Ecclesiastes: Searching for the Meaning of Life #7 “No Regrets” – …€¦ · 13/07/2014  ·...

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Transcript of Ecclesiastes: Searching for the Meaning of Life #7 “No Regrets” – …€¦ · 13/07/2014  ·...

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Ecclesiastes: Searching for the Meaning of Life

#7 “No Regrets” – Eccl. 11:7 – 12:14

Dr. Matthew Cassidy – 7/13/2014

Narrator: Ecclesiastes 11:9 – 10 You who are young, be happy while you are young and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart in whatever your eyes see, but know that for all these things, God will bring you into judgment. So then, banish anxiety from your heart and cast off the troubles of

your body, for youth and vigor are meaningless.

Ecclesiastes 12:1-7

Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years

approach when you will say, “I find no pleasure in them” – before the sun and the light and the moon and

the stars grow dark, and the clouds return after the rain; when the keepers of the house tremble, and the

strong men stoop, when the grinders cease because they are few, and those looking through the windows

grow dim; when the doors to the street are closed and the sound of grinding fades; when people rise up at

the sound of birds, but all their songs grow faint; when people are afraid of heights and of dangers in the

streets; when the almond tree blossoms and the grasshopper drags itself along and desire no longer is

stirred. Then people go to their eternal home and mourners go about the streets.

Remember him – before the silver cord is severed, or the golden bowl is broken; before the pitcher

is shattered at the spring, or the wheel broken at the well, and the dust returns to the ground it came from,

and the spirit returns to God who gave it.

Ecclesiastes 12:13

Now all has been heard. Here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep His

commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.

Video Clip: Vanity -­‐days-­‐of-­‐your-­‐youth/2885/

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And those are the closing words from our book of Ecclesiastes, which we have been studying for seven

weeks now. It feels like it is the deathbed words of King Solomon. Why has this book survived since the

5th century B.C.? He was the King of Israel and he had unlimited resources, wisdom, time, and

opportunity, as well as power, and he spent it all trying to find out the meaning and purpose of life.

Now look at him. On his throne, on a pile of money, books having been read, and he is trying to

tell us about what the meaning and purpose of life is. He asks the bigger questions about meaning and


Solomon spent the first two chapters of this book saying: Life without God is despair.

Chapters 3 – 12, Solomon says: Well, life with God is not a picnic either. It is confusing because it

just doesn’t seem like God is in control. There is so much cause – effect that you would think would be

going on in the world but it does not appear to be going on. If God has made everything beautiful in its

timing, He is not telling us what that timing looks like. So, while Solomon has been asking these deeper

questions about life, now in these last few verses of Chapter 11 and all of Chapter 12, I think he is talking

to us, saying: There is so much you do not want to do in life. I have gone so many places and I have made

so many choices and I wish I could do them all over again.

There are two levels of regret: regret while you are living and there is regret while you are dying.

Regret while you are living: The idea there is that as long as you are breathing, you can still

change something. You can still make amends. You can choose to be courageous and take responsibility


Levels of Regret

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for some of your choices. Maybe forgiveness will be granted to you by your friends or family and you can

do something about it.

Regret while you are dying: This means you are going to bring it all to the grave with you. We are

not going to die on a throne on a mound of money. We are probably going to spend the last days of our

lives in a bed that looks just like this.

Stare at it. You will be in a bed like that, probably. It might be for quite some time. You might be in that

bed when you turn 92. You could be in a bed just like that by December 1. There will be wires hooked up

to you and there will be people coming in and out of your room – and you will be coming in and out. You

might be surrounded by friends and family – or you might be all alone.

The idea in life is to run out of air when you run out of money. But that doesn’t happen much

because you don’t know when you are going to be running out of air. Again, we are going to spend the

last days of our lives in a bed, just like that, whether it is in December or in a few decades – we just don’t

know. That is the problem.

A very famous psychiatrist, Eric Erikson, whose material you might have read [If you have a

degree in this field, you studied him and that is for sure.] is famous for the Eight Stages of human life.

Each of the eight stages of life has a positive and a negative in each one. At this last stage, the bed stage,

the end, it is talking about ego integrity or ego despair. A person who lies in that bed, who cannot do

anything else except breathe until they stop, is either going to be proud of the choices they have made and

the investments they have made in life, or a person who lies in that bed will be in despair because they

chose poorly. They will be bitter and resentful and full of regret – but there won’t be a thing they can do

about it. So, they just lie there and weep, usually by themselves.

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That is the tone of today’s final thoughts by Solomon. It is interesting that he has the same

intensity and he is coming at us like he has been in the whole book. But now, it is kind of like a whisper.

It is like he is trying to get up lung capacity to tell us: You are going to see this hospital bed. But before

you do, before you get to this bed, you cannot live with regret because you cannot die with regret. Don’t

die with regret! I have warehouses filled with T-shirts that read “Been There and Done That”, from every

possible situation you can envision. I want to tell you there are four regrets that you cannot lie in this bed


That is what Solomon is talking about in Chapter 11:7.

Regret #1: Missed Enjoyment: Be Grateful

Be grateful for every single day.

Ecclesiastes 11:7 Oh, how sweet the light of day, And how wonderful to live in the


:8 However many years anyone may live, let them enjoy them all. But let them remember

the days of darkness, for there will be many. Everything to come is meaningless


I don’t know when the day of misery is coming but here is the thing. Every day you spend above the lawn

is a great day.

This first regret is all about your attitude about life. Solomon is saying this: Sure, absolutely, there

are dark days coming. You will grow old or you will die. Growing old is hard and requires great courage.

But let’s just talk about today, shall we? Every day the sun shines, you should be joyous. Does he say –

every one of them? Let them enjoy them all – every single one of them.

An influential movie in my life is one I watched in 1988. I don’t remember the movie, oddly

enough, except for the first four minutes. “The Milagros Bean Field War is a Robert Redford film, kind of

an artsy thing, slow moving. It starts with a scene of a very old man who could have been quite old, like

in his 80’s, but he was a farmer in New Mexico. So, he was well worn and could have been 65 – but you

get the idea. He has lived a hard life. So, the scene starts with a zoom in on his face and he opens his eyes.

You can tell that he is a little surprised that he was alive. Oh! And painfully he rolls out of bed and sits up.

Again, with great difficulty, he walks over to the window and looks outside and in a classic Catholic

fashion, he makes the sign of the cross because he is thanking God for another day he gets to live.

Four Kinds of Regret

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Because of the way Robert Redford directed this movie, it was a startling contrast to the way I was

looking at life. This old man was suffering just to take a step and yet he was grateful for what God was

doing. He was grateful for another day to live.

This regret is about attitude. You should be joyful for every day you live. You are a lucky dog

[reference to last week’s sermon]. You should enjoy it and seize every opportunity.

Did you know that there is no difference between waiting to live and waiting to die? We know

people in hospital beds who are waiting to die. But we wait to live! – Stop waiting. What are you waiting


I will tell you a story and it will be generic; then I will ask you to respond as to whether you have

heard this before. – A man works his whole life for retirement, slaving away, never really home. He kind

of neglects the kids sometimes. When he is at home, he is at work. When he is at work, he is at work. He

is working for this day of retirement. He finally gets to retirement and he has got a bucket of cash waiting

for him. Then he dies within one year of his retirement. How many of you know a story like that? Raise

your hand. Right. Is that going to be your story? Are you waiting to live or waiting to die? Are you


Solomon is saying here: Why? Why not enjoy today? Why not enjoy right now? Do you know that

one of the biggest regrets is in life? When you are lying in a hospital bed and you think back 20 years or

10 years or last week, when you saw the sun come up and you were not grateful. There is no reason to not

have joy about another day to live. That is what Solomon is saying.

There is another regret and not just attitude.

Regret #2: Missed Opportunity: Play Hard Inside the Fence

The second regret you will have, and you don’t want this regret, is missed opportunity. Solomon

says: Play hard inside the boundaries, inside the fence. This next sentence is going to shock some of you.

In this one sentence, it gives a vivid picture of what God wants for your life. I think you might be startled

that He wants you to enjoy life. He wants you to have a great life. He wants you to stay within the

boundaries and be responsible – but once you are inside the moral boundaries, would you please yell and

scream and take advantage of opportunities?

Ecclesiastes 11:9 You who are young, be happy while you are young, and let your heart

give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your

eyes see, but know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment.

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So, assuming God’s judgment – we are going to be responsible – and that is the whole idea of being

within the boundaries of God’s moral code that you can find in the Old and New Testament. What

happens inside of that? That is where joy is. That is guilt-free, unencumbered celebration. Solomon is

saying: Whatever your eyes see – in that context of innocent indulgences – don’t miss those opportunities.

Smell the roses, he would say. Would you please take your shoes off and run in the grass more often? I

know it does not contribute to your career advancement but could you just be spontaneous about all the

things that God has provided for you – within this responsibility. Do something with that.

I know a person whose dad was quite wealthy and about every three years, this is how they would

vacation. He would throw everybody in the car, drive to the airport, go to the checkout desk and say: I

want five tickets for the next plane that leaves. – You can imagine the wife of this person: Where are we

going to go?--- We are going to go somewhere and then we will rent a car and then we will go to Target

and buy clothes. We will leave those same clothes in the trunk of the rental car and then we will come

back home.

We get worried about vacation!

One time my wife, Melinda, and my sister were in southern California. I said: Hey, let’s go to

Hearst Castle. They said: We would have to make reservations. – Oh, let’s just go up there.

It turns out that it was Memorial Day Weekend and all the hotels were taken. So we slept in the

little Toyota Corolla in the parking lot of the Holiday Inn --- and we are still talking about it.

In the trunk of my car right now, I have:

2 kites with 4 tails

2 Longboard skateboards, one for speed and one for carving

1 track ball set

1 jiu jitsu gi in case I have to defend myself

And a spare tire because the dark days are certain to come.

There are four shirts in there because the girls always get cold when we go to the movies

and I always want to be able to give them something like a blanket – because you never know

what might spontaneously happen in your life.

What about you? There are opportunities around us all the time. Innocent fun is right in front of us. Just

grab it and quit waiting until you are leaving an oncologist’s office saying: Oh, I only have a few

days/weeks/months/years left.

If you want to learn to dance, then learn to dance. Or learn to fight. Or learn to make pies. Or learn

to shoot skeet. What if you were shooting pies with skeet guns? That would be so cool. Wouldn’t that be

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great? It does not take money. It is attitude looking for opportunities. – Today, at 6:30 p.m. you could go

down to the Long Center on Lady Bird Lake and at 7:30 the Brass Band from the Austin Symphonic Band

is going to be playing outside. You could have a meal on the lawn with friends and then at 9:00 p.m.

Barton Springs pool is free. It is a full moon tonight and people will howl at the moon. I hope you are

howling. When you hit that water, you will howl.

If you have an attitude of joyousness toward every sunrise, and then you have before you with the

acknowledgement that someday you will be lying in a bed of death, so because of that, you say: Each and

every opportunity that comes my way, I will make the most of that innocent fun. If I see it and I like it and

it is from God, I will not pass that by.

Regret #3: A Heavy Heart

The third regret that you will have is a heavy heart. Why do you have such a heavy heart, o little

man? So Solomon says this.

Ecclesiastes 11:10 So then, BANISH anxiety from your heart and cast off the troubles of

your body, for youth and vigor are meaningless [mysterious].

You have so much of life ahead of you. He is saying to guard your heart for it is the wellspring of your

soul. Guard your soul from immorality and that will keep your heart light.

But also, guard your heart from too much responsibility. Why do you put so much on your

shoulders? You say: I have the weight of the world on my shoulders! --- Well, who put it there? ---

Matthew 6:33 Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things

will be added to you.

If you pursue God, then all these things will be added to you. Just understand the boundaries of what you

are to do. Be willing to let go of the things that don’t matter.

It is easier to ride the wave than to try to control the sea. Most of us are tied in knots in our

attempts to control the sea. The sea is not ours to control and it is not ours to know. – Seek first the

kingdom of God; keep your soul light and banish anxiety from your soul.

I miss being a Student Pastor so many times, especially at this time of year because this is

generally the time to work with college volunteers who work with our high school students. The college

volunteers are so much fun because they understand this – not because they are young but because they

have not made choices that are hindering their freedom.

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The last four years I did student ministry, I would not even have adults on my team because they

were so compulsive and worrisome. What if the bus breaks down? – Look, the bus is going to break

down. Then we will play Frisbee in the field. – What if we run out of food? – Then we will eat the adults.

The last four years of that ministry, I thought: I don’t need this [anxiety of the adults] because the

college kids are so much fun. There doesn’t have to be a plan all the time. The college students are

unharmed and untouched and unspoiled. Their eyes are clear and they are full of life. Most of them have

made so many intelligent decisions to keep their heart pure. Innocent fun is always before them. They still

go to watch Disney movies. They are pure, innocent and full of glee. Usually, about the third night at

camp when all the campers are down for the night, then we have time for just the college staff and the

ministry team and I would just explode on them. Do you have any concept of what God has for you?! If

you would just not grow weary in doing good. Do these three things without regret: (1) Have a

fundamentally joyful attitude about life. (2) Seize every innocent opportunity for fun. (3) Keep your heart

light. The world is not up to you. – You could have a life without regret.

I know, I know. Apples and oranges, maybe. But you grow up and sign a few mortgages and that

sort of thing and then all this responsibility comes. I can tell you this though. When you pull in your

driveway, before you get out of the car, stop and change gears right there. Wherever you are, you need to

be there. Just stay in your car and ask God: God, I want to leave work at work. You could bring a little

notepad into the house and whenever you get a little insight for work, just write it down – so that you can

move back to being at your family. Look at your family, the people you love – your friends, look them in

the eye – when they play, when they talk, stare at them. These are the things you will want to have done

and you will regret having missed concentrated focus on these people. Don’t miss this. Make the most of

the opportunity before you, the little things. Don’t carry so much weight with you.

Look at the summary in Chapter 11:8-10. This will startle some of you about the nature of God.

Look at what God wants for us.

Ecclesiastes 11:8 … don’t take a single day for granted. Take delight in each light-filled


:9 You who are young, make the most of your youth. Relish your youthful vigor. Follow

the innocent impulses of your heart.

:10 Refuse to worry – You won’t be young forever.


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You will hear people say, and a lot of us hold this in our hearts, that God is a killjoy. – No, He is not. That

is in the Bible. We are the killjoys. Some of us have fences up where God does not put up fences. Some of

us are opposed to good, godly Christians laughing. We just are not enjoying life.

I talked to a woman last week. She was on her way out of the Worship Center and she was just

visiting. She was maybe 70 years old. We talked about being joy-filled and taking opportunities and

feeling like we are lucky dogs. She said: I hang around with a number of people who are negative about

everything, in their attitudes, about life, their health. I don’t know what to do.

I said: Well, have you tried to talk to them, to bring them over from the dark side?

She said: Several times. Most of them are in a church that I go to.

I said: Well, here is what you do. You get new friends because miserable people love miserable

people. They love other people to confirm their value system. Look, a quarter of this glass is empty! –

I see it too. I see it too. There is a quarter of it that ought to be ours. ---- If you make a couple of runs at

trying to bring them over to a lighter life, but after that, you need to leave because you are running out of

time. You are running out of time. You will never regret ending a sour relationship.

Solomon here is trying to inspire us with the understanding that some day, we will be lying on a

hospital bed with a meter measuring our heartbeat. We will want to live that day without any regret.

Want some more help?

Regret #4: Not serving God while you’re young

Chapter 12:1 is the introduction of a profound literature poetically.

Ecclesiastes 12:1 Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of

trouble come and the years approach when you will say, “I find no pleasure in them” --

He is saying: I find no pleasure in being old.

Look at the key word, Remember. Remember your Creator in the days of your youth.

What this does not mean is a cognitive remembering: Oh, I remember him from high school. Did

he have blond hair? No. Right, brown hair; I remember that. – That is not this form of remember.

“Remember” in the Old Testament is this deep action word. It means that I am taking something

into my will and doing something about it.

In 1 Samuel, God remembers Hannah and Hannah is a person who has been begging God in her

prayer life to have a child. She could not have children. So she is begging God, begging God. Then the

text reads: “The Lord remembered Hannah.” The next thing you know, God allowed her to have a child. It

is an action word.

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So, when we remember the Lord in the days of our youth, it means, “to embrace Him, to serve

Him, to love Him, to act out on what He would have us do.”

In other words, remember God when your stuff is still working. Serve Him. Use this body as a

living sacrifice to do things that God would want you to do while all the parts are still working. He is

literally talking about your physical strength. This is one of the most beautiful allegories you will ever see

in the Bible, and maybe in literature, where Solomon compares a old shambled house to his own old


The shutters are falling off – those are his eyes. – I will read through this but I want you to see, at

least in this translation of the Bible, they do an excellent job of bringing up the word “Remember” which

means decisively act and do something.

Ecclesiastes 12:2 Remember Him before the light of the sun, moon, and stars is dim to

your old eyes, and rain clouds continually darken your sky.

:3 Remember Him before your legs – the guards of your house – start to tremble; and

before your shoulders – the strong men – stoop.

Remember Him before your teeth – your few remaining servants – stop grinding; and

before your eyes – the women looking through the windows – see dimly.

:4 Remember Him before the door to life’s opportunities is closed and the sound of work

fades. Now you rise at the first chirping of the birds, but then all their sounds will grow


:5 Remember Him before you become fearful of falling and worry about danger in the

streets; before your hair turns white like an almond tree in bloom, and you drag along

without energy like a dying grasshopper, and the caperberry [an aphrodisiac] no longer

inspires sexual desire.

Remember Him before you near the grave, your everlasting home, when the mourners

will weep at your funeral.

:6 Yes, remember your Creator now while you are young, before the silver cord of life

snaps and the golden bowl is broken. Don’t wait until the water jar is smashed at the spring

and the pulley is broken at the well. [that is your heart]

:7 For then the dust will return to the earth, and the spirit will return to God who gave it.

Solomon is saying – you will be in this hospital bed and before you get there, if you have any body part

working, you do something with that body part for God. You do what He would have you do because

there will be a day when you say: Oh, my arms are trembling and I can’t even hold up a spoon to feed

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myself. ---- But before you get there, if you have strong arms, you ought to dig a water well for someone,

or be that kid on the block that old people go to asking you: Can you help me lift some groceries here? –

You could carry luggage for some old missionary around the world. – Do something with your arms and

remember God.

Your legs – if you can bend down, good for you. If you can stand up, that is golden. That is a great

thing for knees to do. Bend down and get back up – you could serve God in our Children’s Ministry. A lot

of those kids are rug rats and you will be on your knees most of the time and you could serve God with

those knees that still work. – I wish my knees still worked. – Remember the Lord in the days of your

youth. Don’t regret using your body for God’s glory.

Solomon says about teeth: All I eat now is cold oatmeal. If I could do life over again, I would eat

stuff. I would go to the Congo and eat bark off the tree. Is that what they eat in the Congo? That I don’t

know but in China, where I have been, they will eat duck feet there. It is kind of rubbery but you get to

use your teeth.

Your eyes, before they dim and you cannot see anymore, and you are lying in that hospital bed

and you can only see shadows --- you should go and see what God’s church is doing around the world.

Don’t miss the opportunity to see His creation.

Hearing loss – this is diabolical. I want to tell you how hearing loss works. I can’t hear you; but

the music is too loud. How does that work? I can’t hear a thing they are playing up here – but it is too

loud and all it takes is a bird outside my closed window and I wake up in the morning. If I had to do this

over again, I would spend more time listening to fantastic music that glorifies God. I would hear

testimonies of His genius in people’s lives. Remember my Creator in the days of my youth.

Before my brain turns to mush, I would fill it with Scripture. I would meditate on it day and night,

the wisdom of the great writers in the Old and New Testaments.

Before my heart stops, I would work in the hot sun and help my dad mow his lawn. That is what it

says in the Hebrew, right there. I would remember the Creator in the days of my youth – while everything

is running, use it. Don’t miss opportunities to serve God. That is the fourth regret you will have when that

hospital bed has your name on the bedpost.

Here is how to live a life without regret. It is simple and it is two sentences. It could not be any

more clear. It is not easy but it is clear and simple. This is a life without regret.

“The Last and Final Word is This”

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Ecclesiastes 12:13 Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God

and keep His commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.

:14 For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it

is good or evil.

Fear God and do what He tells you. God wants only good fruit for you.

I will adapt that. I think only God wants what is good for you. Inside the parameters of His moral

decrees, where it is safe, you do whatever comes to your mind or heart. You will answer to God for every

choice you make. Every one will answer to God for every choice they make. Some of you are so tied in

knots that the heaviness on your heart is about justice, your ex-husband, your ex-boss, your ex-whatever

injustice has taken place. What does he say there? Don’t worry for God will bring every deed into

judgment, including every hidden thing. – They got away with it. – Did they? – They didn’t. – Neither

will any of us get away with anything. – So, let’s just put that over there. It is report card day and you

don’t have to fear report card day if you played within the fence. Just fear God and obey His

commandments and you will not live a life with regret.

That is what Solomon is telling us. At the end of his long life, full of decadence and wisdom both,

Solomon says: This is it.

Once a year, someone comes into our congregation and they are old and they have been to the

doctor and they come in here finally because it is a foxhole sort of thing. They find out they are going to

die soon and they have wrecked every life they ever touched. I think the fact that we have “Grace” written

on the sides of our buildings maybe gives them hope. They ask: What can I do with what is left? ---

There are two types, two levels of regret: There is dying with regret and there is living with regret.

They will come in here on their walkers and say: I am still living but I have a lot of regret.

We tell them: Look, the power of God’s grace is going to work miracles if you lean into the

courage here. You will have to repent – not on what you have done but on who you are. Then we can

make a list of the people you need to reconcile with and we can pray that God will give them mercy in

order to have mercy on you. We will see what we can make out of these last few years of your life.

They come in here hunched over. If they do these things – and they are still alive so they are living

with regret – so they can do something about it. By the end, their heads are higher, their shoulders are

back, and they are laughing again. Some of these men and women, when they are in that hospital bed,

they have a few family members with them, and maybe a couple of friends and even some co-workers.

I was part of a funeral one time where a son came up to speak. Everybody before him was talking

about how much they loved this young man’s father who was in his sixties when he died. He finally got

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some things right. The son was the last one to speak and he was about 30. He said: I don’t know the man

you guys know. I wish I would have known him. He finally started seeing what God could do in his life

and I never got a piece of that but I am happy that he lived long enough to not die with regret.

God only wants goodness for you. Only God wants goodness for you. He wants you free. He

wants you light hearted. He wants you to have joy for every day you get to live.

I thought it would be appropriate since we are ending the book of Ecclesiastes – why don’t we just

ask God to see what we need to change in our lives so this could be the day that we move forward. Some

of us are just stuck. Some of us are going the wrong way and you need to turn around. Some of us are

stuck and have been stuck for years. This is the day we face the right way and we move forward.

Let’s have a time together with God – just pretend it is just you and God. Let’s bow our heads and

think about this. There are some things I gleaned from this series. One of them is how much the word

“lot” is used here – the idea is that this is what I get in life. This is my incurable disease, or the

experiences you have had, the difficulties you live with. The book is trying to tell us: Okay, just accept it

so that you can move past it and not be a victim but be a person who is encouraged by daily living. Some

of us, could you accept the cards you have been dealt and just receive those without looking at somebody

else’s cards, not envious, not resentful, or just say: This is it. This is me until I see Him. – Could this be

the day that you are unstuck?

Some of you, today would be a perfect day for you to understand what God has for you. You don’t

have a choice attitude about life. You would love to be the person who was formerly known as Eeyore. It

would start today if you chose to feel differently or to think differently about God’s blessings. You ask

God to do that: God, would You change my whole way of looking at life? So that I would be grateful for

every sunrise.

Finally, some of us in here, we just need to obey God. We have been playing outside of the fence

and our hearts are heavy. We are getting harder and more calloused. – Get back inside the moral

parameters of God. Let His Spirit encourage you and strengthen you. But be free and innocent in your

choices, inside the fence. Repent and say: I have been disobeying you, God, and I am remorseful about


Friends, we are 1 hour and 14 minutes closer to meeting King Jesus since we walked into this

building. Now you bring Him a story of joy and generosity and sacrifice with gratitude. You bring Him a

story of a life without regret. That is Solomon talking.

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We are grateful for this man’s wisdom, that we can learn from His mistakes and His insight as

well. Let us be a church that lives this way. We could change the make up of this whole city if we were to

surrender this way. Lord, let us be that type of people and let us be that type of church. In Jesus’ name.
