Energy burst 3

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Issue 3 of the official NOF Energy magazine which focuses on its members within the Oil, Gas, Nuclear and Offshore Renewables Sectors

Transcript of Energy burst 3

Issue #03



Human PatnershipsNOF Energy’s UK Oil & Gas GuideTeam Member Spotlight: Kristie LengThe Energy to ChangeUpcoming NOF Energy Events

The official membership magazine of NOF Energy


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UVDB Verify

05 Welcome06 Partnering10 asia’s oil & gas hub15 Thailand’s oil & gas18 The Energy to change22 invest in Tees Valley24 noF Energy’s oil & gas guide

shale gas in the uK 28 girls’ skills shortage 30 Member news 36 Team Member spotlight 41 looking Forward to 2014 46 Events 49

Join us 50




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Sector specialist recruitment

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5EnErgy burst Edition 3

Publisher Midas

ADVertisiNGDamien Buxton T: 0800 043 0025 E:

COPYriGht2013 MiDas Touch PuBlishing lTD

s noF Energy’s 25th anniversary year draws to a close, the organisation has plenty of cause to celebrate.

however, as anyone who attended our silver Jubilee dinner in the summer will testify, while we are proud of our history and the achievements of the organisation and our members, we are completely focused on the future.

Following recent announcements on nuclear and shale gas the energy sector is entering a new era and noF Energy is committed to supporting its members’ ambitions to meet new challenges and to benefit from the industry’s growth.

and our members understand the role noF Energy can play in supporting their business development activities, which is reflected in our own growth.

We have now achieved a membership of 440 companies from the uK and international energy sector supply chain that are utilising our range of services to build contacts, establish new relationships, increase market knowledge and ultimately, secure additional contracts.

noF Energy’s services have been carefully developed and refined to maximise

opportunities for our members. From our member-to-member engagement and international market visits to our marketing support and intelligence services, our members receive comprehensive access to noF Energy’s extensive network to help enhance their position in the industry.

as the industry evolves, so do our services. This will become evident in early 2014 when we will be launching new services aimed at ensuring our members are continually aware of emerging opportunities. This should also further enhance noF Energy’s reputation as the leading business development organisation for companies involved in the uK’s energy supply chain.

as our membership and our services have grown so has our team, both in terms of numbers and expertise. They work closely with our members and have provided invaluable support. For example, through our international business support a company secured a £20m framework agreement with a high profile norweigan company. More closer to home a member was awarded over £300k order from our annual supplier day. as the network grows so do the opportunities to collaborate and inter-trade therefore i encourage you to contact us.

George raffertychief Executive, noF Energy

Energy Burst introduction

Welcome from George rafferty

NOF eNerGY teAm

George raffertychief Executive

Joanne leng mbeDeputy chief Executive

Clare WeirsDirector Business services

Jayne CoxonExecutive assistant

Paul livingstoneBusiness Development Manager

Caroline lofthouseBusiness Development Manager

Kristie lengTrainee Events Manager

Jenna spencerBusiness Development Executive

Jennifer smithEvents coordinator

Zara moustaphaFinance assistant

Danielle mcCarthyadministrator

The official membership magazine of NOF Energy

Welcome to the thIRD eDItIon of the nof eneRgy magazIne, eneRgy BuRst.

Using your smartphone,scan the QR code to visit our dedicated industrial website

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Sector specialist recruitment

4320 NOF Energy Magazine advert Nov 2013.indd 1 11/14/2013 10:15:35 AM

6 EnErgy burst Edition 3

John Donne wrote in the Middle ages that “no man is an island” and few businesses can reach their full potential while operating in a self-imposed vacuum.

Too many firms – in particular those of an engineering persuasion and equally those who are often referred to as sME’s (small, Medium Enterprises) operate in this manner, where the only interaction they have apart from the day to day internal matters is when an individual customer or supplier wants to talk to them. Many of those in this ”space” will claim that it’s a 25 hour a day 8 day a week job

running the business and there is no time left for external interaction. i would contend that this is often simply a device to ensure that they stay doing “busy work” in order not to step out of their comfort zone.

Many of these folks will suffer from having too many eggs in one basket i.e. a shallow database of clients often dominated by one or two big customers. Reaching out to new customers is not something they find easy - in fact many find it impossible, either through a lack of understanding of the sales process, or perhaps more likely because the fear of rejection is not something many of us can easily live with.

WOrDs: david smallman

it’s A NAturAl humAN teNDeNCY tO FOrm PArtNershiPs – it hAs beeN DONe siNCe the eArliest OF times.

ankind is more comfortable in the main operating in an environment with others of like mind - whether it is in a social context such as

marriage, supporting a team, living in similar housing to those you consider your peers, or travelling to the same resort as others for holidays, the loner is the exception that proves the rule.

The right partnerships in any form of business help oil the wheels that bring success on all levels.

Within any firm, people at all echelons form working partnerships with close colleagues that ensure the success of their day to day contribution to the achievement of the firm - both in monetary and quality of delivery terms.

These partnerships – relationships – are important, but i believe that the partnerships that you make externally are those that define an organisation.

7EnErgy burst Edition 3

Reaching new customers through partnering is easier than it might at first seem.

Many of you share the same customers (or would like to!!) - so find partners who supply non-competitive parts to the same end product. For instance, you might produce couplings and hoses that are fitted to a potential partners valves – you can work together to maximise your impact with that client. Two heads are better than one from an engineering innovation stand point - and if you both lack confidence in your mastery of the sales process, then supporting each other makes it easier.

Establishing and implementing first working partnerships (in the short term), then planning partnerships (in the medium term), and ultimately strategic partnerships (for the long term) will increase your profitability and will spread your risk by increasing your market reach.

And what better place to start than the next NOF energy function!

Thus forging meaningful partnerships with others in a non-competitive way can help you perform better in those areas in your business that are outside of your own comfort zone.

in an increasingly competitive marketplace, our margins are always under pressure. The purchase of raw materials and services is an area rich for cooperation with others in similar businesses, which are reasonably close geographically. on the simplest level, if one of your staple raw materials is stainless steel who else on your trading estate or in your locality is using the same? We all know that ordering in increased quantities reduces costs. But you say “i haven’t got time to search these folks out and the time to make all the arrangements”. Really? if your annual raw materials spend is £100,000 and you saved a conservative 10%, wouldn’t that £10,000 – which incidentally drops straight to the bottom line – be worthwhile?

Finding the potential partners is easier than it might at first appear. all of you reading this article are members of, or are aware of, noF Energy - a 440 member group which clearly has firms in it who are similar to yourselves and have similar target markets.

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Contact: Damien Buxton on 0800 043 0025 or email





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8 EnErgy burst Edition 3


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ne of the fastest growing economies in the asia Pacific region, Malaysia’s expanding o&g sector has created robust market opportunities for businesses in the upstream,

midstream and downstream sectors.

With its market-oriented economy and pro-business government policies, Malaysia aims to grow its aggregate production capacity for oil, gas and energy by five per cent per annum between 2010 to 2020. Most of this growth will come from enhancing the output of its existing o&g fields as well as development of marginal fields. The country will also enhance the exploration and development of deepwater areas.

These measures are being complemented by a steady supply of skilled o&g professionals, making Malaysia a compelling investment destination and creating long-term growth opportunities within asia’s o&g industry. The dynamic relationship between the country’s public and private sectors has also developed a strong o&g ecosystem that is supported by an investor-friendly legislative and regulatory framework and well-developed infrastructure.

10 EnErgy burst Edition 3

malaysia has the 2nd

largest oil & gasreserves in south east Asia

mAlAYsiA’s mAture but rAPiDlY GrOWiNG Oil & GAs (O&G) seCtOr hAs turNeD it iNtO A reGiONAl O&G hub.

BY mAlAYsiA PetrOleum resOurCes COrPOrAtiON

5,000 companies from more than 40 countries around the world. Many of these corporations have since expanded and diversified their operations reflecting their on-going confidence in Malaysia.

Much of this success is attributed to the country’s investor-friendly business environment as well as its well-developed infrastructure and highly productive workforce. its five international airports and seven international seaports are connected by major highways to more than 500 industrial estates and Free Trade Zones across the country. There is also an ample supply of competitive, highly skilled and multi-lingual human capital available to support businesses with asian operators.

its geographic advantage and large reserves make malaysia an ideal base for expanding into Asia’s O&G markets

Malaysia has a current production rate of 730,000 barrels of oil equivalent (BoE) per day of crude oil and 2,000 million standard cubic feet per day of natural gas. With 441 oil and gas fields, Malaysia has the second largest reserves in south East asia. it has also one of the world’s biggest lng production facilities, making it the world’s second largest exporter of liquefied natural gas (lng).

This capacity complemented with its strategic location at the centre of south East asia right between the growth markets of china and india makes Malaysia an ideal base for businesses to expand their asian o&g operations.

Why some of the biggest names in O&G choose malaysia as their regional headquarters

Malaysia offers foreign investors a wide range of business opportunities and attractive incentives designed to help them get the most out of Malaysia’s dynamic economy. it is one of the world’s top investment destinations for offshore manufacturing operations, attracting more than

11EnErgy burst Edition 3

malaysia has the 2nd

largest oil & gasreserves in south east Asia

12 EnErgy burst Edition 3

There are over 4,400 o&g businesses in Malaysia comprising international oil companies, independents, services and manufacturing companies. This has created a strong ecosystem of services and manufacturing companies that support the needs of the o&g value chain both domestically and regionally. Many major global Machinery & Equipment (M&E) manufacturers have set up bases in Malaysia to complement home-grown M&E companies, while other Malaysian oil and gas companies are focused on key strategic segments such as marine, drilling, engineering, fabrication, offshore installation and operations and maintenance (o&M).

in recent years, Malaysia has also created a vibrant market for merger-and-acquisition activities to acquire key resources such as technology, capabilities, physical space as well as key experts. as a result, Malaysian services companies today offer competitive rates and skilled manpower to support the growth of the upstream and downstream sectors while remaining competitive compared to their peers in the region.

malaysia is the 2nd

supplying 23.1 mtPA to global markets

13EnErgy burst Edition 3

malaysia requires a wide range of technical services to support the growth of its O&G industry

The o&g industry contributes about 20 percent to Malaysia’s gDP and has been identified as a sector of strategic importance in its future. Malaysia’s o&g initiatives under the country’s Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) establishes a comprehensive, three-pronged approach towards achieving these goals. These strategic thrusts hold many opportunities for investors keen on capitalising on the country’s infrastructure, people and policies:

sustain the production of O&G by spurring deepwater exploration and enhanced oil recovery (EoR) techniques as well as the development of marginal fields.

encourage continued downstream activities by making Malaysia a regional storage and trading hub and unlocking premium gas demand.

Growing O&G industry supporting services for both upstream and downstream industries.

PETRonas, the national oil company, acts as the custodian of Malaysia’s o&g resources and is responsible for overseeing the progressive development of the country’s o&g sector. PETRonas has earmarked usD100 billion over the next 5 years (2011-2016) to further build up its upstream and downstream business.

Petroleum service companies, rig owners, offshore diving contractors, petroleum equipment manufacturers, spare parts suppliers, maintenance service providers and petroleum logistics service providers all stand to benefit from the country’s dynamic o&g business environment. in the upstream segment, opportunities are emerging for service providers and contractors that specialise in

high co2, high Pressure/high Temperature, EoR, facilities rejuvenation, deepwater development and floating production systems (Flng).

Meanwhile, the downstream segment is presenting opportunities in petrochemicals, refineries, storage and trading. For example, the 22,000-acre Pengerang integrated Petroleum complex (PiPc) in Johor will house oil refineries, naphtha crackers, petrochemical plants as well as a lng import terminal and a regasification plant. With a planned total storage capacity of five million cubic metres, the complex will house oil refining facilities to make high-value and high-demand petrochemical products such as polymers, pharmaceutical products and plastics. in addition, the Pengerang independent Deepwater Terminal will offer the industry five million cubic feet of storage capacity by 2020 supported by the Tanjung langsat port and Tanjung Bin petrochemical centre. These billion-dollar developments will spur considerable opportunities for independent logistics players and shippers as well as traders of crude oil and petroleum products.

Malaysia aims to bring major international companies in the o&g services and equipment industry to its shores. The Malaysian government encourages foreign companies to set up their presence in the region via strategic joint-ventures and partnerships with Malaysian companies. given Malaysia’s strategic position and accessibility, being in the centre of south East asia and in between the growth markets of china and india, Malaysia makes a quintessential base for business expansion into the asian Pacific region.

For further information on some available incentives and opportunities in malaysia, visit

NOF energy, international business Visit to east malaysia to meet with Asian supply base (Asb) a great hub for setting up in Asia. to discuss in more detail contact Joanne leng mbe, Deputy Chief executive at NOF energy or +44(0) 191 3846464.

malaysia is the 2nd

supplying 23.1 mtPA to global markets

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14 EnErgy burst Edition 3

he north sea oil and gas industry is currently seeing unprecedented investment. last year there was over 11 billion pounds invested and this year that has risen to a record 13 billion.

stephen smith, Managing Director of Teesside Rigging and lifting said: “news of these investments is great however recent surveys have indicated that companies are still struggling to recruit enough personnel with the correct competencies. and it is well documented that we are experiencing a massive skills shortage.

Teesside Rigging & lifting are trying to combat that by delivering the new EciTB entry level qualification level 2 QcF lifting & Positioning loads. after a rigorous approval process Teesside Rigging & lifting are now the only training provider in the uK who have been granted approval to run the new EciTB approved 5 week rigging course.

steve added “it is absolutely essential that we get people trained with the relevant skills in the uK and into these

positions or they could be filled with manpower from outside the uK”.

it has been a very busy few years for the growing specialist company as Teesside Rigging & lifting are also approved to deliver a wide range of rigging and lifting qualifications and courses including the QcF level 3 Moving loads & QcF level 3 steel Erecting. as well as being an approved technical training provider for the EciTB technical tests and training courses they also deliver a number of lEEa accredited courses and are currently in the process of gaining oPiTo approval.

steve added, “We have been building a reputation for providing quality training which included developing the new appointed person course for the EciTB. as well as this we also offer a consultancy service to our clients to review and or develop a safe system of work and competency program for their rigging & lifting operations both in the uK and abroad.

ncreasing demand for oil and gas in Thailand is leading to the expansion of oil and gas exploration and production, and growing opportunities for uK companies in

this sector.

The Thai economy is projected to grow by 5% in 2013. at this rate, energy demand, especially for electricity generation, will continue to increase, and as a result will lead to a rise in oil and gas demand.

The oil and gas industry in Thailand is dominated by the state owned company PTT. The largest foreign operator in the exploration and production sector is chevron, while Bg is the largest uK investor in Thailand’s energy industry.

national Energy security is a priority on the Thai government’s agenda. The government, through PTT, has aggressively expanded worldwide. in 2012, PTT Exploration and Production (PTTEP) acquired cove Energy and now has an 8.5% share in a gas field in Mozambique.

Thailand held proven oil reserves of 453 million barrels in January 2013, an increase of 11 million barrels from the prior year. in 2011, Thailand produced an estimated 393,000 barrels per day (bbl/d) of total oil liquids, of which 140,000 bbl/d was crude oil, 84,000 bbl/d was lease condensate, 154,000 bbl/d was natural gas liquids, and the remainder was refinery gains.

Thailand consumed an estimated 1 million bbl/d of oil in 2011, leaving total net imports of 627,000 bbl/d, and making the country the second largest net oil importer in southeast asia.

like most countries in south East asia, the Thai government continues to subsidise fuel costs. The Thai government also promotes the use of natural gas and alternative fuel such as biodiesel.

almost all of the country’s natural gas fields are located offshore in the gulf of Thailand. although natural gas production has risen steadily in recent years, it is still not enough to

EnErgy burst Edition 3 15

WOrDs: geoff Charlesworth, international trade adviser, UKti yorkshire and the Humber

keep up with the growth in domestic consumption.

Thailand has proved natural gas reserves of 0.33 trillion cubic metres. With natural gas production of 25.91 billion cubic metres and consumption of 35.35 billion cubic metres.natural gas has replaced some oil demand and is the next largest fuel, growing to nearly a third of total consumption mix.

solid biomass and waste have played a strong role as an energy source in Thailand and comprise roughly 16% of energy consumption. Most biomass feedstock is from sugarcane, rice husk, bagasse, wood waste, and oil palm residue, and is used for residential and manufacturing purposes.

Thailand’s new alternative Energy Development Plan calls for renewable energy to increase its share to 25 percent of total energy consumption by 2022 in efforts to reduce dependence on fossil fuel sectors

The over-lapping claims area (oca) dispute between Thailand and cambodia is 27,000 sq km offshore, and are estimated to contain between 8 trillion to 15 trillion cubic feet of gas and 400 million to 1,000 million barrels of liquid

fuels, including oil and condensates. if Thailand can resolve the oca dispute with cambodia, it will help ensure energy security for Thailand.

The 21st petroleum bidding round is expected to be announced in 1st quarter of 2014. There will be 22 blocks open for bidding, 11 in the northeast, 6 in the north and central, and 5 in the gulf of Thailand.The Royal Decree of off-shore platform decommissioning when comes in effect will offer a lot of opportunities for platforms decommissioning consultancy and yardsThe resolution and development of the oca will produce a number of opportunities in oil and gas industry in Thailand.

16 EnErgy burst Edition 3

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although Thailand offers good business opportunities, this does not mean it is the right market for every company. initial research is crucial to assessing your prospectsPlan your visit and organise appointments before you depart the uK. Follow up with telephone calls on arrival to confirm availability. Meetings can be arranged over breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as normal office hours. Take plenty of business cards and corporate literature. if possible have the reverse of your business card translated into Thai. it usually creates a very good first impression and follow up meetings by letter / e-mail on return to the uK.

Thais like to build relationships with potential business partners and may use feelings and emotions more than

EnErgy burst Edition 3 17

information when making decisions - certainly more than we do in the uK.

While there are exceptions to every rule to succeed in doing business in Thailand it is necessary to have an in-country presence. certainly most uK companies successfully doing business will have local representation, either by establishing their own offices or appointing agents or distributors. such a presence shows that companies are serious about the market and willing to provide local technical support to partners and their customers. Whilst the Thai market is price sensitive technical support is the next most important issue after pricing.

Do not expect to do business immediately or necessarily on the first visit.

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18 EnErgy burst Edition 3

t came as no surprise when the British government identified the defence budget as an area for spending cuts.

The knock-on effect has been economic uncertainty for individuals and companies alike actively servicing and supplying the industry’s myriad requirements, from the British isles to territories all around the World.With so much expertise at a potential loose end, there has been a requirement to find other industries to fill the skills gap, and with energy industries booming in the face of economic hardship, it has become a huge employer of ex-defence sector resource.

one particular north East firm has been making this transition.

Renown group, since its establishment in 1986, built its reputation as a defence sector firm, predominantly involved in most major Ministry of Defence land vehicles for locally based customers such as BaE systems.

as recently as 2011, Renown had 60% of its business in defence, a risky position with looming defence cuts, as well as BaE’s announcement that its scotswood Road facility would shut in 2013.

Whilst Renown group had already begun to work in oil and gas, in 2011 it was only representative of 15% of the business.

Whilst this provided a foot in the door into the oil and gas industry, the biggest challenge lay ahead to transfer twenty five years’ worth of reputation, culture and business in defence, and place oil and gas at the core of the business’ strategy.

Back to 2013 and Renown now has 65% of its business in oil and gas, and is continuing to grow in the industry. here’s some insight into how the company made the transition:

Despite having an oil and gas presence, up until recently defence contracts and revenue still dominated across the group. For the company to grow its oil and gas influence, further investment was essential.

Renown has invested substantially in weld overlay equipment and skills, as well as in-house painting and coating facilities to finish products for subsea applications.investing in personnel has also been integral to being competitive in oil and gas.

Renown recently introduced group welding engineers to develop new welding standards, for example, as well as sending personnel on painting and coating courses

A CAse stuDY FOllOWiNG ONe, NOrth eAst eNGiNeeriNG Firm’s trANsitiON FrOm DeFeNCe tO eNerGY

EnErgy burst Edition 3 19

to enable the company to supply the service to industry standards (such as noRsoK).

Renown has also employed directly from the Defence sector, and the company was delighted when its current customer support Director, stephen Barlow, joined from BaE systems, benefitting the group with a wealth of experience.

Culture change

With such a big change in the type of contracts in such a short amount of time, the culture within the organisation, particularly at Renown’s cramlington site (traditionally the ‘defence’ site), had to become used to new demands and requirements of the oil and gas industry.

oil and gas has a reputation for being a highly demanding industry in terms of timescale and quality. Whilst Renown could transfer its in-house quality standards from defence to oil and gas, the demands on timescale for delivery of contracts changed.

oil and gas’ notoriously fast-paced demands have required Renown to rapidly turning-around projects, from the quotation phase through to completion, to meet strict deadlines.

The whole company culture has adjusted to meet these requirements, and the group has had to become even more accustomed to increasingly varied and changeable projects compared to that of the defence sector.

business development and NOF energy

a major challenge to transferring to a new industry is being able to develop a reputation through targeting potential clients, networking and doing your homework.

networking events, conferences, visits to client premises and on-going dialogue has proved to be successful.

however, the most important aspect to this has been the ability to match Renown’s capabilities to the needs of major oil and gas operators up front, and complementing this effort has been its membership to noF Energy.

Through noF Energy events, personal introductions, industry insight, contract news and support from noF Energy’s team, Renown has been heavily supported in matching its capabilities with target organisations of the right size, sector and engineering requirements.

20 EnErgy burst Edition 3

arl schorn, Principal security advisor in iT services at ng Bailey was one of the exhibitors at the event who has been through the transition process himself. Karl

describes the journey he took on leaving; “after much deliberation, i felt the time was right for me to pursue more technical specialist interests and decided to leave in 1999. i almost immediately found myself working on an iT support Desk. i studied hard and became a Microsoft certified Professional. This led me to run my own team supporting icT infrastructure. By some twist of fate, i found myself marked for redundancy after the recession hit.”

Karl saw the position at ng Bailey advertised in the weekly paper and was successful in securing the role. he says his job “is challenging at times, but rewarding, ultimately providing a real sense of fulfilment.” Karl and other exhibitors were able to talk to military attendees not only about the opportunities within the energy sector but also what to

expect when making the transition.

col nick Millen, catterick’s garrison commander opened the event and urged attendees to ensure they didn’t leave the event empty handed. one such attendee, gregg Filby who recently left the armed Forces travelled from Birmingham to the event. he felt it was well worth the journey and commented “as a result of this event i now know which additional qualifications i need to put myself in the best position to secure work in the energy sector.”

Preparations are underway for the next event to be held on 4th september 2014. noF Energy Members are able to access the Military2Energy online service for a year as soon as they pay for their stand. This allows exhibitors to engage with the armed Forces community prior to the event.

For more details contact: Kristie leng +44 (0)191 3846464 or

Karl sCHorn

iN 2013 the seCOND militArY2eNerGY eVeNt WAs helD iN CAtteriCK, NOrth YOrKshire With OVer 400 serViCe leAVers AtteNDiNG. sOme OF the emPlOYers KeeN tO tAP iNtO sKills OF thOse serViNG iNCluDeD hertel, PetrOFAC, bAlFOur beAttY bAileY AND PhArOs OFFshOre.

22 EnErgy burst Edition 3

ees Valley has built a world class reputation over many years for delivering large scale projects in oil and gas, ship building, fabrication and decommissioning.

it is a key centre for the offshore sector in north East England, which has produced more than 70 per cent of the oil platforms and heavy engineering for the north sea.

Tees Valley’s other main strengths lie in its deep water ports, ideally located for servicing the north sea and working offshore; expert offshore fabrication facilities; prime land availability; as well as 12 Enterprise Zone sites and excellent supply chain, boasting the world’s largest cluster of subsea cabling and trenching companies.

opportunities include all areas of the oil and gas and energy market but the area’s expertise and experience is not only still supporting and developing oil and gas production, but is now also increasingly being used to build renewable energy assets, particularly offshore wind. little

wonder then that Tees Valley has been awarded uK government coRE status as a centre for offshore Renewable Engineering – in recognition of the existing port infrastructure, skills, supply chain and local government support.

Tees Valley has built a worldwide reputation on its history of always being at the forefront of engineering and manufacturing developments, but it has never rested on its laurels and today it continues its proud tradition of pioneering and innovation.

One of the largest oil and gas clusters in the uKThe oil and gas supply chain in Tees Valley is made up of more than 400 direct, and 3,000 indirect companies, employing more than 4,250 people, including leading industry names.

engineering heritageTees Valley also has a rich engineering and manufacturing heritage ranging from automotive, ship building, chemicals and pharmaceuticals to steel, construction and power generation.

ADVertisiNG FeAture

Cost competitive locationTees Valley has some of the lowest operating costs in the uK, with rents and rates about half those of major uK cities and a quarter of those in london and the south East.

location to outsource and split production from AberdeenRents and rates are up to four times cheaper than aberdeen, and Tees Valley also has the skilled and affordable workforce required by today’s demanding market.

Growing digital sectorMany of Tees Valley’s digital companies also serve the oil and gas sector. tees Valley also has a growing reputation as a renewable energy locationTees Valley is at the cutting edge of renewable energy developments exploring opportunities in multiple sectors including offshore wind; industrial symbiosis; new feedstock technologies; district heating; anaerobic digestion; biomass, biofuel and bioethanol plants.

over the last 12 months companies in the oil and gas sector, based in Tees Valley, have made significant investments, won notable contracts and grown their workforces. here are just some examples of the success stories from recent months:

Tees Valley based Reef Subsea Integrated Projects has secured a major oil and gas trenching contract on the Bøyla Development Project in the north sea. The work, for leading Tier 1 client Technip norge as, is recognition of the progress the 18-month-old company has made, amid plans to grow its workforce by a quarter next year.

hartlepool firm Seatechs, which supplies specialised staff to the offshore oil industry, expects to increase annual turnover to £10m after winning a major contract. The company has won a nine-month deal from Wellstream, worth just under £3m, to send about 30 workers to campus Basin in Brazil. They will install the pipeline that runs from the FPso – a floating rig used to extract crude oil.

hartlepool based engineering and fabrication specialist Heerema Fabrication Group is to create 350 jobs in the north East to assist in the build of four gas platforms for the cygnus gas field project in the southern north sea.

Middlesbrough-based Hertel was recently awarded a long-term maintenance contract on one of the uK’s largest oil refineries. The multi-disciplinary construction and maintenance services company, which employs more than 1,000 in Tees Valley, will carry out maintenance services for the Total uK-owned lindsay oil Refinery at immingham, on humberside, the third largest facility of its kind in the uK.

TAG Energy Solutions increased its direct workforce fourfold, to 130, after winning a contract to provide components for the humber gateway offshore wind farm. Production of 16 monopiles and transition pieces for the E.on development is underway at Tag Energy solutions’ River Tees facility.

Billingham based Phusion, formerly Pearson-harper, has started work on a contract worth more than £11m as data management contractor for the ichthys gas project, run by inPEX.

Following the designation of engineering company AMEC’s Darlington office as the firm’s international centre for global engineering operations, the company will employ a further 40 staff at its Tees Valley office, on top of the 420 workers already based at the site.

hartlepool-based subsea cable company JDR Cables has won a contract for an oil field off the coast of West africa. The company will design and manufacture two five-kilometre power cables for the Total ofon Phase 2 project, on behalf of global subsea contractor subsea 7.

tees Valley unlimitedtel: +44 (0)1642 524400email:

EnErgy burst Edition 3 23

he opportunities set out in the guide, together with recent announcements regarding investment levels in the uK sector, make it clear that the sector is nowhere near the sunset industry many have


With the planned growth of the sector, both in the uK and internationally, operators and contractors will need to call on an expanded supply chain. in particular, there are opportunities for suppliers from outside the sector to enter the oil and gas market. This guide provides a detailed introduction to the sector to assist companies looking to be more informed about the industry.

The government projects that even if its target to source 15% of the uK’s energy from renewable in 2020 is achieved, the country will still rely on oil and gas for 70% of the uK’s energy needs, proving that the uK oil and gas industry has a future that extends well into the second half of the 21st century.

The guide’s author, noF Energy Deputy chief Executive, Joanne leng MBE said: “The uK oil and gas industry is fortunate enough that 40% of its reserves are yet to be extracted, meaning the industry can continue to supply a

significant proportion of the uK’s energy needs.”

The most promising piece of information, and consequent opportunities, will arise from the figures announced by oil & gas uK that the uK continental shelf will receive record investment over the next year to the sum of £13.5 billion.

This will generate around 470m barrels of oil and gas and will come on stream in 2013, this number is a fivefold increased on the average over the previous three years.

24 EnErgy burst Edition 3

nof eneRgy has puBlIsheD a compRehensIve guIDe to the uk oIl anD gas InDustRy, WhIch pRovIDes an excellent oveRvIeW of the sectoR to suppoRt companIes’ BusIness Development aspIRatIons.

This increase will be supported by 14 new oilfields coming into production this year, in addition to the extension of life spans of established fields that are also benefiting from new investment.

one of the reasons why north sea oil production has continued for longer than some expected is the emergence of new technologies that have helped extract reserves previously considered uneconomic.

The oil and gas sector is still undoubtedly very important, within the guide is information relating to the economy which clearly supports this. The industry paid £11.2 billion in corporate taxes on production in 2011-2012; almost 25% of total corporation taxes received by the exchequer, the wider supply chain is also estimated to have contributed another £6 billion in corporation and payroll taxes.

The guide also highlights the importance of the uK oil and gas industry upon employment, the industry supports at least 440,000 jobs across the uK. This is broken down into:

32,000 directly employed by oil and gas companies and major contractors, 207,000 in the wider supply chain, 100,000 in jobs exporting goods and services and 100,000 induced by the economic activity of employees.

Joanne added: “over the last 40 years the north sea has been a rich source of oil and gas and is a cornerstone of the uK economy. it has also been an opportunity for the uK energy industry to develop first-class products, services and expertise. as a result uK companies now lead the way in many areas of finding, developing and extracting oil and gas as well as managing installations in an export industry worth billions.”

Even when platforms are to be decommissioned it will result in a huge potential future market for the supply chain. as things stand very few of the current platforms have been removed. From 2012 onwards, decommissioning expenditure is projected to be £31 billion by 2040 for existing facilities (plus a further £3.5 billion for developments yet to be approved).

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all the resources that went into building a facility will also be required to remove it. The process will require over 40 specialist and sub-sector types of supply chain activity, including: engineering, inspection, hsE monitoring, drilling, marine, accommodation and support as well as logistics and construction.

noF Energy’s guide also highlights the wide and varied expat markets where British firms can benefit from the growth in oil and gas production in emerging regions, such as: usa, norway, Brazil, Western australia, Malaysia, the arctic and certain countries in East africa.

With the oil and gas industry receiving record investment this guide provides a vital insight into the industry and diverse opportunities resulting from current and future operations. The industry clearly has a significant role to play in satisfying demand for energy for many years and the overview of the industry within the guide will be a valuable resource for those entering the sector without previous experience.

to obtain a Free copy of the guide, which has been produced exclusively for members contact Jenna spencer, business Development executive

26 EnErgy burst Edition 3

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he government wants to see 40 shale wells drilled in the next two years and believes they will help secure the nation’s energy

supplies at an affordable price, while still allowing the uK to hit its emission reduction targets.

These expectations come after the British geological survey published initial findings that the upper Bowland shale in lancashire has enough natural gas to heat every home in the uK for 1,500 years.

There are currently a small number of companies already in the process of exploring the uK’s shale gas potential. The government has recently granted licences to igas, which will commence with drilling to create exploration wells in the Bowland shale formation in the near future.

scotland will also soon be home to exploratory drilling, following an announcement from the British geological

survey confirming it would begin work to estimate the size of deposits between Edinburgh and glasgow.

The licences granted to igas and for the scottish operations are, however, only for exploration drilling, and do not permit hydraulic Fracturing operations, meaning permission will be needed before companies are able to take full advantage of the uK’s shale gas.

cuadrilla Resources, is at a more advanced stage in the process and are carrying out hydraulic Fracturing. The company’s operations are located in lancashire, and have a permanent site based in Elswick as well as two temporary sites in Weeton and singleton. in addition, cuadrilla has also gained planning permission for sites in Kirkham and Wharles, but, at this stage, there are no plans to undertake exploration projects.

noF Energy is currently monitoring

the uk eneRgy sectoR Is enteRIng a neW anD excItIng phase as the exploRatIon of shale gas Is close to BecomIng a DomInant element of the onshoRe gas sectoR.

28 EnErgy burst Edition 3

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the shale gas industry to identify possible business development opportunities for members. The organisation is also generating contacts within the onshore sector that will be of benefit to members and the industry when the right opportunity presents itself.

The shale gas industry, like others in the sector, will need a technology-led supply chain, providing numerous supply side opportunities for north East businesses that are already well-recognised for their presence in the offshore oil and gas sector. These businesses are well-suited for the transition due to their numerous transferable skills and competencies that the onshore sector will be increasingly demanding once the exploration of shale gas commences.

Joanne leng MBE, Deputy chief Executive of noF Energy, said: “The already well-established onshore oil & gas sector is entering a new period in its history, particularly with the interest in the exploitation of shale gas reserves.”

“in addition to providing new activity for the sector, shale gas will attract interest from companies involved in the offshore oil and gas supply chain, which have complementary skills and expertise that can be applied to this industry.”

“currently around 600 people are directly employed by the onshore oil & gas industry, but the institute of Directors recently predicted that up to 74,000 jobs could be created over the next 10 years. Transferring skills and products will enable companies with offshore experience to also operate onshore.”

“For example, there will be a major shortage of onshore rigs, which could provide new fabrication work for the region should the industry start to build rigs in the uK. in addition new technologies will be required to ensure the industry maintains a leading edge approach.”

the Government wants to see

drilled in the next two years

30 EnErgy burst Edition 3

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any of the consultants at corporate Risk associates are young graduates with an educational background in

science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths (sTEM). offering integrated risk and safety analysis services primarily to the energy sector cRa provides an excellent training ground for our newly qualified graduates. The work is interesting, stimulating and in great abundance especially in the nuclear industry. however, we have the opportunity to undertake more work than we can deliver with our current team. Expansion plans for the company are being held back – not because of a poor balance sheet or a lack of work – but due to a lack of high calibre recruits with the correct skills.

We have forged excellent links with top universities to help find suitable candidates to develop into the next generation of technical risk analysts. however, despite these links, the number of applicants only trickle through and hardly any are female. so, where are the girls? What are they up to?

a new report has outlined the scale of the uK’s engineering skills shortage and called for a government industrial strategy to focus on training.

The study, commissioned by the Royal academy of Engineering, found that British industry will need 100,000 new graduates in science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (sTEM) subjects every year until 2020 just to maintain current employment numbers.

however, the uK currently produces only 90,000 sTEM graduates a year and a quarter of these students choose jobs in non-engineering sectors. so we have a pool of

only 67,500 sTEM graduates able to work in technical, science and engineering related fields.

The uK council for international student affairs states that 32% of engineering and technology students are international students. Depressingly, this means that our graduate pool in the uK eligible to work for us (due to uK security restrictions in the Defence and nuclear sectors) is down to only 45,900 graduates, and even more depressingly not many of these are women.

according to the institution of Engineering and Technology’s (iET) annual workforce survey, despite a raft of initiatives designed to engage women (including the iET’s own Young Woman Engineer of the Year competition), progress in addressing industry’s gender imbalance appears to have stalled. not only does the uK have the lowest proportion of female engineering professionals in the Eu (just 8.7 per cent) but the iET also highlights the decline in the number of female engineering technicians from five percent to three per cent since 2008.

as the managIng DIRectoR of a specIalIst technIcal RIsk analysIs consultancy, I am In the foRtunate posItIon of DevelopIng the skIlls of ouR next geneRatIon of young pRofessIonals.

girls are doing better educationally than ever before and are outperforming boys at ‘a’ levels and at university. girls studying biology are now in greater numbers than ever before. The medical schools are seeing an increased intake of females and within 8 years there will be more women than men in the profession. The same is also true for veterinary science and pharmacy.

however, when we move to physics or engineering:• Astaggering49%ofstateco-edschools have no girls taking Physics ‘a’ level (2011).

• Girlsinsingle-sexschoolsare2.5times more likely to be studying physics than those in co-ed schools.

so where is the uK going wrong with the girls? We need to do much more to give all our girls genuine equality of opportunity at school. That includes ensuring that no subject is conveyed as being inappropriate.

Today at corporate Risk associates we have a total of 35 technical professionals of which only four are female. Dr catherine aerts is one and relates her childhood as being surrounded by older brothers, and tells of how her Barbie was regularly tied to the toy railway line.

having strong female role models also made a big difference. During catherine’s school years her mother ran her own engineering business. seeing women in science and in important roles can influence how girls see themselves, and the options open to them for study and careers.

as a diverse sME, i don’t care what colour, sex, shape or size people are. My only question is ‘can they do the job?’ The statistics prove that boys are not better than girls and also

that the girls are not coming through the uK education system in sTEM subjects.

i am certain that if universities had the same number of female applicants as male, then we would be on target for filling the vacancies which are holding back economic growth and job creation in the uK.

What is CrA doing to help?

Many of the staff are young Science, Technology, Engineering, or Maths graduates. CRA’s in-house mentoring, and its dedication to professional development, aims to deliver the next generation of high calibre risk analysts.

The company sponsors a number of doctoral students at Imperial College and CRA staff occasionally lecture there on Nuclear Risk Analysis. CRA also provides a mentoring service to Masters’ students at various universities. Through this service students are offered industrial placements for their research and are regularly offered positions in the company.

Our graduates have also provided a STEM service for local schools by visiting and helping with maths and physics in the classrooms in the hope of inspiring future scientists and engineers.

CRA additionally stages a 2-day conference each year in the specialist fields of Probabilistic Safety Analysis and Human Factors Assessments for all interested individuals and companies.

Speakers of world-wide repute are invited to the conference to share the latest knowledge, develop best practice, and discuss how the safety and reliability of our mission critical industries can be improved. The conference is organised and hosted solely at CRA’s cost – why? It makes sense to do so for the company as the leading PSA/HFA consultancy in the UK and for the wider risk analysis community.

32 EnErgy burst Edition 3

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34 EnErgy burst Edition 3

North east energy sector creates work for Newcastle firm of surveyors newcastle based silverstone Building consultancy, a niche firm of chartered building surveyors, has reported a rise in the number of instructions it has received from companies within the north East’s booming energy sector.

silverstone, who became members of noF Energy earlier this year, has developed a strong client base within the energy sector. silverstone has carried out work on behalf of Duco (a subsidiary of Technip), swagelok, global Marine systems, TTE Technical Training and Tekmar Energy.

Ben hunter, director at silverstone commented: ‘We have worked proactively with noF Energy to make a number of new client introductions with supply chain companies. as a result of the work we have carried out within the energy sector we have developed a stronger understanding of its importance in the north East market. We have gained specialist knowledge and experience which we are confident will help us secure further new clients in this growing sector.’

Ben hunter commented: ‘The booming energy sector in the north East is a catalyst for opportunities for silverstone and the commercial property market. all of the supply chain businesses in the sector have commercial property needs whether it be for storage, manufacturing, engineering or offices. some growing businesses are expanding their sites or relocating to new ones. We are able to offer specialist building surveys and project management services to deal with property issues such as dilapidations obligations, due diligence surveys and the design and coordination of refurbishment works for these businesses.’

During the past year silverstone has carried out detailed building surveys on major sites for both global Marine systems and Duco with a view to expanding their respective facilities. They have also project managed the refurbishment of swagelok’s new Teesside headquarters and have more recently been instructed to project manage works at Tekmar’s headquarters in newton aycliffe.

Richard farrey & Ben hunter

PDl expand into North AmericanoF Energy member company, PDl solutions (Europe) limited, has established a presence in houston to provide advanced engineering design and analysis support to the us-based engineering teams of their European oil & gas clients.

PDl chief executive officer, Paul charlton, explains “over the years, we have established an excellent working relationship with our oil & gas clients based in the north East of England, aberdeen and norway and we have developed a robust and proven way of supporting those clients on predominantly a remote basis from our offices in hexham. We are now being asked by a number of our international clients to provide the same level of high value support to their us-based engineering teams, which we’re delighted to do of course, but we feel we need to deliver the support to the us locations on a local in-country level; hence, we’ve established PDl solutions (north america) llc.”

PDl solutions (north america) llc is wholly owned by the European business. it is led by Rob campbell who has been promoted to Vice President north america and it is based in the heart of the so-called “energy corridor” in houston. Rob will report to the European managing director, Michael Williams.

PDl, in consultation with their European clients, have developed a simple but effective delivery model for the houston office, as Paul explains “For the first 12-18 months, we will second some of our existing engineers from hexham into the houston office. This will ensure that we deliver the same level of service to our us-based clients that we deliver to our European clients and that we have a consistent

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and robust approach to governance and the like. it also enables us to offer fantastic personal and professional development opportunities to all of our hexham-based engineers.”

it seems that expansion further afield is also in the planning too, as Paul continues “We believe in the simple premise that people do business with people and that strong relationships are a key differentiator to any business. We have high hopes for houston and we are already looking to roll out a similar in-country business model to our client’s other main engineering centres in the likes of Kuala lumpur too.”

Nortech Group named ‘most Promising New business’ at prestigious Chamber Awards 2013nortech group, the professional engineering design and project management company, has been named ‘most promising new business’ at the prestigious British chambers of commerce (Bcc) national chamber awards 2013.

over 500 people attended the awards ceremony at the Brewery, london. chosen from hundreds of entries, the Wynyard, stockton-on-Tees based firm, was recognised for its rapid growth since being set up in 2011.

The expanding firm, which now employs 86 members of staff, serves the process, offshore, onshore oil & gas, steel and iron industries.

Bryan Bunn, Managing Director of nortech, said: “We’re delighted to win through at the national finals of these prestigious awards. it really is a fantastic testament to the hard work and dedication of the team at nortech in shaping how we have developed as a company over the past few years.

“We have experienced phenomenal growth since we set up in april 2011. We’re very proud of our achievements and are looking forward to further building on our reputation in the expanding oil and gas market.”

The British chambers of commerce (Bcc) chamber awards 2013 is committed to finding the best businesses through a series of regional heats followed by the national Final. now in its 10th year, the competition is one of the showcase events that highlight the role of business as a positive force for the uK recovery and the success of local communities and individuals.

hertel Offshore successfully delivers shell Draugen Additional living Quarterhertel offshore, part of the international multi-disciplinary industrial services company hertel, has successfully delivered an additional living Quarter for the shell Draugen Platform in the norwegian continental shelf.

The shell Draugen additional living Quarter will accommodate 44 people, has a total weight of approx. 500T and is designed according to the stringent norsok and shell requirements and standards.

The additional living Quarter is now on its way to norway where it will be lifted on the shell Draugen Platform.

hertel offshore is very proud to have worked with norske shell and aibel on this project while building on the great experience and know-how of hertel offshore.

Newcastlegateshead and the surrounding area are world-renowned for engineering excellence in the marine and offshore sector. The area has

emerged from its industrial heyday of shipbuilding and coalmining as a place which is inventing the leading-edge technologies that are revolutionising today’s burgeoning global oil and gas industry, attracting major maintenance companies such as Belgian group Fabricom suez that has opened a design and engineering office just north of newcastle city centre.

More than 70% of the oil and gas platforms operating in the north sea were built in the north East region, where the sector employs around 65,000 people. and with the focus on exploring the north sea on the increase, being in such close proximity to the oil and gas fields there perfectly positions us to take advantage of the opportunities this will create.

The north East’s extensive involvement in the north sea oil and gas industry

has enabled the area to develop a comprehensive range of ancillary service companies. a huge range of engineering companies, many with specialist oil and gas industry capabilities, manufacture and service equipment of all kinds – from large platform fabrications to hydraulic pumps, valves and lubricants – are winning projects in direct competition with sites in Brazil, Malaysia and germany.

huge investment from shepherd offshore has turned the tide of decline in offshore activities to bring life back to the River Tyne. The company operates a supply base at Walker Riverside in newcastle which has deep water berthing, hammerhead cranes for large lifting needs, and facilities for mobilising and demobilising vessels of all kinds. They also provide a supply chain management and logistics service from the support base, which is dedicated to handling all types of offshore related materials and other cargoes.

a major milestone in the development recently opened up the site to further opportunities. a dredger took two

A flowing pipeline of opportunity for oil and gas in NewcastleGateshead

months to move a mountain of silt from the riverbed so that deep-hulled vessels can now berth alongside the park’s 700 tonne heavy load-out pad. The completion of the project has created an 8.5 metre deep water berth at the 760 metre long quay, enabling larger vessels to come alongside for the loading and off-loading of reel products, equipment, machinery and fabricated structures as well as mobilisation and demobilisation projects. it means the neptune Energy Park can now store reel products for its existing customers – which include gE oil & gas, Duco (Technip umbilical systems) and Bridon Ropes, all major players in the burgeoning north East offshore industry – and is available for a whole range of maritime fabrication and conversion projects for leading oil and gas companies such as subsea 7 and Technip.

local universities play a pivotal role in supporting R&D in the oil & gas sector. The schools of Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Mechanical and systems Engineering; civil Engineering and geosciences; and Marine science and Technology at newcastle university

38 EnErgy burst Edition 3

”newcastlegateshead’s inward investment Team provides a

range of services to potential and existing investors.”

are at the forefront of collaborative research with industrial partners. Durham university’s centre for Research into Earth Energy systems carries out research of direct relevance to industry in such fields as digital mapping, well site geology and drilling technologies.

The uK government’s announcement in early 2013 that it was backing the creation of a new marine innovation centre on the site of the former neptune shipyard at Walker, newcastle, will further strengthen the efforts to address the widely recognised skills gap. The neptune national centre for subsea and offshore Engineering centre is a joint venture between subsea north East, newcastle university and the higher Education Funding council for England (hEFcE). The neptune centre will play a crucial role in inspiring young engineers at graduate level and will work closely with partners at other levels so that the north East can create a truly joined up skills pathway.

This will complement the area’s already strong offshore and marine workforce. Each year, a highly skilled labour pool emerges from the north East’s colleges, universities and training academies. around 50% of students choose to stay in newcastlegateshead after graduating, providing a ready supply of talent. The recruiting process can be done with ease and combined with lower operating costs, having a base in newcastlegateshead can result in up to 40% savings compared to other offshore industry bases.

all of these fantastic assets provide a strong proposition and an abundance of opportunities for oil and gas companies looking to realise their ambitions for growth in an innovative and world-leading location. newcastlegateshead’s inward investment Team provides a range of services to potential and existing investors. our service is bespoke and is led by client needs.

Case study: AXON energy ProductsaXon Energy Products, a multi-national engineering and equipment provider in the oil and gas industry, is investing in a new 20,000 sq ft research and development (R&D) facility in gateshead. This R&D facility serves as a dedicated resource for the company’s development of new products.

gary Pendleton, chief technology officer, commented, “We have a fantastic opportunity at aXon to develop world-class leading products from our gateshead facility. a dedicated R&D unit will allow us to design, prototype and test products to the industry’s highest standards.”

initial developments will be based on a new range of valves for aXon’s pressure products division. The valves have been designed, prototyped and tested to demanding american Petroleum institute (aPi) standards, ensuring these products achieve the high quality requirements necessary for proper introduction into aXon’s extensive product portfolio.

Future developments will focus in other areas of aXon’s product line, such as top drives, drawworks, hoisting equipment, pump units, and more. The gateshead team, supported by aXon’s 33 other worldwide facilities, can expect a busy schedule moving forward with the company’s ever growing portfolio.

gary stratulate, chief executive officer, added: “so, why did we choose gateshead for our R&D facility? The north East has a great heritage of engineering skills and innovation, which is still very prevalent today. access to engineering skills is easier and more focused compared to other worldwide locations. academia – local universities invest and support the vibrant oil and gas business, centred in newcastlegateshead, with highly skilled graduates.

“north East England can boast some of the finest engineering machine shops and support processes in the uK, providing local and timely support for the development of aXon’s new products. in addition, the area’s road, rail, seaports and regional airports provide convenient access to major oil and gas centres around the world.

“The uK is ideally located to connect with the usa (-6 hrs) and the Far East operations (+8 hrs) within a single working day, allowing expedient communication. last but not least, the local government is committed to growing businesses. newcastlegateshead initiative has been instrumental in identifying facilities, location, services and government support, enabling a smooth start-up for aXon’s new R&D facility.

“after visiting north East England and witnessing the skill base, facilities and local support first-hand, it was a simple decision to finalise the location of our R&D unit. We’re excited for the future of this unit, as well as the positive impact on our company and the industry.” @tynetoinvest

EnErgy burst Edition 3 39



Flexlife and Technip Offshore Wind have already seized the opportunity.

Visit and see what they have to say.


Be part of somewhere Genuinely…Inspiring Our inventive spirit gave the world the lightbulb,

steam engine and Lucozade! Get the energy your business needs to thrive.

Talented A skilled workforce ready for a challenge, and world-leading universities with industry-focused degrees to nurture tomorrow’s talent.

Connected Three major ports, an international airport and offshore energy fields just off our stunning coastline.

Networked Global businesses including Wood Group, Duco, GE Oil & Gas and Bridon, who reap the benefits of an established, collaborative supply chain.

Q>What does your job at nof energy involve?

a<i am currently on a two year training plan as noF Energy’s

Trainee Events Manager. i take a lead role in the organisation of noF Energy’s comprehensive calendar of events.

Q>how long have you been with the organisation and what

sort of projects have you worked on with nof energy?

a<i have been with noF Energy for over seven years and

worked on many exciting projects including the well renowned annual dinner and the fast growing, prestigious annual conference.

Q>What is your favourite part of the job?

a<it is rewarding to see an event run well and to receive positive

feedback from attendees.

Q>What are your interests outside of work?

a<i like adrenalin filled activities, holidays, days out, theme

parks, dining out and cats.

Kristie leng, Trainee Events Manager

Q>If you could have three famous people (dead or alive) over for

a dinner party, who would they be and why?

a<Michael Mcintyre, absolute comic genius! Jamie oliver, i’m

rubbish at cooking so maybe he could teach me some of his ten minute meals? gerard Butler, which lady doesn’t have a soft spot for him?

Q>Why do you think companies benefit from

being members of nof energy?

a<i think companies benefit from being a member for

a number of reasons including the introduction service that we offer. Members can simply pick up the phone and request an introduction to another member company or industry contact, we also offer an introduction service at our events which is becoming increasingly popular! our strategic partner network is also an excellent way for companies to gain access to the operators and contractors.

Q>If you could take three items to a desert island what would

they be?

a<unlimited supply of food & water and the internet (a

device required also!).

Kristie leNG

EnErgy burst Edition 3 41

These awards are recognised by employers throughout the UK and worldwide for their rigour and breadth of knowledge and understanding. Designed and written by experienced academics students are offered complete study packages. Employers are confident that successful students can perform effectively in higher technician and engineering roles.

Currently over 2,500 students are studying these awards, many sponsored by employers from the energy sector and its supply chain. These awards are especially useful for ex-military personnel who are entering the energy sector.

The HNC award can be used as a route to a degree and eventual chartered status. All engineering undergraduate programmes are offered on a part-time basis.

Thanks to special funding aimed at employers we can help you support your

Inspiring business solutions for the energy sectorsTeesside University Open Learning in Engineering is the world’s leading provider of high quality engineering programmes available at HNC and HND. This flexible learning option enables key staff to study irrespective of location, be it an oil rig in the North Sea or a pipeline construction in the desert.

A spark of inspiration

Teesside University Business School MasterclassesDesigned to help you and your organisation to develop business capability and enhance key areas of business management in a new and powerful way, our masterclasses are an intense and interactive experience with immediate personal and business benefits:• maximumimpactwithminimumtimeawayfromwork• learnnewskillstodayandapplyforrealinyourownbusinesstomorrow• nolong-termcommitment–youcansteponandofftheprogramme• flexibleengagement–youcanattendsinglemasterclasses,

or design a tailored programme• consolidationsessions,profilingandcoaching.

Masterclasses are offered at three levels: > management > leadership > executive.

Masterclasses start in October. Find out more at, or call Dr Amy Smith on 01642 342868 or email

staff to upskill with part-time postgraduate study. Employers can access a one-off 50% reduction in fees from selected courses starting in February 2014 (students must be enrolled by 31 December).

Continuous professional development is supported by a range of masterclasses in leadership and management, environmental management, energy consumption and enterprise resource planning.

Business servicesWe offer a wealth of consultancy experience and expertise across all functional areas of business to help the

engineering and manufacturing sectors maintain that vital competitive edge. Teesside Manufacturing Centre supports business to provide solutions to efficiencyandsustainabilityproblems. Our knowledge transfer projects bring bottomlinebenefitstocompanieslookingto develop a new product or service, or help solve a particular problem.

Find out moreFiona Smith, Business Development ManagerT: 01642 738025E:

School of Science & Engineering

A spark of inspiration

Teesside University Open Learning EngineeringA world-leading provider of high quality flexible education for the energy sector in the following areas:> chemical engineering > electrical and electronic engineering > instrumentation and control engineering > mechanical engineering > metals and materials

HigherNationalCertificatesandHigherNationalDiplomasarevocationallyorientated awards validated by Edexcel.

Course feesHNC: eight modules including registration – £4059.00HND: 16 modules including registration – £7991.80

Enhanced Learning Credits are accepted from military personnel as part payment of fees. UK students may be eligible for a student loan.

Further informationT: 01642 342740 E:

These awards are recognised by employers throughout the UK and worldwide for their rigour and breadth of knowledge and understanding. Designed and written by experienced academics students are offered complete study packages. Employers are confident that successful students can perform effectively in higher technician and engineering roles.

Currently over 2,500 students are studying these awards, many sponsored by employers from the energy sector and its supply chain. These awards are especially useful for ex-military personnel who are entering the energy sector.

The HNC award can be used as a route to a degree and eventual chartered status. All engineering undergraduate programmes are offered on a part-time basis.

Thanks to special funding aimed at employers we can help you support your

Inspiring business solutions for the energy sectorsTeesside University Open Learning in Engineering is the world’s leading provider of high quality engineering programmes available at HNC and HND. This flexible learning option enables key staff to study irrespective of location, be it an oil rig in the North Sea or a pipeline construction in the desert.

A spark of inspiration

Teesside University Business School MasterclassesDesigned to help you and your organisation to develop business capability and enhance key areas of business management in a new and powerful way, our masterclasses are an intense and interactive experience with immediate personal and business benefits:• maximumimpactwithminimumtimeawayfromwork• learnnewskillstodayandapplyforrealinyourownbusinesstomorrow• nolong-termcommitment–youcansteponandofftheprogramme• flexibleengagement–youcanattendsinglemasterclasses,

or design a tailored programme• consolidationsessions,profilingandcoaching.

Masterclasses are offered at three levels: > management > leadership > executive.

Masterclasses start in October. Find out more at, or call Dr Amy Smith on 01642 342868 or email

staff to upskill with part-time postgraduate study. Employers can access a one-off 50% reduction in fees from selected courses starting in February 2014 (students must be enrolled by 31 December).

Continuous professional development is supported by a range of masterclasses in leadership and management, environmental management, energy consumption and enterprise resource planning.

Business servicesWe offer a wealth of consultancy experience and expertise across all functional areas of business to help the

engineering and manufacturing sectors maintain that vital competitive edge. Teesside Manufacturing Centre supports business to provide solutions to efficiencyandsustainabilityproblems. Our knowledge transfer projects bring bottomlinebenefitstocompanieslookingto develop a new product or service, or help solve a particular problem.

Find out moreFiona Smith, Business Development ManagerT: 01642 738025E:

School of Science & Engineering

A spark of inspiration

Teesside University Open Learning EngineeringA world-leading provider of high quality flexible education for the energy sector in the following areas:> chemical engineering > electrical and electronic engineering > instrumentation and control engineering > mechanical engineering > metals and materials

HigherNationalCertificatesandHigherNationalDiplomasarevocationallyorientated awards validated by Edexcel.

Course feesHNC: eight modules including registration – £4059.00HND: 16 modules including registration – £7991.80

Enhanced Learning Credits are accepted from military personnel as part payment of fees. UK students may be eligible for a student loan.

Further informationT: 01642 342740 E:

44 EnErgy burst Edition 3

he annual survey charts the activities of its 440 uK and international members and their opinions of the organisation’s business development services.

noF Energy works closely with its members to provide industry intelligence, market knowledge and networking opportunities that can lead to new business.

70 percent of respondents to the survey believe oil and gas will remain the priority sector for the next five years. With £13 billion worth of investment earmarked for the north sea oil and gas industry this year alone, and future investments of a further £100 billion expected, it is clear to see why this is the case.

Both offshore renewables and nuclear received a mixed response in the survey. For 35 percent of those surveyed, offshore renewables will however, remain a long term focus and a key area for their business activities. Members also gave a mixed

response to the nuclear industry, with almost 30 percent of respondents seeing it as still having potential for the future.

in addition to members operations in the existing sectors, 60 percent of respondents indicated that the emerging shale gas market is an area of real interest indicating a demand for more information on the sector in terms of supply chain opportunities and timescales for future developments, which noF Energy will address in 2014. The noF Energy conference in March 2014 sees shale gas on the agenda for the first time with speakers from both the uK and usa participating.

if the industry is to really establish itself, it will need the support of a robust supply chain and noF Energy’s members have some of the relevant products and services required, therefore the organisation will be supporting them through increased business development activity in this sector

The survey also highlighted the continuing

WOrDs: ClarE WEirs, dirECtor BUsinEss sErviCEsnoF EnErgy

NOF eNerGY, the busiNess DeVelOPmeNt OrGANisAtiON FOr Oil, GAs, NuCleAr AND OFFshOre reNeWAbles seCtOrs, hAs PublisheD its ANNuAl surVeY, WhiCh reVeAls Oil AND GAs Will remAiN the COre FOCus FOr its members iN 2014.

importance of exports to its members. With almost 70 percent of those surveyed exporting, the overseas markets in norway, uaE, usa, australia, netherlands, saudi and Brazil remain high on the agenda. The Russian market is also seen as increasingly important for the future.

noF Energy’s annual survey also found that almost 30 percent of respondents believe the main challenge facing the industry is gaining access to key decision makers, but are utilising noF Energy’s services to establish new relationships that will enable access to new opportunities.

skills remains a significant concern of members with more than 20 percent reporting that recruiting experienced and qualified personnel is a continuing challenge.

clare Weirs, Director Business services, at noF Energy said: “The dominance of oil & gas in the energy mix is clearly reflected in the focus of our members. With record levels of investment destined for the uK continental shelf, established, technology-led companies, with experience of operating in this sector, are in a prime position to benefit from the increased activity.

“noF Energy members are fully aware of the demand for new technologies and the need to build long-term supply chain relationships with both the operators and contractors.

“Exports also remain a key priority for our members and the multiple and diverse markets they are successfully serving demonstrate the high regard in which uK skills, products and services are held by the global energy industry. it is also positive to see that noF Energy members, with our support, are continuing to target new and emerging markets that will benefit from the innovative and expert approach taken by the uK supply chain.”

EnErgy burst Edition 3 45

46 EnErgy burst Edition 3

013 marked noF Energy’s 25th anniversary, and, as usual, the organisation has been busy supporting businesses in the oil, gas, nuclear and offshore

renewable sectors. 2014 promises to be equally exciting for members, with a range of conferences, visits and exhibitions on the horizon..

noF Energy, working with uK Trade & investment will welcome a subsea-focused delegation from the Brazilian energy industry in February.

The Brazilian oil and gas industry is booming due to billions of pounds worth of investment from the state owned-company Petrobras. With the uK at the forefront of subsea innovations this is a high value opportunity for companies with proven expertise and capabilities.

inward visits are a time effective way to engage with international business and showcase the technologies, products and skills members have to offer. They offer

uK suppliers the chance to promote their products/services to the global energy market.

energy: A balanced Future is a leading energy conference and exhibition that looks at hot topics within the sector and highlights new future opportunities for the supply chain. now in its fourth year, the event will spotlight the continued importance of a balanced energy mix to circa 300 attendees.

Taking place on 13th March (pre-conference networking reception 12th March) the conference will welcome speakers, panelists and developers from across the industry. in attendance will be representatives from leading industry bodies, tier 1 and tier 2 contractors and a broad representation from the supply chain.

among the discussions at the conference will be the emerging importance of onshore gas and the opportunities the exploration of shale resources will have for the noF Energy network.

ONe OF the biGGest VAlues OF NOF eNerGY membershiP is the OrGANisAtiON’s eXteNsiVe NetWOrK. the AbilitY tO builD NeW relAtiONshiPs AND DeVelOP eXistiNG PArtNershiPs betWeeN members hAs AlWAYs beeN AN AttrACtiVe PrOPOsitiON FOr suPPlY ChAiN COmPANies.

EnErgy burst Edition 3 47

subsea north East, the regional advocacy group for the north East of England’s subsea sector, supported by noF Energy, promotes the region’s innovation and excellence in the development of subsea technologies and solutions.

The subsea sector continues to maintain its position as the economy’s leading provider of innovative, technology-led, solutions. The uK sector’s reputation across the global oil and gas and offshore renewables industry is second to none.

at the conference in June, delegates will gather to discuss the developments in technology, market opportunities and sector challenges.

The subsea industry in the uK is experiencing an exciting and challenging time and is now one of the fastest growing sectors for the economy, achieving 40% growth over three years, in the north East alone the subsea sector generates a turnover of well in excess of £1 billion a year.

george Rafferty said: “Previous subsea north East conferences have always attracted lively debate and discussion and i am sure this year will be no different. We can be proud of our vibrant subsea sector and i’d encourage any company with an interest in the sector to attend.”.

noF Energy’s annual supplier day, taking place June provides a great opportunity for members to access key players from across the energy sectors, offering the opportunity to meet and sell to five key purchasers.

The event enables members to meet face-to-face with businesses who are leaders in their sector, and ensures members are generating relationships that can evolve to become beneficial to their business development and aspirations.

Previous supplier days have resulted in new collaborations and contract awards, which highlights the importance of noF Energy networking events.

Offices to help power growth and successHigh quality, ready-made office space with high speed internet and phone connections from day one is an attractive offer for businesses looking to hit the ground running.

Precisely these terms are on offer at Wilton Centre, which now has over 100,000 square feet of high quality offices available in a prime location right in the heart of Teesside.

Household Name Tenants

Its international reputation for first-rate fully serviced office accommodation and its long heritage of accommodating many household-name tenants,

means Wilton Centre is becoming the pivotal centre for the energy and engineering sectors.

The high specification space on offer has resulted in an increasing number of engineering companies locating at the centre, including Aveva Solutions, Energy Maintenance Co, HFL Risk Services and Mourik UK.

Wilton Centre’s site director Steve Duffield said that being able to offer immediate occupancy, together with competitive, flexible terms, makes the Centre the ideal place to locate and set up a project office quickly and effectively.

“This was demonstrated in 2010 with EDF Energy renewables choosing to locate its Teesside Windfarm project office at Wilton Centre,” he added.

“Whether the requirement is for a short term project office or a longer term base, all the facilities and support required are on site and the Teesside area is also a great place to recruit an experienced workforce.”

Steve continued: “Not only are we are perfectly placed to provide ready-made access to facilities, we are experienced enough to know the support that a business needs to operate efficiently out of a new location.

“This makes us a very popular choice for any organisation looking to set up as painlessly as possible.”

Call 01642 438050 for further details.



If you’re looking for somewhere to locate your Project Office, look no further, Wilton Centre offers high quality fully serviced and managed accommodation, fully ready to move into, taking the hassle away from you. Over 100,000 sq ft of flexible office space, with immediate occupancy, can house smaller teams or anything up to a large number of desk spaces.

Our excellent range of facilities with Lakeside restaurant, cafe and shop, free parking and a range of meeting rooms are set within a 75acre landscaped park.

For further information including viewing arrangements and lease terms, please contact us below: | 01642 438050 |

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EnErgy burst Edition 3 49

oil & gas networking lunchWith tOtAl e&PsPONsOreD bY COrPOrAte risK AssOCiAtesWheN 23 January 2014Where hardwick hall hotel, north East England

oil & gas International Business visit NOrWAYeXPlOre the mArKet AND meet KeY PlAYers WheN 3 February 2014Where stavanger

uk trade & Investment Inward visit from Brazil subseA FOCus OrGANiseD bY NOF eNerGY WheN 3 and 4 February 2014Where newcastle united Football club, north East England

oil & gas networking lunchWith AKer sOlutiONssPONsOreD bY PrOsPeCt WheN 13 February 2014 Where hilton Treetop aberdeen

oil & gas International Business visit eAst mAlAYsiAWheN week commencing 24th February 2014Where sabah

energy: a Balanced future NOF eNerGY NAtiONAl CONFereNCe AND eXhibitiON NetWOrKiNG reCePtiON PlAtiNum sPONsOr NeWCAstleGAtesheAD iNitiAtiVe WheN 12 March 2014Where hilton hotel, north East England

energy: a Balanced future NOF eNerGY NAtiONAl CONFereNCe AND eXhibitiONWheN 13 March 2014Where hilton hotel, north East England

oil & gas networking lunch With DeePOCeANsPONsOreD bY NeWCAstleGAtesheAD iNitiAtiVeWheN 20 March 2014Where TBc, aberdeen

tO bOOKVisit

50 EnErgy burst Edition 3

nof eneRgy Is a hIghly pRoactIve BusIness Development oRganIsatIon WoRkIng on Behalf of companIes WIthIn the oIl, gas, nucleaR anD offshoRe ReneWaBles sectoRs. WIth oveR 400 memBeRs the oRganIsatIon actIvely WoRk to IDentIfy gloBal oppoRtunItIes WIthIn these sectoRs anD WoRk WIth ouR memBeRs to help theIR maRkets secuRe a shaRe of them.

membership that adds real value, talk to us today… Joanne leng scan the QR coDE to access our membership page.

noF Energy would like to offer a warm welcome to all our new members that have recently joined us. To find out who has joined the network please visit

The cost of membership

starts from just £505 per annum

Building a supply chain community for the

Membership that adds real value, talk to us today…


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