Enclosure Movement Wealthy landlords fenced in common pastures and experimented with new farming...

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Transcript of Enclosure Movement Wealthy landlords fenced in common pastures and experimented with new farming...

Enclosure Movement

Wealthy landlords fenced in common pastures and experimented with new farming technology

Villages lost common lands and political power, peasants became poorer

Crop Rotation• Fields depleted of nutrients by one crop replenished

by planting different crops. This technique was developed by Charles“Turnip” Townshend

Selective BreedingHealthiest livestock bred to produce larger livestock developed by Robert Bakewell

Other Discoveries•Seed drill planted seeds efficiently (Jethro

Tull)•New crops: maize and potato•Chemical fertilizers (Justus von Liebig as

well as other German chemists)•Reaper (Cyrus McCormick) developed in


• Agricultural Revolution of the 18th century

• Rapid Growth of Population

• Possessed a ready supply of capital

• Country and citizens interested in wealth and commerce

• No internal wars

Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England?

• Abundance of natural resources, coal and iron especially

• No internal barriers to trade

• Stable government with a Parliament supportive of business and private property

• Social structure that allowed considerable mobility

• Strong domestic and foreign demand for British goods

What was the earliest form of the industrial system?

Cottage System or Putting Out System

James Hargreaves – Spinning Jenny

Edmund Cartwright – Power Loom

Samuel Compton – Water Frame

What invention led to the need for factories and why?

Water Frame; it was too large to be accommodated in workers’ home

What invention allowed factories to be located anywhere?

Steam Engine

Name two individuals associated with the development of the steam engine.

Newcomen & Watt

What individual is associated with a process called “puddling”? What is “puddling”?

Henry Cort; method using coke to burn away impurities in pig iron to produce an iron ore of high quality

What individual pioneered the first steam powered locomotive on an industrial rail-line in south Wales?

Richard Trevithick

Who developed the first locomotive to be used on a public railway line? What was the locomotive called?

George Stevenson; the Rocket

Effects of Railroads

Expanded rapidly throughout Britain

Cheaper transportation increased production and profits

New markets opened up to farmers

Railways fueled other industries: coal, steam engines, iron, steel and many manufactured products

People began to travel for pleasure

By 1850’s England was the world’s first and richest industrial nation.

The spread of the Industrial Revolution to the continent had been delayed by the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars.

Also, Britain passed a law that prevented mechanics, toolmakers, and engineers from leaving the country.

The first countries to industrialize in Europe were Belgium, France, and the northern German states.

The Industrial Revolution also spread to United States, especially in the Northeast.

Samuel Slater has been called both the "Father of American Industry" and the "Founder of the American Industrial Revolution." Slater built several successful cotton mills in New England and established the town of Slatersville, Rhode Island.

Francis Cabot Lowell was an American businessman and the founder of the world's first textile mill. Together with inventor Paul Moody, Lowell created a more efficient power loom and a spinning apparatus.

To link the east and west, thousands of miles of roads and canals were built.

Robert Fulton build the first paddle-wheel streamboat.

By 1860 there were 1000’s steamboats on the Mississippi and 30,000 miles of railroad track covered the U.S.A.


First practical steamship developed in 1807 (Robert Fulton)

Isambard Kingdom Brunel developed the first propeller-driven ocean-going iron ship, which was at the time (1843) also the largest ship ever built

Ocean going steamships slow to develop; however, by 1870, 40% of ocean going ships used steam

First ocean going passenger ship using steam was developed by Samuel Cunard.

•Suez Canal opened on November 17, 1869

-- Had a negative impact on price of cotton in southern US! Why?

•Panama Canal opened in 1914


Bessemer process reduces smelting of iron from 7 to 8 days to 30 minutes (Henry Bessemer in England) (John Kelly in US)

Open hearth blast furnace (Siemens)

Electricity – transformed factories – electric powered machinery, conveyor belts, electric lighting run factories 24/7

Faraday developed first practical generator

Tesla developed means of transmitting electricity over long distances

Swan first to develop a lightbulb in Great Britain

Edison first to develop a light bulb in United States – Edison also developed first R and D labs

Edison’s R and D Lab at Menlo Park, N.J.


Dirigibles – motor powered lighter than air ships (Zepplin)

Heavier than air flight (Wrights)


Use fuel to produce direct power that did not have to first be converted to steam (Diesel)

Motor powered bicycle (Daimler)

Water cooled internal combustion (Benz) He and Daimler combined to produce a car the Mercedes Benz

Assembly line production of cars (Ford)


Telegraph systems (Samuel F. B. Morse developed most successful

Isambard Kingdom Brunel’s steamship the Great Eastern played a significant part in laying the first lasting transatlantic telegraph cable in 1865

By 1875 telegraph allowed messages to be sent around world in less than 5 minutes

Telephone and Wireless (Bell and Marconi)

New Business Methods

Corporations operated under charters granted by government

Monopolies developed