"El instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC 2018-2020", por Berta Rodríguez, evaluadora de...

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Transcript of "El instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC 2018-2020", por Berta Rodríguez, evaluadora de...

Jornada Informativa El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en

el contexto del EIC-2018-2020

Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de diciembre de 2017


� It is part of EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, targeting SME’s.

�Nearly €2.8 billion of SME funding available from 2014 to 2020.

�Groundbreaking innovative ideas for products, services or processes

El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC-2018-2020

�There are no predefined topics for the SME instrument call; only the most excellent and impactful ideas will receive support

�Focus on taking great ideas from the lab to the market. It is an accelerating program, more than a funding program.

Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de diciembre de 2017

There has to

...and the customers shallbe willing to pay

Customers shall know about the product –

and it should be easyto deliver

El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC-2018-2020

MARKET is the driving rule of the program

Customers interest

Clear ambition to grow at There has to be a market

Solve a relevant problem &easy to use

for the customerand

easy to producefor the firm

Business model –technical solution possible and betterthan alternatives


knowledge is essential

Only competentmanagement can


What is in

the market?

What do I want

to do with my


Clear ambition to grow at

EU/global level

Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017

H2020 SME instrument ”bridge”

El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC-2018-2020

”Death Valley” =


H2020 SME instrument ”bridge”

Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017

• Innovative idea – disruptive - demonstration stage (TRL 6)

Convincing commercialisation plan

El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC-2018-2020

Europe needs more radical, market-creating innovations to improve productivity

and international competitiveness and generate new jobs and boost the number of

high-growth companies :

• Convincing commercialisation plan

These innovations must meet user and customer needs and tackle societal,

technological and business challenges in a sustainable way

Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017

El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC-2018-2020

What we expect and what we will seek for is:

�Growth market

�Growth of the company and people in the company�Growth of the company and people in the company

�Lasting in the time

�EU level. Global level, not just at own company level

Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017

Overview of the Evaluation Process


El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC-2018-2020

SME Instrument I

Receipt of proposals

Individual Evaluation



Eligibility check

Allocation of

proposals to









Automated Consensus

Report (arithmetic median/

No negotiation)

Standardised Evaluation

Summary Report

Final ranked list

Informing the applicants

Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017

Overview of the Evaluation Process

El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC-2018-2020

6 panels/5

experts each

SME Instrument II

Receipt of proposals

Individual Evaluation



F2F Ranked A or B

Eligibility check

Allocation of

proposals to









Automated Consensus

Report (arithmetic median/

Standardised Evaluation

Summary Report

Final ranked list

Informing the applicants

Se invitará a los F2F

meetings al doble de

coordinadores de los que

podría ser financiados en

una convocatoria

Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017


Operational capacity

Impact Impact

Excellence Excellence

El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC-2018-2020

Excellence Excellence

Quality and efficiency of


Quality and efficiency of



Scope of the proposal Scope of the proposal

Threshold: 13/15 Threshold: 13/15

Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017

Financial capacity

El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC-2018-2020

Evaluation rules for the SME Instrument

Operational Capacity : experts will judge whether each individual participant

has, or will have in due time, sufficient operational

capacity to successfully carry out their tasks in the

Selection Criteria

capacity to successfully carry out their tasks in the

proposed work-plan.

Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017

2. Impact Umbral 4 /5 50% WEIGHTING

a) substantial demand (including willingness to pay) for the innovation

b) potential to create new markets

c) Convincing description of targeted users or customers

El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC-2018-2020

d) Total market size envisaged : SME I vs SME II

e) Strengthening the competitiveness and growth of companies. Commitment of the


f) initial commercialisation plan /Realistic and relevant strategic plan for commercialisation

. g) Freedom to operate and IPRs. Regulatory and standards

Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017

you need to demonstrate that your project will generate revenues and

create jobs.

Show at least 3 years of projection of sales

The 'commercial strategy' aspect is

particularly examined in Step 2 of the

evaluation of Phase 2 proposals

El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC-2018-2020

Provide concrete and realistic figures

Show at least 3 years of projection of sales

volume, turnover and number of jobs created

European or international dimension. If it’s

targeted only at a national market, it won’t be

supported by the SME Instrument

Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017

Excellence : 4/5 25% WEIGHTING El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC-2018-2020

1. Objectives of the proposal are defined in a clear and pertinent way.

Oriented to a faster market uptake .

2. The business innovation concept has a potential to bring important

progress to or revolutionise an existing industrial sector, business

practice and/or societal challenge.

3. add substantial value to Europe

4. stage of development at TRL 6 and can move to market take-up

5 Value for money, problems solved, new applications, sustainability:

Better than current state

6 High-risk/high-potential innovation idea that has something that

nobody else has

Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017

Realistic description of the current stage of development. don’t BE


While it's important to describe the opportunities, you must

also demonstrate that you understand the risks. The

'feasibility' aspect is particularly examined in Step 2 of the

convince the evaluators that your product, process or service has

the potential to change the dynamic of the market and possibly to

address a societal challenge.

El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC-2018-2020

'feasibility' aspect is particularly examined in Step 2 of the

evaluation of Phase 2 proposals.

explain why it is viable and better than existing solutions

Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017

Technological Readiness Level TRL

Is the project proposed containing activities above TRL 8?

El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC-2018-2020

TRL 8 corresponds to 'system complete and qualified' (not yet proven in operational


TRL >6

Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017

3. Quality and efficiency of the implementation*/**

• Coherence and effectiveness of the work plan.

• Complementarity of the participants

• Appropriateness of the management structures and procedures.

El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC-2018-2020


•*Experts will also be asked to assess the operational capacity of applicants to carry out the proposed work.

•** Experts will also be asked to assess 'best value for money' of the subcontracts for Phase 2.

Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017

Evaluators are interested in the team, the company,

their history: extract the best from them

Lower the risks for EU as investor

credibility of your team and of your work plan

El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC-2018-2020

convince the evaluators that you can make it

external partners role

Planning is important: realistic time frame

Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017

The capacity of the company to achieve the envisaged market opportunity is

assessed based on the information provided:

� CV/ description of the profile of the applicant.

El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC-2018-2020

�Relevant achievements, projects and activities related to the project.

�Description of significant infrastructure or any major items of technical


Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017

• Regulated under Art 13 of the H2020 SME Instrument Phase 2 Model Grant Agreement (page 496);

• Subcontracting is NOT restricted to a limited part of the action;

• It is in the SME Instrument spirit that the applying SME has the capacity to carry

Subcontracting - Phase 2 only

El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC-2018-2020

• It is in the SME Instrument spirit that the applying SME has the capacity to carry out the activity;

• Compliance with best value-for-money is assessed

• If subcontracting is not clear, experts will reflect this in the assessment (score

below the threshold: <3)

Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017

What we have learned

�Idea description: Filtering the idea. Innovation of the idea

�Project must fit in TRL 6

El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC-2018-2020

�Project must fit in TRL 6

�Balanced grant requested

�Targeted sectors

Target geographical markets

Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017

Short Sentences

Give relevant information at the beguinning

Avoid passive voice when possible


El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC-2018-2020

Dont be afraid of making assumptions

Reference your data

Actions measurable and quantifyable

Aesthetic of document

Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017

Phase 1 Phase 2

The assessment of the

technical feasibility and the

commercial potential of a

breakthrough innovation.

A breakthrough innovation

strategy underpinned by its

strategic feasibility assessment

and commercialization plan.

Close-to-market activities and

Funding object

El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC-2018-2020

their commercial exploitation.

Amount of funding Lump sum of 50.000€ - 70%

of eligible costs.

Cost reimbursement between

500.000€ and 2.5 million € -

70% of eligible costs.

Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017

Duration Usually 6 months – could be

shorter or longer.

Between 1-2 years – could be


Outcome A feasibility report including a A new product, process, service

El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC-2018-2020

detailed business plan. that is new to the market and a

commercialization plan linked to




Impact = 4

Excellence = 4

Quality & efficiency of

implementation = 4

Total = 13

Impact = 4

Excellence = 4

Quality & efficiency of

implementation = 4

Total = 13

Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017

La propuesta se evaluará TAL CUAL se

presenta: no en base a cómo sería si se

añadieran ciertos detalles o en base a lo

que quiere decir el solicitante , solo lo que

está escrito.

El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC-2018-2020

está escrito.

Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017


El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC-2018-2020


Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017


Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017

El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC-2018-2020

Se invitará a los F2F meetings al doble de coordinadores de los que podría ser

financiados en una convocatoria.

Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017

El Instrumento PYME de H2020 en el contexto del EIC-2018-2020

Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017


European SMEs Champions League


Berta Rodríguez Campíns. Sevilla, 19 de

diciembre de 2017