Drew Bennett Hays July 1, 2015 The Diaspora: World Dispersion of the Jews, First Century A.D.

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Transcript of Drew Bennett Hays July 1, 2015 The Diaspora: World Dispersion of the Jews, First Century A.D.

Drew Bennett Hays July 1, 2015

The Diaspora: World Dispersion of the Jews,

First Century A.D.

The Church Before Paul’s Missionary Journeys

1Peter 1Positive Commands & Ref.

• Gird minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix hope completely on grace, 1:13

• Be holy in all behavior like the Holy One, 1:15

• Conduct yourselves in fear while on earth, 1:17

• Fervently love one another from the heart, 1:22

Negative Prohibitions & Ref.

• Do not be conformed to former lusts of ignorance, 1:14

Of 25 verses in this first chapter, only 5 are practical (application-do this / don’t do this), and 20 are doctrinal (or explanatory- why).However, the practical portions will increase moving forward.

1Peter 2Positive Commands & Ref.

• Put aside all malice, guile, hypocrisy, envy, and slander, 2:1

• Long for pure milk, 2:2• Offer acceptable spiritual

sacrifices, 2:5• Proclaim the excellencies of God,

2:9• Abstain from fleshly lusts, 2:11• Keep behavior excellent, 2:12• Submit to governing authorities,

2:13-14• Acts as free men/bondslaves,

2:16a,c• Honor, love, fear, honor, 2:17• Be submissive servants, 2:18

Negative Prohibitions & Ref.

• (indirectly) Don’t disobey the word and stumble, 2:8

• Don’t misuse freedom, 2:16b

1Peter 3Positive Commands & Ref.

• Wives, be submissive to your husband, 3:1

• Adorn internally, 3:4• Submit to and obey your husband, 3:5-

6a• Husbands, live with wives in an

understanding way and grant her honor, 3:7

• All, be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kind-hearted, and humble, 3:8

• Give a blessing instead, 3:9b• Turn away from evil, do good, and seek

and pursue peace, 3:11• Sanctify Christ as Lord in heart, be

ready to give account, 3:15

• Keep a good conscience, 3:16

Negative Prohibitions & Ref.

• Don’t adorn externally only, 3:3

• Don’t be frightened by any fear, 3:6b

• Don’t return evil for evil, or insult for insult, 3:9a

• Refrain tongue from evil and lips from guile, 3:10

• Don’t fear intimidation or be troubled, 3:14

1Peter 4Positive Commands & Ref.

• Arm yourselves with Christ’s purpose to suffer w/o sin, 4:1

• Live not lusts of men, but for the will of God, 4:2

• Be of sound judgment and sober spirit for prayer, 4:7

• Keep fervent in love for one another, 4:8• Be hospitable w/o complaint, 4:9• Employ gifts in serving one another,

4:10• Speak as God’s utterances, 4:11a• Serve as by God’s strength, 4:11b

• When sharing Christ’s suffering, keep on rejoicing, 4:13

• If suffering as a Christian, in that name glorify God, 4:16b

• Entrust souls to Creator by doing right when suffering, 4:19

Negative Prohibitions & Ref.

• Do not be surprised by persecution, 4:12

• Do not let suffering be for wrong doing, 4:15

• Don’t be ashamed of suffering as a Christian, 4:16a

1Peter 5Positive Commands & Ref.

• Elders: shepherd the flock among you, 5:2a

• Elders: shepherd voluntarily, 5:2c• Elders: shepherd with eagerness,

5:2e• Elders: be examples, 5:3b• Younger Men: be subject to elders,

5:5a• Younger Men: clothe self w/

humility to one another, 5:5b• Humble yourselves, 5:6• Cast all your anxiety on God, 5:7

• Be of sober spirit and alert, 5:8• Resist Satan, 5:9• Stand firm in God’s grace, 5:12• Greet one another…, 5:14

Negative Prohibitions & Ref.

• Elders: shepherd not under compulsion, 5:2b

• Elders: shepherd not for sordid gain, 5:2d

• Elders: shepherd w/o lording over the flock, 5:3a

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