Effects of adultration and malnutrition among growing children

Post on 07-May-2015

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Transcript of Effects of adultration and malnutrition among growing children

  • 1.EFFECTS OF ADULTERATION AND MALNUTRITION AMONG GROWING CHILDRENA SOUND MIND IN A SOUND BODYPREVENTION IS BETTER THEN CUREThese are well known Adage . Food is vital to our existence on this beautiful earth.From the time that we are babies ,we need food (ie) nutritious food to growstrong ,Healthy food is elixir for healthy body. Now -a-days school students health is affected because of adult ration and malnutrition. Though the children intake five basic nutritions (carbohydrates , protiens ,fats , vitamins and minerals)adulteration in that food creates side affects which affects their growth .So ourteam members decided to create awareness among students.

2. REASONS FOR CHOOSING THIS PROBLEM :1) Most of our class children often suffer from stomach pain , indigestion , breathing problem, leg ,hand and knee pain.2) ) Most of our students fail to have appropriateweight and height in proportion to their age.3)Some of the students dont know the importance ofhealthy and nutritious food so they take junk foodand think it as good one but it really affect theirhealth. 3. ACTION TAKEN: 1)We planned to create awareness about adulteration among our students. so we do some experiments on our science lab .There we identified the adulterated food .Then we prepare a chart which shows ingredients which are mixed in the food and how they affected our health. 4. CHART -1S.N FOODADULTERANTEFFECTSO1 Coffee powder Tamarind seed Knee pain ,Lungpowder or diseasechickery powder2 Sugar , SaltChalk piece Indigestionpowder3 PepperPapaya seed Lungs , Liverproblem4 Chilly powder Brick powderLiver problem5 Sweet , Soft drinks Artificial color, Cancer ,InfertilityChemicals , Skin, Boneadditives problem6 Jaggery SodiumDigestionCarbonate,Problem ,Chalk Piece NauseaPowder7 Pulse Kesari Dhal Paralysis , leg 5. 2) We taught some simple testing methods to find adulteration in the food and encouraged our students to do that in home.3)We approached self help group members and conducted a meeting,There we explained the effects of adulteration to our parents . Weinsist them to check whether adulterants are present in thegroceries are not.4) We advised our students to check the grocery items and identify whether they are adulterated or not ,If it is adulterated we advised them to return the items to the shopkeeper and buy good one.5)We explained the importance of nutritious food and howmalnutrition affect their growth.6)We prepared the chart ( ie) how much calories does the child needper day and gave this chart to each student . Everyday they markwhat type of nutrients they eat and its gram(approximately) in thechart. 6. CHART -2NUTRITENT CARBHOHY PROTEINSVITAMINSFATS MINERALSS/DAYSDRATESMONDAYRICE GRAMBANANAEGG,MILK CARROT DHALTUESDAY WHEATBENGALGAUVA OILCUCUMBER GRAMWEDNESDARICE PEASPAPAYAMEAT GREENY LEAVESTHURSDAYRAGIBALL TOOR DHAL LEMONJUIC FISH BRINGAL EFRIDAYWHEATGROUNDNUMANGO EGGBEANS TS 7. 7)We insisted our students to take balanced food daily .8)Some of the students dont eat the egg ,vegetables, andcereals which are given in the noon-meal everyday . So weappoint a monitor and he checks the students whether theyare eating or not .9)Most of the students spend their pocket money in buyingsweet , chocolate and other junk food .So we explained theeffects of junk food and how it affects growth . Instead ofbuying these we convinced them to buy some healthy food likefruits, groundnuts, cucumber, and so on.10)We ordered our school students to bring fruits , rawvegetables (carrot, cucumber , groundnuts) instead of junkfood. 8. 11)We called our primary health care centre doctor to lecture on foodyou need .There he explained how youngsters are attractedtowards junk food. He also explained how media induces us to buythese.13)We conducted a FOOD FESTIVAL program in our school .Varietyof healthy foods along with the placards showing its nutritional valueare exhibited in the stall. This creates awareness among students .14) We approached our panchayat president and pleaded him toarrange a wholesome meals to our students at no cost for one day.15)We gave a monthly checkup card to each students and note theirweight two months once . We also advised them to write theirphysical illness (if any )in it. 9. RESULT:1)Most of the students overcome from the stomach pain ,leg ,hand,knee pain after taking healthy and calcium rich foods.2)They check the adulteration in the food by conducting simple test.3)They tend to eat wholesome for meals . Their weight started toincrease gradually after taking nutritious food.4)No of students fallen ill decreased.5)Students spend their pocket money by buying fruits and healthyfoods. 10. CONCLUSION:Food is related to health and wellbeing .Good food is well balanced that gives our body all that it needs . It is directly linked with growth but adulteration and malnutrition affects youngsters growth. So we create awareness among students in this area . Now students get the power to make right choice to select their healthy food. 11. checking the height-weight balance among school children in the medicalcamp 12. Green vegetables for soundhealth 13. Food festival at school forstudents. 14. Nature food for good health 15. Food festival conducted at school visitedby ourdistrict educational officer. 16. Team measuring the weight ofstudent for showing the imorovement 17. School students having wholesome mealsat food festival conducted at school 18. END