Economic Outlook 2011

Post on 11-Jan-2016

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Economic Outlook 2011. Sponsored by:. Presented by: TERENCE SHEPHERD. Economic Outlook. What does the current environment and economic outlook mean to business owners?. And what should they be doing to move forward in 2011 and beyond?. The Great Recession!. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Economic Outlook 2011


Economic Outlook 2011

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Economic Outlook

What does the current environment and economic outlook mean to

business owners? And what should they be doing to move forward in 2011 and beyond?


The Great Recession!

After a tough 2 years of hanging on

Business Owner’s Are Tired


The Great Recession!

Thoughts shouldn’t just be about “hanging on”!

But Today…


The Great Recession!

With Staggering Unemployment, Struggling World Economy,

Massive and Growing Federal Deficits, Pending Federal and State Income

Tax Increases . . .


Knowing Your Environment

And, for every dollar you make,

Growth will continue!!...but businesses should plan on an extended period of slow growth.

. . .Success is still possible,but business owners must understand the environment they face and the magnitude of potential changes in the background.

plan on having less in your pocket after taxes.


• Consumers account for 70% of economic activity

• Consumers are paying down debt and not spending as much

• September 2010 consumers saved 5.3% (5.6%

in August) of disposable income; before recession 2.1%

• End of September 2010 – 14.8M received unemployment benefits (including extended benefit rolls of 6.1M)

• 5 more years before employment around the world rebounds to before the financial crisis (International Labor Organization-Annual Report)

Decrease In Consumer Spending

Economic Outlook


• China’s low cost of goods• Obama presses China to let currency

rise (currency experts advise undervalued by 20% to 25%) (NY Times 9/24/10)

• Congressional action – punitive tariffs

Potentially more expensive goods

Economic Outlook

Less Available $’s to Spend


Less Government Spending – The Age of Scarcity

For the past 7 decades, in both foreign affairs and domestic policy our defining

watch word was “more”…in the 2nd decade of the 21st century and beyond

it will be “less”.Thomas Friedman

NY Times 9/5/10

Frugal Superpower

Economic Outlook


Less Government Spending – The Age of Scarcity

Standard remedy for fighting recessions (deficit spending) losing effectiveness

Diminishing marginal effect of debt on growth ratio of debt growth to GDP

growth1950’s 1.351970’s 1.671990’s 3.122000’s 5.57

Carol McMullen

Eastern Bank Wealth Management

Economic Outlook


Less Government Spending – The Age of Scarcity

“China and other countries will not lend to the U.S. indefinitely and

without limit. Americans will have to consume less.”

Michael Mandelbaum

The Frugal Superpower, America’s Global

Leadership in a Cash-Stripped Era

Economic Outlook


Less Government Spending – The Age of Scarcity

• National debt $13.4 Trillion• War financing• Aging baby boomers will rise the costs of

social security and Medicare rapidly• Rising health care costs (including health insurance)

• 2009 annual deficit $1.4 Trillion (10% of economy; 3% considered maximum safe amount)

• 2010 Projected deficit $1.6 Trillion• Annual deficit projected for next decade of

over $1 Trillion each year

Economic Outlook


Economic Outlook


The Answer

Ten – 1 = 5• Cut taxes• Cut spending, but entitlements are off

limitsAND• Balance the budget

Economic Outlook


• It is about fiscal responsibility.• It is not a failure of understanding or

foresight. It is a failure of political will.

• Borrowed money…simply postpones the day of reckoning and increases the price that has to be paid when that day arrives.

Michael Mandelbaum

The Frugal Superpower, America’s Global

Leadership in a Cash-Stripped Era

To Govern Is To Choose

Economic Outlook


• Reduced Federal Spending• Discretionary• Entitlements

• Reduced money to the States• Increased taxes• 29 States raised taxes

$24Billion• Federal:

Government Deficit Fallout

Economic Outlook

some on their way,more may have to follow


Economic Outlook

• Don’t wait on a hockey stick recovery

• Understand the economic environment you are facing

• Formal planning

Advice To Business Owners


Economic Outlook

• Begin With The End In Mind

• Re-energize Your Business

Advice To Business Owners


Economic Outlook

• Stabilize Your Business• Revisit Your Value

Proposition• Strategic Growth Analysis

Advice To Business Owners


Closing Thoughts

It is those businesses that properly plan and execute that:

• will drive profitability and growth,

• help command maximum business value upon sale and;

• protect and grow their wealth to live the lifestyles they choose.

New courses of action are necessary to survive the challenges that lie ahead and prosper.

Economic Outlook


Questions & Answers


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:  (617) 412-4640
