eCommerce 2014 Holiday Planning for Slackers

Post on 06-Jul-2015

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Did you wait until the very last minute to start planning your 2014 holiday marketing campaigns? (slacker!) Or maybe the holiday just snuck up on you and now you're staring Black Friday square in the face with only 10 days to go. I'll cover 5 (and a half) things that you still have left to do with your ecommerce paid search campaigns.

Transcript of eCommerce 2014 Holiday Planning for Slackers

2 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

› Founded in 2002

› Seattle-based digital marketing agency

› PPC, SEO, Analytics, Display, Paid Social, Full Creative Services

› Award winning agency

› US Search Award: Best PPC Campaign 2014

› PSAMA Pulse Award Winner 2014

› $40M+ in managed media each year

› Servicing clients across all verticals and revenue models


Runner / CrossFit



4 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

› Looking back before you look forward

› What to Measure: KPIs

› The 5 things you still have time to do for holiday:› Mobile

› Keyword Audit (Close Variant Matching)

5 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

Looking back before you look forward

# of Days you have to prep for Black Friday

6 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

Looking back before you look forward

# of Days Between Black Friday & Christmas

7 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

Source: @jmgagnon Bing Ads PPC for the Holidays :

8 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

Source: ThinkWithGoogle

9 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

10 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

Create YoY Comp Calendars so you can explain spikes in KPIs

11 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28 29 30

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 31 1 2 3 4

BF Door Buster Sale: 10 pm – 2 pm


Black Friday

Cyber Monday

Free Shipping Day


Boxing Day

Free Standard

Shipping by Xmas

Overnight Guaranteed

Delivery by Xmas

2day Shipping

Delivery by Xmas

Begin 10 Days of Christmas Advent Calendar

B1G1 50% OFF Monday 5 pm – Friday 5 pm

In Store: 20% Off w/Gift Receipt

Free Shipping Boxing Day

Pre-Thanksgiving Early Bird Sale


Start BF Ads Remove BF Ads

Start Cyber Monday

& Xmas Ads

Plan ahead with a promo calendar

12 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

“20% of site sales and more than 43% of site traffic

will come from mobile devices this Holiday”

IBM Holiday Survey

13 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

Smartphone owners plan

to use device for

shopping this Holiday

Black Friday & Cyber

Monday Sales came from

Mobile Devices in 2013.

+50% Growth YoY

14 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

What To Run On. Top Keywords!

When to Run. AT THE VERY MINIMUM – Black Weekend starting on Thanksgiving

and the last shopping week of the season

Where To Be: 1st or 2nd Position Wins it All

What to Say:

- Keep it simple – 2 second rule! CTA + Offer

- Buy from your phone, in-stock now, include price, indicate how long it takes to

shipRemember that Google is now dropping that

2nd line of copy on mobile to show extensions!

15 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

An Elf walked into a bar…,

bars, beer garden, lounge, night club, tavern,

pub, hangout hole, mini bar, bar stool, bar

exam, barre…..

Variants include:





accents and


16 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

1. Ambiguous And Branded Keywords To Be Most Impacted

2. Close Variants matter more on Mobile Devices

3. In a nutshell, an efficient negative keyword strategy is

getting more crucial now than ever.

17 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

In Adwords, Go to Keywords

Select Details Dropdown and

Search Terms “All” (or you could just preselect

exact/phrase match)

Download Report

Put it into a Pivot Table and evaluate KPIsMatch Type Impressions Clicks CTR CPC Cost CVR Conversions Revenue ROAS

broad 92,954 8,299 8.9% 0.35$ 2,904$ 1.1% 92 11,714$ 4.03

exact 709,464 25,296 3.6% 0.25$ 6,372$ 2.0% 513 48,887$ 7.67

exact (close variant) 6,834 613 9.0% 0.35$ 212$ 1.0% 6 710$ 3.34

phrase 8,000 1,574 19.7% 0.30$ 467$ 1.7% 27 2,919$ 6.25

phrase (close variant) 1,863 436 23.4% 0.30$ 132$ 0.9% 4 261$ 1.97

18 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

Exact Keywords Exact Match Negative Phrase

Phrase Keywords Exact Match

Negative Exact

Negative Phrase

Broad & Modified

BroadPhrase & Exact Match

Negative Phrase

Negative Broad*

(single words only!)

19 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

Nobody reads ads. People read what interests them.

- Howard Gossage

20 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

Countdown Script Automates

a count down of Days and Hours

in your ad copy.

Count Down


Business Data Customizers

21 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

Countdown Script Automates

a count down of Days and Hours

in your ad copy.

Count Down


Business Data Customizers

22 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

Countdown Script Automates

a count down of Days and Hours

in your ad copy.

Count Down


Business Data Customizers

23 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

(=COUNTDOWN(“mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss”, “xx”, x))


Date & Time can be adjusted for International standards. I.E. MM/DD/YYYY vs DD/MM/YYYY

If you are localizing for international markets you need to use Language Code. It will automatically

translate “Days”, “Hours” into the correct language

24 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

Why your ads might be rejected or not showing?

• Copy exceeds Description or Title character limits

• Promo has ended, so the ad stops displaying.


• BF Pricing ends in X!

• X left for Free Shipping!

• X to buy before Christmas!

25 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

Give the customers more relevant information – it’s

better for conversion!

26 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

Seller Rating








Google “Mega” Ad

Mobile Click-to-Call

27 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

28 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

If you have 100 visitors to your site and 3

convert…97 didn’t.

It’s easier to get 1 more of those 97 to convert than

it is find 33 more potentially qualified customers.-Katy Tonkin (@katytonkin) doing amazing math!

29 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook


Specific Pages


Bid Up, Customize Message& Landing Page, Serve Ads

On Upper Funnel Terms

30 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook


• Define audience list

• Copy top ad groups

into new campaign(s)

• Add audience list

• Set copy, bids, other



Dynamic Remarketing

• Tag Site (for Dynamic


• Create campaign

• Add remarketing list

• Create Dynamic Ads


Audience Remarketing

• Define Lists

• Create campaings

• Add remarketing lists

• Load creatives


31 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook


• Define audience list

• Copy top ad groups

into new campaign(s)

• Add audience list

• Set copy, bids, other



Dynamic Remarketing

• Tag Site (for Dynamic


• Create campaign

• Add remarketing list

• Create Dynamic Ads


Audience Remarketing

• Define Lists

• Create campaings

• Add remarketing lists

• Load creatives


You can still do


32 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

33 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

34 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

35 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

36 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

Remove “Purchasers” from the targeting specific product ads so that you aren’t

showing them a product they already bought online. Instead use the Purchasers

segment to x-sell products.

Frequency Caps: 15-20 views per month

Burning: Don’t be overly annoying.

Remove customers that haven’t purchased after 30 days

37 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

“Using the new flexible bid strategies makes me feel

icky and dirty…” @maddiecary

38 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

39 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

40 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

41 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

Mirror a campaign with this strategy in it…

42 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

Scripts. They aren’t as scary as people make them

out to be!

43 @ChristiJOlson #StateOfSearch #HolidayPlayBook

“If you can Copy & Paste you can use pre-written scripts” – SMX Advanced

Frederick Vallaeys (@siliconvallaeys)


Thank you!

Christi Olson |