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Child Development 3-12Part 3: Ages 10 to 12

Oklahoma Cooperative Extension ServiceCore In-Service

February 19, 2010 9:00-11:00 a.m.




Centra Instructions

Overview of In-service

Resource Materials


In-Service Objective

Extension Educators will be able to describe growth, tasks, behaviors, and abilities of 10 to 12 year-old

children including physical, cognitive, emotional, and social


Domains of Development

Physical Emotional

Cognitive Social


AGES 10-12

Physical Development


Girls (9-13 years) Boys (11-15 years)

Growth spurt of 2-6” in one year

Underarm & pubic hair

Breast development, widening hips, narrowing waist, more fat

Onset of menstruation

Growth spurt of up to 6” in one year

Facial, underarm, & pubic hair

Growth of genitals

Deepening of voice

Muscle development

Physical Development


Other Physical Changes

Circulatory & respiratory systems - increasing strength, energy, stamina

Increasingly active sweat glands, may develop body odor

May develop acne or other skin problems

May gain or lose weight, appear out of proportion or “gangly”, especially boys

Clumsiness & awkwardness

Aches & pains

May tire easily & appear lazy

Appetite may fluctuate sharply

Sensitivity to body image and very interested in learning about body changes


Motor Abilities & Skills

Well coordinated in large and fine motor skillsBoth skill and stamina for gross motor activities

such as biking, skating, team sportsLike physical challengesShould be able to perform a variety of movement

combinationsDemonstrate coordination in a fluid environmentAdapt speed and direction when neededSome may show more talents – sports, music, etc.



Development into sexual maturity

Hormones controlling physical development are activated

Develop primary & secondary sex characteristics

Become fertile

Increased sexual libido


Timing of Puberty

Girls tend to experience pubertal changes earlier than boys by 24 months on average

Internal changes may begin: about age 7-8 in girls and up to about 13 about age 9.5-11 in boys up to about



Timing of Physical Maturation

Points in physical development may be very different for individual youth between 10 and 15

Being early or late developer can be stressful when compared to timing of their friends

Early developers Tends to be advantageous for boys

– sports, social standing More problematic for girls

– body image, attention from others, lower self-esteem, adjustment to school transitions


Influences on PubertyTiming & Tempo

Primary influence is one’s genes

Most important external factors: nutrition & health

Puberty occurs earlier for children who have been well-nourished and without serious illnesses

Tends to occur earlier for kids growing up in conflict-ridden families and for females in father-absent homes

Excessive exercise is associated with delays


The Evolving Brain

Just prior to puberty…

2nd wave of overproduction of gray matter in the thinking part of the brain – neurons and their branch-like extensions

Predominantly in the frontal lobe – “executive functions” such as planning, impulse control, reasoning

possibly related to influence of surging hormones

thickening peaks at around age 11 in girls, 12 in boys

then gray matter actually thins some


The Evolving Brain

White matter – wire-like fibers that establish neurons’ long-distance connections between brain regions – thickens progressively from birth

Striking growth spurts can be seen from ages 6-13 in areas connecting the brain regions specialized for language and understanding spatial relations (temporal and parietal lobes)

This growth drops off sharply after age 12



Rapid growth and change requires enough rest

Hormones may affect sleep needs

Need about 9 ½ - 10 hours sleep each day


AGES 10-12

Cognitive Development


Cognitive Development - Piaget

Concrete Operations: 7-12 yrsLogical thought

Classifying & ordering objects in a logical sequence

Make rational judgments and perform operations about concrete or observable phenomena

Abstract thinking evolving with limitations

Better understanding of time and space

Reversibility – changes in forms and orders

Deductive reasoning –draw conclusions from information

Relativism –other’s thoughts & perspectives differ, can be wrong, thoughts/feelings may not reflect reality


Thinking No longer in just “here &

now”, but still think more about the present than future

Higher level skills that allow thinking about ideas, anticipate and begin to see personal future

Increasing attention span and concentration

May begin to question old beliefs, explore new ones, develop strong beliefs

Gradual ability to apply learned concepts to new tasks



Can state their thoughts more clearly & want to be heard

Criticize adults

Eager to learn and master new skills

Proud of doing things well

Concerned about personal capabilities

Frequent interest in learning life skills (cooking, fixing things, etc.)

Internalized standards of right and wrong to some degree

Begins to understand the motives behind the behavior of another

Tendency to be disorganized and forgetful


10 Year Olds

Still memorize & recite without thinking deeply about a subject

Comprehends multiple features of a problem even while solving it

Increasing ability to work independently – class assignments, homework, longer projects, more complex writing & math

Developing a conscience but not yet consistently able to tell right from wrong – relies upon adult to help

Aware of time but needs help to plan time in a practical way

Still certain that own beliefs are correct and are universally shared by others


11-12 Year Olds

Able to use logic in arguments

Apply logic to specific, concrete situations and problems

Able to manipulate symbols dealing with abstract concepts

Able to combine oral, visual, and written material in reports

Decision-making skill improves

Categorizes information in order to make sense of it

Summarizes information from a book in own words

Can read more adult-oriented materials, particularly those about topics of specific interest


AGES 10-12

Social & Emotional Development

23 Psychosocial Development


Industry vs. Inferiority: 7-11 yearsBusily learn to be competent and productive or feel inferior and unable to do anything well. Tries to develop a sense of self-worth by refining skills.

Identity vs. Role Confusion: Adolescence

Tries to figure out “who am I?” Establish sexual, ethnic, career identities or are confused about future roles.


Changes that Influence Social & Emotional


Biological/hormonal transformations

Psychological shifts that accompany emergence of sexuality

Increased capacity for abstract thinking

Educational/school transitions

Shifting relationships with family and peers

Heightened competition, social comparison, and self-assessment

Shifting social roles and expectations

More independence and unsupervised time

Coping with stresses of change


Self-Concept & Self-Esteem

Developing self-esteem requires positive reinforcement

Important to be part of a group

Typically far less optimistic; self-concept regarding their abilities and expectations for success tend to decline

Skills are not developing as rapidly as earlier in childhood

Receive more “failure feedback”

Reflect on their performances, compare to peers, learn that current failures may be clues to future performances

Some kids experiencing more frustration and pessimism about their abilities may be hesitant to try new things with which they are unlikely to succeed at first


10 Year-Olds

Emotionally direct, simple - less anxious & demanding

More often good-natured; moodiness is short-lived and infrequent

Can be very affectionate and concerned about others

Continues to enjoy crude humor and silliness

Fears are lessening

Enjoys clubs & group activities

Seeks approval for being “good” from significant people

May show interest in opposite sex but focus is still in small groups of same sex

Confides constantly in a best friend

Relates to peer group intensely & abides by group decisions

Can be fickle


11 & 12 Year-Olds

May be tired, moody, anxious, and bicker

Can be loud, rude, obnoxious; personal habits and manners take on less importance

Like to argue, yet can be cooperative & friendly

Like to take chances and defy rules

Greater urge for independence

Friends & groups are more important

More turmoil with friends

Strong need to conform

Opposite sex interests emerge (girls more so)

Tend to avoid complicated tasks

Very enthusiastic about likes and equally passionate about dislikes


Preteens in General

Active & energetic Fluctuate between

dependent child & independent pre-teen

Maturity level may vary greatly among individuals

Mature one moment, immature the next

Increasingly self-conscious & self-centered

Want to be like their friends

Peer pressure increasesWant to be “normal” – fear

being different

Like one-on-one time with adults

More modesty & privacyMost prefer activities

away from homeAre often very “giggly”May develop their own

code of behavior – music, language, dress, rules, etc.


Preteens in General

Develop group to which they may show extreme loyalty

May become experimenters and risk takers

Need guidance but are seeking independence and recognition as adults

Wants parental assistance but may resist when offered

Strong opinions

Hard on self and ultrasensitive to criticism

May experience sudden, dramatic, extreme emotions & emotional changes

Tends to conceal feelings

May anger quickly; Can show sharp, violent temper

Should be able to resolve conflicts and help others resolve conflicts in a positive manner

Strives to succeed


Characteristics Implications

Desire to learn adult skills and create useful products

Involve in daily chores, teach skills (cooking, woodworking), arts/crafts

Peer group & friends increasingly important

Unstructured time and safe place to “hang out”

Want to plan their own free time; resent being told what to do by adults

Include in planning from the start

May dislike being in a child care program and think they can take care of themselves

Give chance to contribute to decisions; use win-win problem-solving approach

Begin expanding interests in community beyond home & school

Visit various places

Increasing ability to plan and work together in groups

Provide more complex long-range projects


AGES 10-12

Related Issues


Related Issues

Home alone – self care

Active but not overscheduled

Friends & friendships



Discussion & Questions



Review resource materials

In-service evaluation


Next Session: Friday, Feb. 26, 9 – 11 am Part 4 - Influences, Risks, Resilience, & Resources