Early Morning activities ppt 18...Read the riddles and guess the animals. 1. I’m an animal you...

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Transcript of Early Morning activities ppt 18...Read the riddles and guess the animals. 1. I’m an animal you...

Mindfulness Monday18.05.20Year 2

Target Tuesday19.05.20Year 2

Our target today is partitioning.

1. Partition these numbers into tens and ones.

34 65 71

2. Fill in the missing numbers.

60 + 8 = 68 __ + 18 = 68 40 + __ = 68 __ + 38 = __ __ + __ = 68 __ + __ = __

3. Partition this number in different ways.


Well-being Wednesday20.05.20Year 2

Times Table Thursday21.05.20Year 2

Spend some time on ‘Hit the Button’ or ‘Funky

Mummy’ practising your timetables.

Fantastic Friday22.04.20Year 2

Read the riddles and guess the animals.

1. I’m an animal you might love but I’m too big to be your pet, I have an extremely long trunk and it’s said I never forget. I am an ___________.

2. I am a type of animal. Some say that I have a long face. I’m very good at running fast so people ride me in a race. I am a ________.

3. I like to hop around. I’m a tadpole when I’m young. I can be green and I croak and catch flies with my long tongue. I am a _________.

4. It’s cold and icy where we live so we have to huddle in tight. We have wings but we cannot fly so we can’t soar to a great height. I am a __________.

5. I have a very big bite but I do not ever bark. I swim out in the ocean and I have a fin. I am a _________.

Fantastic Friday22.04.20Year 2

Read the riddles and guess the animals. ANSWERS

1. I’m an animal you might love but I’m too big to be your pet, I have an extremely long trunk and it’s said I never forget. I am an ELEPHANT.

2. I am a type of animal. Some say that I have a long face. I’m very good at running fast so people ride me in a race. I am a HORSE.

3. I like to hop around. I’m a tadpole when I’m young. I can be green and I croak and catch flies with my long tongue. I am a FROG.

4. It’s cold and icy where we live so we have to huddle in tight. We have wings but we cannot fly so we can’t soar to a great height. I am a PENGUIN.

5. I have a very big bite but I do not ever bark. I swim out in the ocean and I have a fin. I am a SHARK.