Digipak work for blog

Post on 24-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Digipak work for blog

Digipak ExamplesHere are examples of adverts and album

covers I looked at to gain influences of how to produce my own.

Starting PointI collected multiple

images and reduced them down to 4. I selected where I

wanted each photo to be placed within the

album cover template. After doing

so I resized each image to fit the

dimensions. This was more difficult for the top right image as

each face represents a separate image which I edited and

grouped before importing it.


Here is the image used for the disc, we

replicated one we selected from the cover. The lines

indicate where the image can be placed and where text can

be placed.

Color Balance + Black & WhiteHere is how the

album cover looks when color changes are added. Adding a blue tint made the

bottom images cleaner and more

sharp, the same style applies to the album spine. We used black & white for the inside to link to the style of the music video we



Added simple stylish text to give the

details of the album. As well as this a

barcode was added for authenticity of the

product we were creating.

Keeping a themeReplicating the same

color scheme onto the disc ensures continuity to the

album, and makes for an overall cleaner, more professional

looking piece.

Text on disc

Text on the disc adds to the continuity of

the overall package.


This is photo selected for the

advertisement. We originally selected a wider shot within a grassland area, but

editing that shot became difficult so

we switched to something simpler.

Finished ProductHere is the finished advertisement, with the simpler picture it

appears more professional and suits

the conventions of modern music

adverts, which is good as that is goal

we had set for us. We simply added a single filter to the original image and imported

the company logo's/text to obtain

this final piece.