Discover Discussion Debate - Canada Politics

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Transcript of Discover Discussion Debate - Canada Politics

  • 7/29/2019 Discover Discussion Debate - Canada Politics


    Discovery DiscussionDebatePolitics

    What does it take to become a politician? Running foroffice is more than just being a nice guy. Discover it!Discuss it and form opinions about it. Defend youropinions with facts through debate.

    Dr. Paul R. Friesen

  • 7/29/2019 Discover Discussion Debate - Canada Politics


    Discovery Discussion Debate

    Design Dr. Paul R. Friesen 2013 Page 2 of 18 Original Story copyright of original author Graphic organizers from MS Office templates

    Title:Sunny disposition may not be enough

    NDP candidate faces uphill battle

    Discover Ideas( Outline )

    Discuss the Story(3 Question Levels)

    Create Opinions


  • 7/29/2019 Discover Discussion Debate - Canada Politics


    Discovery Discussion Debate

    Design Dr. Paul R. Friesen 2013 Page 3 of 18 Original Story copyright of original author Graphic organizers from MS Office templates

    Before you start

    Look through the idea, front to back.The ideas in red are just ideas. Students should add to these.There is an outline page for Discovery.There are graphic organizer pages for the Discussion and Debate sections.

    The reason for the worksheets, at the end of the book, is to help you work systematically through the material. Worksheets are helpers and can be a distractionfrom the rhythm and sequence in your teaching. By putting them at the end they

    become support pages versus places to stop, giving a smoother presentation.


    In the beginning of each story you will have a few questions to discover what you

    know, or think you know about a story. The Title of the article/ story will be givenand you will be asked to discover the story by asking good questions.

    In the second part of discovery you will be asked to find words which you do notknow. Some of these may be highlighted already in bold . Definitions will follow tohelp you discover what the writer is talking about.

    Discovery will help you form a plan for the discussion and debate .


    Discussion is not a debate , though it can quickly become one if there are strongopposing ideas in the group.

    Discussion can be a part of the discovery before you read the story. It may also comeafter to discuss the ideas of the story. Sometimes a persons views may change after reading the article, which is a good way to start a discussion .

    Discussion is interaction without a lot of structure. Be careful not to confuse discussion with argument. Debate is about argument . Discussion is about sharingyour views and interacting with others who want to expand or give a differing



    Debate is a structured idea. It means that only one person speaks in turn, and with aspecific point to address. It also has a time limit, so the speaker must be precise intheir argument. In a debate the key is to listen and be prepared to oppose the other team s ideas. It takes research, a lot of work, and patience.

    In the following story we want to begin with discovery ideas. What can you knowfrom a title, if you dont know about the topic?

  • 7/29/2019 Discover Discussion Debate - Canada Politics


    Discovery Discussion Debate

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    In discovery you will form ideas to create basics ideas for an outline. In discussionyou will ask questions to help you build an outline for your viewpoint. In debate youwill separate the outline into two sections, for and against. At each stage you will beable to use what you have learned before, to expand on your ideas and understand

    both sides of the issue.

    Category ~ Politics

    DiscoveryTitle: Sunny disposition may not be enough

    NDP candidate faces uphill battle

    What can you know from the title?

    . It is about politics. . Sunny is not enough. . Its about American/ Canadian / European politics. . It was about people wanting to win in politics.

    What do I know about this topic?

    Nothing!I love politics.People need more than a smile in politics.Only in America!

    . __________________________________________ . __________________________________________ . __________________________________________ . __________________________________________

    What would make me depressed?

    . __________________________________________ . __________________________________________ . __________________________________________ . __________________________________________

    Have you ever lost money? No! Why not?

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    Yes! How much did you lose, and why? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

    . Now read the story . . Create an outline of the story / paragraphs. . There are highlighted words you will find following the story. . Look in the definitions , which follow the story. . Discover the words you dont know.


    Sunny disposition may not be enough NDP candidate faces uphill battle

    James Parker / The StarPhoenix / Copyright 2003 / (Gordon) Yarde


    He's the Tony Robbins of Saskatchewan politics -- a sunny, irrepressible man, whocan see the upside in the worst situation.

    It's tough to dislike Gordon Yarde, the NDP candidate, in Monday's Battleford-CutKnife byelection . It's also hard to dispute his record in the community ,which includes 17 years on the Town Council and plenty of volunteer work, butsometimes in politics, a good attitude and a willingness to help out just isn't enough.Yarde likes to expound about the power of positive thinking, and the importance of appreciating Saskatchewan.

    Across the street, though, at the Windsor Hotel, the boys are grumbling about thestate of the highways, and the possibility the government will close the old

    bridge linking Battleford with North Battleford. Among the disaffected is RalphFinch, a unionized heavy equipment operator, who has supported the New Democratsin the past.

    "We need a change," mutters Finch. "These guys have just been there too long. Ithink, after eight years, every government needs to change."

    A quick stroll through this community reveals just how difficult it will be for the New Democrats to take back this seat from the Saskatchewan Party.

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    Rudi Peters, who died in December, after a battle with cancer, defeated NDPincumbent, Sharon Murrell, by more than 600 votes, in the 1999 general election.In the 31/2 years since then, the farm economy hasn't improved, concerns about healthcare and highways haven't disappeared, and the NDP coalition government has beenembarrassed by several misadventures , the Spudco potato investment fiasco prominent among them.

    Wilkie Mayor Wally Lorenz, a farmer, businessperson, and a driving force behind acommunity effort to build a spa in town, will attempt to hold the west-central seat for the Saskatchewan Party. He has taken full advantage of Spudco, to back theargument the NDP doesn't deserve another chance.

    As he makes the rounds in his car, Lorenz pulls a trailer carrying a sign reading"Spudco Storage: $28 million," referring to the amount of money the government loston the venture.

    "People are really taking notice," said the 53-year-old father of two boys, both of whom, he stresses, live in Alberta.

    "This is something you hear about a lot. Then there is the $11 million SGI lost inOntario, and SaskTel's Australian deal (an Internet and pay TV project whichcollapsed at a cost of $2 million). This is the type of thing churning in themid-section of voters."

    With a general election just months away, the byelection is serving as a test run for all three of the major parties . In the upcoming provincial campaign, Lorenz,Yarde and Liberal Larry Ingram both intend to run in the new riding of Turtleford-Cut Knife, which doesn't include the Battlefords or Wilkie.

    In the general election, the Saskatchewan Party obviously intends to attack the NDPcoalition's investment track record, with all guns blazing . The NDP willapparently opt for the "at least we tried" defence.

    "The government is interested in industry and interested in the people," said Yarde, a64-year-old psychiatric nurse, who works with young offenders .

    "The government is not afraid to invest in industry. You might get a sting here andthere . But I want to be positive. I have had setbacks , but it hasn't made me bitter .It hasn't made me point fingers. You learn!"

    Yarde, who was born in Barbados, and moved to the Battlefords, in 1977, said he isthe best candidate to build bridges between the large aboriginal population, in thearea, and mainstream society . The NDP has also touted Saskatchewan's robust

    job growth and the government's income tax cuts.

    The party's recipe for success, in the race, includes increasing its support on localIndian reserves and gaining votes, in Unity, which has had a long-standing

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    rivalry with Wilkie. The party will count heavily on people like Harry Neilson, a85-year-old retired businessperson.

    "Tommy Douglas took me by the neck and said, "You better vote for us." I did thenand ever since. On Monday, I'll be there for them."

    Liberal candidate Larry Ingram, a Turtleford farmer, said come Monday only die-hard NDPers, such as Neilson, will be supporting the party.

    "Their support is collapsing. It's a two-way race " between the Saskatchewan Partyand Liberals , said the 44-year-old Ingram, who has attacked both his rivals withenthusiasm.

    Liberal Leader David Karwacki has spent several days campaigning in the riding, asthe Liberals test drive the leader-focused campaign they will run in the general

    election. Ingram said the anger voters felt, after former party leader Jim Melenchuk signed a coalition agreement with the NDP, is dissipating .

    "The problem of our history has not been entirely forgotten, but Spudco andGrant Schmidt's nomination, which was overturned by the SaskatchewanParty, are very much front and center now. The Saskatchewan Party should have leftSchmidt in there. He's a Tory , and so are they."

    2003 The Star Phoenix (Saskatoon)

  • 7/29/2019 Discover Discussion Debate - Canada Politics


    Discovery Discussion Debate

    Design Dr. Paul R. Friesen 2013 Page 8 of 18 Original Story copyright of original author Graphic organizers from MS Office templates

    Vocabulary Definitions

    Disposition This is personality often determined by the parents or environment.

    Uphill battle This is not a war word. It means that you have to work hard to achievethe success you want or the goal set.

    Irrepressible The use of ir here means an opposite. Repress is not an iron the shirtagain word. It means here that you cannot hold it down or back.

    Upside This is the positive side of things.

    By-election This is a small election for a lower level Government representation of a region in a province.

    Dispute This is a disagreement but not always an angry one.Record in the community Record is a history in this context. It can also mean a

    record like CD, or to keep track or keep a record of something.

    Expounds This is like expanding on a topic.

    The boys Boys usually means young men. Here it is used to refer to those who arein the same group of equals.

    Grumbling This is to not be happy and say so quietly.

    State of the highways This is NOT State highways or roads. It is the condition of theroads.

    Disaffected The use of dis means not to be affected or changed by something.

    Unionized This is to belong to a Union.

    Mutters Grumble is the noise and mutter is the way you make the noise.

    Stroll This is a short walk in a defined direction.

    Reveals Shows is maybe another term but reveal versus show is the difference of who does the action. Reveals is the action of the person who looks andsees. Show is the person who willingly reveals something, So thereforethere is also a difference of emotion tied to the action.

    Take back this seat In politics you win the seat by becoming the person elected.When you lose you try harder to win it back. Seat is the place in theGovernment where the people who represent the City, Municipality, or of one Party sit.

    Incumbent This is the elected person now who is being challenged.

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    Coalition This is a group of Parties or sometimes in war Countries who agree towork together for one cause.

    Misadventures Mis here means mistake. It is an adventure that has had some problems.

    Fiasco This is in todays English a scandal.

    Prominent This is like standing out or easy to see.

    Full advantage of Spudco Spudco was a Company which processed potatoes togrow more potatoes. IT was a Venture which became a fiasco.

    Back the argument Back is to defend here. It is to get behind and support anargument.

    The rounds This means to see everybody in a certain area. Like a doctor seeingevery patient. He makes the rounds. A politician makes the rounds to seeall the people in his voting area, or riding.

    Collapsed Something that has fallen down after being built.

    Type of thing churning in the mid-section Type of thing can be anything churning inthe mid-section or stomach. Here it is like things that make people sick of


    Test run This is a test of an idea or product to see how people like it and thenanalyzing the results to make changes.

    Major parties This is referred to the Largest political Parties. Or the Parties with themost votes at election.

    Upcoming This means an event which has been planned for the future.

    Riding This is the area of people that will vote for a certain person or party. Thereare many in each province and the winners make-up the government.

    Intends Or intention. This gives us the predetermined plan of something or someone.

    Track record This is of a racing term. Here it is in reference to the history of a person in politics. How the person voted and what Government help hashe been able to receive for the people in their riding.

    All guns blazing This sounds like a war bu t really it isnt. It means that they will be prepared to attack the track record and policy of the Government or Partyof the incumbent.

    Opt This means to choose to not be involved. It is not a forced choice.

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    Young offenders These are younger than 18 in Canada. Children younger thanadults have a different court system and different penalties.

    Sting here and there This means to get hurt a little as in the pain of a sting but it isnot serious enough to quit what you are doing.

    Setbacks This is to have some failures or slow down in the quest for a goal or plan.We can say 2 steps forward and three steps back.

    Bitter Bitter is a strong taste sense. It can also mean to be very angry or have a bitter taste in the mouth about someone or something. A very strong negativeemotional word.

    Build bridges This is not in the physical sense most times. It is to become friendsand build a trust relationship with people.

    Mainstream society Main is the average person in Society.

    Touted -- This is a like speak loudly.

    Robust This is a high energy word like the word bust out. So in the context itmeans to have a strong growth in employment.

    Recipe for success A recipe is how to make something in food. Success is likeadding the right amount of things to make a success.

    Long-standing rivalry Rivalry does not stand. So a long standing on based on time.A long time competition. A feud is a stronger term and has much stronger emotion.

    Count heavily Counting is just 1,2,3,4, . It is not hea vy. Here is is to depend onsomething very much. So a strong emotion mixed with dependence.

    Die-hard NDPers These are people who vote for the NDP party forever. To changetheir minds is VERY difficult.

    Two way race This implies only two people in a race. This is NOT two directions.That would be bi-directional.

    Rivals Rivalry comes from this word. So it means to be in competition.

    Liberal This is the name of a Major political Party in Canada. The Party color is red.

    Run This is, in politics, to be in a voting competition with other candidates wantingthe same job.

    Dissipating This means to become less strong but not disappear.

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    Spudco and Grant Schmidts nomination These two things are linked here, Spudcoand its fiasco and Mr. Schmidt s nomination for the Party candidate in theelection and its problem.

    Tory This is another political party in Canada. It is not so strong today but has been

    in the past.


    What do I know about this topic? List at least four (4) different ideas you have found in this story about the gold


    . __________________________________________

    . __________________________________________ . __________________________________________

    . __________________________________________

    Use them when you make your outline.


    1. What are the Major political parties in your Country?2. What do you call small voting areas?3. Have you ever opted out of something?

    Level II

    1. From what Party (political stripe) is your local incumbent?2. Have you had any scandals in your Government past or present?3. How do scandals affect a person wanting to be elected?

    Level III

    1. Have you ever had to compete for anything?2. Who was your rival and who was the incumbent?3. Did you win or lose?4. Has a scandal ever hurt your progress in a project/job/ etc.5. Are you a die-hard anything?

    You now have everything you need to fill out your outline. Look at your answers, under Discussion , and fill it out to reflect the

    new ideas. These new ideas will help you form your debate ideas better.

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    In debate you will have a statement not a question. You have to react to the statementwith facts, not opinions.

    Discussions are based a lot on opinions and answer questions . This is wherethese two ideas, though similar, are different.

    Debate is about facts and statements.

    When you make a statement, from a story, you must consider what the coreissue is. If you have made a good outline, you will have this alreadydiscovered.

    This story is from politics. The core issue could be; social economic political culture

    In todays world the topics could range from; social responsibility of public funds government control in business risk taking greed unfair business practices economics

    These are all good arguments that you would want to research for your argument, or

    write in your essay. Build the argument starting from Why? Once you havedetermined the Why? you can find facts to support your idea.

    The amount of money a government invests their employees is personal andthe government should let the market determine it.

    Businesses must be required to secure funding for their Ventures, while thegovernments role is the regulator.

    Political Parties are all the same. They will spend money based on politicalrelationships, not true business principles.

    Before you start choose one of the above statements to focus on. Choose afor or against position.

    Research to find FACTS for your position.

    List the facts.

    Write out your argument in a long paragraph format. Include the opposite position in your writing.

    You need to write out both sides so you can understand theother sides argument.

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    Discovery OutlineMain topic ________________________

    Find one (1) key idea in each paragraph. (3-5 words)

    Paragraph 1 ______________________________

    Paragraph 2 ______________________________

    Paragraph 3 ______________________________

    Paragraph 4 ______________________________

    Paragraph 5 ______________________________

    Write two things about the main paragraph idea.

    Paragraph 1 ______________________________

    A. ______________________________

    B. ______________________________

    Paragraph 2 ______________________________

    A. ______________________________

    B. ______________________________

    Paragraph 3 ______________________________

    A. ______________________________

    B. ______________________________

    Paragraph 4 ______________________________ A. ______________________________

    B. ______________________________

    Paragraph 5 ______________________________

    A. ______________________________

    B. ______________________________

    In the introduction you use the 5 paragraph ideas to communicate the order of your argument/ essay.

    In the conclusion you repeat what you have said about the points of each paragraph.

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    Graphic Organization ~Main topic = 5 Paragraph Topics



    paragraph 1

    ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

    paragraph 2 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

    paragraph 3

    ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

    paragraph 4 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

    paragraph 5

    ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

  • 7/29/2019 Discover Discussion Debate - Canada Politics


    Discovery Discussion Debate

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    Discussion Graphic ~ Is government spending a problem / becoming a problem intodays society?

    Answer ~ I think politicians are (are not) interested in spending money wisely because

    Problem /Politics

    Politicians only want to lookgood so they can stay in

    power .



    People will vote for thePolitical Party which

    promises the best return.



    Business cannot survivewithout Government money,so politicians give it to those

    who vote for them.



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    Discovery Discussion Debate

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    graphic ~ choose one statement from the listabove.

    Write it here _____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

    To make your argument you should understand that they are connected.

    In the next two charts (1) list your argument facts and ideas, (2) show how your argument connects to both the center point and the other points.

    FactsFor Against









    Add more if needed

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    Discovery Discussion Debate

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    graphic ~ choose one statement from the listabove.

    Now start the .

    As a team choose which points they will speak about.Each person will listen for the opposite point and create a newresponse to what the other person has said.

    A: point 1B: responds to the point and give a new point.C: responds to B and give a new point.

    After all persons have spoken each person can respond to any point given bythe opposite team, or add more points from their team which will needresponding to from the opposite team.

    If this -- then

    If this -- then

    If this -- then

    If this -- then

    If this -- then

    Write your statement position here. ________________________________________




  • 7/29/2019 Discover Discussion Debate - Canada Politics


    Discovery Discussion Debate

    Design Dr. Paul R. Friesen 2013 Page 18 of 18 Original Story copyright of original author

    Dear Teacher/ Student,

    After you have finished this please look for more in this series to challenge yourself.This is only part of a curriculum. It starts with Dr. Roys Everything Grammar.

    Dr. Roys Everything Grammar Volumes I and II will develop the skills of story andessay writing, while at the same time building a foundation in grammar. Therepetition of grammar, combined with reason and speaking, culminating in a story or essay will prepare students for this series.

    Going beyond this book is a book to expand the outlines into essays. Good essays areable to build and defend an argument. Building a structure for debate will springboardoff this skill set.

    Dr. Paul R. Friesen