Death is the ultimate enigma; we will never understand its mysteries.

Post on 18-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Death is the ultimate enigma; we will never understand its mysteries.

Death is the ultimate enigma; we will never understand its mysteries.

Nicole always prided herself on her absolute candor, which extended even to her break-up methods.

reticent (adj): restrained,uncommunicative

Tibet has been arguing for its autonomy for years, but China insists that it is a part of the PRC.

This Hindu man lives a very ascetic lifestyle, eschewing the accumulation of material wealth.

When asked to analyze themes of Steinbeck’s “Of Mice and Men,” it is important to stay away from banal observations.

The ending of “Of Mice and Men” is ambiguous in terms of what exactly will happen to George.

Many aidorganizationssent money,supplies andpeople toameliorate the conditions inHaiti after theearthquake there.

Don’t let your brain atrophy over the summer—continue reading and engaging your brain!