Educause 2010 - Openness, Data, and a Sustainable Future for Education

Post on 06-May-2015

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Educause 2010 Featured Speaker presentation

Transcript of Educause 2010 - Openness, Data, and a Sustainable Future for Education

Openness, Data and a Sustainable Future of Education

David Wiley, PhDDepartment of Instructional Psychology & Technology

Brigham Young University

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If the Book Didn’t Change Schools

Can the computer?Can the internet?

Can the LMS?

Openness, Then Data

A brief thought experiment…

Openness… In Education?

Let’s begin by defining terms

Open, adj.

Describes educational artifacts

Open Textbooks

Open Educational Resources

Open Courseware

(Open Source Software)

Open, adj.

Teaching materials freely shared with permissions to engage in the “4R” activities

The 4Rs

Reuse – copy verbatimRedistribute – share with others

Revise – adapt and improveRemix – combine with others

Communicate 4Rs Permissions

Since this overrides default copyright,you must use a copyright license

Offers easy to use 4R’s licenses

While Nouns Differ…

The operationalizing actions are the same

Open, adj.

Generous, sharing, giving

Open, adj.

Providing (1) access and (2) local control

Your Inner Two-year Old

Overcoming the impulse to scream“Mine!”

Law and Policy “Enable” Us

To shout “Mine!” ever more loudly,convulse ever more uncontrollably,

and hit each other with ever larger toys

Society’s Siren Song

“Be selfish. Keep it to yourself. Sue your neighbor.

It’s legal. It’s ok.”

Education Is Not Immune

This kind of thinking is accepted

Role of Openness in Education?

A terrible, insidious question

Openness is the only means of doing education.

If There Is No Sharing…

There is no education

Education, n.

A relationship of sharing

Successful Educators

Share most thoroughly with the most students

Expertise Is Nonrivalrous

Can be given without being given away

“He who receives ideas from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine receives light without darkening me.”

Thomas Jefferson

Teachers Would Be Like Bees!

They could only teach once

Expressions Are Different

To give a book you must give it away

Expressions Are Different

To give a book you must give it away

Expressions Are Different

Digital expressions are nonrivalrous


E.g., Online Book

We can all read simultaneously

An Indescribable Advance

The first time in human history

Expertise and Its Expressions

Give without giving away

Unprecedented Capacity

We can share as never before

Unprecedented Capacity

We can educate as never before

What Are We Doing?

This increased capacity is a stewardship

Open Educational Resources

Open Course Ware

Open Course Ware

Open Courses

Open Courses

Open Textbooks

Open Textbooks

Repository Examples

OpenCourseWare Examples

Open Courses Examples

Open Textbook Examples


Now, On to Data

But first a brief joke

Each and Every Interaction

Recorded and stored for analysisto improve quality of service / experience

Continuous Improvement Process


If Only We Could Get It…

Education could engage in continuous quality improvement, too!

Even the Grocer!

Almost every industry (1) gathers and (2) uses data more effectively than we do

Data Alone Don’t Enable CIP

You need Openness + Data

A Concrete Example

Why you need BOTHOpenness + Data to CIP

Bloom’s 2 Sigma Challenge

Bloom, 1984

One-to-One Tutoring

And other methods compared to 30 students in the classroom

Average Tutored Student +2sd

In other words, the average student is capable of much more

Tutoring is Expensive

So we teach class instead!

Bloom, 1984

If the research on the 2 sigma problem yields practiced methods (methods that the average teacher or school faculty can learn in a brief period of time and use with little more cost or time than conventional instruction), it would be an educational contribution of the greatest magnitude. (p. 5)

To Tutor Or Not to Tutor?

That is the (false) question

“Intelligent” Tutors

Have different scalability problemsDehumanize learning

“Strategic Tutoring”

What if we could do one-on-one tutoring just-in-time and just-on-topic?

Would Require Lots of Data

Where can we get it all?

Would Require New Model

Institutional commitment

What Kind of Data?

When they logged in, read, and workedHow long they logged in, read, and worked

Pathway information, Item-by-item analytics,


OHSU Teaching Model

Online curriculum teaches as much as possible,teachers do proactive “strategic tutoring”

Teacher Becomes Tutor

Has the curriculum replaced the teacher?

As broadcast machinery, yes.

Are You Even Allowed to CIP?

Data aren’t sufficient – you need permission

Open Educational Resources

Give OHSU the permissions it needs to engage in continuous improvement

“4R” Permissions

Reuse – copy verbatimRedistribute – share with others

Revise – adapt and improveRemix – combine with others

OHSU Charter Requires OER

Founders’ way of “burning the ships”and fully committing to CIP

Conjoint CIP

Student learning and curriculum effectivenessgrow simultaneously

Curriculum Use

Curriculum Redesign



Data Describing Curriculum


Data Supporting Strategic Tutoring


But Tutoring Data are Out-of-Band!

Using customer relationship management(CRM) tools

Visualizing Educational Data

Creating new visualization techniques to support teaching and learning

Openness + Data Are Required

For Continuous Improvement Processes

Openness + Data Are Required

For us to stay competitive and relevant in a changing post-secondary ecosystem

If the Book Didn’t Change Schools

Can openness?Can data?

Can openness + data?

Reconsider Your Stewardship

Please – for yourself, your institution,and your students

Thank You!