Dipartimento di Lingue Liceo Statale “ E. Boggio Lera” Catania, 15 giugno 2013 Not(t)e...

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Transcript of Dipartimento di Lingue Liceo Statale “ E. Boggio Lera” Catania, 15 giugno 2013 Not(t)e...

Dipartimento di Lingue

Liceo Statale “ E. Boggio Lera”

Catania , 15 giugno 2013Not(t)e d’Estate al Boggio Lera

Comunicazione e Competenze

Certificazioni Linguistiche

Not(t)e d’Estate al Boggio Lera

Not(t)e d’Estate al Boggio Lera

I can present clear and detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects, related to my field of interest. I can explain a point of view on a topical issue, giving the advantages and disadavantages of various options.

Vittorio Sangiorgi 4BL

Comunicazione e Competenze

Certificazioni Linguistiche

Not(t)e d’Estate al Boggio Lera

Not(t)e d’Estate al Boggio Lera

Cette année on a eu la possibilité de faire un cours de préparation à la certification de langue française DELF B1. Tout le monde a eu la possibilité de parteciper et tout le monde a passé l'examen avec de bonnes notes.

Graziamarina Sinatra

Je peux écrire des textes clairs et détaillés sur une grande gamme de sujets relatifs à mes intérêts. Je peux écrire un essai ou un rapport en transmettant une information ou en exposant des raisons pour ou contre une opinion donnée. Je peux écrire des lettres qui mettent en valeur le sens que j’attribue personnellement aux événements et aux expériences. Marco Garretto

Comunicazione e Competenze

Certificazioni Linguistiche

Not(t)e d’Estate al Boggio Lera

Comunicazione e Competenze

Certificazioni Linguistiche

Not(t)e d’Estate al Boggio Lera

Progetto EduChange

Le classi incontrano gli studenti Educhange: Anastasia Gavrilova - RussiaGeorge Zhao - Cina Thais Domingues - BrasilePaulina Sacawa - Polonia

Not(t)e d’Estate al Boggio Lera

Scambi e dimensione europea

Progetto Comenius Multilaterale “Promote your region” IVB IV G VG IVD VD VCL

Not(t)e d’Estate al Boggio Lera

Scambi e dimensione europea

Progetto “Elos” Scambio linguistico- culturale con il Lycèe Perier Marsiglia - I EL

Not(t)e d’Estate al Boggio Lera

11/06/13 Not(t)e d’Estate al Boggio Lera

Le mars dernier, notre classe a fait une échange avec une classe du Lycée Perier de Marseille, en France, a l'intérieur du Proget Elos. Cette expérience nous a aidé a eploier notre matrise de la langue française et à faire la connaissance de la culture du systéme scolaire français.

Martina Nicolosi

11/06/13 Not(t)e d’Estate al Boggio Lera

11/06/13 Not(t)e d’Estate al Boggio Lera

El colegio de nuestros amigos frances era muy grande. Habìa un gran edificio de dos plantas y otros dos edificios que eran los laboratorios. En la entrada principal habìa un gran polideportivo y cerca otras clases.A diferencia de las escuelas italianas son los alumnos que van a la clase del profesor ya que, cada uno tiene su propia clase.Chiara Coltello

Before the exchange we worked with our teachers to make researches about the culture and the tradition of people living in Marseille. Then we contacted our French partners by emails. Finally we made posters and powerpoints where we collected the results of our studies and experience.Chiara Coltello

Ecco il loro regalo per noi

Not(t)e d’Estate al Boggio Lera

Scambi e dimensione europea

Esabac Scambio Culturale con Lycèe Sacre Coeur di Aix-en-Provence IV CL

Not(t)e d’Estate al Boggio Lera

Scambi e dimensione europea

Viaggio Culturale a Madrid 2CL – 2DL

Not(t)e d’Estate al Boggio Lera



Progetto Elos

• Istituzioni Europee

Not(t)e d’Estate al Boggio Lera

During this school year we have had the opportunity to be involved into several projects , especially to the “Elos Project”.

It introduces students in a European and international dimension in education in which the “Europe” concept is developed.

Thanks to our teachers we have had the opportunity to know how the European institutions work and how the other European school systems are organized.

Beatrice Beretta 2^CL

Not(t)e d’Estate al Boggio Lera

Stage linguistico LondraPurley Language College

16 April - 23 April 2013

My experience at Purley - London This year I've been given the opportunity to live a brilliant

experience going to a village in London called Purley , with my schoolmates and some of my teachers. Spending eight days abroad I've had the chance to gain competitive language skills, going to a school for foreign students living day by day the English life, getting to know the city of London, especially the centre, and socialising with other pupils, that even though I went to the same school I didn't know them too well, and this is why it was really worth doing it.

Marta Lo Presti

Not(t)e d’Estate al Boggio Lera

PON stage linguistici & lavorativi

Stage linguistico “Moving and Studying in Europe” Londra Ottobre 2012

Stage linguistico “Vivre en France”Parigi, Ottobre 2012

Stage aziendale “Moving and working in Europe 1 -3” Londra Novembre 2012

Not(t)e d’Estate al Boggio Lera

Gli studenti della classe 1AL relazionano sulla visita a Taormina

Not(t)e d’Estate al Boggio Lera

Not(t)e d’Estate al Boggio Lera

Teatro francofono

Lingue e Apprendimento

Apprendere le discipline in lingua straniera

Not(t)e d’Estate al Boggio Lera