Dawley day 22nd

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Transcript of Dawley day 22nd

Dawley day at the Bucks Head 22nd October 2010

Dawley Supporters Group

The AFC Telford United Peer Review said ‘Set up local supporters groups’

The Supporters trust launched the idea

The Dawley supporters rose to the challenge

They defined their territory

Set 22nd October as Dawley Day and produced a poster

Put it up in pubs

Community centres

Approached local organisations for sponsorship

Researched local history and found ‘Fatty’ Folke

Looked for and found a modern day equivalent

Found other giants of Dawley and the folk lore that went with them

Found a local pig

Created a new game – ‘pig on the wall cross bar challenge’

Visited local Junior football teams

Lawley and Lightmoor Comets

Who play at Lightmoor, Lawley and

And Dawley in the shadows of the new Phoenix field

Signed up their Chairman

And all his teams

Invited Ryan Young down for some practice

He kept a clean sheet

And stood proud with his new team mates

On the day itself – people arrived for 10.30

Kitted up and ready for action

Plenty of planning went on

Then things kicked off

But all in good spirit

The new five a side courts looked great

Plenty of competition

What a shot!

No where to hide

Apart from behind the special guest!

Then for the tour

Away changing rooms

Plenty to celebrate

What we hoped AFC Telford would look like

What it looks like

The man in control

Telford United

The manager showed his appreciation

When are you going to revert to 4-4-2?

Bobby tells it how it is

Every one agrees with Bobby

The dynamic duo

Who is the daddy?

Make yourselves look as big as you can

Bobby has a plan

A special game to keep the kids interested

‘I’ve got my eye on you’

Look there I am

Ryan in the thick of it

What’s for dinner?


And chips

Isn’t it just

Team talk

Who is your role model?


‘ Can I be captain?’

‘We need to be pushing further forward’

‘My main tip to you goalie is always try and make yourself look big and tuck your shirt in’

A bit like this

Mark and Luis Bradley came all the way from Bradford to see Dawley day

We showed them around and they thought what we were doing was ‘very special’

Queues to get in!

Tickets with bar codes to see who had turned up

Dawley expects

Special programme for the day

The shop did extra trade

Shirts sold well

Even George Cadbury turned up - with a bucket of chocolates

The pig was placed on the cross bar

Lawley & Lightmoor paraded their specially made banner

Special water from Loam hole dingle was on sale

There was even a football match played

Against Gateshead

But the real entertainment came at half time

‘Fatty’ used all his agility to keep this one out

Luke won the gift voucher from Dawley Meats with an expertly placed chop

The celebrities celebrated with Celebrations

The Dimensions folk got a close up view

Telford scored

More celebrations – with George Cadbury not in sight

What a day

When can we come back?