Drawing for Interior Design Part 2

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Drawing for Interior Design Part 2

Conventions, Symbols and

Making Layouts

Part #2

Drawing For Interior Design


Melissa Betancourt & Rosario Robledo


In general, pieces of furniture are not shown on the ground plan, since they are not permanent. But you can show them exactly or use some symbols.

Fixed sanitary ware is always shown (‘cause

there are not furniture). Kitchen is variable.


Get used to working on the floor plan laying out the different arrangements of furniture you could have in the same room.


An elevation is a straigth- on view of a wall.

If you stand back, looking at the wall horizontally, you have a full- face view from the wall.

The principal is the same as the floor plan.

This can be called a Sectional Plan.


Rethinking the layout of the flat doesn’t always mean moving interior walls. Rearrangings a wall panel, changing the decorations and objects displayed is itself an important modifications.

Design in modules

Take a measurement of the various elements to be included, and imagine the various different ways they could be put together.

MAKING A LAYOUTThe layout consist of producing a ground plan and elevations of a building, or one of its parts, after taking measurements on the spot.

There are thus two phases: Taking Measurements and Copying them on the documents.

Organisations of the layouts

We start with premilinary drawings on which we mark the measuments taken. Is the Stage between the sketch and the ground plan.

You can use some help, One to draw and take notes, and two to hold the tape when large areas are involved.

Sketch of the ground plan

Start by drawing a freehand plan and leave spaces around for for the measurements and notes.

The dimensions

They are indicated on a parallel line in the same direction, with small lines to indicate where the measuremnt runs and little bias to indicate that the measurement is not part of the drawing.

The amount of details required depends on your final intention.

The drawings in this stages show the progresive fine- tunings of the drawing as we sketch and verify the details.