DHL Success Story

Post on 09-Apr-2015

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DHL Resolves 98% of Issues on First Contact with NTRsupport Ultimate

Transcript of DHL Success Story

Company ProfileDHL is the global market leader in the logistics industry. With a global network spanning more than 220 countries and territories and 300,000 employees worldwide, the express shipping, freight and logistics company offers customers superior service quality and local knowledge to satisfy their supply chain requirements.

With offices in 30 different cities and serves customers countrywide, DHL Sweden ships 29 million packages annually and operates with a network of 300 suppliers and 3500 trucks and distribution vehicles.

ChallengeDHL Sweden needed a secure remote solution to improve first time resolution metrics and optimize overall support resources. They needed a solution that would help them maintain excellent customer service quality while stretching support resources to serve a growing customer base.

Before implementing NTRsupport Ultimate, the company had 26 technical support associates: 14 field engineers and 12 technical support agents. Most support issues were reported and handled over the phone. The process was time-consuming and

DHL Resolves 98% of Issues on First Contact with NTRsupport Ultimate

NTRsupport Success Story

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“ We reduced our technical support team by seven people and yet are resolving problems as well as ever—and even faster and with better customer interactions”Anders Kämpe CIM Customer Support Manager DHL Sweden

often ineffective, given the engineers' inability to actually see end user screens. It would sometimes take as long as two hours to resolve a problem over the phone.

Cases that couldn’t be resolved on first-contact required an on-site visit by a DHL field engineer. In Sweden, this might mean traveling over 160 km to resolve a fairly simple issue. On-site travel ended up costing the company a lot of time and money.

Value AddedDuring the selection process, DHL Sweden ran extensive security tests. Its security department was highly impressed with the grade of security the solution offered. Other products put to the test fell short of DHL security department expectations. The company found the NTRsupport Administration Center’s ability to save all interactions between the administrator and operators particularly useful as means for easy data retrieval for auditing or billing purposes. It also liked NTRsupport's flexibility, offering multiple contact channels to end users and a variety of ways to initiate support sessions.

The web-based solution quickly met the company’s objectives: decreasing costs, increasing first-time call resolution metrics, decreasing travel, improving technical support efficiency, and stretching the company's resources. The company also conducts e-learning sessions via NTRsupport videoconferencing and online training using its multi-access desktop capabilities.

With implementation of NTRsupport, DHL Sweden has increased productivity, reduced costs, and simultaneously improved customer satisfaction. The company's First Time Resolution (FTR) improved from 88% to 98 %; this means only 2% of the issues were not resolved upon first contact. To succeed in a very competitive market, DHL is able to continue differentiating itself by delivering high-quality customer support.

Benefits Decreased average time spent per each phone call from 6-8 minutes to 5-7 minutes.

Decreased number of on-site visits and increased First Time Resolution from 88% to 98%.

Support personnel skill and competence improvement with First Time Resolution.

NTRsupport comprehensive features can be adapted for multiple uses e.g. technical support, online training, and e-learning.

Extensive tests conducted by DHL proved NTRsupport’s security was extensively higher compared to other contending products.

DHL customers are satisfied with the increased efficiency and accessibility of technical support.

NTR North America Tel. +1 (866) 459-2543 -

NTR United Kingdom Tel. +44 (0) 1483 734670 -

NTRglobal HQ (Spain) Tel. +34 93 445 07 00 - info@ntrglobal.comSuccess Story approved by DHL Sweden