Designing Assistive Technologies for Medication Regimes in Care Settings

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  • 8/3/2019 Designing Assistive Technologies for Medication Regimes in Care Settings


    Designing Assistive Technologies ForMedication Regimes in Care Settings.



    1Department of Computing, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YR, UK.

    2The School of Computer Science and IT,The University of Nottingham,

    Nottingham NG8 1BB, UK.

    AbstractThis paper presents some early design work of the 'Care in the Digital Community research

    project - begun under the EPSRC IRC Network project EQUATOR. Gaining a comprehensive

    understanding of user requirements in care settings poses interesting methodological challenges.

    This paper details some methodological options for working in the domestic domain and

    documents the translation of research into design recommendations. We report on the importance

    of medication issues in a hostel for former psychiatric patients and present an early prototype of a

    medication manager designed to be sensitive to the particular requirements of the setting.


    "Visions of what technology can do are rarely based on any comprehensive understanding of

    needs". Tweed & Quigley (2000)

    This paper documents some of the early design work of the 'Care in the Digital

    Community research project - begun under the EPSRC IRC Network project

    EQUATOR. The motivation behind EQUATOR is that as digital technologieshave matured, they have begun to move beyond the workplace to other domains

    of our everyday lives: our homes, neighbourhoods, what we wear and carry with

    us. The convergence of interactive digital systems, networks and mobile devices

    is transforming our everyday lives. The physical and the digital are distinct but

    interdependent aspects of our everyday world, but creating a seamless integration

    is difficult requiring long term research into new models of interaction, new

    interface and distribution technologies, new applications and new methods. It also

    requires a shift in our thinking about the appropriate methods for research in

    complex settings. If design is more of an art than a science, dealing with messy

    indeterminate situations, before designers can solve a design problem they need to

    understand some basics - such as what they are designing, what it should do andwho should use it. The 'turn to the social' in systems design and the rise of notions

    of 'inclusive design', emphasise the importance of social, human factors in system


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    use. They propose a new emphasis on the user, and a new kind of end-user,

    namely, a living, breathing person who carries on their daily life within a real

    time, real world setting. The emphasis on inclusive design contrasts with the

    perception of designers as essentially designing for themselves - or people just

    like them - and effectively and inevitably excluding a whole range of people such

    as the disabled or those in various forms of care. As Clarkson and Keates (2001)state: "It is known that many products are not accessible to large sections of the population. Designersinstinctively design for able-bodied users and are either unaware of the needs of users with different

    capabilities, or do not know how to accommodate their needs into the design cycle".

    One objective of the EQUATOR project is to improve the quality of everyday life

    by building and adapting technologies for a range of user groups and application

    domains. Consequently, it is very much concerned with developing supporting

    technologies based on a comprehensive understanding of user needs. Meeting this

    objective require us to address fundamental and long-term research challenges in

    how computing technologies and concepts relate and adapt to a range of everyday

    domestic environments, including those characterised as 'care' settings. TheDigital Care project employs a multidisciplinary research team to facilitate the

    development of enabling technologies to assist care in the community for

    particular user groups with different support needs. The general aim is to examine

    how digital technology can be used to provide various kinds of support to

    sheltered housing residents and their staff. Although the project anticipates

    exploring the affordances of a variety of technological configurations, including

    the use of virtual environments replicating real world situations and the use of

    handheld and wearable digital technology, the focus of this paper is on our early

    work on providing support for the medication regime.

    Countering design exclusion however, is not merely about the designs themselvesbut also the methods we adopt for informing design. Gaining a comprehensive

    understanding of needs or a perspicuous view on user requirements in this domain

    poses a number of interesting methodological challenges for inclusive design. It is

    not just that many of the important ethical and deployment issues concerning the

    development, deployment and evaluation of real systems remain unexplored, but

    that methods for eliciting needs in such a complex setting are relatively under-

    developed. Moreover, any system of determining needs must reflect the

    complexity of this multifaceted state (Sheaff 1996). There are issues concerning

    the translation of the identified needs into a realistic, practical solution that can

    enable the person within their daily routine.

    Domestic environments in general and 'care' settings in particular are very

    different spaces from working environments and represent a very different set of

    challenges for those involved in the design of systems . Undoubtedly, technology

    can benefit disabled and older people: "The benefits can be measured in terms of the extent towhich they may be able to live more independently and, importantly, the extent to which they may be

    empoered and socially included though availability and use of such technologies". (Fisk 2001 119) It is

    also evident that when technology is incorporated within the home, the people

    who live with the technology on a day-to-day basis have tended to be overlooked

    (Tweed & Quigley, 2000). It is also important to recognise that the imposition of

    technology must be undertaken in such a way that it does not remove choice and

    control from the user (Fisk 2001)These people not only include the occupants ofthe living space but the support workers and others who have regular access to the

    domestic space. Technology can be incorporated into the persons lfe, such that


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    they come to depend on it as Lupton and Seymour (2000) suggest: "Any human bodyusing any form of technology may be interpreted as in some way adopting prostheses to enhance itscapacities. Nearly everyone in contemporary western societies has developed a close dependency on

    technologies to function in everyday life, such as using spectacles to see clearly or a car to achieve greatermobility. As this suggests, the category of `disability' is not fixed, but rather is fluid and shifting, a continuum

    rather than a dichotomy".

    In addition, the nature of the home, and the character of everyday homelife is

    evolving and undergoing constant change in definition and as such is required to

    become responsive to the needs of people throughout their whole lifetime, and in

    most circumstances..Any design process therefore requires the designer to

    consider the home from a proactive and lifetime perspective: "The home as a fixed entityis unresponsive and unable to accommodate the new demands placed upon it. The social care/ housingsectors act as reactive bodies to situations such as this and provide mechanical aids to enable the individual

    to reside within the home, but here there are obvious limitations and constraints embedded in this process.The home, it is contended, should be considered as more than just a physical entity". (Dewsbury and Edge


    With the advent of ubiquitous computing and the growing presence of computersystems in everyday domestic environments, the home has become a growing

    focus for research (Venkatesh 1996; Hughes et al 1998, 2000; O'Brien et al 1999).

    However, it may be that we require significant shifts in our investigative

    techniques to consider how technology relates to such different settings and users

    and to move towards some notion of 'inclusive' design. Despite hyped-up visions

    of technology as a means of completely transforming home life, successful forms

    of domestic interactive technologies, no matter how radical, are successful

    precisely because, as Sacks (1995) suggests, they are quite routinely, 'made at

    home' with the social organisation of the domestic environment. Uncovering the

    detailed nature of the social organisation of domestic life is consequently

    essential. The Digital Care project has begun to explore some of the

    methodological options open to those working in the domestic domain, in

    particular, the translation of research into design recommendations and the

    attempt to uncover, elicit or validate 'requirements'. The problem is that research

    in these contexts is often regarded as not merely difficult but often inappropriate

    and intrusive. The deeply personal nature of many social activities limits just what

    can be investigated, as well as how it can be investigated, and reporting the

    interactional elements in a range of activities and contexts is often difficult. These

    and other delicate issues represent potentially obdurate problems and

    methodological responses have taken a number of forms. At present the Digital

    Care project research method for technology development includes experimentingwith combinations of ethnographic study, user-centred design and evaluation and

    the use of 'cultural probes' with both residents and staff.

    Ethnographic studies (Hughes et al 1993; 1994) claim to provide a sensitising to

    the 'real world', 'real time' character and context of everyday life and the

    facilitation of what Anderson (1994) calls the play of possibilities for design. As

    part of this project we are undertaking long term ethnographic, observational

    studies of the work of the staff as well as more 'lightweight' ethnographic studies

    with residents. However, the precise nature and value of the ethnographic input

    into design is controversial especially since much of our experience comes from

    ethnographic investigation of the workplace. It may be that we require significantshifts in our investigative techniques as well as in our understanding of design, to

    consider how technology relates to domestic, specifically 'care' settings and the


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    requirement to support everyday living rather than productivity. One way in

    which we have attempted to increase the repetoire of available techniques is

    through the employment and adaption of 'cultural probes'. 'Cultural Probes' (Gaver

    et al 1999), originating in the traditions of artistdesigners rather than science and

    engineering, and deployed in a number of innovative design projects (eg the

    Presence project (Gaver 2001)) may prove a way of supplementing ethnographicinvestigations. We use 'cultural probes' (cameras, diaries, maps, dictaphones,

    photo-albums, postcards etc) in the Digital Care project, as a way of uncovering

    information from a group that is difficult to research by other means and as a way

    of prompting responses to users emotional, aesthetic, and social values and habits.

    The probes furthermore provide an engaging and effective way to open an

    interesting dialogue with users. The probes have been provocative in eliciting

    some informative responses; enabling us to overcome some of the 'distance'

    between researchers and users, presenting us with a rich set of materials that

    grounds our designs in the detailed textures of everyday life. Cultural probes are

    one way in which we can attempt to meet what Edwards and Grinter (2001)

    regard as the challenge for designers: pay heed to the stable and compelling routines of thehome, rather than external factors, including the abilities of the technology itself. These routines are subtle,

    complex, and ill-articulated, if they are articulated at all... Only by grounding our designs in such realities ofthe home will we have a better chance to minimize, or at least predict, the effects of our technologies.

    (Edwards & Grinter 2001)

    The eclectic approach adopted by this project attempts to meet some of the ethical

    and moral dilemmas through careful involvement and acknowledgement of users

    in the design process. One particular technical concern, perhaps a dominant if

    unusual concern for a research project, is that of dependability and associated

    issues of diversity, responsibility and timeliness (see the DIRC project). Given the

    care setting it is imperative that technologies designed for the setting are reliable

    and dependable. As Bjorneby (2000, 37) notes, the reliability of the technology is

    essential. Just as technology can enable it can equally be the cause of disablement

    and low self-concept. In amongst the technical demands are other issues

    concerning the location of the interface, the generalisability of design solutions,

    the transfer of skills to real world situations, and support for independent living in

    the community. These challenges highlight some of the moral and ethical

    components of the design enterprise, in particular the need to carefully think

    through and balance issues of 'empowerment' and 'dependence' for, as Gitlin

    (1995) argues: "The use of technology appears to present dramatic compromises in social activities, roledefinition, and identity".

    The challenge for the project is to provide support for individuals in the move

    towards independent living, rather than create new, technological, forms of

    dependence. This requires a certain ethical awareness and recognition of the

    various ways that technology can impinge on individual care pathways and a

    sensitivity towards the social implications of any technological intervention as

    well as an awareness that technology is not a static imposition but combines a

    range of ideologies in its imposition as Feenberg (1996) suggests: "Technology is amedium in which instrumental actioncoordination replaces communicative understanding through interest-biased designs. Simply put, sometimes technology is overextended, sometimes it is politically biased,

    sometimes it is both. Several different critical approaches are needed, depending on the case".Embodying a philosophy of care into design necessitates considering issues of

    empowerment and dependence and then thinking how these might usefully

    become incorporated into design guidelines.


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    Background and Setting: Hostel and Semi-

    independent living.

    The setting for the project is a hostel and nearby and associated semi-independentliving accommodation, managed by a charitable trust, for former psychiatric

    patients in a large Northern town. The hostel is the first step for patients leaving

    the psychiatric wards of local hospitals that are currently being closed down. In

    the hostel residents are provided with a room and are monitored and helped to

    develop independent living skills by a number of staff. Residents can then move

    on to the other, semi-independent living site of sheltered housing consisting of a

    number of flats and bed-sits, prior to moving out to flats in the local area, or, if

    they are deemed to need further and continuing support, back to the hostel. The

    overall aim of these facilities is to gradually introduce the patients back into the

    community and allow them to support themselves. Emphasis is on the learning of

    daily living routine and skills. As a general principle any technology introducedinto the setting should contribute to this goal. A technology that merely completes

    a task for residents does little in producing independence but merely shifts

    reliance onto the technology.

    Supporting Medication: Fieldwork

    Although our research is at an early stage, a number of issues and requirements

    have already arisen. Initial introductory and debriefing meetings at the hostel and

    the semi-independent living accommodation and the early ethnographic fieldwork

    and return of cultural probes currently indicate some major preoccupations of both

    residents and care workers. One important concern of both residents and staff

    focuses on issues surrounding the routine taking of daily medication. Many of the

    residents are on daily medication regimes and at the initial meetings as well as in

    interview a number of residents expressed concern about the possible grave

    consequences of them forgetting to take their medication. Observation and

    interview confirm the role of the medication regime in the maintenance of normal

    everyday life and residents emphasised their, often graphic, fears and anxieties

    over the likely consequences of forgetting their medication.

    Medication issues - dosage, delivery of 'medi-pacs', reminders, re-assuringresidents about delivery and so on also feature heavily in the everyday work of the

    staff. At the hostel medication is kept in a locked drug cabinet, distributed by the

    staff when required with records kept in a written log. At the semi-independent

    living site patients must manage their own medication and, as stated, it is a source

    of continuing anxiety. Although provided with a week's supply of packaged daily

    doses by the pharmacy - 'medi-pacs' - there is some concern that they may either

    forget to take their medication or accidentally overdose. Technical devices that

    may prove useful in these circumstances are various medication reminders that

    help patients manage their own medication, i.e. when to take it, record

    acknowledgements of reminders and so on allied with a system to automate the

    recording of drug information. But the functionality of any technology providedmust be carefully considered and sensitively deployed. The devices are intended

    to act as 'reminders' to residents to take their medication and are not indicators


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    that any medication has been taken and obviously such devices must be

    dependable as failure of the technology could have potentially disastrous


    Where residents are responsible for taking their own medication, this fact has

    significant implications for the way in which medication is monitored and tracked.For example, the use of a bar-code scanning approach would place an

    inappropriate burden on the resident. One possible approach we have considered

    for the hostel has been to use RFID-based smart labels in order to ascertain

    whether a resident has taken their medication from the medication store - as used

    in the Magic Medicine Cabinet system (Dadong 1999). Another possibility we

    have explored is building certain reminder and recording features into the 'medi-

    packs' themselves. While this will not control the medication regime to prevent

    deliberate overdosing, it may contribute to the prevention of accidental

    overdosing. Some instances from the early fieldwork - coincidentally occurring on

    the same day - illustrate this point. In one case the care worker, following a phone

    call from the resident's doctor was concerned to intercept the delivery of a 'medi-packs' in order to replace one dosage of tablets with another. In another incident

    there was some concern that an elderly resident was accidentally overdosing as a

    consequence of the design and delivery system for the 'medi-packs'. As the 'medi-

    packs' are delivered from the pharmacy at about 6:30pm the resident was required

    to take only the evening dose for that day, leaving the two earlier doses to be

    taken the next week. Problems were arising both because the resident, used to

    emptying each daily dose, was accidentally overdosing by taking all the

    medication for the delivery day, but also was being left with no morning or

    afternoon medication for the same day on the following week. Finally, one of the

    residents deliberately overdosed by taking all the medication in the newly

    delivered 'medi-pack'. This incident also highlighted other issues to do with

    medication and the recording of, access to and integration of information as the

    care worker gave information on the resident and the medication to the ambulance



    The initial studies have identified a range of requirements regarding the residents

    medication and the design of technologies to support the medication regime

    (Cheverst et al 2001). In the semi-independent living area residents are expectedto manage their own medication and weekly supplies are provided by the

    pharmacy packaged into individual doses within a plastic container known as a

    medipack(figure 1). This arrangement causes anxiety and inconvenience forboth staff and residents. Residents, who have previously relied on the staff to

    provide their medication at the correct time, must now remember what to take and

    when, leading to worries about missed medication, taking pills at the wrong time

    or even accidental overdoses. This in turn, leads to residents relying on staff to

    provide reassurance about the medication and in some cases reminders of when

    and what to take. This kind of reliance is of course, detrimental to the aims of the

    semi-independent unit and a solution that bridges the two stages was thought to be



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    In order to achieve this intermediary stage residents primarily need a system that

    will reassure them that they are following the correct regimen, whilst leaving the

    task of managing their medication in their own hands. It is important that the

    system does not take over the task for them completely as many commercial

    products attempt to do by fully automating the dispensing of drugs at the correct

    time. In focusing purely on the delivery of the drug rather than the socialcircumstances surrounding the taking of medication commercial systems

    effectively not only exclude many of those in care settings but may well run

    counter to the agreed care pathway of developing independent living skilld. The

    aim here is not to automate a task and remove a cognitive load, but to encourage

    self-reliance and allay any fears of getting it wrong. In addition to these

    requirements it would also be desirable to provide some form of unobtrusive

    feedback, accessible by the staff for monitoring the residents progress. This

    function of the system may be also be used to alert the staff to possible problems

    such as a deliberate overdose.

    Figure 1: A medipack.

    Medication manager or MediPic

    Initial design proposals looked at augmenting the medipack, but observation

    showed that residents did not tend to carry the medipack with them and therefore

    a mobile system was not required. The current system consists of a simple box

    divided into compartments separating individual doses. This compact form-factor

    can be easily restocked and delivered to the residents accommodation and is

    therefore a positive point to carry over into the new design. The box itself would

    not be augmented but exist as a replaceable cartridge for a separate housing

    containing the medication management device. Figure 2 illustrates the design forthe initial prototype device.

    Figure 2: Prototype medication manager.


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    The transparent pill container sits on top of a layer containing a grid of coloured

    light emitting diodes. Looking from above, each compartment has two lights to

    indicate which pills can be taken and which not. In this case red and green lights

    are used, red for stop, green for go as it is a familiar colour combination.

    However, it should be noted that these colours may pose a problem for somepeople with colour blindness and can be easily replaced with another combination.

    Once a pill is taken or has been missed the lights go out indicating that the

    compartment is no longer live, and should be ignored. An initial prototype

    (figure 3) has been constructed using this design.

    Figure 3: Version 1 of the medication manager. Internal view shows two circuits controlling two

    banks of LEDs.

    Control of the lights is through a simple micro controller circuit (figure 4), which

    receives commands via a serial connection from a PC. The use of a PC as the

    controlling system for the medication manager, simplifies development and future

    prototypes will consist of an entirely embedded system. At the moment softwareon the controlling PC provides a calendar function controlling the lights directly

    (figure 5). This design provides residents with visual reminders of when to take

    medication and provides reassurance that the correct medication is being taken.

    Omitting the use of audio reminders or other more tangible reminders, forces the

    resident to actively check on the current state of the lights thus reinforcing the


    Figure 4: Basic circuit for serial light control in the medication manager.


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    Figure 5: Screenshot of medication management software.

    Conclusion: Further work and research challenges.

    The next version of the medication manager will be larger to allow the

    management of a weeks supply of medication. This will involve the use of a

    more complex micro controller with a larger number of bi-directional I/O ports.

    The PIC16f876 (Microchip 2001) currently being used, has a simple 35-word

    instruction set and is relatively easy to program, however, this chip has support

    for only 16 lights (= 4 days). The initial prototype design also includes support for

    feedback to the staff, though this has yet to be implemented. The designincorporates a layer of charge transfer touch sensors, which can be activated

    through the pill container, registering a touch on the bottom surface of the

    container as a pill is removed. Version 2 of the prototype will incorporate this

    technology and will allow staff to gather data on a residents progress in this area.

    This may also be of help in an emergency situation where a deliberate overdose

    has occurred. Information on what has been taken will be available and an early

    warning may be possible.

    Further work is also needed to address dependability and feedback issues. It is

    extremely important the system function in a dependable manner before any

    thought of field tests is considered. We must remember that this applicationdomain requires high standards of reliability as any failure of the system could

    affect the residents in an extremely adverse manner. Clearly much of the potential

    of assistive devices relies upon the successful operation of a range of new

    technologies as well as the readiness of users to accept and embrace a new

    technology. Just as we should not allow ourselves to rely upon overly negative

    stereotyping of these particular users, so too must we avoid the temptation to

    make exaggerated claims as to their technological adeptness. Instead we make the

    case that special thought needs to be given to the design of technological artefacts,

    that takes into account such factors as a different learning curve and a different

    place for the artefact within the lifestyle of the user.

    Over the coming months we will be deploying the chosen solutions within the

    setting. This deployment process will itself raise a whole series of important and


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    necessary issues for research into assistive technologies. Following deployment a

    period of evaluation will commence which (in addition to raising further issues)

    will no doubt lead to refinements in our initial set of requirements and therefore

    modifications to our adopted approach. In particular we anticipate the emergence

    of design challenges in matching generic and specific requirements with available

    technology; in addressing the 'tailorability' of COTS systems and devices; and inensuring the delivery of genuinely mobile and dependable devices.

    At present we envisage a prolonged period of extensive continuous testing to

    determine the systems performance, before deployment in the setting. In addition

    a number of design workshops have been scheduled both for user evaluation and

    feedback and for considering the integration of the medication manager with other

    devices - such as interactive picture displays or digital family portraits (Mynatt et

    al 2001) - that may be incorporated into the resident's home, as well as

    consideration of training and tailoring issues. The medication manager is thus part

    of an iterative design process (Clarkson and Keates 2001), in which problem

    specification, matching the system to the real world and evaluation should be acontinuous process. In this view design issues do not cease with the initial

    deployment of the device or initial evaluation, with everything occuring after this

    being given the status of 'maintenance'. Instead deployment is regarded as yet

    another opportunity for design considerations to be highlighted, challenged and


    This paper has presented our early work on a project investigating the role of

    computing technologies in supporting a community housing project. The driving

    aim of the project is to explore the extent to which the requirements of a

    community care trust can be met by technology whilst staying within the political

    and ethical boundaries imposed by the given application domain. In devising a

    medication manager, an assistive technology supporting aspects of everyday life

    seldom addressed by conventional computers, we are also faced with the research

    challenge of investigating new aesthetics and new functionality in support of a

    wider range of personal and social values. The challenge is to understand how

    best to integrate devices into our surrounding environment and how these may be

    used as part of everyday life (see Dewsbury 2001).


    What has emerged from our ethnographic investigations even in a domestic

    setting as 'unconventional' as community care is of everyday domestic life - such

    as the routine taking of medication - as sets of activities made orderly. Thisorderliness is routinely, unproblematically, recognised and attended to in

    everyday life. From our perspective design is concerned with interventions into

    this orderliness - to supporting everyday activities in various ways by impacting

    on timeliness, reliability, dependability, safety or security. In this way a

    'philosophy of care' can be integrated into the design of domestic environments

    and ubiquitous computing in much the same way as other philosophies, the

    'scientific' and the 'modern' for example, have already been incorporated into

    domestic design. Accordingly, while these are difficult challenges they should not

    be overestimated. Despite hyped-up visions of technology as a means of

    completely transforming home life, successful forms of domestic interactive

    technologies, no matter how radical, are successful precisely because they arequite routinely, 'made at home' with the social organisation of the domestic

    environment. As Sacks (1995) argues: "The technical apparatus is then being made at home withthe rest of our world. And that's a thing that's routinely being done, and its the source of failures of

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    technocratic dreams that if only we introduced some fantastic new communication machine the world will betransformed. What happens is that the object is made at home in the world that has whatever organisation it

    already has."Uncovering the detailed nature of the social organisation of domestic

    life, is consequently, essential to both design and development. We therefore need

    to ask whether current approaches to design are appropriate in such complex care

    settings. The preliminary research of the Equator project suggests that new

    conceptual models, theories and guidelines are needed for explaining and

    informing the design of these emerging technologies. It also requires a shift in our

    thinking about research, towards using and developing theories, practices and

    techniques that are interdisciplinary.


    This work is funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research

    Council, EQUATOR and Dependability (DIRC) Interdisciplinary ResearchCollaborations. We also thank the Croftlands Charitable Trust for their support.


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