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Transcript of Eng030a

Japanese Lesson Japanese Lesson #030A#030AKANJIKANJI漢字漢字

The 2The 2ndnd Grade Grade (80/160)(80/160)

Part IPart I

引 Pull, draw, attract

羽 Feather, wing

雲 Cloud

園 Garden

遠 Far, distant, remote

何 what

科 Department, course

夏 summer

家 House, home, family

歌 Song, sing, poem

画 Picture, stroke

回 spin, roll

会 Meet, club

海 Sea, ocean

絵 Picture, painting

外 Outside, other, miss

角 Angle, square

楽 Joy, fun, happy, ease

活 Alive, vitality

間 Distance, during, room

丸 Circle, round, whole

岩 rock

顔 face

汽 steam

記 Describe, mark, record

帰 Come home, return

弓 bow

牛 cow

魚 fish

京 land in which Enperor lives

強 Strong, durable, hard

教 Teach, guide, educate

近 Near, close

兄 Elder brother, big brother

形 Shape, sigure, form

計 Total, plan, arrange

元 Origin, source, cause

言 Say, tell, word

原 Field, plain

戸 Door, shutter

古 Old, aged

午 Southern direction

後 After, later, behind

語 Word, language

工 Make, produce

公 Public, official

広 Wide, broad, extensive

交 Cross, intersect, mix

光 Light, ray, flash, optical

考 Think, consider, ideas

行 Go, come, perform, act

高 High, tall, noble, expensive

黄 yellow

合 Match, fit, suit, agree

谷 Valley

国 Country, nation

黒 black

今 Present, now

才 Aptitude, ability, talent

細 Thin, narrow, fine, detailed

作 Make, cook, raise

算 Number, calculate

止 Stop, end, quit

市 City, market

矢 arrow

姉 Elder sister, big sister

思 Think, feel, imagine

紙 paper

寺 Buddhist temple

自 Oneself, naturally

時 Time, hour, moment

室 room

社 Company, shrine

弱 Weak, faint, light, poor

首 Neck, fire

秋 autumn

週 week

春 spring

書 Write, pen calligraphy

少 Little, bit, slightly

Practice makes Perfect !Practice makes Perfect !Please try again.Please try again.

Next is…#030BThe 2nd Grade (80/160)

Part IIPresented by
