Post on 21-Dec-2014

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Hello all,

The stream of manufactured terrorist attacks since - and including - 9/11 have many common themes and one is the connection between intelligence agencies 'protecting people' and the 'terrorists' those same agencies blame for killing people.

This is nothing new in the sick and shady world of the 'intelligence community' where often 'recruitment' is just another way of saying 'find us a psychopath'.

It has long been publicly established that British intelligence (their word, not mine) planted its agents in the Irish terror groups and then fed them 'information' about people in Northern Ireland that military intelligence wanted dead. They would say that this or that person were government informers and they would then be killed by the terrorists.

In effect, the intelligence hierarchy turned the terrorists they were supposed to be targeting into their own assassination squad.

The assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas in 1963 was another prime example of how the intelligence agencies operate. For a start they are fiercely compartmentalised so that each section only knows so much.

A friend worked at the British intelligence 'listening station', or GCHQ in Cheltenham, England, where communications traffic from across the world is monitored. He said that each employee had an electronic card that allowed them to access only those parts of the building where they worked. They could

not go anywhere else. Only the few at the top had cards that could take them everywhere and this is the way the system operates at every level.

There were two CIA groups at work in Dealey Plaza the day that President Kennedy was killed and one of them had no idea the other existed. The first group, including Lee Harvey Oswald, the man blamed for the assassination, believed they were there just to fire shots as Kennedy passed. This, they were told, would then be portrayed as an assassination attempt by the Castro regime, thus justifying an invasion of Cuba.

Readers of Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster will recall the documents that came to light about Operation Northwoods, the plan by the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon during the Kennedy presidency to create engineered 'terrorist events' to be blamed on Castro.

The second group in Dealey Plaza, however, knew the real story. They were there to kill the president.

Lee Harvey Oswald, a former Marine, was a CIA asset who was set up to take the rap, as they say. He was the fall guy, not the killer. But the cover story about the plan to fire shots and nothing more put him in the sixth floor window of the Texas School Book Depository, where he worked, at the time that Kennedy passed through the Plaza. The 'fire to miss' shots also caused confusion about which direction the bullets came from.

Witnesses claimed they saw shots being fired from the Grassy Knoll to the front of Kennedy's car and from the Texas School Book Depository which was behind the motorcade. They both were right because there were two CIA groups involved. The sting on Oswald also meant that his prints were on the rifle and other material at the scene.

The personal cine film captured by onlooker Abraham Zapruder later clearly revealed that Kennedy was shot with a bullet in the front of the head while Oswald was positioned behind him and could not possibly have been the killer.

The frame in the Zapruder film when Kennedy was hit by the fatal bullet - from the front.

You can find various versions of the Zapruder film by clicking here ... http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Zapruder+film&search=Search

Oswald would have known immediately the president was hit that either something had gone terribly wrong or he had been set up. That's why he ran before being caught in a movie theatre. By the time he was interrogated by Dallas police it would have been clear that he had been set up and he said he was not the killer, but the 'patsy' - a Mafia term to describe someone falsely blamed for a crime they didn't commit.

The Illuminati behind the assassination could not risk a court case in which Oswald would publicly tell his story and so they arranged for him to be escorted through a car park in the basement of Dallas Police Station where Mafia gofer, the mentally-disturbed Jack Ruby, real name Jacob Rubenstein, was waiting to kill him. The president was dead and so was the patsy, and now they could tell whatever story they liked.

Oswald was taken by police to a place where Jack Ruby could kill him and stop him telling a public court what really happened

The incoming president, Lyndon Johnson, who absolutely was in on the plot, reversed all of Kennedy's policies, not least on withdrawing from Vietnam, and also appointed corrupt insiders to the Warren Commission to 'investigate' the assassination. They decided, of course they did, that there was no evidence that either Lee Harvey Oswald or Jack Ruby was part of any conspiracy, domestic or foreign, or that there was a conspiracy, subversion, or disloyalty to the U.S. Government by any Federal, State, or local official. It concluded that Oswald acted alone.

It also presented the rib-tickling 'magic bullet theory' in which one bullet was supposed to have hit two people, changing direction many times to do so.

The entire conclusion was laughable, but then the Commission included people like former CIA chief Allen Dulles, who was sacked by Kennedy, and was part of the plot to kill him! See And The Truth Shall Set You Free for the detailed background to the Kennedy assassination.

I would suggest that a very similar story can be told with regard to Mohamed Atta and company and the attacks of September 11th. He and others were set up to be in the wrong place at the wrong time thinking they were there to do something else.

The official story of Atta falls down at first base. The attacks, we are told, were carried out by Islamic fanatics as part of a Jihad or holy war against the United States. Well, two of the very basic tenets of the Muslim religion are that you never drink alcohol and never eat the meat of a pig.

Atta, it turns out, was a heavy drinker, regularly snorted cocaine, and his favourite food was pork chops. An Islamic fanatic he wasn't. So why would he be the 'lead hijacker' in a suicide attack on behalf of an Islamic 'holy war'? Answer, he wasn't.

Amanda Keller, a stripper, lingerie model (how very Islamic) and Atta's former girlfriend, tells a very different story about this 'Islamic extremist' to the one the authorities want us to believe - click here to see video ... http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=14738

Amanda Keller's story was told in the German newspaper, Der Bild

Keller was tracked down by journalist Daniel Hopsicker for his book, Welcome to Terrorland: Mohamed Atta & the 9-11 Cover-Up in Florida (Mad Cow Press, $29.95). Daniel has been the vociferous investigator of the Florida connection to 9/11, the state governed by neo-con and president's brother, Jeb Bush. Fourteen of the alleged hijackers are said to have made Florida their base of operation.

In particular, the focus is on the two flight schools in Venice, Florida, attended by Atta and eight other alleged 9/11 terrorists. These were Huffman Aviation and the Florida Flight Training Center, both at Venice Airport, a notorious location for drug flights to and from South America.

In an amazing coincidence, well beyond the bounds of my believability, we are told that two Dutchmen, Rudi Dekkers and Arne Kruithof, bought the two schools within months of each other purely by chance and that again, purely by chance, Arab would-be pilots began to arrive at the schools in unprecedented numbers. Hopsicker calls this the Magic Dutch Boy Theory.

Atta attended the Dekkers school, Hoffman Aviation, after leaving Germany where he was part of an elite international 'exchange' program, a 'joint venture' between the U.S. and German governments, and run by a little-known private

organization which, says Hopsicker, has close ties to Illuminati political figures like David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger.

Rockefeller and Kissinger - big-time Illuminati operatives

The FBI has systematically covered up the Florida connection. It claimed instead that it had no idea where Atta was between leaving the flying school, according to Dekkers about Christmas 2000, and when they officially pick him up again in May 2001. This is nonsense, as Hopsicker reveals, because numerous witnesses told them where Atta was in that time - in Venice.

He lived in nearby North Port from January 2001 until early March and then moved in with Amanda Keller in the Sandpiper Apartments. All this was happening four months after the FBI tell us Atta left Venice and they lost track of him. Dekkers claims he never saw Atta again after he left in late 2000 and yet several witnesses saw them together in Venice two weeks before the attacks and another said Atta bought a sandwich from her in Venice one week before 9/11.

Rudi Dekkers - while running another flight school in Naples, Florida, he crashed planes, violated air space, chartered planes without a license, and was reported to the FAA for

several other violations. Naples aviation executive, John Vellada, said that 'everything he ever did, from A to Z, was illegal'

Why is the FBI covering up what happened in Venice and why has Rudi Dekkers not been held to account for his false testimony? The answer, says Hopsicker, is that Dekkers was a CIA asset and the CIA was running the whole operation. He said in a radio interview:

'I discovered that we were dealing with flight school owners who are CIA assets... Mohamed Atta was in this country as a result of a program being run through the Central Intelligence Agency.'

Hopsicker says the FBI lied to protect Dekkers and, in turn, Dekkers lied to Congress about his relationship with Atta. The 9/11 Commission, set up to whitewash the whole story, basically ignores the flight schools in Venice. Appropriately, the first person appointed by Bush to head the Commission was Henry Kissinger until too many questions were asked about his own activities.

Venice, Florida, the centre of so much preparation for the 9/11 attacks. The nearby Sarasota is the location of the Emma E. Booker Elementary School where President Bush

was located on the morning of September 11th

Whenever you are dealing with a CIA connection you'll almost always find drug running operations. This is one of the main ways that their 'black ops' are financed without using official funds that can be traced.

The owner, with Dekkers, of Huffman Aviation was a guy called Wally Hilliard and on July 25th, 2000, while Atta was attending the flight school, Hilliard's Learjet in Orlando was found to have 43 pounds of heroin aboard by the Drug Enforcement Agency. The Orlando Sentinel called it 'the biggest drug

seizure in central Florida history'. Hopsicker says it is no coincidence that Atta was, allegedly with Hilliard's help, selling Afghanistan's opium and heroin that financed the Taliban.

You'll remember that in last week's newsletter I said that the Taliban/al-Qaeda/Osama bin Laden/Afghanistan drug running operation was being coordinated by Pakistan intelligence, the ISI, the very same organisation alleged to have sent a large amount of money to Mohamed Atta in Florida before 9/11!

Atta's girlfriend, Amanda Keller, says that he had a constant supply of cash and drugs:

'These guys had money flowing out their ass. They never seemed to run out of money. They had massive supplies of cocaine. Whenever they'd run out, they'd go over to the flight school. I followed them one day with Sabrina (another German friend of Atta's) to see where they were going, and saw them go into Florida Flight Training.'

Dekkers and Hilliard were also flush with money despite losing a fortune on the flying school. One observer said of Dekkers: 'He didn't even have the money to buy gas for an airplane ... and yet a year later he shows up and plops

a million seven, a million eight or two million dollars on the table as if it were paper money.'

Venice Airport, Florida, a centre for CIA drug operations

Years earlier Atta is reported to have enrolled as a student at the International Officer's School at Maxwell Airforce Base, and witnesses recall him being introduced at an officers' club party. The New York Times reported on September 15th 2001: 'Three of the men identified as the hijackers in the attacks on Tuesday have the same names as alumni of American military schools, the authorities said today. The men were identified as Mohamed Atta, Abdulaziz al-Omari and Saeed al-Ghamdi.

The Defense Department said Mr. Atta had gone to the International Officers School at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama; Mr. al-Omari to the Aerospace Medical School at Brooks Air Force Base in Texas; and Mr. al-Ghamdi to the Defense Language Institute at the Presidio in Monterey, Calif.'

Atta's email list included people working for defence contractors like the Canadian firm, Virtual Prototypes, which helped to develop the avionics for the F-15, F-22 and B-2. He was fluent in at least Arabic, English, German, French and Hebrew and his demeanour and flash clothes led many to believe he was connected to the mob.

This was no Islamic extremist willing to give his life for the cause. This was a man who was heard to say in one of his countless drunken states: 'Fuck God'.

What we are looking at here is a sting on Atta and others, who were part of the CIA's drug operation in Florida, to set them up to be blamed for 9/11. They thought they were doing one thing, but in fact they were being manipulated to another end.

This is why the movements and official story of Mohamed Atta make no sense, as I expose in detail in Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster. It is a cover story, that's all, and they are normally full of holes.

When you look at other 'Islamic terrorism' you find similar connections to the intelligence network.

The man accused of supplying the dynamite used in the 'al-Qaeda' train bombings in Madrid was in possession of the private telephone number of the head of Spain's Civil Guard bomb squad, reported the London Times. It said the 'revelation has raised fresh concerns in Madrid about links between those held responsible for the March bombings, which killed 190 people, and Spain's security services ...'

Haroon Rashid Aswat

John Loftus, an American intelligence specialist and former prosecutor for the Justice Department, told US television that the alleged 'mastermind' of the London bombings in July 2005 was a double agent with British intelligence. Loftus said of Haroon Rashid Aswat:

'Back in 1999 he came to America. The Justice Department wanted to indict him in Seattle because him and his buddy were trying to ... set up a terrorist training school in Oregon ... We've just learned that the headquarters of the US Justice Department ordered the Seattle prosecutors not to touch Aswat, apparently Aswat was working for British intelligence ...'

'... what's really embarrassing is that the entire British police are out chasing him, and one wing of the British government, MI6 or the British Secret Service, has been hiding him.'

Nothing new there, then.

(For more of what John Loftus had to say click here ... http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=CHO20050801&articleId=782

The 'London bombers' - still more patsies

These themes are the constant in the bogus 'war on terror'. Those who wish to justify the Orwellian global state need the 'problem' of Islamic terrorism. So they create it using the techniques of problem-reaction-solution, manipulated patsies and compartmentalisation.

Mohamed Atta was not a nice man to say the very least. But on one level he was just another victim, another expendable, in the plan for global control.



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Israeli bombs keep on killing

'Unexploded Israeli cluster bombs, some dating back to the Vietnam war era, are exacting an increasing toll on Lebanese civilians returning

home, the UN and human rights groups say. Figures from the Lebanese military show that eight people, including several children,

have been killed and a further 38 wounded by cluster bomb explosions since the start of a ceasefire on August 14 to end a month-long conflict

between Israel and Hezbollah.'

Read more ...

And how long it has been going on ... Deir Yassin Remembered

Menachem Begin ... the butcher of Deir Yassin who went on to be Prime Minister of Israel

Click here to watch ...

10 Key Questions For Israeli Zionists

'The time has arrived to promote an open, rigorous and respectful debate on fundamental questions regarding the origins of the

extremely dangerous and violent conflict which has exploded in the Middle East, and which today threatens to spread and encompass

other regions of the world. We propose starting this by posing Ten Key Questions to Israeli Zionists from the viewpoint of a very concerned

Argentine citizen.'

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Nicole Kidman condemns Hamas and Hezbollah, but Israel's just a victim

'The actress, joined by 84 other high-profile Hollywood stars, directors, studio bosses and media moguls, has taken out a powerfully-worded full page advertisement in today's Los Angeles Times newspaper. It

specifically targets "terrorist organisations" such as Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Palestine. "We the undersigned are pained and devastated by the civilian casualties in Israel and Lebanon caused by

terrorist actions initiated by terrorist organisations such as Hezbollah and Hamas," the ad reads.'

'Shhhh ... don't criticise Israel, it's a bad career move - it's all the Arabs' fault.'

'Did I do good, sir? Did I say the right thing, sir? Will I get a good movie, sir?'

'I'll be pained and devastated if I don't.'

Read more ...

By the way, two 'Hollywood powerplayers' supporting the ad, Sumner Redstone (born Sumner Murray Rothstein), the majority owner of Paramount Pictures, Viacom and CBS, and billionaire mogul, Haim

Saban, are both Jewish and fundamental supporters of Israel.

Oh, unbiased then.

Ariel Sharon with Haim Saban


But here's another member of the entertainment industry telling a very different story about the world ...

Aaron Russo, producer of America: Freedom to Fascism

Click here to watch ...

Israel accused over 'war crimes'

'Amnesty International has accused Israel of committing war crimes by deliberately targeting civilian infrastructure in Lebanon. The human

rights group says attacks on homes, bridges, roads and water and fuel plants were an "integral part" of Israel's strategy in the recent war.'

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The American Psychological Association Meets Dr. Mengele

'Even as the unindicted war criminal Donald Rumsfeld persists in the totally-discredited fiction that the U.S. military doesn't torture, the

American Psychological Association (APA) provides cover for its uniformed professionals to continue to devise torture plans for inmates

at Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib and perhaps other secret prisons of the far-flung American empire.

Mimicking the Pentagon lie model, the APA recently uttered a gratuitous self-serving pronouncement that participation in torture by its psychologist members is forbidden, while at the same time failing

to modify its more permissive Code of Ethics to reflect such high piety.'

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Russia Overtakes Saudi Arabia as World's Leading Oil Producer - OPEC

'Statistics recently published by the oil cartel OPEC show that Russia is currently extracting more oil than Saudi Arabia, making it the biggest producer of "black gold" in the world, the British Financial Times has


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Six kept in Guantanamo Bay even after charges are dropped

'Six men suspected of plotting to blow up the U.S. Embassy in Sarajevo, Bosnia, were brought to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in 2002. They remain imprisoned there even though the charges against them were dropped. The detainees and their lawyers claim that they are still

being held because releasing them would mean the U.S. having to admit an embarrassing error, while the Pentagon says it has classified

information indicating the men are dangerous.'

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Here we go ... as David Icke has long predicted ...

... Is the Next Step a Draft?

'An Iraq War veterans group says the call-up of thousands of Marines from the Individual Ready Reserve, announced by the Pentagon today,

is "one of the last steps before resorting to a draft."'

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'The pioneers of a warless world are the young men (and women) who refuse military service.' - Albert Einstein

Say No! to the Draft

Beating the Drums of War: US Troop Build-up

'It is now being specified and openly stated that the U.S. Marines have started recalling or legally summoning thousands of 'inactive

servicemen' to serve in Iraq and the Middle East, where the number of U.S. troops and contracted security personal are dropping towards

hap-hazardous levels that seem to be worrying American commanders in Iraq and the Pentagon's military planners, especially in light of the recent escalation and intensifying tension(s) and resistance to Anglo-

American occupation in the Middle East and Afghanistan.'

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Giuliani Aide Found Strangled in Manhattan

'A man who once served as a press secretary to Mayor Giuliani was strangled to death in his Greenwich Village home Monday night as an apparent tryst turned fatal, police said. The body of Martin Barreto,

49, was found lying naked on the bed of his eighth floor apartment in

the Albert building at 23 E. 10th St., near University Place. He died of "asphyxia due to compression of the neck" and his death has been

ruled a homicide, the medical examiner's office said yesterday.'

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Judicial Watch Smears Judge Who Ruled Warrantless Wiretapping Is Illegal

Last week, Judge Anna Diggs Taylor ruled that President Bush's

warrantless wiretapping program was unconstitutional. Subsquently, Taylor was attacked by the conservative group Judicial Watch which claimed that she had a "conflict of interest" because she "serves as a

Secretary and Trustee for a foundation that donated funds to the ACLU of Michigan, a plaintiff in the case."

Judicial Watch's allegation has garnered extensive media coverage. It's

a bogus charge. Here are the facts:

- Over the last two years the Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan has donated about $50 million to charitable causes. Its $45,000 in grants to the ACLU represents just .09% of their total


- The money to the ACLU had nothing to do with their activities relating to this litigation or government surveillance. The grant funded

'a gay rights project.'

- Judge Taylor is one of 50 community members on the foundation's board. It wasn't a personal decision by Judge Taylor.

None of this information was disclosed by Judicial Watch. Once you

know the facts, there is not a "reasonable question about [her] impartiality" based on the foundation's activities. That hasn't stopped

the media (or the blogosphere) from breathlessly reporting the "story."



Bush predicts courts will uphold security wiretaps

'Stung by a judge's ruling, President George W Bush said on Friday he expects US courts to uphold his belief that a National Security Agency

eavesdropping program does not violate US civil rights. At a news conference, Bush said he strongly disagreed with a ruling on Thursday by US District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor in Detroit that wiretaps under

the Terrorist Surveillance Program violated freedom of speech, protections against unreasonable searches and a constitutional check

on the power of the presidency.'

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Airline Insanity A Test For Police State Caste System

'Escalating security measures, body scans, lie detector tests and behavior analysis now being forced upon unwitting human livestock passing through airports are the first stage of an agenda to create a two tier caste system whereby only government authorized citizens will be able to travel and everyone will be subject to intense airport

style harassment on city streets.

Recent incidents that caused delays and diversions on airliners - including the latest example where a flight was turned back due to a

group of men using mobile phones - underscore the unmitigated hysteria created by the politically timed release of the alleged foiled

plot announcement two weeks ago.'

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Jet alert suspects 'to be freed'

'All 12 passengers arrested after a US airliner returned to Amsterdam will be released, Dutch prosecutors say. Northwest Airlines flight 42, bound for Mumbai (Bombay) in India, changed course over Germany and flew back to Schiphol airport on Wednesday. The 12 men, said to be of Asian appearance, reportedly aroused suspicion by fiddling with

mobile phones and plastic bags.'

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Wearing a coat doesn't make you a terrorist

Terrorists: what to watch for

'Muslim leaders yesterday blasted British passengers who staged a mutiny on a holiday jet after accusing two innocent Asian men of being terrorists. The packed flight from Malaga to Manchester was delayed more than three hours after worried trippers stormed off and refused

to fly until the British-born Muslims were removed.

The pair - later cleared by police - aroused suspicions by speaking Arabic and wearing heavy overcoats in the Mediterranean heat.'

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To Build the Impossible Bomb

'Muslims were planning to blow up a bunch of jetliners enroute from London to America - or so say George Bush and Tony Blair.

Muslims without tickets.

Muslims without passports.

Muslims without bombs.

Muslims without a clue ... and they aren't the only ones, it turns out.Without a clue, that is.

What kind of bombs? TATP bombs, short for triacetone triperoxide. What's more, Bush and Blair told us that Muslims favor the TATP

bomb, mixed on the spot with separate liquids.With that lie, both Bush and Blair foreclosed any possibility that the Muslims involved actually

were guilty. With that lie, both Bush and Blair disclosed themselves for the treasonous, lying criminals that they are. Why? Glad you asked.'


Five key questions for anti-terror investigation

'Nine days ago Paul Stephenson, the deputy commissioner of the Metropolitan police, told the public his officers had thwarted a plot to

commit "mass murder on an unimaginable scale".

It was an apocalyptic scenario challenged at the time by journalists, who forced an admission that what was meant by these words was "on a scale never before witnessed in Britain", reducing the potential death

toll from tens of thousands to hundreds. Today 23 suspects, two of them women, are being held on suspicion of plotting to commit terrorist offences. While police interrogate them, there are many

unanswered questions.'

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Eleven charged over 'bomb plot'

'Police outside house Police have been searching a number of addresses in the UK Eleven people have been charged in connection with an alleged plot to blow up several transatlantic airliners. Eight have been charged with conspiracy to murder and preparing acts of


Two are accused of failing to disclose information and a 17-year-old faces a charge of possessing articles useful to a person preparing acts of terrorism. One woman has been freed without charge and eleven

people remain in custody, the Crown Prosecution Service said.'

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New WTC Complex Photos Highlight Bizarre Building 7 Collapse

'Buildings 5 and 6, closer to towers burned throughout but did not collapse. Previously unseen photos provided to us by a fireman who

was at ground zero on 9/11 highlight the implausible implosion of WTC Building 7 in comparison with buildings closer to the towers that sustained significantly more fire and debris damage yet did not


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Army Intelligence Analyst Targeted For Suggesting New Independent 9/11 Investigation

'Forty-one-year-old Sergeant First Class Donald Buswell is a hero. Having served over 19 years in the United States Army, Buswell has seen a lot of terrain. On April 15, 2004, he was injured in a rocket

attack while serving a tour in Iraq. For this, SFC Buswell was given a Purple Heart. And until recently, Buswell was an Intelligence Analyst stationed at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas. But if one were to ask Buswell's

Commanding Officer what he thinks of the Sergeant, the response would likely sound a little bit more like, "No comment."

Such were the words given to The Iconoclast by Lieutenant Colonel

Jane Crichton after inquiring why SFC Buswell is the focus of an investigation initiated by Colonel Luke S. Green, Chief of Staff at Fifth

Army in Ft. Sam Houston.'

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September 11 Revisited

New DVD about explosions that brought down the Twin Towers

Click here to watch ...

Flight 93 'was shot down', says London Daily Mail

'Yet my own exhaustive investigations have led me to conclude that the story of Flight 93 is far from being the straightforward account of supreme courage that the authorities would have us believe. Instead,

the real story is mired in cynical manipulation and warmongering propaganda.

I am convinced there is evidence to suggest a wholly sinister twist to the tale that already holds pride of place in American folklore. For I

believe that Flight 93 may well have been deliberately shot down as a means of stopping it from reaching its ultimate target - even at the

expense of the 40 blameless people on board.'

All true, as I have been saying for five years, but it wasn't to stop the plane hitting another building, it was to stop the whole

conspiracy being exposed by the plane managing to land.

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Last man out of the World Trade Center

'The next 9/11 tale to hit the silver screen could be that of a World Trade Center janitor whose heroism helped save hundreds of lives. William Rodriguez says he is in talks with actors Charlie Sheen and Esai Morales to turn his riveting story into a feature film - and a top

writer-director, David Marconi, is already involved in the project. In a strange twist on the usual 9/11-hero tale, Rodriguez had pursued a federal lawsuit charging that the Sept. 11 attacks were a conspiracy orchestrated by President Bush to justify wars in Afghanistan and


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Map details global 'water stress'

'The alarming extent of water scarcity across the world is detailed in a map compiled by a leading environmental think tank. It shows two key

types of scarcity; water is said to be either physically scarce or economically scarce. The map appears in a report by the International

Water Management Institute (IWMI) on the use of water in agriculture.'

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Texas ranchers in crisis as drought deepens

'It was in the rows of trailers that swamped the parking lot like a super Wal-Mart. It was in the protruding ribs of skinny cows being sold after

months of too little to eat. It was on the tongue of every rancher who'd lost his bet with Mother Nature and was forced to sell long

before his cows were ready - at a hefty loss.'

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Implanted Chips in Troops?

'A Florida company wants to get under the skin of 1.4 million U.S. servicemen and women. VeriChip Corp, based in Delray Beach, Fla., and described by the D.C. Examiner as "one of the most aggressive

marketers of radio frequency identification chips," is hoping to convince the Pentagon to allow them to insert the chips, known as

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) chips under the skin of the right arms of U.S. servicemen and servicewomen to enable them to scan an

arm and obtain that person's identity and medical history. The chips would replace the legendary metal dog tags that have been worn by

U.S. military personnel since 1906.'

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This is the company exposed in David Icke's book, Children of the Matrix, and others.

Click here for details

Infineon supplies RFID chips for US passports

'Infineon is the first company to announce a major contract to supply RFID chips that will be integrated in US passports. The chips will carry

digital copies of the citizen's picture as well as the printed documentation in the passport. Infineon promises that more than "50 individual security mechanisms" are protecting the data saved on the


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Scam to gather British DNA

'A project to collect DNA samples from half a million Britons to unpick the genetic basis of killer diseases including cancer got the go-ahead

on Tuesday, marking the start of the world's biggest medical experiment. A team of international scientific and medical experts said

the success of a local three-month pilot phase, involving 3,800 participants around Manchester, meant the UK Biobank project could

now be rolled out nationwide from the end of 2006.'

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Only 20% Of Britons Believe Blair On Terror Threats

'A figure that is both telling and foreboding - that only one fifth of British citizens believe the Blair government is telling the truth on

terror alerts - increases the chances of a staged attack to reinforce the notion that Islamo-Fascism is a real danger and not the invention of a ruthless Neo-Fascist government that has all but abolished freedom in

the United Kingdom.

A Guardian/ICM poll today reveals that just 20% of British voters believe the government is telling the truth about the threat to bomb transatlantic airliners using liquid explosives - meaning 80% of the country do not trust Blair and the war on terror agenda. Blair's re-

election itself was carried with a majority of just 33% and since only half of the country actually voted, that means only just above a quarter of British citizens actively support their government.'

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Neo-con warmonger Kristol: 'We Could Be In A Military Confrontation With Iran Much Sooner Than People Expect'

Kristol: 'Bomb them, bomb everyone, except Washington 'cos that's there I am.'

'Kristol is attempting to hype the Iranian situation as a crisis. As Retired Army Lt. Gen. Robert G. Gard said recently, "To call the

Iranian situation a 'crisis' connotes you have to do something right now, like bomb them."'

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Play it again, scam ...

'African uranium redux. The neo-cons are re-using their Iraq War playbook. In this case it is Iran, not Iraq, supposedly purchasing

uranium from Africa, not from Niger, but from Congo.

On Aug. 6, 2006, Rupert Murdoch's main British mouthpiece, The Sunday Times, reported that "Iran is seeking to import large

consignments of uranium from Africa." It was a similar utterance, contained in a bogus 16-word claim by George W. Bush in his 2003

State of the Union address that was used, in part, to justify America's

and Britain's disastrous invasion and occupation of Iraq. Now, the same canard is being used to justify a U.S. attack on Iran.'


Speaker of Palestinian parliament abducted by Israel and charged with being a member of the elected ruling party in


Imagine if any other country went into another land and abducted its political leaders. There would be a global outcry with Bush and Blair at

the fore of the condemnation. But when Israel do it - silence.

'An Israeli court has charged the speaker of the Palestinian parliament, Abdel Aziz Dweik, with being a member of the militant group Hamas. Mr Dweik is one of dozens of Hamas officials to be detained by Israeli

authorities in recent weeks. Hamas, which leads the Palestinian government, is illegal in Israel and regarded as a terrorist


Standing in shackles before a court in an Israeli prison, Mr Dweik said the court had no right to charge him. "It is a political trial, and I don't

recognise it," Mr Dweik said. "I am an elected official."

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Palestinian deputy PM arrested

'Israeli soldiers have arrested the Palestinian deputy prime minister, the army said, the highest-ranking Hamas official to be arrested in a six-week-old crackdown against the ruling Hamas party. Troops burst into the home of Nasser Shaer -- considered to be a relative moderate -- around 4:30 a.m. Saturday and took him away, the deputy prime

minister's wife, Huda, said.'

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Israeli Secrets I Shouldn't Know

By Barry Chamish

'Ben-Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel, seemed to have remarkable prescience. Invited in 1962 to predict what the world

would be like in 25 years' time, he told Look magazine:

"The image of the world in 1987 as traced in my imagination:

* The Cold War will be a thing of the past.

* Internal pressure of the constantly growing intelligensia in Russia for more freedom and the pressure of the masses for raising their living standards may lead to a gradual democratization of the Soviet Union.

* Western and Eastern Europe will become a federation of autonomous states having a Socialist and democratic regime.

* With the exception of the USSR as a federated Eurasian state, all other continents will become united in a world alliance, at whose

disposal will be an international police force.

* All armies will be abolished, and there will be no more wars.

In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United Nations) will build a shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the scene of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all

controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah."

And here is Ben Gurion's dream shrine, the Supreme Court building designed by the Rothschilds.':

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Vehicle 'black boxes' compulsory from 2008

'Big Brother will be watching you for sure by 2008 -- the year a proposed requirement that Event Data Recorders (EDRs) become

mandatory standard equipment in all new cars and trucks will become law unless public outrage puts the kibosh on it somehow.

EDRs are "black boxes" -- just like airplanes have. They can record a wide variety of things -- including how fast you drive and whether you

"buckle-up for safety." The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) wants EDRs to be installed in every new

vehicle beginning with model year 2008 -- on the theory that the information will help crash investigators more accurately determine

the hows and whys of accidents.'

Oh, I don't think that's the real reason, somehow ...

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Red Chinese Slave Labor Floods NAFTA Marketplace With Cheap Goods

'The NAFTA marketplace unrestrained in the pursuit of cheap labor has driven an increasing volume of manufacturing off-shore to Communist China, where slave prison camps offer a cost of labor that is hard to

beat. Chinese made goods ranging from electronics to toys and clothes are daily sold in mass marketing retailers such as Wal-Mart, Home

Depot, K-Mart, Target, Lowes, and dozens of other U.S. corporations.'

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Congress Poised to Unravel the Internet

'In both the House and Senate versions of the bill, Americans are described as "consumers" and "subscribers," not citizens deserving substantial rights when it comes to the creation and distribution of

digital media. A handful of companies stand to gain incredible

monopoly power from such legislation, especially AT&T, Comcast, Time Warner and Verizon. They have already used their political clout in

Washington to secure for the phone and cable industries a stunning 98 percent control of the US residential market for high-speed Internet.'

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The Death of The Internet?

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Secret rooms, the entire internet?

'In 2003 AT&T built "secret rooms" hidden deep in the bowels of its central offices in various cities, housing computer gear for a

government spy operation which taps into the company's popular WorldNet service and the entire internet. These installations enable the

government to look at every individual message on the internet and analyze exactly what people are doing. Documents showing the

hardwire installation in San Francisco suggest that there are similar locations being installed in numerous other cities.'

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Spot the Difference?

Bush pledges $230m in Lebanon aid

'President George W Bush has announced that the US is to boost its aid package to Lebanon to $230m. The money would be used to help rebuild Lebanese homes and infrastructure, he told reporters at the

White House.'

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US extends $9 billion credit line to Israel

'The Bush administration has agreed to an Israel demand that a loan guarantee deal be extended by an additional three years, until 2011. The Congress needs to approve the move. Finance Minister Abraham

Hirchson said the administration's conceding to Israel's request underscores Washington's faith in Israeli economy.'

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Dying To Help

'On Sunday, August 20th, I attended a screening of a documentary called "The Toxic Clouds of 9/11: A Looming Health Disaster",

produced and directed by Allison Johnson of The Chemical Sensitivity Foundation. It was a disturbing film. It was a heartbreaking film. It

was a film in which workers and residents, who had been exposed to the toxic fumes of 9/11, shared their stories of illness, suffering and


These were the stories of people who selflessly volunteered in the aftermath of the World Trade Center disaster. These were the stories of people who risked their lives for their fellow human beings. And

these were the stories of people who are now paying a deadly price for their heroism.'

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Katrina: disaster profiteers pocket millions in deals

'A year after Hurricane Katrina, the reconstruction of the devastated Gulf coast is being severely hampered by waste and inefficiency

overseen by "disaster profiteers" who are making million of dollars, according to a watchdog group. The group claims the inefficiency - along with the companies' political connections - follows a pattern

similar to what happened in Afghanistan and Iraq.'

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French to reopen Diana death investigation

'The French legal authorities are to reinvestigate the circumstances surrounding the death of Princess Diana after fresh doubts emerged

over blood tests carried out on her chauffeur. Previous examinations of samples taken from Henri Paul have always suggested he was drunk when the Mercedes he was driving smashed into a Paris underpass - killing Diana and her lover Dodi Fayed. But there have always been fears that the French laboratory team 'mishandled' the blood tests.'

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'We... I made my position clear about this war on terror and I... by the way, the enemy made their position clear, yet again, when they...

when we are able to stop them.'

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The Vatican (Church of Babylon) connection

'They are Knights of Columbus. Roman Catholic Jeb Bush is himself a Third Degree Knight of Columbus according to his brother Skull and

Bonesman Luciferian Crypto-Catholic George W. Bush in his speech to the 122nd Annual Knights of Columbus Convention in Dallas, Texas,

Tuesday, Aug. 3, 2004.'

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Hitler's Gestapo Chief Became Top Truman Advisor

'Mueller was soon on a first-name basis with President Harry S. Truman.. Wearing his Nazi medals, Mueller entertained Truman at

home, played Bach, and gave him stolen art and a case of fine whiskey. Truman may be his son's godfather.

Mueller came to the US with his Gestapo helpers and soon had

Washington bugged. He spied on his CIA superiors and informed Truman that they were tapping his phone. He advised Truman on

Soviet intentions during the Korean War based on his contacts with Soviet spies in Washington, (including Kim Philby) and his experience

as the Communists' Number One Nemesis.'

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By Yamin Zakaria - International Institute of Peace

'According to the Western media coverage, the conflict between Hizb-Ullah and Israel appears something along the line as this: Hizb-Ullah, a

terrorist organization armed by Iran and Syria, launched an unprovoked attack against an Israeli army border post. As a result

some Israeli soldiers were killed and two were kidnapped. Israel had no other option to get the soldiers released. So, they responded by

bombing towns, roads, and bridges looking for Hizb-Ullah. Inevitably inflicted collateral damages, because Hizb-Ullah terrorists were hiding

amongst civilians.

Now let us look at the facts to ascertain the reality.

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Rare Interview with the late Norman Dodd, the Congressional investigator who exposed the tax-exempt foundations for manipulating war, education, science and so much more.

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$25 Trillion Diverted to India by Bush Sr. Mob

'Since November 2005 a massive fraud, estimated at $25 trillion, has been funneled to India by corrupt American officials in one of the

largest fund-washing and money-laundering schemes ever devised in the history of the world, according to Ambassador Leo Wanta, and as

reported Thursday by London financial writer, Christopher Story.

The massive money laundering scheme has come to light as a result of the brash and arrogant actions of President Bush and the Federal

Reserve Board, who have been unscrupulously blocking a $4.5 trillion settlement due Ambassador Wanta and earmarked for the American

people and the betterment of the economy.'

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Team finds 'proof' of dark matter

'US astronomers say they have found the first direct evidence for the mysterious stuff called dark matter. Dark matter - which does not emit or reflect enough light to be "seen" - is thought to make up 25% of the

Universe. By contrast, the ordinary matter we can see is believed to make up no more than about 5% of our Universe.'

Read more..

And finally this week news of two new downloadable ebooks available now at www.davidickebooks.com. "You Will Be Wiser When You're Older" and "The Stars Are Falling: Reasons To Believe We Are Enslaved by the Serpent" are two very interesting works by Matthew Delooze. Matthew says he has had personal experience of alien abduction.

These are are first ebooks in the shop and have already proved to be very popular. We're looking at adding more in the near future.

That's it ... see you next week ...

Best wishes,


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