DBAmp For App Exchange

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Transcript of DBAmp For App Exchange

DBAmp presents...

A Day in the Life of aSalesforce.com Admin

8:35 in the morning.

CFO calling....

“I need a full copy of our Salesforce.com data stored in

our local database.”

8:35 in the morning.

You say...

“No problem. I’ll use DBAmp to make a complete

Salesforce.com backup to our SQL Database.”

8:35 in the morning.

exec sf_ReplicateAll SALESFORCE

10:05 in the morning.

Email from VP of Sales...

“Is there some way we can have the leads from our website automatically uploaded to

Salesforce.com ?”

10:05 in the morning.

You say...

“I’ll setup a SQL Job using DBAmp that inserts the new leads every

5 minutes.”

10:05 in the morning.

Insert into SALESFORCE...Lead (Comp.

11:45 in the morning.

Marketing Manager comes up with an idea...

“I want to see a report with some local data

joined with real-time salesforce.com data.

11:45 in the morning.

You say...

“Using DBAmp, we can join any local data

to salesforce.com data with a simple SQL Select.

11:45 in the morning.

Select L.ERP_Status, S.Name

From LocalERP L


Where L.ExtId = S.ExtId

1:05 in the afternoon.

VP of Engineering IM’s...

“Please upload our current product catalog into salesforce.com.”

1:05 in the afternoon.

You say...

“I’ll use DBAmp to bulk upload the catalog into the salesforce.com

products right now.”

1:05 in the afternoon.

exec sf_BulkOps Insert, Product_Load

3:30 in the afternoon.

Call from the Western Sales Manager...

“I need real-time data about my accounts for a spreadsheet I’m


3:30 in the afternoon.

You say...

“Let me show you how to use DBAmp to access live

salesforce.com data in excel.”

3:30 in the afternoon.

Save the day at your organization.

Download DBAmp today!