Dynacube Operating Systems Dynacube for Today and Tomorrow Mohammed Hassan Shah J. Meenakshi K.R....

Post on 26-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Dynacube Operating Systems Dynacube for Today and Tomorrow Mohammed Hassan Shah J. Meenakshi K.R....

Dynacube Operating SystemsDynacube for Today and Tomorrow

Mohammed Hassan Shah J. Meenakshi K.R.

Guided by Mrs. G. Andal Jayalakshmi, B.E, M.S

Thiagarajar College of Engineering, INDIA

Problem Description

The project aims to implement an operating system with the following features

Intel x86 based

32 bit Protected mode Multitasking

Modular Design Approach

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

POSIX 1003.1 standard compliancy

Thiagarajar College of Engineering, INDIA

Implementation DetailsLanguages Used:

Intel AssemblyC – without using Standard librariesC++ - for GUI components

Platform Used:


Tools Used:

GCC, G++ CompilerNASM AssemblerVMware, Bochs EmulatorKdevelop IDE

Thiagarajar College of Engineering, INDIA

Description of


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Kernel Module

Kernel Initialization

Process Manager

Memory Manager

100% Completed

Thiagarajar College of Engineering, INDIA

Kernel Initialization100% Completed

•Enabling A20 line

•Loading Global Descriptor Table

•Loading Interrupt Descriptor Table

•Remapping the Programmable Interrupt Controller

•Initializing the PCB, PGDE, PGTE and Virtual8086 Monitor

•Initializing the Timer, keyboard, mouse and floppy drivers

•Initializing the SVGA mode 114 (resolution 800 x 600 colors 64000)

•Enabling the Timer, Keyboard, Mouse and Floppy IRQ

•Enabling Interrupts

Thiagarajar College of Engineering, INDIA

Process Manager

Task State Segment based Multitasking

Queues used: Ready, message, device, gui_server.

Asynchronous Message Passing Interface

Scheduling policy – Priority based Round Robin

Dynamic process creation – loading binary image, LDT and page table initialization

100% Completed

Thiagarajar College of Engineering, INDIA

Memory Manager100% Completed

• Segmented paged memory model

• Dynamic memory allocation and de-allocation

•Page level – first- fit algorithm

•Variable chunk level

• Logical to linear and linear to physical mapping

• Physical memory copying

Thiagarajar College of Engineering, INDIA

Device Manager Module100% Completed

Keyboard and SVGA Video Driver

• Mode Info Retrieval and Setting (114)• Linear Frame Buffer and Double Buffering• Font Map and Cursor Creation• Primitive Graphical Library Functions

Mouse Driver

• Initializing, Calibration, Reset handling• Interrupt Handling • Cursor Tracking• Event Detection

Thiagarajar College of Engineering, INDIA

• Floppy process creation and Request Handling

• Floppy IRQ Handling

• DMA Initialization and Transfer

• Motor Handling

• Seeking and Recalibration

• Read And Write Sector

100% Completed

Device Manager Module

Floppy Device Driver

Thiagarajar College of Engineering, INDIA

File System Module100% Completed

• FAT12 with Long Name Standard

• File and Directory Management – creation, removal, retrieval

• Descriptor Handling

• File Buffering

Thiagarajar College of Engineering, INDIA

DServer (GUI) Module100% Completed

• GUI process and Message Handling

• Window Management

• Alias Id Mapping

• Z-order Processing

• Menu Handling

• Component Management

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System Calls ImplementedProcess Manager


Floppy Driver


File Systemopenread writecreateremoverename

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System Calls Continued


Graphics Library



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Test Applications

• Dynaplorer (Explorer)

• Dynapad (Text Editor)

• Dynacalc (Calculator)

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Screen Shots

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Thiagarajar College of Engineering, INDIA


Thiagarajar College of Engineering, INDIA


Thiagarajar College of Engineering, INDIA

BibliographyDesign Literature

Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Albert S. Woodhull, Operating Systems: Design and Implementation

Microsoft’s official FAT12 documentation

Hardware Literature IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer’s Manual

Volume 1: Basic Architecture

Volume 2: Instruction Set Reference

Volume 3: System Programming guide

VESA BIOS EXTENSION (VBE) Core Functions Standard Version: 3.0

NEC µPD765 and Intel 82072-7 Floppy Disk Controller specification

Adam Chapweske, PS/2 Keyboard and Mouse Interface

Thiagarajar College of Engineering, INDIA

ConclusionThe project has successfully achieved its stated goals. We are looking forward to make the following enhancements to our project in near future:

Extend Dynacube to 64bit architectures.

To provide SMP support.

To port GCC and G++ to our Dynacube operating system.

To include File System support for EXT2, EXT3 and NTFS formats.

To provide Unicode support.

To provide more sophisticated user interfaces.

To design a configurable Window manager.

Thiagarajar College of Engineering, INDIA

Queries ???

Queries ?

Thiagarajar College of Engineering, INDIA

Thank you