!"The voice was that of a child. It was quite annoying, although he couldn't remember why. His head hurt but he wasn't exactly sure why for he hadn't been drinking. He slowly opened his eyes and cleared his throat."What are you looking at?" he asked the boy with a minacious look. "I had some bad dreams, I don't have time for that now", he said getting up and stretching. "This sofa is clearly not comfortable he added slowly."You said...that you would fix my toy..." The boy's voice started to tremble as if he was about to cry.The man turned his face towards the kid and watched him. The boy was about 5 or 6 years old and he was holding a robot toy so hard that his wrists were almost white. He sighed. He had nothing to do with the kid. It was his father the one that owed Sebastian more than 70000 dollars. This was the only reason that Sebastian kept coming here. He sighed again and took the robot in his hands, trying to stick its arm back in place. "Where is your father, Emmanuel? And don't try to lie to me, I know he was here yesterday."The child raised his shoulders, his eyes still fixed on the toy."Yeah, he was here", he answered. "But then he left again and didn't say a word.""Didn't he say anything at all? Where he's going? When he's coming back?" Sebastian asked rashly."Why would he tell me that?" The kid's voice was shaking again. Sebastian felt sorry for him, but he couldn't comfort the kid. It was too late for that now."I'm wasting my time here", Sebastian muttered as he handed the now fully functional toy back into the kid's arms. The boy looked at him with pure admiration as he ruffled his hair. Sebastian sighed again and took his jacket from the top of the table."I'm going now, but I'll be back", he said smiling. "Close the door behind me, alright?""Yes sir!" Emmanuel waved his hand and smiled as the man got out of the apartment.

He hated stairs. He couldn't remember why or when it had started, but he hated them. This building had no elevator so he was forced to take them. As he reached the second floor, his phone started ringing."Hello?""Mr. Michaelis?""Yes. Who's this?""I am sorry to disturb you sir, I am lawyer Alexander Turner, at your service. You knew Ms Cielle Phantomhive, right? If you are not busy at the moment, could you please come to my office in Greenland 22, let's say in half an hour? You see, Ms Phantomhive intends to leave you a house and we have to get through some paperwork." At that point, Sebastian stopped from descending the stairs. "Could you say that again?" "Sir, it's about a building left to you by Ms Phantomhive. Please come by my office and we'll talk this through. I'll explain then all you need to know.""Alright", Sebastian agreed. "I'll be there as soon as I can."As he ended the phone call, Sebastian remained still as he started thinking. This was strange, no doubt about it. Why would Cielle leave him the house? He rushed towards the address he was given. From where he was now, he could get there on foot in about 20 minutes.

The road to the lawyer was passing through a part of the city that carried important memories for him. As he fastened his pace, Sebastian soon found himself gazing at a building. It was a white house surrounded by dark red roses that had climbed over the walls, almost reaching to the roof. It was barely visible for it was surrounded by a 1.5 meters high concrete wall that had also been flooded by the dark petals of the roses. Amongst the flowers many climbing herbs had grown as well, making the house look half abandoned, half mysterious. He remembered how much care Cielle used to have of those roses. It was the end of may now but the roses' beauty was not fully observed because of the weeds. Without realising, he approached a weed stem and ripped it off angrily. He didn't have the time to further analyse the building so he rushed towards the address that he was given as thoughts began to pile up in his head. Memories filled with her face came from a place unknown to him. He shook his head in disgust and kept walking even faster. He was almost running now and as he reached the building, he had to take out a tissue and buffer his perspired forehead. He entered the building a bit vexed but more curious and intrigued about the turn of events. Just then, a man dressed in a well tailored suit approached him from the reception."Ah, you must be Mr. Michaelis", the man said in a medium pitched voice. "I'm Alexander Turner, we talked over the phone", he said shaking Sebastian's hand in a strong grip. "Follow me please". The man was quite short but spirited and very efficient. In less than 10 minutes he had explained to Sebastian many of the technical details such as the state of the house and even what payments had to be done in order for him to become the owner. At the end of his presentation, the lawyer asked him whether there was anything unclear to him."Is she really giving it to me? Cielle...I mean the owner...why would she do that?" He asked reluctantly."I am sorry sir, the lawyer answered, we do not possess that information. We only process the paperwork...""Well then, is...is the value good now? When can I... sell it?""Well, according to these papers", the lawyer nodded, "the official giving date will set once the report of her death is processed. We just called you in advance because of the tax issue and such.""Re..report of death?" Sebastian's eyes almost gauged out of his head. He would have expected some more or less real reasons for his ex wife to let him the house, but this had not been among them. He could barely hear what the lawyer had answered him, for he was caught up in his thoughts. He knew nothing of Cielle's condition and that made him feel somewhat annoyed.

Although he had no feelings for Cielle anymore, Sebastian parted with the lawyer in a rush and headed towards the hospital where the man had told him Cielle was. He wasn't sure why he felt the sudden wish to see her again, after their breakup. It was 3 years ago, in spring. They had been married for almost 4 years at that time and the reason for their breakup was mainly the fact that Cielle didn't want any children. He was mad back then, because before they married they had talked about it and she wanted kids. At some point during their marriage, she just changed her mind. As he reached the hospital, he looked up the building. It was sunny outside, however the grey walls of the hospital darkened the air, filling it with sadness and pain. He asked about her at the reception and found her to be hospitalized on the fifth floor. Wanting to clean his mind, he took the stairs for the first time instead of the elevator and even delayed his arrival to her room, as if he dreaded meeting her again. As he approached the door, he stopped in front of it and looked through the thick window. He was not sure whether he wanted or not to see her, for he was scared now of what she might say, after so many years. He checked the list on the left of the metal door. It said "room 507" and there were two names written in black ink: " Cyrus, Melinda" and "Phantomhive, Cielle". He prepared to knock but decided to just simply enter. As he slowly slid the door to his right, a grey haired woman stood in front of him, smiling happily.Albert!she cried, You're here! she added hugging him fiercely. She then dragged him inside and made him sat on her bed. Tears had filled her blue eyes. She looked at him with love and care and it was clear that it had been a very long time since she had been this happy. Sebastian was a little shocked, as he did not know how to react to such a welcome. She grabbed his hands and started crying as she was rapidly talking.What..took you so long? I've waited for you...so dearly!Recovering from the shock, Sebastian freed his hands from her grip and asked her: Who are you, old lady?Come see him! Come now! Come see my Albert! the old woman shouted.What Albert, lady? My name is not Albert!As the elder woman kept yelling, a few white coated hospital personnel appeared in the door. A woman approached them smiling.Oh, this is Albert? So in the end he really existed then. A man from the back continued her phrase.Hey man, what took you so long? Your mother has waited so much for you! How could you not visit her all this time? No, no, it's because I am not...Sebastians explanation was suddenly interrupted by the old woman's shout: Cielle! Cielle! My son is here! she said pulling the curtains that were around a bed in the left corner. Sebastian turned his head towards the bed. He could see Cielles thin body laid on the bed, as she was wrapped in a blue blanket. She was pale and had a cannula coming out of her nostrils and her left arm was connected to a serum dispenser that was delivering her a transparent liquid, drop by drop.Ah, she's doing it again! one of the nurses said sighing. Grandma, she can't hear you, she's in a coma! Your mother...she has dementia, the nurse added in a slow voice. That's why she's talking to that patient right now. You can just go along with her. Sometimes she gets back to normal.Sebastian was barely hearing what the nurse said. His attention was fully directed towards the woman in the bed. She was standing still, she did not even flinch. She seemed to be sleeping as far as Sebastian could say.

After some time, the novelty of Albert worn off and all the medical staff left the room, leaving the two, mother and son, to talk. As she sat on her bed, Sebastian reached for the night table on which there was a bag of raisins. He took it and poured some in his hands, stretching out his arm for the old woman to grab them. She started taking them one by one, making a slurp sound as she ate them. As she ate, Sebastian kept looking at his ex wifes body. She seemed so calm and peaceful, unaware of what was going on around her.Do you like her? the woman asked, turning her face towards her son. She's pretty right? she continued as he turned his head towards her.Yes... By the way, how much longer do I need to still hold these?Ah, poor girl, the woman interrupted him. No one knows her condition she said, this time turning her face towards the bed where Cielle's body was resting. Is she really bad? Sebastian asked also turning his head towards the girl.She sleeps all day and all night the woman sighed. She won't even wake up.Sebastian turned again towards the old woman. He watched her as she frowned looking at the girl. What's her problem? He then asked, briefly turning his face towards the girl and then back towards the old lady, waiting for her response. As she looked at him her voice intensified and she started to gesticulate.They said it's all broken up here, she said pointing at her chest and belly, Pretty much everywhere, she added, still moving her hands in a circular motion around her top.Then, she could die any minute? he asked with a lower voice, looking at Cielles face.No! the old lady screamed. Don't say something like that! Never, okay? She asked on a more calm tone.Okay, okay Sebastian nodded. The woman lowered her shoulders and smiled.Ah, I'm so glad to see my Albert again! Will you come back tomorrow again? with raisins? She asked.Sure...I guess, Sebastian nodded blinking.I love my Albert, the old woman said patting his shoulder as he turned his face towards Cielle again.

How is that patient's condition, that Cielle? he asked a nurse a few minutes later as he was walking out the door. She looked at him curiously and asked him:Why is it that you want to know?Well, I am curious since she is sharing the room with my mother, he answered briskly. Sheshe has diabetes and terminal stage kidney failure the nurse answered. For...how long? I mean for a long time?She came to this hospital about two years ago and her illness started three years ago.Three years..., he repeated shrugging his shoulders. He looked through the window at her bed.Before it gets worse, she needs to get kidney transplantation, the nurse continued, But her turn is behind schedule. I'm not sure is she can hang in there until then...

By the time Sebastian left the hospital, it was already dark outside. He left his foot carry him, deep into his thoughts, until he reached Cielle's house again. On a moment's impulse he checked to see whether he was alone or not and seeing that the street was empty he soared into the air, climbed a step and then jumped over the concrete wall. As he got to the front door, he lifted the security interphone protection and stepped back. His hand reached for the keyboard but his fingers stopped a few millimetres away from it. He clenched his fist and tried once more to get close to it. He retracted his hand again and let it fell next to his body. What was the number? Gosh my memory is vague, I can't remember it...He lifted his arm again and pressed a combination of buttons, but the moment he lifted his hand the alarm went off and an annoying beep started to sound all around. He pressed some buttons again, in the hope that his choice was correct this time but the alarm went off again even louder than before. With no other choice left, he closed the cover of the interphone and broke a lateral window that opened to the kitchen. He entered quickly and stopped a second to recover his breath. He turned on his camera flashlight and went straight to the switch but when he clicked it the lights didn't lit. He sighed and started to walk around the house, inspecting what Cielle had changed and what she had kept. As he got to the living room, which was connected to the kitchen through a cement vault, he spotted the white wooden table that he and Cielle had bought when they got married. 3 years ago... As he stood there, the lights went on and he could see himself three years younger, approaching Cielle. She was sitting on a chair at the table with her hands tight together around her knees. Looking back at it, she was clenching her fists so hard her arms were pale from the lack of oxygen. You and I....we tried everything, didn't we? As his younger self reached her, he approached as well and saw how she tensed even more. Cielle's body was turned towards the window, she did not look at him at all.I'm tired of fighting with you. His voice sounded estranged, as if it was not him that was speaking but someone else, someone from a distant past.If you still don't want to have a baby, his former self continued Let's end it here, he added, putting some clipped papers the divorce petition on the table.Cielle closed her eyes for a second and then opened them slowly. It felt as if she was grasping for air inside.I'll do whatever you want she said with a dry voice, as if she was not used to speak. You can just leave, she said closing her eyes again. Okay, he added wearily. Sebastian saw himself blinking twice and twisting his wedding ring on his finger. He removed it and put it on the table, on top of the divorce papers as she gulped.

He sighed as the daylight turned back into darkness. Back in the living room, all was still. All of the sudden, his phone rang.Looking at the screen, he saw the name of his friend and at the same time boss, Aloise Trancy. Come on, you jerk, he said still looking at the phone. He answered it slowly, and his friend's voice, hoarse from smoking, came from the other end:Hey Sebastian!What? he asked almost uncivil. Why won't you answer your phone all day?Ah, I'm getting my money, just wait! I'll work hard in between and I'll pay your money back too! Don't worry! he said as he ended the call.He sighed again. It seemed as if this had become a habit for him now. As for Aloise, he had been a debt collector all his life. His circle of friends included people from all different kinds of environments, from high end gangsters to former boxers like him. Aloise had borrowed him 70000$, the exact same amount of money that Sebastian had to recover from that dealer whose son was Emmanuel. He could not remember for what was all this money but thankfully Aloise had hired him as a debt collector in his service, and he would only pay him 200$ a mission instead of 500 or more depending on the situation. He was slowly decreasing Sebastian's debt this way but Sebastian was still very focused on getting his money back from that man.Right. I need to move on. Let's see... he said as he started to walk again. What's the size of this house? he thought to himself, wondering how much he would get paid for it. The area was quite good, for the house was place somewhere in the centre of the East Side City. It was small but the location increased its value. A sudden creak made him turn his head towards the direction it came from. The door opened to the room that would have been the baby's room he remembered sadly. He slowly entered it and could see that since his departure nothing had changed. The room was empty excepting some small mobile stairs and the masked door in the ceiling that would lead to the attic. He moved the stairs and slowly climbed them, opening the hatch that led to the room above. Keeping his phone between his teeth he slowly climbed to the attic by putting pressure on his wrists and taking a jump on his feet. As he got there, he put the phone that still had the flash on down and he panted. The room was furnished. There was a desk and some cardboard boxes spread all around it. The lantern from outside spread a dim light through a small circular window. As he started to look through the drawers, he noticed that they were all full of different types of photographs. How come I didn't know about this place after living here for 4 years? It was strange to discover new things here. Of course, the photographs could barely be considered a novelty, for his ex-wife's passion was the photography even before he had met her. As he kept searching for valuable things, he sat on the carpet that was placed in the middle of the room and gave it a full look. A wooden locked case from under a table captured his attention. As he had no key to unlock it, he kept searching until he found a metal stick like a crowbar that he used to force the lock. It didn't take long until the cheap lock a snapped and as he opened the case he took his phone with the flashlight hoping that he would find some valuable things inside. As he pointed the light towards the content of the suitcase he saw that what Cielle had locked was an old polaroid camera along with some photos that she had probably taken with it.What? What's this? Prop pictures. Places. Props. props. Places. What's this? Eh, I was expecting something better, he said. He let the photo down and took the polaroid in his hands trying to analyse it. Well, this could be some good money, he added. Wait, what's this? he said letting the phone down to have more dexterity. The polaroid's capacity showed 6, which meant that it was able to take six more photos until the film would be over. Without realising, he pushed the photo button and the camera flash brightened the room.

What the heck? he said blinded by the light. As the flash dispersed, a bright light came at first though the circular window and then though the bigger rectangular one. Unable to look in the light, Sebastian turned his back to the light and he stopped in awe. The images inside the photos that he had thrown on the floor were disappearing. The trees, the lake, everything that Cielle had photographed slowly had leaked from the white frames, all of them turning white, photo by photo.Suddenly, the two windows broke and a stack of CDs fell from a high bookstand. The bulb that was up in the ceiling broke as well and the whole floor started to tremble. Some wooden sticks fell from the roof right on top of him and as he crouched trying to protect himself from the impact. As he closed his eyes, he could see a burning photo from 2011.11.17. *As he slowly uncovered his torso by rising his hands he found himself lying on a patch of green grass. Next to him was a marble table. He grabbed the upper part of it and slowly raised himself. What just happened? Wha...At that point he realised where he was. It was the last day that he had seen her after giving her the papers for divorce. The sun was up and the weather was fine. He was in the backyard of their home. Some clothes were hanging on some sarme to be dried, as the wind blew softly.These are... mine, he recognised a few of his shirts drying next to some of Cielle's clothes. At that moment he heard footsteps behind him.What are you doin here? Cielle's deep voice made him turn in a blink oh an eyeEh..? He made a small sound, unable to comprehend the healthy Cielle that was dressed in a grey dress that she used to wear a lot at home. She was carrying a basket full of clothes that had just been washed and she looked at him angrily. You...you! You! You...he kept muttering pointing his finger towards her as she put down the basket and approached the sarme. You didn't pack your clothes yesterday, she said as she started to unclip some of the clothes that were hanging. I was going to wash them and give them to you. Sebastian's hand was still up in the air with its index finger following her. You can take them and dry them, she added as she dropped a teanc of clothes on the table and turned towards another sarmaDid you...wake up? What's going on here? He asked her, his voice stumblingThat's what I'm saying she replied. You said you'd get a divorce yesterday. How can you just come home like nothing happened? She asked him, still packing clothes on her right arm. What are you talking about? Yesterday? He asked neincrezator The paperwork is all submitted today so don't worry she said as she came closer to him. Leave now, she added, trantindu.i the stack of clothes in his arms. Walking slowly, he sat on a bench next to the table as Sebastian followed her with his eyes. It was as if...no this was impossible. But what if...? Are you okay? He asked her, putting the clothes on the ground. He then came s.a apropiat de ea and sat next to her. Can I ask you only one thing? Without waiting for her response, he then continued: why didn't you stop me yesterday? I've been wondering why would you do that. Why is this thing not working? She muttered as she tried to fix her camera. Give it to me. I'll fix it for you. Right as he streched out his hand to grab the camera, Cielle pressed the photo button and a familiar flash emerged. He hrabbed hus hands in a defensive position and the light surrounded him.He woke up on the carpet in the attic, just where he had been before. Looking at the photos still spreaded arund him, he could see the colours returning inside them What the...He grabbed the photo that he saw burning next to him. 17. 11 2011. This is me just before, he said shocked to see his picture there. How can this... he turned his head towards the polaroid camera. He rose it up and saw that the camera was now showing number 5. At the same time, without him knowing, Cielle was opening her eyes in the hospital.*

* I met her on the day after we broke up three years ago. Most ridiculous thing is I was in that picture somehow, he added talking faster and louder. Do you think it makes sense?Emmanuel was watching him carefully. I'm the crazy one, he added sighing. What am I talking about? I've seen someone like that, the kid said, running towards his room. He came back with a dvd entitled "the time traveler". Sebastian read the title, took the dvd and slowly hit the boy in the heas with it. Are you making fun of me? The man asked. Hey, it was time travelling! This is all because your father kept running away from me and I'm too stressed. Then ask the girl from your dream,the kid interrupted. She' s sleeping now, Sebastian said as he looked down. Sleeping...he whispered as he laid down on the floor and closed his eyes.

A few hours later, he went to the hospital again, not forgetting to buy the old lady her stafide. As he entered the room, he approached Cielle's bed careful not to make any noise. He branules had been removed and her face seemed somewhat not so pale. As he looked at her, he remembered how she took care of him while he was sick. She had placed cool napkins on his forehead to cool down his fever and he could still smell her sweet perfume as she ha intins peste el to grab a towel that was on his right. He remembered her smile in the morning light when they would wake up and the feeling of her palm touching his face. He remmebered the night when they would sleep on the floor just below the window and they would look at the claer skies for hours. Albert! The old woman suddenly grabbed him from behind, making his heart skip a beat. You scared me! Cielle, Albert is here! I dropped the precious stafide, he said, aplecandu.se to grab the bag from next to Cielle's bed. Hello. Sebastian's heart stopped as he heard his wife's voice. I've heard so much about you, she added. As he raised, he tried to cover his face with the bag of stafide but the old woman told him: She can't see due to her illness. Se can't see anything, she added, using her hand to exemplifica around her eyes. Sebastian tested the hypothetis by turning his head to the right and then to the left. His wife's green irises didn't even flinch so he assured himself that he was fine.

A few minutes later, the nurse came in to check on Cielle's state. Meanwhile, Sebastian was feeding the old lady stafide again, but his attention was divided to Cielle's state. Ah, you're not sleepy anymore, that's good. Did you have nice dreams? The nurse asked Cielle smiling. The later, as if she felt she was adressed with kindness, smiled also. Her husband, who left her, came back in her dream. Sebastian turned his head towards the old lady as he heard her speak. He s.a strambat as if he had tasted a bitter stafida. it was nice to see him, Cielle talked. why would you feel that way for a jerk like him? The grandma asked still eating. I know, Cielle said. What a jerk! She added jokingly. He should have come earlier she then added, partly funny and partly serious. Sebastian kept watching her as she spoke.

After a while more, he returned back to their house, looking for the old polaroid. He found it in the attic again, where he had left it. The number 5 was still showing in the small hole. Ah, have I gone insane? Sebastian asked himself.was it this way? He kept twisting the camera searching for declansator. He pressed the shooting button and as the flash appeared, the photos started to whiten just like the last time. A single photo started to burn, and it had the inscription 2009.10.4He woke up standing in his feet in the park where he and Cielle would often come. As he turned around, he saw her coming towards him You jerk! Now you showed up? She said pushing his shoulder. You got so old already Cielle added grabbing his face in her hands. What were you doing? She seemed angry but she was smiling as if she couldn't mantain her laughter. They started walking hand in hand laughing until they reached the end of the pond. There they sat on a bench where they arranged the picnic table. Before the started to eat, she handed him a small dark red box. What's this? He asked. He took the box from her hand and opened it. Inside there were two silver wedding rings. As he raised his look on her she said: I'd be an old lady waiting for your proposal, she smiled. Let's get married. I knoe you have nothing but I'll support you once I become a famous photographer. Good right? Sebastian turned his eyes towards the open box and then back at her. Let's be each other's best friend forever she added starting to blush. Cielle. What? you should go to the hospital. Is that what you're saying to your proposing girlfriend? She asked jokingly You never know, you may get sick someday, he added. What's wrong with you? She asked starting to get upset.He nodded and placed the box on the thable in front of them Fine. Wheter it's a dream or reality, let's just enjoy and eat all this food. They both started laughing as Sebastian complimented her on the amount of food that she had prepared and its tastiness. As he started to search through her picnic box, she turned to her left, picked up her polaroid and turned to him Look here, she said as he turned his face towards her. She then clicked the photo button and the flashlight appeared.As he woke up in the attic, he frantically serched for the photo and when he found it he saw his image in it. How can this pe possivble? He grabbed the camera and looked at the number Four....four he whispered again, trying to comprehend it all. As he reached the hospital room, it was nightime already. The old granny was sleeping already. As she was snoring, Sebastian touched her fine lines and smiled. He never had a mother and he liked the way it felt. He then approached Cielle's bed. On her left hand, the two wedding rings were shining in the light. Hers, on her ring finger, and his, on her thumb. He remembered once more giving her the ring back. He slowly took her hand and tucked her under the blanket. who is it? her voice sounded.Sebastian stopped where he was standing. It's Albert he said, trying to lower his voice. Ah, Albert, she repeated. Can you please sit me up, she asked.He approached her bed again and helped her raise on her bottom. I'll be going then, he added, still trying to fake his voice. Sit down, Sebastian. He turned his face towards her. You thought I wouldn't know? I'm Albert, he tried to continue. Why are you here? She interrupted himWhy are you pretending to be grandma's son? He sighed and sat on a chair next to her bed. It kinda turned out this way he said. When i die, the house is yours. So don't worry... Don't say that so easily. You say that too easily! You won't die! And ...did I ask you to give me the house? By the way....your camera.. What about it? Nothing he said nodding. Anyways, cheer up. Don't give up! No. What's not working won't work. I know that for sure. As he returned home, Sebastian felt his heart heavy. It was as if a weight that had lifted some time ago was pressing again now. The next day when he arrived at the hospital, there was a commotion outside their reserve. His mother was screaming at the door: Are you guys even humans? Are you? You can't do this to the poor girl. As Sebastian made place among the people that had gathered to see the scandal he spotted his mother holding to Cielle's bed. You can't do this! Is a hospital zupposed to kill people? She was shouting towards the men that had grabbed the bed. We've given her the notice of default, a young doctor said. The hospital can't do much. As he spoke, Sebastian took a look at the papers on the nightstand and looked back at the man. His mother was now hugging Cielle and was crying No, no, what a poor child how cruel Grandma, Cielle spoke, it's fine. It's time for me to be released. I'm fine so don't worry. This is why I can't let you go. You're finally getting better, the old woman shouted. They can't stop the treatment! I won't let them she said as she kept crying.Two women took the grandma off the bed and kept hold of her. Sebastian looked at Cielle as she slowly descended the bed and s.a incakcat cu papuci, while two men started moving her bed. As one of them passed him holding a corner of the bed, he grabbed his wrist and stopped him. Excuse me, it's dinner time soon. Why don't you let her go after the meal? He asked softly, as Cielle turned her head towards the direction where his voice came from. As Sebastian did not let go of the man's wrist, one of the doctors interphered It's ok, we can let her go after the meal.Mwanwhile she can pack and eat, the woman added smiling. We...we will be back soon.As the woman and her team did not return that night, both Cielle and Sebastian spent the night in the hospital room. As he was watching over his exhausted mother, she asked him: Is she asleep? Yeah.As she heard his confirmation, Cielle descended from her bed and s.a incaltat cu papucii. She opened her nightstand and grabbed a black coat. Sebastian, seeing what she was trying to do, grabbed her arm in a strong grip. Stay here. I'll bring the money tomorrow. Do you think that I'm leaving because I have no money? The doctor informed me the test result this morning. I got worse and nothing can be done here anymore. I'll just get dyalisis as an outpatient. I hate hospitals now, she said grabbing a few notebooks from the sertar.

While sitting on the chair in the kitchen, Sebastian watched Cielle as she grabbed her knees in a familiar way on the sofa. Lets sell this house, he said. And get a loan so we can buy whatever, kidney or cornea. I'll see what we can do. We should try until we can't. I've tried. Two years ago a donor showed up miraculously. And? The person cancelled it and disappeared. I couldn't even find the person since I do not know who it is, she said sighing. Iwas so disappointed and gave up all treatments. That's why I'm here now. But...I've saved my money to keep this house. I'm giving you this house, my one time my only family. Without this house I'll be so sad when I leave... as she closed her eyes, Sebastian moved his privire. Can I ask you a favor?As she nodded, he continued: I'll stay with you until you leave. That's what we said when we got married. Let's stay next to each other when we die. I want to keep that promise. After Cielle finally fell asleep, Sebastian went to the attic again and as the clock was sounding 1 am, he pressed the photo button. As the flash appeared, he closed his eyes hoping he would get somewhere useful. As he opened them, he found himself again in the parc, but much earlier than the last time. He turned and saw Cielle on the wooden busteni, throwing something in the water. Cielle! Despite his shouting, the girl did not turn towards him. He ran towards her and as she threa another coin, trying to make it land in a small wooden cup he called her again Cielle. She missed her threw and she turned towards him a bit angry. Who are you? Who...? Is this before we met? I said who are you? How do you know my name? Anyways. You have to losten to me. I know you very well. You'll get sick later. A serious illness. So you should come with me to the hospital or go by yourself he added, grabing her arm and pulling her towards the exit. Ah, I think I know who you are. Yeah, that's me, now let's go. You're like a plastic shaman, aren't you? Wanna take advantage of me huh? I'll call the police, she said as she pulled out her camera. As he screamed no, she pressed the photo button and the flash took him back again. As he returned on the attic carpet, Sebastian sighed from the bottom of his heart. He started to lose hope. Picking up the polaroid, he could clearly see number 3 in the small number hole. Please, send me somewhere where I can be useful. Help me find her family at least, he added, pressing the photo button again.He awoke on the street, in front of her yard. Searching through her mailbox, he found an envelope on which he read the date. 2002... Who are you? Cielle's voice sounded so close behind him Sebastian turned around in a second. Oh, you're Cielle. At the sound of her name,the girl took a step back. I'm...a social worker, the man added. I heard you're having financial difficulties so I came here to gather information. So in 2002...you're a student, right? You're studying at the prep academy right? Wa, it must be hard. It must be really hard. As Sebastian kept talking, a pair of lovers passed them. The hardest thing is cramming to repeat a college exam, but ... Excuse me, it's nothing to be proud of, could you lower your voice? Ah, I'm sorry, Sebastian nodded realising his mistake, I'm sorry for repeating myself despite your difficulties he added starting to laugh nervously. What are you here for? She asked bluntly.The match was tight Go, Sellaba! There were shouts from all around the bar. It was noisy and people were wearing the country's colours, red and white. there could be a way to find your mother and your family, Sebastian told her as she kept watching the match. Tell me. I said I don't know. You never know what's gonna happen. You should be ready. As he started shouting louder than the team's supporters, Cielle stopped from watching the tv and looked at him. Do you have any relatives, even far in the family tree? Sebastian continued My mom must be alive somewhere since her death report is not there, she said, rerurning to watching the match. And? Ah! As the national team lost a chance to score a point the girl frowned. Concentrate here! Don't watch that now, Sebastian said as his voice started to grow in intensity. Don't worry about me! I'll do my best to live well. That's not the whole point in your life. As the croud started making more noise Sebastian became angrier. Oh come on this is the first time they see it? Come, come, he asked her, let's talk outside. Wait! I want to see the rest... Come on our country will win! How do you know that? Tony Zepellow will score. Ehhh, Tony Zeppellow eh! It' 10 points for...as the tv cronicar shouted the victory of the national team the whole bar turned their heads towards the man that had shouted the name of the scoring player. See? Game is over, Sebastian pointed at the tv while the xronicari were mad on tv about the succes rasunator of this match. On their way home, the two of them crossed the path through the park Now you understand me right? Let's meet tomorrow morning. Lets get you checked up. No, let's go every month regularly. That's what I'm going to do. As they stopped again on the wooden busteni, Cielle got out of her wallet a 5 cent fisa. Excuse me, wait, I have to do something important, so please be quite,she said trying to throw it in the can again. Yeah, sure, he nodded, watching her as she kissed the penny and threw it. It missed the plate by 10 cm at most and seeing that he started laughing. Ah, not again...her voice trembled. I really want to know, Sebastian asked still laughing, what wish are you praying there? Send me a person who'll stay with me forever. Someone who'd never leave me no matter what happens. Heating her wish made Sebastian be silent for a moment. Watching the game by myself would have been lonely. It was good to have you, she added. Thank you Me too, he smiled. We should go back now, it is late. Yes, sure, be careful, he told her as he grabbed her hand and helped her over a bustean. As they got in front of her house, heet her hand go and sent her in: Come on, go in. Lock the door and sleep well he added. Yes sir, she smiled. Bye! Bye, he smiled in return. See you tomorrow,he added as she entered the yard. Hearing her consent made him return on the road, but in a few seconds the door opened back Mister! Ah, you're trying to take pictures! Don't! Don't do it! He said with his back on her, only jis hand strtched in his back, poiting at her. Oh, you're really good at guessing she said as she pushed the camera button. As the light entered the room, Sebastian opened his eyes. He had a terrible headache and he felt as if he was forgetting something. He spent the entire morning at Emmanuel, waiting for his father. When Emmanuel asked him what kind of relationship he had with his father, all that Sebastian could tell him was that he had lent his father 70000 dollars two years ago but apart from this and the memory of some bright neon light he could not remember anything. When he returned home, Cielle was standing on a chair at the table and in front of the a big yellow cake had some candles on. Happy birthday! She shouted.It was really hard even getting this one. Come light the candles, I don't want to burn our house down, she chuckled.As he sat at the table and lit all of the candles she asked him: are you ready? mhm, he confirmed, lighting the last one. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you...Sebastian rose his look from the candles to his wife's face. When did he stop calling he his ex wife? He did not know what had happened in between. thank you, he told her. You did that on purpose, didn't you? When you didn't stop me 3 years ago, you purposely let me go. You knew about your illness. That's why you didn't want a baby either. You did it deliberately. Even if I say yes, it won't change anything. since when did things go wrong? Three years ago, if i had tried harder, would you be better now? If we can turn the clock back, will you be different now? it's no use. Everything is predestined, so don't blame yourself.

Just like the other night, after Cielle fell asleep, Sebastian took the polaroid we still have hope, he said watching her breath calmly. Hope, he repeated, as he pushed the button. This time he woke up on the cliff, where a small little girl was watching him. Ah you're alive! Hey kid, where are we? this is the cliff. No, city I mean. It's the barrier. There, she pointed her finger towards a hill, is the West side city and on the other side is the East side city. The cliff? This is where we first met, he muttered. As he looked closely at the girl.s bag, he saw her name written on it: Cielle PHantomhive. Your name is CIelle PHantomhive? Yes, she answered.At that point Sebastian started to laugh. How old are you? I'm 10. Do you live here? Yes.After a few questions, He found out from the small Cielle that she was still living with her mom although her father had passed away. That night Sebastian waited for the mom at the door and when he saw her leaving in the middle of the dawn he stopped her. She eventually confessed that the Cielle was not her biological daughter, that her father had helf her in he care and that she was sick of it. Without a word she left and Sebastian remained to stick the pieces back together. As he met Cielle back at the cliff, she told him that she still has to check wheter her mom will return or not. Asked to return home as well, Sebastian told her: Cielle, let me tell you a secret. I actually don't know how to get back home. Can I be your uncle and live with you forever? Liar. Can you promise? Yeah. I've made you suffer and I've left you, but this time I'll stah with you. Mister, do you want to see my number 1 treasure? Eh, sure.Cieller turned to her backpack and a scos the polaroid camera. Looking at it, Sevastin saw that the number the camera was showing was 13, not 6, from where he had started. As he tried to warn her, the little girl pressed the photo button and Sebastiam woke next to her in bed. I thought it was a dream, but it wasn't, Cielle said. No. Now I'm not sure what I should do. As his voice slowly faded, Cielle caught his hand into hers and caressed it. Just accept it. I've tried too, but failed What? I told you already didn't I? We cannot change fate. The time with you was a blessing for me. Especially this past week with you, she said yawning. She then slowly fell asleep.

As Sebastian checked her vital signs and declared himself satisfied, he went to Aloise's office to ask him for money. Do I look like an angel to you? Aloise asked him. This is why I have to note everything. As Aloise opened his register he showed that since 2012, Sebastian had borrowed from him more than 65000 dollars. Please Aloise! My wife is sick....I need to...I need to give her my kidney.Aloise sighed. You're doing it again. He turned his face towards Sebastians confused one. You said the same thing 2 years ago and got the money for surgery. You already gave one of your kidneys to your divorced wife. Give her what now?Aloise raised Sebastian's blouse and showed him his scar. This is from the surgery you got. Why do you go to that kid, Emmanuel's house? To get back my money....bright white neons shined in Sebastian's head. Images of Cielle coming back from the hospital and him following her around. The man, Emmanuel's father, kicking him in his abdomen. Yes, that is right, the kid's father sold the kidney that was for your wife for 70 000 dollars. You're funny, Sebastian laughed nervously. I do not remember all that. That's because after you found out that he had sold your kidney you entered a box match saying you didn't care about your life. You hit your head pretty bad and since then you suffered from amnesia. You forgot the past months before the match. Do you think you're better? You need brain surgery too. * Sebastian felt as if his head had never been clearer. He went to the hospital to visit the grandma one last time. As he entered her room, she did not openly jump on him as she used to, as if she was sensing something was not right. I bought you grapes, grandma. Oh, Albert, I've been so worried. I was bored these days, where have you been? I'm sorry, I had somewhere to go. Now you're not leaving anymore, are you? I won't be able to come back now. Where are you going? I've decided to give all I have to Cielle. With my eyes she can continue to take the pictures she loved so much. She can live a bit more, he said smiling towards the window. Then, take this, the old woman said handing a stack of money she pulled out from her pocket. I've been saving up to give this to you. No, grandma, I don't need them. Don't you know I'm rich? Sebastian smiled. It's from your mother, so take it! The woman said pushing the money in his hands and smiling. They both started to laugh, unaware of whether it was because of the ending that was approaching or because of the tiredness that surrounded it. With the money he received from his mother, Sebastian bought a bag full of toys for Emmanuel. When he got to his place, he made the kid close his eyes and surprised him. But as they were preparing to assemble a new robot toy, Emmanuel's father approached silently and hit Sebastian in his head with and empty bottle. He then took Emmanuel and escaped the house, leaving Sebastian to bleed till its death. He rose from the floor and taking a taxi, he returned to his home, where Cielle was waiting in the bed. As he heavily reached the bed, he sensed that she was breathing more heavily. I kept the camera here, she said. We still have one more returning to go. I've used 7 and you 5. It's still your turn to pick the moment, she chuckled. I still ...don't think that this camera...does what we want...but, If it were for me, I wish we could go to that moment ....where we could save both of us. As the blood kept leaving his system, he felt more and more dizzy. Sebastian, is this bloo.., Oh my God what happened? Smile, Cielle, he said and as she touched his face full of blood, the white flash of the camera lit them up. I should have known we would be brought here, she chuckled. The cliff was beautiful now. Yes, Sebastian smiled again. Now we can be together forever. Liar, she smiled. Can you promise that? Even if you do, you will not keep your promise. This time I will, he said serious.And although they had so much to tell one another, now that they were here, undisturbed, the only thing that they wanted was to feel each others warmth. So they stood hand in hand, watching the skies until almost evening. Shall we return? Cielle asked smiling peacefully. I want to stay with you forever, Sebastian answered. But you are. You've always been and you'll always be with me. I love you, Sebastian I love you too, CielleAnd as Cielle finally pressed the button, the flash did not appear. She pressed it once more, but still nothing. When they finally checked the number of photographs in the polaroid, the hole was showing the 0 figure. Which was impossible. You two broke the laws, a familiar voice came from behind. They both turned in awe only to see the old woman from the hospital. Grandma? Cielle asked. Yes, my dear. I am the creator of that camera, and if would be so kind as to hand it over I would be very thankful. It's mission here had ended. Its time for it to go somewhere else. But what happens to...us? This is the real world, three years back. You Cielle are free your disease, and you Sebastian, you have everything that was missing from you, the old woman pointed at his abdomen. Does that mean wewill remain her? Yes, you are given the chance to relive these years as a reward for your love. However, this time, the ending is up to you. As I've said, you Cielle and you Sebastian are both healthy. I have to go now. As the grandma took her polaroid, she left, leaving them to create a new universe for their newly discovered love, for they had time now, and more than that, they had themselves.