Emperor penguins by emily

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of Emperor penguins by emily

By Emily


Emperor penguins are the largest penguin species. They are the height of around 115cm tall and they can live for more than 40 years. Depending on the time of their breeding cycle the emperor penguins can weigh a minimum of 23kg to a maximum of 40kg. Their closest relatives are the king penguins.

Emperor penguins breed in colonies spread around the Antarctic continent. Colonies can range in size from over 20,000 pairs. All but two colonies are situated on the frozen ice that is locked between islands or grounded icebergs.

Emperor penguins are the only animals that breed during the Antarctic winter.

Emperor penguins are not very territorial. They huddle tightly together and share body warmth during the strong winter storms.

Because there are no nesting supplies, emperor penguins incubate the single egg on their feet. The size of the female the egg is quite small; it weighs only about 450 grams.

Only the males incubate the egg while the females get back to sea for roughly 65 days which it takes for the egg to hatch. While incubating the males cannot go and feed themselves. By the time the chicks hatch the males have fasted for about 4 months (two months during getting affection for the female and two months during incubation).

The chicks are virtually naked when they hatch and can die within minutes if accidentally dropped onto the ice. The parents brood the youngsters on their feet for about 50 days.

Emperor penguins are excellent divers! While they mostly wonder and feed at depths from 150 to 250 meters the deepest dive recorded was to 565 meters. An average dive lasts 3 to 6 minutes although the longest dive on record was 22 minutes.

Their diet is made up of a mixture of fish, krill and squid. Most prey objects are small; since they are very cold when they have been eaten it makes it easier to bring the food up to body temperature and to digest.

At fledging, young emperor penguins send out far calls from the waters near their colonies. They can reach the sub-Antarctic waters up to 12 degrees latitude away from their natal sites.


A year in the life of a Emperor penguin

A diagram of the Emperor penguins body

Glossary Situated – to be located.

Territorial - relating to land or water owned or claimed by an entity.

Incubate – to sit on the eggs and keep them warm.

Affection – to have a special feeling for a female penguin.

Brood -young of birds or animals.

Krill - Krill is a shrimp-like marine invertebrate animal.

Prey – a person or animal who is the aimed attack.

Fledging - newcomer: any new participant in some activity.

Natal - relating to or accompanying birth.


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