Email Marketing For - RocketResponder · This ensures that more of your emails get opened, read and...

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Transcript of Email Marketing For - RocketResponder · This ensures that more of your emails get opened, read and...

Email Marketing ForSmall Business

How Email Marketing Can Bring In More Customers

And Boost Your Profits


If you are a small business owner then you will already know that competition for customer attention

and loyalty is higher than ever before.

Thanks to the internet, consumers are more informed than ever and may have a vast array of

potential suppliers to choose from when it comes to making a purchase.

These days, small businesses have to work harder than ever to find and retain new customers and

this can have a dramatic impact on overall profitability.

RocketResponder was designed with business owners like you in mind, to allow you to find more

new customers and to keep them coming back time and time again.

It works by helping you create long-term relationships with your existing customers by allowing you

to offer a ‘personal touch’ which customers really appreciate.

This guide will show how RocketResponder could help your business and also give some examples

of the types of emails you could send so that you keep your customers happy and ensure that they

get the information they require, without taking up too much of your precious time.

RocketResponder has been specifically designed to be incredibly quick and easy to use so that you

spend minimal time on email marketing and more time on your business. There is also nothing

complicated to learn either.

What Is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is simply sending email messages to a group (or groups) of people, with their

permission, in order to promote your business.

Obtaining permission is surprisingly easy and you will soon find that there are many people out

there - all potential customers - who will want to hear from you.

Why Should I Use Email Marketing?

Because you are only targeting people who have expressly shown an interest in hearing your

marketing message, you are totally free to use email marketing to send out offers, promote goods or

services, build brand awareness and help keep your business in the minds of your target audience.

You can use email marketing to achieve many objectives such as:

• bringing more customers into your store

• attracting more visitors to your website

• increasing repeat business

• getting more phone or email orders

• setting yourself apart from the competition

• building up trust with new customers and strengthen trust with existing customers

• decreasing costs of customer acquisition and retention

Won’t This Take Up Too Much Of My Time?

We designed RocketResponder with busy small business owners like you in mind. Our customers

told us they wanted a quick, easy and efficient email marketing tool that took up the minimum

amount of their time and was virtually automatic in its operation.

With that in mind, we built a system that would allow you to send out stunning looking emails while

being about as quick and easy to use as regular email.

RocketResponder also automates the process of ensuring that your email subscriber list is always

up-to-date, so that people who no longer want to hear from you are automatically unsubscribed.

Attracting New Clients

Using email marketing to attract new clients begins by simply asking for their email address.

If you have a website then a great way of getting new subscribers is just to ask website visitors for

their email address. We do this ourselves every day with RocketResponder and we highly

recommend that you do the same.

In our case we give people a free trial and that works very well for us. We don’t recommend that you

offer your services for free but you could invite people to:

• be first to hear of new product launches

• sign up for your newsletter

• get early-bird access to a new program

• download your guide for getting the most out of ‘x’, ‘y’ or ‘z.’

• read my “Top Ten Tips on How To…”

Those are just a small selection of ways you might tempt people to join your list of subscribers and

you can probably think of many more. The idea is to provide some useful information that your

potential customers will be interested in.

One of the great things about RocketResponder is that you can create as many different subscriber

lists as you want...all at no extra cost.

This allows you to send out different emails to potential customers, existing customers, high

spending customers etc., so that your marketing messages are directly targeted to the exact people

you want to reach.

Other Ways To Build A List Of Subscribers

You can also add names to your list manually so, for example, you can ask people who visit your

store, for their email addresses too.

When you collect email addresses offline in this way, RocketResponder makes it very easy for you

to add them to your subscriber list.

Simply click “Add Subscriber,” enter the subscriber’s name and email address and click save.

RocketResponder will then automatically send your new subscriber an email to confirm they want to

be on your list and that is all there is to it.

Why You Want Subscribers To Confirm Their Email Addresses

It is a total waste of time to send marketing messages to people who are not interested in the goods

or services you offer.

Asking people to confirm their interest is the best way to ensure that your emails only go out to

those people who really want to hear from you.

This ensures that more of your emails get opened, read and acted upon, because the people

receiving them are the very group of people who are most likely to become your clients.

The other main benefit of requiring people to confirm their interest, is that it ensures that you are

totally compliant with anti email spam regulations. Remember that you can only ever send

marketing emails to people who have given you permission to do so.

RocketResponder In Action

Email marketing is a great way of building up trust between you and your customers. People like to

know they are dealing with people who will treat them like individuals and take care of their specific


Get this right and not only will you get more business as the results of your own email marketing

efforts, but your new customers will often be outstanding marketers who freely recommend your

business to their friends, co-workers and family members.

RocketResponder helps you grow your business by letting you focus on relationship building with

everyone who expresses an interest in your business.

Taking the time and effort to give people the kind of information they really want will help separate

you from the competition...and it is not nearly as time consuming as you may think.

With RocketResponder, the vast majority of the process is automated so that you don’t have to

personally keep giving the same information to every new person who wants to know about your


By using RocketResponder you will put yourself at a huge advantage over your rivals who just sit

back and hope their customers will come to them.

Four Ways Email Marketing Can Boost Your Business

(i) Email Series

Once you have subscribers on your list you simply send them information they will find useful and


Typically you will write a series of emails which go out to every new subscriber in the days, weeks or

months after they sign up. (The exact time period is totally up to you.)

You write this series of emails once and RocketResponder ensures that each new subscriber gets

your emails in the right order and over the time frame you selected.

Even if you have many thousands of people join your list, there is no more work to be done after the

initial email series is written.


Let’s say you have a total of 2,000 subscribers on your email list and you send each one the same

series of five emails after they sign up.

The emails may look like this:

Day 1. Welcome. You send out a welcome email the day the subscriber joins, thanking them for

showing an interest in your business and pointing them to your website, social media links and

contact details.

Day 2. Our Service. Introduce your business and explain why you are better than the competition.

Talk about what you do to put customers first, the value you place on good service and how you go

the extra mile to ensure your customers are happy. If your prices are lower than the competition

then say that or if your customers pay a little more for outstanding quality and personal service then

make a point of saying that instead.

Day 5. Top tips. Now send an email setting out your tips for getting the most out of the goods or

services you sell. Use your expertise to set yourself up as someone who can be trusted and relied

upon to give your customers the right advice.

Day 12. Meet the team. It is always a good idea to introduce your key staff to your subscribers so

build up a personal connection between your small business and your customers. This personal

touch shows that your customers are dealing with real people who care about their needs. Talk

about the passion your team have and highlight any awards or achievements they have gained. If

the “team” is just you then that’s good too. Talk about what motivated you to setting up the business

in the first place and why you love doing what you do.

Day 15. Facts and figures. People love facts and figures. Use your expert knowledge to provide

information that customers would want to know. By using your expertise in this way, people will be

more likely to follow your advice when you recommend products or services they might like to buy.

The work required for this short introductory series of emails is just 5 emails but now everyone who

expresses an interest in your business gets a very comprehensive introduction to your business.

This is a great start in a new relationship and helps make an excellent first impression with your new


No matter many how many subscribers sign up to your list, there is no more work to be done on

your part, everyone gets to hear from you and nobody is ever missed out.

The only ongoing work needed is to update the emails whenever there is a significant change, such

as if you change your phone number or website URL or when you want to add or remove emails

from the list.

(ii) Email Broadcasts

This is where RocketResponder really comes into its own. Our drag-and-drop email templates make

it easy for you to make custom-designed emails which look really stunning.

With the email sequence described above, each new subscriber would be drip fed the emails after

they signed up.

However with email broadcasts you have the ability to send the same message to your entire list at

the same time. This is a great way to share news such as:

• a weekly or monthly newsletter,

• exclusive offers or discounts for your email subscribers,

• seasonal promotions,

• new goods or services which are being introduced,

• a countdown to a product or software launch,

• time limited offers,

• guides on using the goods or services you offer,

The list is virtually endless and these are just a few of the possible examples of emails you might

want to send.

With this type of email, you can either send it out immediately or write it in advance and schedule a

time and date when you want it to go out. This allows your email marketing to fit into your schedule

rather than the other way round.

As long as you are providing content that your subscribers find useful and relevant then you will not

go wrong.

With RocketResponder, getting your message across is easy, effective and takes up very little time.

You will be able to produce professional-looking marketing emails with ease while not taking away

from the time you need to spend in actually working on your business.

(iii) Email Reminders

This is a great flexible function which allows you to send individual subscribers a series of

messages in the days and weeks leading up to an event and in the days which follow.

For example, if you know your customers’ birthdays, then you can send Happy Birthday emails

which you can link to a special time-based offer or discount.

If you offer recurring subscriptions then reminders can be used to send emails before such

subscriptions expire or when a customer credit card details need to be updated.

Reminders can also be based on appointment dates and any other significant dates where it would

be useful to send your customers a quick email reminder.

(iv) Customer Feedback

Customer feedback is vital for highlighting where you are doing well where you need to improve.

The problem is that many customers will not give any feedback at all unless they are asked, so by

not asking you are missing out on vital information which could help you streamline your business to

better meet the needs of your customers.

When it comes to negative feedback in particular, you really want your customers to tell you so that

you can fix the problem as soon as it arises.

The alternative is that they say nothing to you but post to social media about the totally awful

experience they had...and that is a far worse situation to be in.

With RocketResponder you can add an email to your initial follow up series letting your customers

know that you actively encourage feedback - good or bad - from your customers.

The email could also be linked to an online survey where you ask for specific information and you

can also send out an email to your entire list specifically asking for feedback after their next visit.

In addition you could schedule a feedback request to be sent to every client after they use your

services or buy goods from you.

The information you get from this feedback alone could be vital in spotting weaknesses in your

business which you may not otherwise have discovered until it was too late.

Increasing Sales While Lowering Costs

Some customers will want what you sell and, all by themselves, remember that you sell it and then

come to you and not your competitors...but that is a very hit and miss marketing approach.

It is far better to actually tell your subscribers what you are selling, give them reasons to buy it and

send a link to buy directly into their inboxes.

This leads to more sales because:

• your business and the products and services you sell stay at the forefront of your customers’


• you can provide information, reminders and incentives to help your subscribers make the

decision to buy from you and

• because your subscribers have already clicked on your email, it means they are receptive to

hearing your marketing message.

Using email marketing also helps lower costs because your marketing message is delivered to your

subscribers in electronic form without the need for physical marketing material to design, print and

send out.

RocketResponder has one simple flat fee and there are no extra charges to send email or to add

subscribers to your list.

It also frees up your time by automating much of the marketing process so that you can spend more

time developing your business and less time on administrative tasks.

Communicating With Your Staff

Finally you can also use RocketResponder to communicate with your staff via email.

Simply create a new email list for your employees and use RocketResponder to send your staff

internal emails.

For example, you might have a series of emails for new employees where you highlight company

policies, dress codes, commission structures, standards etc.

Other emails you might send to employees include:

• sales goals

• memos

• shift changes or work rotas

• staff notices/newsletters

• customer feedback


RocketResponder is a flexible and easy-to-use tool which will allow you both to handle your external

customer communication and your internal email communication with your workforce.

RocketResponder’s easy email marketing system has been specifically designed to be incredibly

quick and easy to use so that you spend minimal time on email marketing and more time on running

your business.

Email marketing helps you:

• build up trust and set your business apart from the competition

• identify and market to new customers

• sell more services to existing customers

• improve sales and profitability

• match offers to the right group of clients

• identify problems before they become serious issues

• build up strong customer relationships

• reduce marketing costs

• free up your time by automating routine (but vital) email communication tasks

• solicit feedback and

• communicate internally with your management and staff

Next Steps

A well thought-out email marketing campaign is inexpensive, effective and takes up minimal time.

Now that you know how quick and easy it is to use email marketing for your business, we would like you to try RocketResponder free for 30 days.