Design Dimensioner: Design Practice

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Design Dimensioner: Design Practice


Design Practice

Stefan Meisiek

Associate Professor of Leadership

Director of the Studio at CBS

Coordinator of the Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship


Wicked Problems


The Fuzzy Front End

Leave it to the Designers, But understand how to reap value


… for Entrepreneurs

Turn Your People into Designers, and know how to reap value

 Work Human-Centered

 Rapid Iterations

 Fail early and often

 Leverage the value of Early Information

 Technology Brokering

 Minimal Gains


Example: Mattel

  ROSS: It's called Project Platypus. We take 12 employees with various skill sets and backgrounds and from all levels of experience. We give them the task of conceiving and developing a completely new brand. We put them in a separate building-2000 square feet-that looks like a playground. The desks are on wheels. There are lots of toys and materials. I like to imagine that a helicopter has picked them up and dropped them someplace completely remote-a totally new environment-even though it is just across the street. For three months they leave their jobs and their titles behind to take part in this experiment.


Clay Street Project

Multiple Stakeholder Projects


The Studio Space at CBS

The Studio Space at CBS


The Studio Space at CBS

The Studio Space at CBS


The Studio at CBS

1.  Process 2.  Habits of Mind

•  Writing, drawing, acting, playing, thinking, discovering, making, reflecting

3.  Community of Inquiry •  No hierarchy, facilitation, co-creation

4.  Situated Learning •  Inviting context, learning

