Electricity and Magnetism with a bit of Modern …janis/Courses/102/lectures/phys102...Electricity...

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January 9, 2008 PHYS 102 - Lecture 1 1

Electricity and Magnetism, with a bit of Modern Physics

I find it interesting stuff!

PHYS 102 webpages online : http://www.physics.ubc.ca/~janis/Courses/102

as well as the course materials in WEBCT Vista:

Course informationSome of my lecture materialsPre-lab exercises and lab informationClass discussion boards

Professor Janis McKenna janis@physics.ubc.ca

January 9, 2008 PHYS 102 - Lecture 1 2

E&M with a bit of Nuclear Physics

I really like this material; I hope you will too. There’s no reason each one of us can’t do really well in this

course. I’m happy when everyone passes.

( I have no ‘quotas’ for #’s of students passing/failing)

But it does take work to do well ⇒ (more on this in a few minutes)

Feel free to ask questions during class, after class, in officehours

January 9, 2008 PHYS 102 - Lecture 1 3

From the Course webpages:

PHYS 102 -- Elementary Physics IIElectricity, Light and Radiation

Spring term, 2008Lectures: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 14:00-15:00 in Hebb TheatreTutorials and Labs: start January 14 - each student has 6 labs, 6 tutorials, alternating weeks.

Resource/Help Center and TA’s, names, schedules: To be posted this week in Vista.Professor: Janis McKenna (janis@physics.ubc.ca)Phone: 822-4337

Webpage for our section: www.physics.ubc.ca/~janis/Courses/102

This information and course info is on the course webpages, including links to Mastering Physics, WEBCT Vista, PRS, other PHYS 102 sections, lab information and extra resources

January 9, 2008 PHYS 102 - Lecture 1 4

Administrative StuffEveryone should be registered for:

PHYS 102 lecture, section 202

and PHYS 102 lab There are pre-lab exercises you must do each week BEFORE the lab. Labs start next week January 14.

You don’t need to register for Tutorials: the tutorials and labs alternate(you’ll have 6 labs and 6 tutorials over the 12 weeks starting next week)

A Help/Resource Center will be set up: times, room available by mid-week.

January 9, 2008 PHYS 102 - Lecture 1 5

Administrative StuffLab and tutorial details:

You will need to log into WEBCT Vista to find out which group (you’ll be assigned a colour)you are in and which lab you will be doing when. (your first lab will be either expt 1 or 2)

Jan.14 week: “magenta” does expt 1 “yellow” does expt 2 “violet” and “cyan” have tutorials - all will be on WEBCT Vista

You’ll also need to log into WEBCT Vista to complete the online pre-lab exercises BEFOREyour first lab.

Your old Yellow lab notebooks from P101 will be available.Else, buy Yellow lab notebook from UBC BookstoreAlso obtain the PHYS 102 lab manual from the UBC bookstore and read and do pre-lab

exercises before each lab

January 9, 2008 PHYS 102 - Lecture 1 6

Administrative StuffPRS - Most of you have an RF PRS (Personal Response

System) “clicker” from PHYS 101.If not, purchase one from bookstore. (You can share a clicker with someone in another class, you can buy a used

clicker, but two people in the same class can’t use same clicker - system onlyregisters last response from each clicker)

Mastering Physics: use your Access Kit to register for our class P10207WYour access code is valid for one year, so if you purchased

MP for PHYS 101 recently, it’s still valid.

January 9, 2008 PHYS 102 - Lecture 1 7

Peer Response System or “clickers”

Relatively new to me, I first used them last summer. I like the feedback I get from you: lets me know which topics I

should spend more/less time on. students tend to like it, the other PHYS 102 sections are using it,

so I’m going to use it.

Will start PRS/clickers on Friday at earliest - this gives you time to getone, practice with it, and set it up:

Enter your student number into your clicker (PRS). Read through clicker instructions so that you are comfortable

answering multiple choice questions and doing the practiceproblems.

January 9, 2008 PHYS 102 - Lecture 1 8

Knight: 5 Volume Boxed Set

Student Workbook

eText Access Code – pages from 3 texts

PRS Clicker Rebate Coupon- $25

MasteringPhysics™ Student Access Kitwww.masteringphysics.com

Knight: Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach with Modern Physics: Volumes 1-5 Boxed Set with Mastering Physics™: 1/e

UBC Package ISBN: 0135141583Bundled Package:

Visit www.pearsoned.ca/textbooktips for valuable tips on how to get the most out of your textbook

I really like this text, it’s easy to read & has:• worked examples (green)• problem solving strategies (pink)• chapter summaries• student workbook

January 9, 2008 PHYS 102 - Lecture 1 9

Extra resources: www.pearsoncustom.com/bc/ubc_physics/You can find all of the resources for your course at this site, including:

• A link to the book’s Companion Website• A link to MasteringPhysics (required for this course)• A link to the eText which contains material from 3 other Physics texts.

Our COURSE ID for MasteringPhysics is:

P10207W - all four sectionsYou will need this ID to register for MasteringPhysics

As soon as you log in, you’ll see “getting started” and “help”


We’ll have 7 MP assignments for marks.There will be additional “Practice N” assignments - which are not for marks.The “Vectors and Coulomb’s Law” MP is up now - for practice and marks.Please work through at “Introduction to Mastering Physics” (not for marks)- useful whether new to MP or a refresher.

January 9, 2008 PHYS 102 - Lecture 1 10

PRS RF Clicker

I tend to stick to multiple choice PRS questions

January 9, 2008 PHYS 102 - Lecture 1 11

Homework: Mastering Physics Seven Homework sets of Mastering Physics problems, plus the “Vectors

and Coulomb’s Law review” Each has a clearly posted due date. They must be submitted online by the due date There’s an online help-guide “Getting Started: Mastering Physics” Our course is P10207W Right now, “Vectors and Coulomb’s Law review” (due Feb.2, 8am)

and “Set 1- Nuclear Physics” (due Jan.25, 8am) are online, as well as“Practice1” and “Practice 2”

You get up to 6 tries at each problem, can ask for hints etc Before starting homework, do “Introduction to Mastering Physics”. This is

not for credit but will familiarize you with Mastering Physics and how itworks.

I will have Practice problems available on Mastering Physics, they arenot for credit.

Late penalty: 1.1% for each hour late.

January 9, 2008 PHYS 102 - Lecture 1 12

GradesGrades: Labs 20% Midterm Exams 10% and 5% (better midterm counts for more)

PRS 5% Mastering Physics Homework 5% Tutorials 5% Final Exam 50%

Midterm Exams: Two 50-minute exams in class: February 15 and March 28.Final Exam: 2.5 hour exam in scheduled Exam period - same final exam for all 4 PHYS 102 sectionsYou must pass the lab component to pass the course.Only the best 90% of PRS questions will be used to determine your PRS score (ie

you can forget your PRS, have a dead battery, miss one/two classes, or selectincorrect answers 10% of the time, yet still get a perfect 5% for your PRS mark)

January 9, 2008 PHYS 102 - Lecture 1 13

Meet your classmatesand instructor

Happy New Year!Introduce yourself to classmates sitting near you.

You can sit in anywhere you like each class, but it’s often goodto get to know a few people in each class. Meet some ofthem in the Help/Resource Center

Me: I’m an experimental particle physicist. Right now I’m studying charge-parity violation - a way of looking at and trying to understand the huge matter-antimatter asymmetry of our universe.

January 9, 2008 PHYS 102 - Lecture 1 14

Diversion - not in this course!

•Universe created in hot Big Bang

•Matter created in Matter anti-Matter particle pairs

•50-50 matter-antimatter, or pure energySURPRISING- universe is not equal parts matter &antimatter.. Even worse: asymmetry is huge: seems tocontain almost no antimatter (but it’s a good thing.. wewouldn’t be here otherwise!)

January 9, 2008 PHYS 102 - Lecture 1 15

SLAC Linear Accelerator, PEP-II e+e- Storage Ring & BaBar Detector

1993: Construction starts on PEP-II,design & prototypes for BaBar Detector1994-8: BaBar Detector Construction1999: PEP-II complete, taking data!2000: PEP-II runs at design luminosity2001: First observation of CP Violationin B system2003: Discover new charmed particleDS(2317)2004: Direct CP violation observed2004: PEP-II at 3 × design luminosity2005: new Ψ(4260) particle discovered2006: Precision & consistency inelectroweak sector of Standard Model2007: First observation of D0 -D0 mixing2007-8: Final Runs, New Physics??

15 yr experimental program: New CP violation, new particles, precision measurements; Excitement, press releases & surprises

2009: Party’s over! We’ve learned a lot!

January 9, 2008 PHYS 102 - Lecture 1 16

SLAC Linear Accelerator9 GeV electrons, 3.1 GeV positrons3 Amps on 2 Amps!!

BB’s at 12 HzWorld’s highest current collider

January 9, 2008 PHYS 102 - Lecture 1 17

Now that we’ve met eachother- back to this class

And outside work, my family & I love the BC Lower Mainland

I removed the original JPEGs, they made the file too large!

January 9, 2008 PHYS 102 - Lecture 1 18

Course OverviewModern Physics, Electricity & Magnetism

(Particle Physicists viewpoint)

What is nature of matter and how does it interact?

We search for a Grand Unified Theory

which explains everything in nature.

Unification of electricity and magnetism was thefirst step in this process. --> This course

January 9, 2008 PHYS 102 - Lecture 1 19

Academic HonestyUBC has a very clear policies on academic

honesty and academic misconductPlease familiarize yourself with them if you have not already done so:

UBC Calendar under “Academic Regulations”:

http://www.students.ubc.ca/calendar/index.cfm?tree=3,54,111,959and http://www.vpacademic.ubc.ca/integrity/policies.htmDefinitions of honesty, plagiarism, cheating, and possible disciplinary measures. Cheating: This includes but is not limited to dishonest or attempted dishonest conduct at tests

or examinations.... Plagiarism: This includes but is not limited to the presentation or submission of the work of

another person, without citation or credits, as the student's own work.In this course:Labs often done in pairs, but you must submit your own work.I encourage you to work together in tutorials, in help center, even on homework, but you

must hand in your own work.Only you can submit your PRS responses under your student number.No electronic devices, communications or books in exams.

January 9, 2008 PHYS 102 - Lecture 1 20

Electricity and Magnetism4 fundamental forces in nature: 1 Electric and Magnetic (unified by Maxwell - we’ll see this here)

2 Weak (unified with E&M by Glashow, Weinberg, Salam)

3 Strong (quantum chromodynamics - same framework)

4 Gravity (string theorists are working on this)

This course deals primarily with E&M.We make brief forays into modern physics at

beginning and end of course ( one lab isradioactive decay, governed by the weak force. Thenucleus itself is held together via the strong force)

Even Einstein couldn’t make a unified theory incorporating gravity!
