El Libro Salvaje -ENSAYO EN INGLÉS

Post on 21-Dec-2015

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Ensayo breve en inglés del libro de Juan Villoro "El libro Salvaje"

Transcript of El Libro Salvaje -ENSAYO EN INGLÉS

March 13th, 2015



EL LIBRO SALVAJEThis book is about of a history from a guy called Juan that lived one of most important adventures of his life in one summer.

In the beginning Juan starts telling us the situation in where his parents are because they are divorcing and it is very hard for Juan to keep on his stuff like nothing is happening. While this is occurring Juan is close to leave school for summer vacations and when he realizes that his dad will go to France to build bridges he also notice the sadness on his mother because she was always smoking by anxiety but that time she looked more desperate than ever.

Juan had a big surprise when he was going back from school to home and his mother told him that she needed time for herself and be alone well as think how she can go through that hard situation. At first Juan wasn’t very happy with that decision but he didn’t has any trouble to go with his uncle Tito, who was actually a very nice and polite person but he had a lot of books in his house and he never went out of the house.

The disappointed kid was taken by his mom to Tito’s home. Juan arrived there with a mentality that he would be very bored all the summer among so many books and living with an old man with strangers manners such as drink up to three cups of tea in one hour and turn on the telephone just when he need to call someone for an important subject.

But he didn’t take too much time to find out that Tito wasn’t an ordinary person and he thought he could spend the summer with his uncle. This occurred when Tito told to Juan that once he came, all the books was exciting and it seems like the books wanted to be read by Juan.

The guy was very surprised with this, and he pay attention to the story of “The wild book”. Tito told Juan that the wild book was a very mysterious book that were been hiding away from every man who it’s looking for it. Besides that, the first time when Juan went to Tito’s home, Tito felt some energy coming from the books and he felt that the wild book was there waiting for Juan.

At this time Juan was very excited to start searching that famous book with his uncle.

Before to start looking for the book, Tito gave a bell to his nephew, so if Juan get missed in the library he could make bell ring and Tito could go to find out where Juan were, because the library was very large and had a lot of rooms.

So, the hunt start and Juan was very excited because he started to look for the book in almost every room that he could.

In the beginning Juan was very surprised at the time he was seeing the name of the sections where the books were.

In one of that weirds sections he found a book called El rio en forma de corazón and he started to read the book and was fascinated with that story and he keep reading for a long time, at the time he were looking for the wild book.

One of that days, Juan, were feeling sick and his uncle send him to the drugstore in front of his home. So Juan went to the drugstore to buy medicine and call his mom, but when he arrived there, saw a very beautiful girl and Juan was in love of her.

Juan was falling in love little by little of that girl called Catalina by the times that Juan were going to call his mother. At the time Juan keep looking for that wild book, he gave to Catalina all the books that Juan read, especially the ones that belongs of the collection of El rio en forma de corazón. But something very strange happened because when Juan read the book he read and were watching one story and when Catalina read the same book, she saw a different story.

Juan got another surprise when he knew that and he invited Catalina to help him to find the wild book.

They spent some days in the large library looking for the book. The wild book search was very hard for both insomuch that Juan was one point of give up in that searching.

One day Juan felt something different in the books, he felt like if the wild book really want to be read by Juan, and this time Juan could get the wild book and started to read it and I find out that the wild book, was actually the book that I was been reading.

I really like this book, although this is a children’s book was very entertaining read how feel a 13 years old guy the energy with the books.