Empreendedorismo @ Academia ISCTE-IUL 2014

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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I had a chance to give a small talk to a group of highschool students that spent their holidays on ISCTE trying to figure out what path they want to pursue in their superior education. I talked about entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial spirit in 3 small stories.

Transcript of Empreendedorismo @ Academia ISCTE-IUL 2014



Ever tried.

Ever Failed.

No Matter.

Try Again.

Fail Again.

Fail Better. S a m u e l B e c k e t t

I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career.

I've lost almost 300 games.

26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed.

I've failed over and over and over again in my life.

And that is why I succeed.

M i c h a e l J o r d a n

Life isn’t about how hard you hit.

It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.

How much you can take and keep moving forward.

That's how winning is done!

S y lv e s t e r “ R o c k y ” S t a l l o n e

1. ideia de negócio + nome criativo 2. que ajuda precisam e porquê? (Monetária ou não)

3. O que ganhamos em vos ajudar? (% da empresa, % dos Lucros, etc.)

5 minutos de apresentação por grupo

Thank you