diaTribe empowers people with diabetes....Dear Friends of The diaTribe Foundation, As you are all...

Post on 09-Aug-2020

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Transcript of diaTribe empowers people with diabetes....Dear Friends of The diaTribe Foundation, As you are all...

diaTribe empowers people

with diabetes.


Dear Friends of The diaTribe Foundation,

As you are all well aware, our community has faced massive adversity this year. With the onset of the COVID-19

pandemic, many people with diabetes have been challenged in various ways and left without access to life-

sustaining therapies. Throughout this frightening time, the diaTribe team has remained undeterred in our

mission to improve the lives of people with diabetes and prediabetes (our diatribe.org/covid-19 resources are

an example of our pandemic-related work).

People with diabetes are constantly striving to be in the driver seat of their health and access to better

therapies and data brings them one big step closer. That is why I am so passionate about the multi-stakeholder

Time in Range Coalition that diaTribe launched in 2019. In the months to come, we will continue to advocate

for the regulatory acknowledgement and widespread clinical use of time in range. We will also continue to

provide education to people with diabetes and health care providers on ever-evolving advances in diabetes

treatment and management. It is with great excitement that we pursue this monumental work to drastically

improve long-term outcomes for people with diabetes.

Our small but nimble team climbed to greater heights in 2019 – our educational website, diaTribe Learn,

reached over 2.6 million people and its associated newsletter had over 200,000 subscribers. Our 2019

convenings, events, and public discussions convened 1,240 key stakeholders working at the intersection of

diabetes research, healthcare, industry, and policy. This includes the d19 Executive Innovation Lab in Diabetes

and Prediabetes where we catalyzed action around “Food as Medicine” to reverse the trend of the national

diabetes epidemic. Our fundraising was also at a record high, surpassing $3 million in revenue from an expanded

supporter base. This success is due in no small measure to your support.

Thanks to you, our work has touched an unprecedented number of people with diabetes and made an indelible

impact on the field. As you read this report, I hope each impact we describe conveys our deepest gratitude for

what you are making possible.


Kelly L. Close

Founder, The diaTribe Foundation


209,000diaTribe subscribers —

a 19% increase from 2018

181,000copies of Bright Spots &Landmines distributed as of December 2019

205,000hours reading on site —

a 15% increase from 2018

Co-authored“Clinical Targets for Continuous Glucose Monitoring Data Interpretation: Recommendations From the International Consensus on Time in Range”

in Diabetes Care

2.6Mreaders — a 25% increase

from 2018


117levers identified at d19

for changing the course of the type 2 diabetes epidemic

Collaboratedwith 60 organizations on advocacy initiatives

Advocatedfor patients at 20 conferences

and regulatory meetings

51.7%growth in funds raised vs. 2018

1,240clinical, scientific, and

business leaders and patient advocates attended events

“Our team is fiercely committed to improving the lives of people with diabetes and prediabetes.”

Kelly L. Close

We are determined to educate, advocate,

and connect so people with diabetes

can achieve their best health.

In 2020, you’ll see more articles on managing diabetes through user journeys, from diagnosis to therapy and lifestyle decisions to complications, prevention, and management.

“Bright Spots Lab – What I’m Trying This Month” (by Adam Brown) Writing that focuses on food, mindset, exercise, and sleep.

“Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Metformin, But Were Afraid to Ask” Starting on metformin? My journey as a type 2 of learning how to deal with side ef-fects, “faux lows,” and learning more about this therapy.

“Tech on The Horizon: Automated Insulin Delivery Systems Coming In 2020” New technology that is helping to reduce hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia while improving time in range – especially overnight.

“diaTribe fights to help patients like me afford essential diabetes care, tools, and education. They are committed to giving voice to a

large and often silently suffering community.”

- Leanne Chabalko

“I don’t have any friends with diabetes, and it is reassuring to read about folks who are living with it and finding success with various approaches.

Thanks for offering your news for free to people

like me.”

- Kathryn McCreary

Empowering through


“In the very short time I’ve known about...

diaTribe, it has become my #1 go-to site for everything diabetes

[and] is going to continue to be my best resource as a diabetes educator. I only wish I had known about you months earlier when I was first diagnosed

with T2D!”

- Michael Hattori

Our online articles on lifestyle, therapy, and technology help people confidently manage their diabetes, thanks to our team of 27 writers and over 40 acclaimed medical advisors around the globe.

The diaTribe Foundation launched the Time in Range Coalition to build momentum towards supporting greater time in range for individuals and communities.

diaTribe co-authored a landmark consensus report that defined time in range targets for people with diabetes, which have since been incorporated into clinical guidelines.

We brought forward the patient voice to the FDA Office of New Drugs.

Advocating for Change

“Today, for those who are lucky, the strides in science and technology

are about preventing complications.

Everyone deserves to benefit from these scientific strides – and time in range is the key to enabling this cultural shift globally, nationally,

and locally.”

– Kelly L. Close

The diaTribe team presented and participated at 33 conferences, regulatory meetings, and gatherings including the FDA, American Heart Association, and Cleveland Clinic, to prioritize changes that will help people with diabetes.

Kelly presented at the International Geriatric Diabetes Workshop, Joslin Diabetes Center, on aging well with diabetes.

At the Promoting Research in Social Media and Health (PRISM) Symposium, Kelly spoke to a diverse group of diabetes stakeholders about the power of online peer support communities in creating a shared place of community and empathy.

To learn more about our events, please visit: diatribe.org/connecting

At d19, we brought together 69 influential diabetes leaders to promote high impact action we all can take to address the type 2 diabetes epidemic.

We initiated a ‘systems mapping’ project to highlight the interaction of over 100 factors that impact diabetes outcomes and to prioritize actions that can reduce this crisis.

At Musings Under the Moon: Easier, Better, Cheaper: Where Are We in Diabetes? two expert panels discussed design challenges facing the diabetes industry, lessons from innovation, and hopes for future diabetes research. The night ended on a powerful note with a screening of “A Touch of Sugar” narrated by Viola Davis.

Connecting the Field

In 2019, we brought together 1,240 medical professionals, industry leaders, and patient advocates at 6 uniquely powerful events which hosted 47 esteemed speakers across diverse panels.

Our dSeries Network will be the brain trust that helps movements for changing the course of the type 2 diabetes epidemic, starting with the impact of stigma.

776 Haight StreetSan Francisco, CA 94117 USA(415) 241-9500

www.diaTribe.org www.diaTribe.org/foundationwww.facebook.com/diaTribeNews/@diaTribe (Instagram)@diaTribeNews (Twitter)

2019 Use of Funds

Board of Directors

Kelly Close Founder, The diaTribe Foundation

John Close | Jeff Halpern | Dr. Orville Kolterman | Dr. Alan Moses | Marjorie Sennett

Our 2020 Programs:

We remain as committed as ever to elevating the diabetes conversation by connecting, educating, and aligning stakeholders in the field. In the interest of public safety in view of COVID-19, our in-person events are being re-designed as virtual gatherings.

• The 5th Annual Musings Under the Moon• The 14th Annual Diabetes Forum• The 7th Annual Solvable Problems in Diabetes• d20: Innovation Lab on Diabetes and Prediabetes

For the latest updates on our programs, please visit diaTribeFoundation.org.









Annual Revenue 2014–2019($ in millions rounded)

The diaTribe Foundation Team

80%Program Service Expenses

13%Management and General Expenses

7%Fundraising Expenses














*Financial information is unaudited.