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Transcript of Department)of)Computer)Science)and)Technology,)UTU...

Department  of  Computer  Science  and  Technology,  UTU   2014    

Mr.  Sapan  Naik   Page  1  

Five  Years  Integrated  M.Sc.  (I.T.)  (Semester  7)  Teaching  Schedule  

060010707:  Digital  Image  Processing    

Objective:    To   make   students   understand   the   fundamentals   of   digital   image   and   processing   techniques   that   includes  enhancement  in  spatial  domain,  segmentation,  morphological  processing,  extracting  features,  representation  and  description.    Programme  Outcomes:  The  student  will  have  PO1. Proficiency   in   and   ability   to   apply   knowledge   of   computer   science   and   application   and  mathematics  

through  different  equations,  probability  and  statistics.  PO2. Ability  to  design  and  develop  system,  component  or  process  as  well  as  test  and  maintain  it.  PO3. Understanding  of  professional  and  ethical  responsibility.  PO4. Recognition  of  the  need  for  and  an  ability  to  engage  in  life-­‐long  learning.  PO5. Knowledge  of  modern  issues.  PO6. Ability  to  use  the  techniques,  skills  and  modern  tools  as  necessary  for  software  development.    Course  Outcomes:    Upon  completion  of  the  course  students  shall  be  able  to  CO1. Express  digital  image,  its  type  and  processing  steps.  CO2. Describe   image  resolutions,  classification  of   image  operations  and   fundamental   tools  require   in  digital  

image  processing.  CO3. Practice  image  enhancement  in  spatial  domain.  CO4. Identify  the  need  of  image  segmentation  and  practice  its  technique.  CO5. Recognize  the  morphological  operations  on  image.  CO6. Express  the  image  features  representation  and  description.  


Unit   Sub  Unit  

No.  of  Lecture(s)   Topics  

Reference  Chapter/  Additional  Reading  

Teaching  Methodology  to  be  used  

Evaluation  Parameter  

     Unit  1  :    Introduction  to  Image  Processing  


1.1   0.5   Overview  and  Related  Fields   SS  #1  pg  no  1  -­‐  6  

PPT/  Discussion  


1.2   0.5   Digital  Image  Representation   SS  #1  pg  no  7-­‐8   PPT/  

Demonstration  in  Photoshop  


1.3   2    

Types  of  Image:  Based  on  Attributes,  Colour,  Dimensions  and  Data  Types  

SS  #1  pg  no  9-­‐14  


1.4  2  

Steps  in  Image  Processing   SS  #1  pg  no  15-­‐21  

PPT/  Explaination  and  Discussion  


1.5   Applications   SS  #1  pg  no  22-­‐25  


Unit  2  :  Digital  Image  Fundamentals  and  Operations  


2.1   1   Image  Sampling  and  Quantization  

SS  #2  pg  no  45-­‐49  

PPT/  Discussion  


2.2   1  

Image  Quality:  Optical  Resolution,  Image  Display  Devices  and  Device  Resolution  

SS  #2  pg  no  50-­‐52  

Demonstration  in  Photoshop  


2.3   1   Image  Storage  and  File  Formats  

SS  #2  pg  no  61-­‐63  


2.4   2   Basic  Relationships  and  Distance  Metrics  

SS  #3  pg  no  67-­‐74  

PPT/  Explaination  


Department  of  Computer  Science  and  Technology,  UTU   2014    

Mr.  Sapan  Naik   Page  2  

2.5   2  

Classification  of  Image  Processing  Operations:  Arithmetic,  Logical,  Geometrical,  Interpolation,  Set,  Statistical,  Convolution  and  Correlation  Operations.  

SS  #3  pg  no  75-­‐112  


2.6   2  Data  Structures  and  Image  Processing  Applications  Development  

SS  #3  pg  no  113-­‐121  

Quiz  1  

Unit  3  :  Image  Enhancement  in  Spatial  Domain  


3.1   1   Need   SS  #5  pg  no  169-­‐177  

PPT/  Discussion  


3.2   1  

Image  Enhancement  using  Point  Operations:  Linear  and  Non-­‐Linear  Functions,  Digital  Negative  

SS  #5  pg  no  178-­‐180  


3.3   2  

Non-­‐Linear  Operations:  Square  Root,  Square,  Logarithm  and  Power  Function  

SS  #5  pg  no  178-­‐180  


3.4   2  Piecewise  Linear  Functions:  Contrast  Stretching  and  its  Variant  

SS  #5  pg  no  181    

3.5   1   Histogram-­‐based  Technique   SS  #5  pg  no  189-­‐195  

PPT/  Demonstration  in  MATLAB  


3.6   3  

Spatial  Filtering:  Image  Smoothing  and  Sharpening,  Noise  removal  using  Mean  Filters,  Order  Statistics  Filters  

SS  #5  pg  no  196-­‐206  

SS  #5  pg  no  222-­‐226  

Unit  Test  1  

Unit  4  :  Image  Segmentation  


4.1   1   Introduction   SS  #7  pg  no  286-­‐287  

PPT/  Demonstration  in  MATLAB  


4.2   1   Classification  of  Image  Segmentation  Algorithm  

SS  #7  pg  no  288-­‐289  


4.3   2  

Detection  of  Discontinuities  and  Stages  in  Edge  Detection:  Filtering,  Differentiation,  Localization  

SS  #7  pg  no  290-­‐291  


4.4   2   Types  of  Edge  Detector   SS  #7  pg  no  291-­‐295  


4.5   2  

First-­‐Order  Edge  Detection  Operators:  Roberts  Operators,  Prewitt  Operators,  Sobel  Operators  

SS  #7  pg  no  295-­‐300   Reading  book  

and  from  web  /  Discussion  


  4.6   2   Second-­‐Order  Derivative  Filters:  Laplacian  Masks  

SS  #7  pg  no  300-­‐308  

Quiz  2  

Unit  5  :  Image  Morphology  


5.1   1   Need  for  Morphological  Processing  

SS  #9  pg  no  375-­‐376   PPT/  



5.2   1   Structuring  Elements   SS  #9  pg  no  376-­‐377  


5.3   2  Morphological  Operators:  Dilation,  Erosion,  Opening  and  Closing  

SS  #9  pg  no  378-­‐388  

Reading  from  web  and  discussion  


5.4   1   Hit  or  Miss  Transform   SS  #9  pg  no  388    

5.5   3   Morphological  Algorithm:   SS  #9  pg  no   Unit  Test  2  

Department  of  Computer  Science  and  Technology,  UTU   2014    

Mr.  Sapan  Naik   Page  3  

Boundary  Extraction,  Noise  Removal,  Thining,  Thickening,  Convex  Hull,  Skeletonization  and  Watershed  Algorithm.  


Unit  6  :  Image  Features  Representation  and  Description  


6.1   1  Image  Features:  Characteristics  and  Classification  

SS  #10  pg  no  408-­‐410   Reading  book  

and  Explaination  


6.2   2  Boundary  Representation:  Chain  Code  and  Polygonal  Approximations  

SS  #10  pg  no  411-­‐419  


6.3   2  

Boundary  Descriptions:  Simple  Descriptors,  Shape  Number  and  Run-­‐length  Code  

SS  #10  pg  no  420-­‐423  

Reading  from  web  and  



  6.4   1   Component  Labeling   SS  #10  pg  no  424-­‐425   Internal  Exam  

Text  Book:  1. Sridhar  S.,  Digital  Image  Processing,  OXFORD  –  [SS]  

 Reference  Book:  

1. Chanda  B.,  Majumder  D.  -­‐  Digital  Image  Processing  and  Analysis  –  PHI  2. Jain  A.  -­‐  Fundamental  of  Digital  Image  Processing  -­‐  PHI  3. Yadav  A.,  Yadav  P.,  Digital  Image  Processing,  University  Press  4. Sonka  M.,  Hlavac  V.,  Boyle  R.  -­‐  Image  Processing,  Analysis,  and  Machine  Vision  -­‐  Thomson  Learning  5. Joshi  M.,  Digital  Image  Processing  An  Algorithmic  Approach,  EEE  

 2. Note  :  #  denotes  chapter  number.  

 Course  Objectives  and  Course  Outcomes  Mapping:    Course  Objective   CO1   CO2   CO3   CO4   CO5   CO6  To  make  students  understand  the  fundamentals  of  digital  image  and  image  fundamentals  

✔   ✔          

Image  processing  techniques  that  includes  enhancement  in  spatial  domain,  segmentation,  morphological  processing,  extracting  features,  representation  and  description  

    ✔   ✔   ✔   ✔  

 Course  Units  and  Course  Outcomes  Mapping:  Unit  No.   Unit   Course  Outcomes       CO1   CO2   CO3   CO4   CO5   CO6  1   Introduction  to  Image  Processing   ✔            2   Digital  Image  Fundamentals  and  Operations   ✔   ✔   ✔   ✔   ✔    3   Image  Enhancement  in  Spatial  Domain   ✔   ✔   ✔        4   Image  Segmentation   ✔   ✔     ✔      5   Image  Morphology   ✔   ✔       ✔    6   Image  Features  Representation  and  Description   ✔           ✔    Programme  Outcomes  and  Course  Outcomes  Mapping:  

  CO1   CO2   CO3   CO4   CO5   CO6  PO1   ✔   ✔   ✔   ✔   ✔   ✔  PO2       ✔   ✔     ✔  PO3              PO4   ✔   ✔   ✔   ✔   ✔   ✔  PO5   ✔   ✔   ✔   ✔   ✔   ✔  PO6   ✔   ✔   ✔   ✔   ✔   ✔  


Department  of  Computer  Science  and  Technology,  UTU   2014    

Mr.  Sapan  Naik   Page  4  

Hands-­‐on  experience  activity:  Ø Students  shall  be  practicing  image-­‐processing  techniques  (i.e.  segmentation,  edge  detection,  filtering)  

using  MATLAB  or  any  image  processing  software  package  on  their  personal  laptops.    

For  presentation,  the  students  shall  work  in  teams  and  the  following  points  shall  be  followed:  Ø The  presentation  title  shall  be  made  available  during  the  4th  week  of  the  semester.  Ø Each  team  shall  consist  of  at  the  most  3  and  not  less  than  2  students.  Ø Each  group  shall  have  a  different  presentation  topic.  Ø Subject  teacher  will  give  approval  of  presentation  topic.  Ø After  6th  week,  student  shall  start  giving  presentation.  

 Modes  of  transaction  (i.e.  Delivery)    

Ø Lecture  Method:  is  generally  used  but  along  with  it,  as  and  when  required,  discussion  method  would  be  fruitful.  It  shall  be  supplemented  with  various  appropriate  audio-­‐visual  aids.  

Ø Apart  of  lecture  method,  assignment  activity  shall  be  designed  for  unit  1  to  4  and  presentation  on  color  models  for  digital  image.  

 Activities/Practicum:    The  following  activities  shall  be  carried  out  by  the  students.  

Ø Write  code  in  MATLAB  to  read  and  segment  digital  image.  Ø Study  2  research  papers  of  IEEE  or  Elsevier  (year  2012-­‐13)  on  digital  image  processing.  

 The  following  activities  shall  be  carried  out  by  the  teacher.  

Ø Demonstration  of  real  world  image  processing  applications,  which  includes  fruit  grading  and  fingerprint  recognition.  

Ø Discussion  on  image  processing  related  problem  definitions  which  includes  segmentation  in  shadow  and  color  feature  extraction.  

   Concept  Map    Digital  Image  Processing  






Department  of  Computer  Science  and  Technology,  UTU   2014    

Mr.  Sapan  Naik   Page  5  

Unit-­‐1:  Introduction  to  Image  Processing  



Unit-­‐2:  Digital  Image  Fundamentals  and  Operations  





Department  of  Computer  Science  and  Technology,  UTU   2014    

Mr.  Sapan  Naik   Page  6  

Unit-­‐3:  Image  Enhancement  in  Spatial  Domain  


Unit-­‐4:  Image  Segmentation  









Department  of  Computer  Science  and  Technology,  UTU   2014    

Mr.  Sapan  Naik   Page  7  

Unit-­‐5:  Image  Morphology  




Unit-­‐6:  Image  Features  Representation  and  Description