Kennedy-Nixon Debate September 26, 1960 1 st televised debate Forever changed the role of TV in...

download Kennedy-Nixon Debate  September 26, 1960 1 st televised debate Forever changed the role of TV in politics Click the picture for a video Kennedy was.

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 Kennedy – Massachusetts Democrat  “Get America Moving Again”  Nixon – VP under Eisenhower  Click on picture for Kennedy campaign song.

Transcript of Kennedy-Nixon Debate September 26, 1960 1 st televised debate Forever changed the role of TV in...

Kennedy-Nixon Debate September 26, st televised debate Forever changed the role of TV in politics Click the picture for a video Kennedy was tan. Nixon had just be in the hospital with a knee injury (looked drained) Kennedy = dark suit Nixon = gray suit Kennedy Massachusetts Democrat Get America Moving Again Nixon VP under Eisenhower Click on picture for Kennedy campaign song. Kennedys proposals to improve the economy, give aid to the poor, and breathe new life into the space program Proposed cutting taxes Kennedy wanted a $13.5 billion cut in taxes over 3 years to stimulate the economy. Kennedy thought that more money in peoples pockets would lead to spending. Stuck in Congress Michael Harrington The Other America 1/5 of population believe the poverty line Raised the Minimum Wage Housing Act of 1961 gave $4.9 billion for urban renewal 24 th amendment ended the poll tax US - Mercury program 1959 7 pilots chosen to place manned spacecraft in orbit April 1961 Yuri Gagarin 1 st human in space and circled earth (USSR) USSR beats the US. February 20, 1962 John Glenn 3 orbits around the Earth May 25, 1961 Kennedy US should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon May 5, 1961 Alan Shepard 15 minute suborbital flight Assassination To Dallas, Texas to mobilize support for upcoming election JFK, Jackie Kennedy, Governor John Connally, & wife Abraham Zapruder videoed the assassination on his video recorder. With JFKs body on board, LBJ was sworn in by Judge Sarah Hughes before take- off Click on the picture to hear the telephone call from LBJ to Rose Kennedy from Air Force One Click above for arrival footage at Andrews Air Force base Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for the murder of JFK. He worked at the Texas School Book Depository. From the 6 th floor window, he shot JFK. Conspiracy theories have developed over the years that there were multiple gunmen. Some think the CIA was involved, while others believe it was the mafia. Oswald was shot days later by Jack Ruby. Chief Justice Earl Warren was put in charge of a commission to investigate the assassination. Found that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. Promoted the magic bullet theory that a single bullet went through Governor Connally to JFK. LBJ beat Barry Goldwater in Goldwater was an ultra-conservative who promoted the use of nuclear power. Click on the picture for an LBJ television commercial. Kennedy Tax Cut Unemployment fell Inflation was ok Elementary and Secondary Education Act $1.3 billion Immigration Act of 1965 eliminated quotas (from the 1920s) and replaced with more flexible limits Family of US citizens were exempt including refugees Economic Opportunity Act to help with illiteracy and unemployment $950 million Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) Sent volunteers to poor communities Medicare hospital and low cost medical insurance to people 65 and up Medicaid low cost health insurance for poor Americans Mapp v. Ohio 1961 evidence seized illegally cannot be used at trial Gideon v. Wainwright 1963 accused are entitled to a lawyer and one will be provided Miranda v. Arizona 1966 suspects must be warned of rights before questioning Baker v. Carr 1962 1 person 1 vote (deals with congressional district apportionment) 3 Kennedy Crises 1. Bay of Pigs Invasion (April 1961) 2. Berlin Crisis (August 1961) 3. Cuban Missile Crisis (October 1962) 1959 Fidel Castro took over Cuba (Communist) US broke diplomatic relations with Cuba Cuba had ties to the USSR1960 Eisenhower had approved a CIA plan to train anti-Castro Cubans to attack Cuba April 17, 1961 total disaster Air strike failed to knock out Cuban air power Kennedy refused to use US planes for air cover No back up for the 1500 Cubans Wrong to overthrow a legitimate leader Divisions in Germany were to be temporary after WW2 USSR wanted permanent divisions Krushchev bullied Kennedy Kennedy increased defense spending by $3 billion, doubled draft numbers August 1961 Stopped the flow of East Berliners to West Berlin Click on the picture for an awesome propaganda video about the wall! Kennedy spoke at the Berlin Wall in June 1963 US will risk its cities to defend yours because we need your freedom to protect ours Ich Bin Ein Berliner (I am a Berliner) Click to watch the speech (It is good ) USSR had pledged support to Cuba On October 16, 1962 photos from a US spy plan showed that Soviets were building missile bases on Cuban soil This was a direct challenge to the US Kennedy put the military on full alert Nuclear warheads were ready US put a Naval quarantine around Cuba (blockade) click on video for JFK speech to America One ship is allowed to pass with oil on October 24, 1962 Khruschev called two other ships back October 26 letter to Kennedy said would remove missiles if US stays out of Cuba October 27 USSR wants US to remove missiles from Turkey We agreed to the first letter and ignored the second. Hot Line was established between USSR and US after this incident Summer 1963 Limited Test Ban Treaty Banned nuclear testing above ground Came closest to Nuclear War during the Missile Crisis Alliance for Progress 1961 vast cooperative effort to satisfy the basic needs of North, Central, and South American people for homes, work, health, land, schools (to side-track revolution) Peace Corp 1961 Volunteers abroad as educators, health workers, and technicians to help developing nations To prevent the spread of Communism TO BE CONTINUED