Different types of photograpy

Post on 26-Aug-2014

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Transcript of Different types of photograpy

Different types of Photography

By Sky Shepherdly

Fashion Photography can be used at photo shots.

Fashion Photography has changed over time because in the 1950 they coved up more now they don’t wear clothes that cover up more.

Fashion Photography

Fashion photography has changed over time because the Fashion has changed.

Dan Kennedy is a Fashion Photographer.

Fashion Photography

Portrait Photography can be used throw history.

Portrait Photography has changed over time because of the technology.

Portrait Photography has changed over time because things are different now to what they were like years ago.

Darrin Clinton is a Portrait Photography.

Portrait Photography

Portrait Photography

Landscape Photography can be used in Magazines, brochure and cards.

The technology has changed overtime so the pictures of landscape looks different because of the cameras .

Landscape Photography

The landscape can change over time because of the different seasons.

Adam Burton and Tim Parkin do Landscape Photography.

Landscape Photography

Fine Art Photography is used for adverts mostly in magazines.

In the 20th century photos were mostly black and white. They were mainly of old fashioned things now its in colour and the technology.

Fine Art could be done in advertising. Arther Leipzig and Camille Seaman are Fine

Art Photographers.

Fine Art Photography

Fine Art Photography

Advertising Photography can be used in magazines, newspapers and television.

Advertising Photography has changed because people can use photo shop.

It has also changed people can use the internet more.

Photographers that do Advertising Photography work for big companies like AMV BBDO.

Advertising Photography

Advertising Photography

Documentary Photography can be used to record historical events.

Documentary Photography has changed because Photographers had to request a permit to take photos in parks and now we can take photos were we want.

We have more things to take pictures of now than we used to.

Paul Wolff and Eric Saloman are Documentary Photographers.

Documentary Photography

Documentary Photography

Superb example of street photography.