Developing the Case for Better Population Data

Post on 31-Dec-2015

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Developing the Case for Better Population Data. The view from the World Bank. Poverty reduction, achieving the MDGs. Implementation. Delivering basic services for the poor. Improving the investment climate. Assessment and analysis. National data. Global data. The World Bank’s Mission. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Developing the Case for Better Population Data

Developing the Case for Better Population Data

The view from the World Bank

Poverty reduction, achieving the MDGs

Improving the investment climate


Delivering basic services for the poor

The Mission


The Strategy

The World Bank’s Mission

Global data National data

Assessment and analysis

Global data

Transnational data

Consistent international

data sets

Data processes

Statistical infrastructure

Frameworks, norms and standards

Networking, coordination

Monitoring the MDGs

National data

Monitoring Progress

Millennium Development Goals

Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

Achieve universal primary education

Promote gender equality and empower women

Reduce child mortality

Improve maternal health

Combat AIDS, Malaria and other diseases

Ensure environmental sustainability

Develop a global partnership for development

Population Data

Required for monitoring almost all the goalsNeeded at national and international levelsNeed for agreed data standards and frameworksNeed for international coordinationInternational data based on national sources

Building the case for Censuses

Need to build demand for better dataWithin countriesInternationally

Link to processes such as PRSP, CDFBuild censuses into statistical development strategies and plansEnlist support from donors and other partners

Financing Data Activities

Global and national data are public goods Financed by governments Donor support important in some countries

Need to improve both level of funding and efficiencyCapacity buildingTechnical development Need for step increase in resources

What can the World Bank do?

Identify priorities for improving data qualityE.g., DQAF, GDDS

Work with other partners to advocate for better dataAdvocate for more resources for statisticsPromote donor coordinationPARIS21, UN ACC

Provide resourcesTFSCB and other grantsLending program?