Don't Be Closed Minded. 7 Ways Open Up Your Mind

Post on 26-Aug-2014

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Are you limiting your life and potential opportunities by having the wrong attitude? Feel alone? Anxious? Stuck? Discovr 7 easy tips to get out of your comfort zone and wake up your brain!

Transcript of Don't Be Closed Minded. 7 Ways Open Up Your Mind

Don’t be closed minded!

7 Ways To Open Up Your Brain

L=2xS: Listen twice what you speak1 Stop talking and start listening. You will be surprised at how much you can learn once you shut up and start caring about others opinion as much as you do about yours.

Practice Empathy2 Try to put yourself into other “people’s shoes” and see the world through their eyes, this will lead to more agreements and less stress.

Add a Teaspoon of Crazy3 A spark of imagination and playfulness never hurts the discussion, in fact it will fuel it and make it fun. Don’t be constrained, expand your imagination.

Get out of your Comfort Zone4 Don’t be scared of expanding your limits. Do an activity you would not normally do, preferably a stimulating one!

Expand your Social Circles5 By having a diverse mix of friends you will not only be aware of different trends, you will be exposed to a plethora of opinions, and will always find someone to help you.

*yes, that’s an image of “Friends”

Be Yourself6 Do not be timid, if you feel a certain way, express yourself!

Don’t be Afraid of Failures7 By daring to fail you will succeed faster.

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