Deviance: Society and Culture (PPT PRESENTATION)

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ppt presentation about deviance. with explanations pictures examples. with exercises and all

Transcript of Deviance: Society and Culture (PPT PRESENTATION)

What is Deviance?- an action or behavior

that violates social norms, including a formally enacted rule, as well as informal violations of social norms

Types of DevianceNegative Deviance – behavior that fails to meet accepted norms- Occurs when people

either reject the norms, misinterpret the norms or are unaware of the


Positive Deviance – over conformity to social expectations

Relativity Deviance- Determination of which behavior or characteristics is deviant and which is normal is complex- According to Howard Becker “it is not the act itself, but rather the reactions to the act that make something deviant”- Deviance is a matter of interpretation- What makes an act deviant then depends on who commits it; who labels it; and where and when it occurs

Relativity DevianceActor Relativity – evaluations of behavior by an audience

can be altered depending on who is doing the act

- Positions, characteristics and groups

bring different expectations as to what constitutes deviant


Relativity DevianceAudience Relativity – socially created by

collective human judgments and ideas

- Judgment depends on observer who witness and

evaluates act

Relativity DevianceSituational Relativity

– immediate situational circumstance can

influence definitions of deviance

Elements of devianceBehavioral Expectation – a norm that

defines appropriate, acceptable behavior, ideas or character

Violation – implies some violation of normative expectation whether real or

allegedReaction – form of avoidance, criticism,

warnings, punishment or treatment

Social Control– set of means of ensuring that people generally behave in expected and approved ways- Without social control the society will be unproductive and even chaotic

Types Social Control1. Internal social Control – with in individual that developed during socialization process

2. External social control – based on social sanctions or system of rewards and punishments designed to encourage desired behavior

Ex. Positive sanctions: awards, smiles of approval, higher grades Negative Sanctions: criticisms, imprisonment, failing grades

Explanations of Deviance- Early thinkers: deviance on the work of

evil spirits and demons- 18th century, classical criminology: deviance on unrestrained self-interest of irrational individuals- 20th century: deviance caused by individual physiology and personality while some believes that societal conditions influence people to violate norms

Biological ExplanationsCesare Lambroso

- people are born criminals

- he claimed that criminals are throwbacks

to earlier (animal like forms of Homo Sapiens)

that physical degeneration or Atavism

made criminal types identifiable


 William Sheldon- body types or

somatotypes predict criminality

- concluded that muscular and athletic builds are more likely

to commit crimes

Psychological Explanations- viewed deviance as a result of unsuccessful

socialization, leading to some personality disorder

Sigmund Freud- most people learn in the process of growing

- children look for an appropriate adult to identify and imitate

Societal Explanations- deviance as a result of societal processes and structure rather than individual anatomies or

psychologiesFunctionalism and Deviance

Functionalism looks on the negative and positive consequences of deviance in the society.

Deviance is functional for two reason: 1. Ritual of Punishment2. Useful in making necessary changes and in preparing for change

Functionalist Theories1. Structural stain theory- Robert Merton- More likely to occur when there is a gap between

societal goals and the ability to achieve those goals through legitimate means

- Conformity is when people accept the goal and allow the legitimate means of achieving them

Structural stain theory- However not all people follow the goal nor abide to legitimate means when people resort to these strain they report to deviant adaptations namely:Innovation – when people remain committed but eject legitimate methodsRitualism – when a person rejects the goal of economic success and continues to work hard as the appropriate aim was to succeed

Retreatism – those who reject and withdraw from both the goals and means of the society

- “dropouts” of the societyRebellion – people who respond to strain by changing goals set by society and offer alternative means of achieving new goals

Functionalist Theories2. Control theory - Travi Hirchi - Conformity to social norms depends on the presence of strong bonds between individuals and society -Deviance happens when ANOMIE is present

Control theoryFour componentsA. Attachment - ties of the individual to their families, friends, and institutions B. Commitment - embracing conventional activities and the more committed the individuals to mainstream values and goals they are less likely to become deviant

c. Involvement- expenditure of time and energy to conventional behaviorD. Belief - commonly held values bonds the individuals to rules of the larger society and reinforces the legitimacy of the society

Social Conflict and deviance

- Deviance as a result of power differentials and social inequalities- Diverse groups with varying degrees of social, economic and political power, compete to have their interests and values protected and preserved in law- Powerless often carry the stigma of deviance

Social Conflict and deviance

1. The norms and laws generally reflect the interests

of the wealthy and the powerful 2. Even if the behaviors of the powerful are called onto question, they have the resources to resist the deviance level 3. Norms and laws are often believed to be natural and good thus hide their political character

Symbolic Interactionism and deviance

- Explains how people define deviance in everyday situationsDifferential association theory- Edwin Sutherland- Deviance is transmitted through socialization the same way as nondeviant behavior is learned - Deviance is learned through primary groups which individual associates with

- Learning of deviance depends on three things The ratio of deviant nondeviant

individuals Whether the deviant behavior is

practiced by significant others The age of exposure

Symbolic Interactionism and deviance

Labeling theory- Makes us understand why deviance is relative- focuses on social behaviors EXPLAIN EXAMPLE- According to Edwin Lemert labeling is a two-step process

1. Individual engages in isolated acts of deviance (primary deviance)

2. When deviance becomes a lifestyle and a personal identity (secondary defiance)