Solstad, Anne Grete 27th Aug 2010

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  • 8/8/2019 Solstad, Anne Grete 27th Aug 2010


  • 8/8/2019 Solstad, Anne Grete 27th Aug 2010


    The task of teacher education

    Develop teacher studentsvcompetence to teach in aresponsible and accountable way.

    Two legitimate learning arenas- Theoretical studies at universities / schools of education

    - Practical experiences as student teachers i

    (In Norway 4 years; pedagogy 30 ects over the first two years which are common for all

    teacher students from 2010: 60 ects over three years including a bachelor thesis.

    Practice 20 weeks: 6+8+4+0)

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    What is responsible and accountable in

    professional teaching?

    NOKUT 2006; White Paper No. 11 2008-09:

    - critical reflection / self-reflection

    - participation in discussions on educational issues based onscientific knowledge and thinking

    - questioning traditions and routines, and actively workingfor improvement and innovation in their own and the


    s practice

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    Professional identity

    - a more or less conscious apprehension of what constitutes good andprofessional teaching and learning (Heggen 2005)

    - delvelops through participation in professional communities incooperation with others on concrete tasks (Wenger 1998)

    - knowledge and skills are transmitted through language andcommunication (Vygotsky 1978; Slj 2006)

    This implies that

    Theoretical perspectives and the habit to reflect must beexperienced by teacher students as normal teachingactivities

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    Theory and practiceThe studentsv view after the 1. practice period:

    The theoretical perspectives opened my eyes for how childrenlearn and why they react as they do (S15)

    (Quote representative for 45% of the students)

    No! No theoretical perspectives have helped me or meantanything for me, as a student teacher, or as an observer (S19)

    (Quote representative for about 30% of the students)

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    Theory and practiceThe studentsv view after the 2. practice period:

    Theory creates confidence and is important for my planningand co-operation with the pupils

    Theoretical knowledge helps me to reflect on own choices anddecicions, and promote discussions (S22)

    Quotes representative for 60% of the students

    The change-over of theory at the university and practice inschools are regarded as very important

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    Theory and practiceThe studentsv view after the 3. practice period:

    Theoretical insight helps me to to argue for what I think isimportant, and to reflect on my descisions (S14)

    I could have written a thesis on this matter. Theoreticalknowledge is the first building block we need (S23)

    (Representative for about 80% of the students)

    But also

    I will not say that theoretical insight is not necessary, but I dobelieve much more in experiences both my own and those ofothers (S16)

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    Theory and practiceThe students view after the 4. practice period:

    90% of the students argue that the theoretical insight and

    knowledge they have acquired is necessary

    for argumentation in planning so that decisions can berooted in theory

    as a base for reflection and innovation

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    Reflection in teacher education

    ( Dale 2001, Ulvik 2007)

    Practice oriented reflection (practice as training) based on experiences and what works

    theory is not important.

    Professional reflection (practice as education) critical reflection, self-reflection theory is an important tool

    Professional reflection in pre-service teaching is necessary to

    educate authoritative, independant teachers as describedin official papers

    Reflection in advance is central to intellectual andprofessional growth (Dewey 1904, Brsling 1994, Rodgers 2007)

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    Reflection in teaching practice

    as experienced and described by the students

    Reflection is mainly done after a lesson

    Reflection is mostly instrumental /practice oriented, focusingon technical aspects and what the students could have done

    better in the preceding lesson

    Tutoring has helped me to be more clever I have tried to changewhat she wanted me to change (13)

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    What about reflection in advance?

    - reflection in advance (professional reflection) was oftenneglected because of lack of time,

    - functioned mostly as an acceptance of what the students hadplanned, just before starting the lesson

    - functioned as security

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    The studentsv experiences

    (Solstad 2009)Only few students

    experienced professional and critical reflection

    met mentors who challenged their ideas and thinking, orengaged them in professional discussions and


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    The mentorvs role -

    studentsv perceptions

    The practice teachers mean a lot. We had a good one who

    encouraged us to critical analysis and reflection, of self and


    The reason why it is difficult to relate theory and practice is

    that the practice teachers never mention theoretical

    perspectives (S41)

    Theory has not been in my mind one single day (S19)

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    Developping professional identity-

    Meaning is constructed through communication andcooperation i concrete situations

    (Wenger 1998, Slj 2006)

    By participating in normal teacher activities together withcompetent others as legitimate peripheral members(Lave og Wenger 1991, Wenger 1998)

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    Learning through pre-service teaching

    Mentors are competent teachers serving as models for studentteachers

    Professional growth, thus, implies that student teachers- meet practice teachers who focus on professionalaspects of teachersv work

    - experience critical reflection/thinking and pedagogicalargumentation as part of professional teaching practice

    - former assumtions are verbalised and challenged

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    Experiences with theory based practice will inform thestudents that critical reflection and theoretical perspectives arenormal parts of professional competence

    Such experiences will, thus, be expressions of competence andgood teaching (prof. identity)

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    From teacher student to professional teaching

    Cultural perspectives

    Meaning is constructed through communication and cooperation in

    concrete situations (Wenger 1999, Slj 2006)

    Profesional identity develops and will be stabilised when the new teacher

    starts working as a teacher(Heggen 2005)

    If the new school does not focus on critical reflection andscientific thinking, such perspectives will not be looked at as

    part of the culture the new teachers are going to be part of

    Theoretical perspectives which may be meaningful and givemembership at the university, may be considered irrelevantand farfetched when entering a new school culture

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    Professional growth(Solstad 2009, 2010)

    If the habit to reflect on own and othersvpractice is establishedthrough experiences in pre-service teaching, the students will morelikely integrate such perspectives into their future teaching

    If teacher students are to develop and stabilise a professional

    identity, theory must be related to practice, and practice mustinclude theoretical perspectives and critical reflection

    When entering the profession, new teachers have to meet a cultureand a mentor that values the balance between challenge and supportand appreciate and encourage critical thinking and reflection

    - if not, mentoring may accelerate adaption to and acceptance ofexisting culture, without questioning

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