Daventry District Remembers - Family history book

Post on 30-Jul-2016

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A project by the DDH Youth Board. Research by Gerry Thompson, Daventry WWI historian. Pictures from Daventry 100 years commemorations 2014.

Transcript of Daventry District Remembers - Family history book

Family History Book

A project by DDH Youth Board

Research by Gerry Thompson,

Daventry WW1 historian

Pictures from Daventry 100 years

commemorations 2014

Daventry remembered the 100 year

anniversary of the start of the Great War.

Research for this book

Youth Board members, CJ Smith and Jordan Gray, are pictured below doing some

research for the book at Daventry Town Council Museum.

As part of Daventry & District Housing’s continued Centenary Commemorations of

the First World War, the DDH Youth Board decided to create a digital family history

book featuring the stories, photos, artefacts and memories of people that lived in the

Daventry district during the conflict.

Youth Board members worked with local historians to research Daventry’s history.

Pupils learn lessons from history during WW1-themed day

A day of interactive presentations and lessons gave children at Danetre and Southbrook Learning Village (DSLV) a glimpse of life during the First World War.

Pupils at DSLV’s Primary and Nursery School got to grips with military memorabilia and took part in arts and creative writing workshops as part of the event.

The presentations explored the reasons for war and its impacts on the country and covered trench warfare, the home front, school life in 1914, and the significance of poppies and Remembrance.

The day ended with children singing songs from the era including ‘It’s a Long Way to Tipperary’ and ‘Pack Up Your Troubles’.

It was organised by Della Butcher of Daventry District Council’s Community team, alongside WW1 historians Geoffrey Grainger and Gerry Thompson. The day was part of a series of activities being held this year to mark the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War.

Nick Atherton, Vice Principal for Primary and Nursery at DSLV, said: “The children have been really excited; all of the memorabilia and artefacts made the lessons really interesting.

“It’s important for the children to learn, firstly because there were so many soldiers from Daventry who went off to the war and it really brings it home to the pupils what that involved. But secondly, in this centenary year, I think it’s important to look back and remember what was done for this country.”

Year 6 pupil Karen Davies said: “The presentation assembly was good, especially when they showed us the sounds of the sirens when there was a gas attack.”

Fellow Year 6 pupil Ellie Houston added: “The best bit was the slideshow when you could hear the sounds of the guns.”

Councillor Alan Hills, Daventry District Council’s Community, Culture and Leisure Portfolio Holder and a school governor at DSLV, said: “A lot of hard work went into this event and the children really put their heart and souls into it.

“I don’t think we should allow future generations to forget what happened during the First World War. There was a lot of hardship in the war and people gave their lives for this country so I think it’s important for young people to realise what was involved.”

DSLV artwork on display in Daventry District Council Offices during 2014

Nursery School Art Project

Nursery children enjoyed getting their hands messy for a poppy-themed art project to help mark the First World War Centenary. The youngsters had great fun leaving red hand prints on boards during sessions held at Little ‘Uns Day Care, Caring Kindergarten and Happy Faces Day Care in Daventry in the run up to Remembrance Sunday on November 9.

The individual boards will be put together and the hand prints turned into poppies by an artist before the finished work goes on display in Daventry. The artwork is being put together as part of a community street art project being co-ordinated by Daventry District and South Northamptonshire Community Safety Partnership with support from Daventry & District Housing.

The poppy display will go up in Daventry Town Council’s offices in New Street, before being installed on the wall next to the children’s play equipment at the New Street Rec.

Bright red poppies are providing an added splash of colour to Daventry Museum following the completion of a community art project.

The artwork features local children’s handprints, adapted by artist Kealey Farmer to create a striking field of poppies.

The finished piece has gone on display at Daventry Museum, in New Street, to serve as a memorial to the First World War as well as a reminder of some of the ways in which Daventry remembered the war’s centenary.

Produced as part of a community street art project co-ordinated by Daventry District and South Northamptonshire Community Safety Partnership and Daventry & District Housing, it was unveiled by town Mayor Ron Fox on Wednesday (April 15).

Young children had great fun leaving red hand prints on boards during sessions held at Little ‘Uns Day Care, Caring Kindergarten and Happy Faces Day Care in Daventry in the run up to Remembrance Sunday last November.

Those prints were then turned into a field of poppies by Kealey, a Northamptonshire-based artist who was introduced to the project by Simon Williams of the Evergreen Art Café in Daventry.

Poppies artwork goes on display following community


The artwork was created as part of the same art initiative that saw the creation of a street art mural on the wall next to the skate park in the New Street Recreation Ground, at the back of the police station.

The poppies will be kept by Daventry Town Council for public display in the museum as well as at different community events in future. The partnership also hopes to produce a weather-proof vinyl version for display in the Rec alongside the street art mural.

Lindsay Checkley, Community Project Officer for the Community Safety Partnership, said: “The aim of this project has been to give young people a sense of pride in their community by involving them in projects to brighten it up.

“The idea for the poppy theme came from Daventry District Council’s Big Poppy Plant project to increase wildflower numbers. It was fantastic to be able to involve young children in a project that will hopefully serve as a memorial to the First World War for many years to come.

“The children had great fun getting messy to produce the handprints, and Kealey has done an amazing job with the finished piece, which thanks to the Museum is now on public display for everyone to enjoy.”

Best Dressed Shop Front Competition

Winner — Orange Blossom Florist

The Big Poppy Plant - The Big Poppy Plant project was part of the WWI centenary where 2014 marks 100 years since the start of WWI, a landmark anniversary for Britain and the world. The project aimed to increase the amount of wildflowers in the District to be achieved through planting suitable areas with poppies coupled with other species. The project was supported by the Northamptonshire Wildlife Trust and a local Botanist has provided specialist advice. The Council provided seeds to over 35 local community groups and gave advice on area selection. The project was largely funded from additional income from Second Homes funding and funding was also kindly received from the Rotary Club of Danetre, Daventry.

Poppy sowing to commemorate WW1 took place throughout March and April in all of Daventry & District Housing

Sheltered Housing Schemes. Warwick Court held a special coffee morning organised by volunteer Jamie Over.

Involved tenants and Warwick Court residents joined Deputy Mayor Ron Fox in sowing the poppy seeds. More than

40 tenants attended the event and held a minute’s silence. The event really did pull a few heart strings along the

way and brought back memories for the elderly tenants. The feedback from the tenants where that they were happy

to see DDH get involved in such a memorable event and they were very happy to participate. Futures Greenscape

were a great help by preparing the ground ready for the poppy seeds.

"Finally after all our hard work, and with the help of our volunteers who joined in with all the hard digging and ground preparation, we started seeding the ground on 20th April. We have found that mixing the seed with sharp sand and dividing it into rough 1m sq batches we can use old plastic flower pots as shakers to apply the seed, it is hard to get the small seed to separate so we have tried various methods, with wet and dry sand, the proof of which worked best will be when they start to flower!! The children at the school certainly enjoyed helping us to put some seed into the school grounds this way. It rained a fair amount after we had seeded and then warm days have followed so luckily for us the seeds enjoyed all this and if you look closely in the attached photo the first shoots are through. So long as we don't have a cold snap nature should take its course and we hope to send you more photos when the flowers have progressed further. We have also encouraged people to sow poppies in their gardens so hopefully Weedon will be a colourful spectacle in a few months and wildlife will enjoy our wildflowers too. It has been hardwork but fun and we have had lots of positive comments from people passing by and stopping to chat, we offered them a spare fork to

help out but not many took us up on this to start with!!" Susan Izzard, Weedon at War

"As you know, I am organising two planting projects in Brixworth. The first one, wearing my Parish Councillor hat, was completed last week. Children from Brixworth Preschool weeded, hoed and planted up an area of Brixworth Millenium Garden despite the rain! A great time was had by all, slugs, millipedes and ladybirds discovered and the difference between stinging nettles and dead nettles were all eagerly taken on board. Around 20 children were involved. The second project I have set up wearing my District Councillor hat is with the Church - the site is by the war memorial, I have the approval of the vicar and the Parochial Church Council and my diggers are Brixworth

Scouts who are all ready to start." Cllr Ian Barratt, Brixworth Parish Council and Millennium Garden

"We have shared out the seeds with the 11 plot holders. I have planted my share of seeds in a 2 metre x 1 metre strip at the top of the plot next to the rhubarb and was excited to see at the weekend that the seeds have germinated! Some of my fellow plot holders made the most of the mild and showery weather in the last few weeks and have also sowed their seeds. One of our plots is gardened by our local village primary school. They are discussing whether to plant their seeds on their plot, or at the school." Theresa Summers, Newnham Jubilee


"We are progressing our area, those sections for the annual seed you supplied have now been prepared and sown. We have also incorporated over 200 mixed wild flower plugs in the meadow area that have been sponsored by a local business in Braunston (Midland Chandlers).The most pleasant surprise was the number of wildflowers already appearing in the area we only cut once a year. In previous years this has been cut by a contractor and apart from dandelions and Daisy's no flowers were evident. As well as the naturalised bulbs which include snowdrops, crocus, daffodils and scilla we have already identified Violets, Cowslips, Campion, Oxeye Daisys, Dead nettle, Lamium, various hardy geraniums and Corn Flowers. All in all, our efforts in these gardens are now beginning to take shape, we continue to receive much positive comment from locals and visitors to the area and also from the owners and their employees who work on the site. Everybody from the Canals and Rivers Trust who has visited Braunston have been very complimentary about the progress we are making. Again we are grateful for the opportunity to be involved

in this project." Chris Burton, Braunston Canal Society

"I divided the seed into batches (after taking a small amount out for the church) and mixed it with some dry compost I had, to facilitate scattering it evenly over a large area. Then I scattered it on 4 beds Monday 21st April. There's work going on in the village which has left a lot of rough earth along one verge, so I scattered a bit there too. I'm pleased with this rain because there's no way I'm lugging water along to water them!" Jan Alexander, Lilbourne Church

Area and Village

"Our Pre-School children and parents have been getting the ground ready for sowing poppies and treading down

afterwards" Steve Lassman, Crick Jubilee Wood

"We distributed our seeds between our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts to make a small memorial in their own gardens at home and we also had permission from the vicar at St Mary's Church, Woodford Halse to plant some around the War Memorial in the Church grounds. Many thanks for all your help with this project" Anna Malin, 1st Woodford

Halse Scouts

"Through the Big Poppy Plant project and links with local Botanist Brian Laney who on visiting the site, found the Common Twayblade Orchid... 'a far more comprehensive list of the wild flowers is growing on the adopted area... this is a very new project and the additional information we now have will be used to promote the natural features of

Braunston to a wider audience" Chris and Jenni Burton, Braunston Canal Stop House

"We have sown poppy seeds in the church at the front, around my wife's family (military) graves, and outside in the street in front of the church where we sowed them on our Village Garden Open Day in June. The important thing is that two young village families helped us to do this whilst many watched and encouraged us on; so it really is a village effort. We also got a lot of poppy seed (for cooking) from Waitrose and sprinkled them liberally along the street railings in front of the church. They have grown and done really well and will be better next year too" David Le

Sueur, Haselbech Village

"Poppies have been planted on behalf of the parish council outside the Memorial Hall in the village and into "welcome flower troughs" entrances to village I've planted a few tubs and they are shooting!" June Irani, Woodford

Halse Parish Council

"Two areas were 'turned-over' last Sunday and we are preparing to sow the seed on Thursday" Barry Wenden,

Hollowell & Teeton Pocket Park

An innovative wildflower planting scheme is to return following the success of a project to mark the centenary of the outbreak of WW1.

More than 35 groups from communities across Daventry District took part in the Big Poppy Plant to increase wildflower numbers while remembering the Great War.

It saw thousands of red poppies bloom across Daventry District during the summer months in a poignant commemoration of the moment 100 years ago that Britain entered the war.

The project proved so successful that Daventry District Council is now launching a second scheme focussing on creating perennial wildflower meadows.

It is open to groups across the District, which can apply for up to 150g of seed mix each – enough to cover 450 square metres of ground. The seeds should ideally be sown by the end of October, with a small amount of maintenance required once the wildflowers are in bloom.

Villages with a number of different groups interested in taking part are being encouraged to submit collective applications for the seed, to help ensure it can be shared fairly across all communities in the District wishing to take part.

Interested groups are invited to find out more about the project during a meeting at DDC’s Civic offices, in Lodge Road, Daventry, at 6.30pm on Wednesday, 17 September.

Councillor Daniel Cribbin, Environment portfolio holder at Daventry District Council, said: “The Big Poppy Plant was a great success and we were really pleased with the positive response from communities across Daventry District.

“This next phase will focus on creating indigenous wildflower meadows and we expect to get a large number of parish councils and community groups involved with the scheme.

“We welcome groups of all sizes wanting to engage the local community in this project. I would urge groups to register to attend the meeting by completing the online survey, to ensure they don’t miss out.”

Wildflower project returns after summer success

Remembrance Sunday Parade and Service 2014

Norton Parish Council Commemorations

Norton Parish Council held WWI displays and commemoration events in August and October.

"Despite the rain on Sunday 10th August we had an excellent day, everyone was very complementary about our display and the highlight for us was when 3 different families arrived who were connected to those who died, a couple even had photographs".

"At 10.50 on Wed 22nd and Friday 24th October we remembered the first men of Norton killed in WW1. Both events went very well, particularly when so many of the Blencowe family attended, one coming from as far as Caistor, Norfolk. They had arranged for a Royal British Legion standard bearer to attend and a bugler from Danetre Brass to play the last post. We flew the Union flag, and had photo's of the men and the places they were commemorated in Belgium. The families laid a wreath and planted a cross on the War Memorial. At 11 am the church bell tolled for 2 minutes. We then had refreshments in the church. We plan to do the same for the other 14 men named on the memorial, we just have to see if we can find any more relatives".

Kim Russell, Norton Councillor

The daring escapades of an airman posthumously awarded a Victoria Cross during WW1 are to

be remembered this month. The Spratton Remembers the Great War event marks the 100th anniversary of the death of Lieutenant Rhodes- Moorhouse VC, RFC, who was fatally injured while on a low-level raid on a railway junction at Courtrai in Belgium.

Despite terrible injuries he succeeded in flying 35 miles back to base to report on his mission. He died the following day, aged 27. He was the first airman to receive the Victoria Cross.

Taking place on Saturday, April 25 and Sunday, April 26, the event will culminate in a spectacular flypast from a BE2b plane, similar to the one flown by Lt Rhodes-Moorhouse during the war. Villagers will also commemorate the other 132 villagers that served in the conflict.

Enid Jarvis, from the Spratton Local History Society, said: “We are extremely grateful to Daventry & District Housing for their support of our project in tribute to all of the young men from Spratton who served during the Great War between 1914 and 1918. It has helped us to display vintage motor vehicles from WWI and to publicise our events. The funding, together with help from Daventry District Council and Northamptonshire County Council, also enabled us to install a beautiful commemorative paving stone to Lt William Rhodes-Moorhouse.”

DDH has contributed to the Spratton Remembers event through its Community Chest fund. This initiative sees money earmarked for sustainable community projects under the theme of health and wellbeing. Support can also be man power, technical help or advice about finding further investment.

DDH and the DDH Youth Board have been involved in several WWI Centenary Commemorations in the last 12 months, including the creation of a digital history book featuring the stories, photos, artefacts and memories of people that lived in the Daventry district during the conflict.

Northamptonshire village set to honour bravery of Great War airman

Who were the Daventry men that

fought in the Great War?

Nearly ONE MILLION British men died in the war.

There are 114 names listed on memorials in and

around Daventry.

There are 10 war graves at the Holy Cross Church

in Daventry.

Here are pictures and details of the Daventry men on

the memorial from Gerry Thompson’s research

James Ainge

Private 67001 1st/3rd (City of London) Battalion

The London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers). (formerly 3/33836 East Surrey Regiment)

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Monday 13th August 1917. Aged 31.

Born Northampton, Enlisted Daventry. Son of James and Agnes Ainge (nee Allen) of 33

Leicester Street Northampton. Husband of Harriet Ainge (nee Bull) of

‘Kimberlyn’ Braunston Road Daventry.

Remembered with honour YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL

Lieper West-Vlaanderen Belgium. Panel 6 and 8.

George Edward Anderson

Sapper 414743 13th Pontoon Park Company Royal Engineers. Died of malaria

Egypt. Sunday 13th October 1918. Aged 37.

Born Brixworth. Enlisted Daventry. Son of Edward James and Ellen Eileen Anderson

(nee Stow) of Great Brington. Husband of Ellen Louisa Anderson (nee Hillyeard)

of 9 Badby Road Daventry.


Egypt. Grave O.295.

(also remembered on the Great Brington

Memorial and St Marys Church Brington)

Charles Tidbury Arnull

Lance Sergeant 10073 2nd Battalion The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment.

(formerly 5907 Northamptonshire Regiment) (Awarded Distinguished Conduct Medal.

4th November 1914) Died from ‘Black water fever’

Tulo East Africa. Wednesday 7th February 1917. Aged 36.

Born Daventry. Enlisted Northampton. Son of Charles David and Annie Leoline Arnull

(nee Kellard Tidbury) of 15 Cross Street Drayton



Tanzania. Grave VIII.C.1.

Charles John Bailey

Private 36958 1st/4th Battalion Essex Regiment

(formerly M/283842 Army Service Corp). Killed in Action

Palestine. Thursday 3rd November 1917. Aged 31.

Born Daventry Enlisted Northampton. Brother of Miss Mar Emily Bailey of ‘The Dun

Cow’, 4 Brook Street Daventry.


Israel. Grave XXIX.B.14.

William Ernest Bailey

Air Mechanic (Wireless Operator) 2nd Class 59339

Royal Air Force. (formerly Royal Flying Corps) Died Lincoln Military Hospital

of Wounds received in Action. France and

Flanders. Tuesday 30th April 1918. Aged 19.

Born Rushden Son of Police Inspector William James and Mary

Ann Bailey (nee Griffin) of 56 High Street Da-



Northamptonshire England. Near East end of the Church.

Grave No 253A.

William John Baker

Private 11003 7th (Service)Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment.

Killed in Action Gallipoli.

Monday 9th August 1915. Aged 31.

Born Knightcote Warwickshire Son of Edward Thomas and Sarah Ann Baker of

Knightcote Leamington Warwickshire. Resident of 30 Abbey Street Daventry.

Remembered with honour HELLES MEMORIAL

Turkey. Panel 134 to 136.

Thomas Bannard

Private 17774 7th (Extra Reserve) Battalion

Royal Fusiliers

(formerly 4424 4th (T) Batt: Northamptonshire


Died of cancer Home.

Saturday 31st August 1918. Aged 19.

Born Daventry

Son of Thomas and Minnie Alice Bannard (nee

Hollis) of 89 Welton Road Farm Daventry.

376322 & Kings Certificate

Buried at


Northamptonshire. England.

Near east end of the Church.

Grave 931.

Frank Barnes

Private 17179 7th (Service) Battalion (Mobbs

Own) Northamptonshire Regiment.

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Friday 18th August 1916 Aged 18.

Born Hardingstone Resident of 9 Brook Street Daventry. Son of John and Mary Barnes of Green Street


Remembered with honour THIEPVAL MEMORIAL

Somme France. Pier and Face 11A and 11D.

Harry Bateman

Private 202219 1st/4th Battalion Yorkshire Regiment.

(formerly 5357 Northamptonshire Regiment) Killed in Action

France and Flanders. Monday 23rd April 1917. Aged 26.

Born Northampton. Enlisted Daventry. Son of Thomas Bateman and Alice Bateman (nee

Shipley) of ‘The Lion and Lamb Inn’. High Street


Remembered with honour ARRAS MEMORIAL

France. Bay 5.

William Thomas Bateman

Corporal 40166 2nd Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment.

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Thursday 26th October 1916. Aged 29.

Born Northampton Enlisted Windsor Great Park

Berkshire. Son of Thomas and Alice Bateman (nee Shipley) Husband of Emma Bateman (nee Hazelwood) of

2 Foundry Place Daventry. (1 Warwick Place)

Remembered with honour THIEPVAL MEMORIAL

Somme France. Pier & Face 11A & 11D.

Charles Bellamy

Private 22689 1st Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment.

(formerly S4/093379 Royal Army Service Corps) Killed in Action

France and Flanders. Friday 24th November 1916. Aged 26.

Born and Enlisted Daventry Son of James William and Hanna Bellamy (nee

Willis) of 29 Brook Street Daventry. Husband of Harriott Bellamy of 6 Court 30 Brook

Street Daventry.


Somme France. Grave XL1.H.1.

Edmund Charles Bellamy

Gunner 145862 294th Battery Royal Garrison Artillery.

(formerly 18921 8th Northamptonshire Regiment) Killed in Action

France and Flanders. Saturday 25th May 1918. Aged 19.

(Awarded Military Medal) Born and Enlisted Daventry. Son of Thomas Matthew and Sarah Bellamy (nee

Bedford) of 6 West View Daventry.


EXTENSION Somme France. Grave IV.F.II.

Frederick John Bellamy

Corporal 9616 1st Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment.

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Tuesday 24th September 1918. Aged 23. (Awarded Military Medal)

Born Daventry Enlisted Northampton.

Son of James William and Hannah Bellamy (nee

Willis) 10 Waterloo Daventry. (later 14 Brook


Buried at


Aisne France.

Grave V.C.8.

Walter Henry Bellamy

Private 56349 9th (Service) Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

(formerly 32239 Northamptonshire Regiment) Killed in Action

France and Flanders. Tuesday 23rd October 1917. Aged 32.

Born Daventry Son of James William & Hanna Bellamy (nee Wil-

lis) of 10 Waterloo. Daventry Husband of Ethel May Bellamy (nee Franklin) of 11 St James Street Daventry.

Buried at DUHALLOW A.D.S. CEMETERY Leper West-Vlaanderen Belgium.

(Remembered with honour Fusilier Wood Memo-


Joseph Billingham

Private 18226 ‘B’ Company 1st Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment.

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Sunday 23rd July 1916. Aged 40.

Born Whilton Enlisted Northampton Son of Thomas and Ann Billingham (nee Potter/

Woodruff) of 24 High Street Daventry. Husband of Maud Louise Billingham (nee

Gibbins) of 2 Abbey Street Daventry. Later of 14

Townsend Street Rugby Warwickshire.

Remembered with honour THIEPVAL MEMORIAL

Somme France. Pier & Face 11A and 11D.

Isaiah Birch

Private 9863 1st Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment.

Died of measles France and Flanders.

Saturday 27th February 1915. Aged 21.

Born Weedon, Enlisted Northampton. Son of John and Amelia Smith of 4 Orchard

Street Drayton.


Pas de Calais France. Grave I.D.14.

Benjamin Bradshaw

Private 48605 17th (Service) Battalion (Empire)

Royal Fusiliers. Died of Gas Poisoning France and Flanders.

Wednesday 18th September 1918. Aged 35. Born and Enlisted Daventry. Son of George and Lucy Bradshaw of 25 Brook

Street Daventry. Husband of Margaret Bradshaw (nee Hart) of

Brook Street Daventry.


TREPORT Seine-Maritime France.

Grave VII.H.2A.

William George Bradshaw

Private G/26656 6th (Service) Battalion The Buffs (East Kent Regiment)

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Sunday 29th September 1918. Aged 18.

Born Daventry Enlisted Northampton. Son of Harry and Mary Elizabeth Bradshaw (nee

Tooby) of 15 North Street Daventry.


Aisne France. Grave II.A.25.

Arthur Bree

Private 200533 1st/4th Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment.

Killed in Action Palestine.

Thursday 19th April 1917. Aged 20.

Born and Enlisted Daventry. One of twin sons of William and Mary Ann Bree

(nee Cox) of 3, House. 6 Court, Brook Street Da-


Remembered with honour JERUSALEM MEMORIAL

Israel. Panel 40.

Harry Bree

Private 18700 1st Battalion Somerset Light Infantry.

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Thursday 24th October 1918. Aged 36.

Born Daventry Enlisted Coventry Warwickshire. Son of John and Sarah Ann Bree of 23 Badby

Road Daventry. Husband of Florrie Bree (nee Marrs) of 117

Wyley Road Coventry. (later of 129 Somerset

Street Coventry Warwickshire)


MAUGRE Nord France. Grave A.17.

John Thomas Brightwell

Private 45447 18th (Service) Battalion (2nd South East Lancashire)

Lancashire Fusiliers. (formerly 2282 Northamptonshire Yeomanry)

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Saturday 1st June 1918. Aged 34.

Born Wellington Madras India. Enlisted Rugby

Warwickshire. Son of Thomas Henry and Mary Jane Brightwell

of 42 Sheaf Street Daventry.


Somme France. Grave I.B.14.

Joseph Henry Butlin

Lance Corporal 53532 13th (Service) Battalion Durham Light Infantry.

(formerly 28312 Essex Regiment) Killed in Action

France and Flanders. Thursday 12th July 1917. Aged 22.

Born and Enlisted Daventry. Son of Joseph and Emma Butlin (nee Mills) of 3

Drayton Place Daventry.

Remembered with honour YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL

Lieper West-Vlaanderen Belgium. Panel 36 and 38.

John William Capell

Private M2/177446 707th M.T. Company Army Service Corps.

Died Balkans.

Friday 1st November 1918. Aged 34.

Born and Enlisted Daventry. Son of William Albert and Ellen Capell of 57

Warwick Street Daventry. Husband of Annie Capell (nee Bradshaw) of 57

Warwick Street Daventry.


Macedonia. (The former Republic of Yugoslavia).

Grave D.II.

William Carwardine

Sergeant 202315 1st/4th Battalion Yorkshire Regiment.

(formerly 320 4th Batt: (T) Northamptonshire

Regiment Killed in Action

France and Flanders. Thursday 19th July 1917. Aged 36.

Born Braunston. Enlisted Daventry. Son of William and Annie Carwardine (nee

Wilson) Husband of Emily Carwardine (nee Bradshaw) of

1 House 3 Court Brook Street Daventry.


SUR-COJEUL Pas de Calais France.

Grave D.2.

William John T Conroy

Corporal 8827 6th (Service) Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment.

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Sunday 11th November 1917. Aged 26.

Born Far Cotton Northamptonshire. Husband of Eliza Ellen Conroy (nee Anderson) of

St James Place Little Brington Northamptonshire. (3 House, 6 Court Abbey Street)

Remembered with honour TYNE COT MEMORIAL

Zonnebeke West-Vlaanderen Belgium. Panel 104 to 105.

Albert Frederick Cox

Sapper 34502 79th Field Company Royal Engineers

(formerly 9944 Royal Warwickshire Regiment) Died of wounds

France and Flanders Sunday 20th May 1917. Aged 34.

Born Llantrisant, Glamorgan Wales in 1883, son

of Frederick George and Alice J Cox (nee Alsop)

husband of Rosamund Florence Cox (nee Frost).

Enlisted Rugby 35 Oxford Street Daventry.


Ficheux France. Grave I. G. 20.

(also remembered Napton War Memorial and

St Lawrence church Napton on the Hill)

Edward Stanley Cox

Private (Guardsman) 23575 5th (Reserve)

Battalion Grenadier Guards. Died of meningitis

Fulham Military Hospital London. Sunday 26th March 1916. Aged 21.

Born Daventry Enlisted Northampton. Son of Edward and Sarah Cox (nee Major) of 9

North Street Daventry. Resident of 2 Tower Cottages, North Street



Northamptonshire England. In the Northeast part.

Grave 1109.

Ernest Geoffrey Crisp

2nd Lieutenant (TP) 15th Battalion (Birmingham

Pals) Royal Warwickshire Regiment.

(formerly 7th Northamptonshire Regiment) Died of Wounds

France and Flanders. Thursday 16th December 1915. Aged 24.

Born Evesham Worcestershire. Enlisted Daventry Son of George Earnest and Sarah Ellen Crisp of

The Post Office 9 Market Place Evesham

Worcestershire. Later of Yarth Llanhedr

Merioneth Resident of 20 High Street Daventry.

Buried at


France. Grave B.4.

(also remembered on the Evesham Town, Lloyds Bank

William Dadley

Company Sergeant Major 200035 1st/4th

Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment. Died of Wounds

Egypt. Monday 14th January 1918. Aged 35.

Born and Enlisted Daventry. Son of Alfred and Anne Maria Dadley (nee Lane)

of 42 Oxford Street Daventry. Husband of Alice Eleanor Dadley of 45 Oxford

Street Daventry.


Egypt. Grave C.43.

Albert Dexter

Private 40108 4th (Extra Reserve) Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment.

(formerly 3804 Essex Regiment) Killed in Action

France and Flanders. Monday 25th March 1918. Aged 21.

Born Rugby. Enlisted Northampton. Son of Joseph and Harriott Dexter (nee

Thresher) of 29 Warwick Street Daventry.

Resident of ‘The Toll House’ Staverton Road


Remembered with honour ARRAS MEMORIAL Pas de Calais France.

Bay 2.

William Henry Dickens (Dickins)

Shoeing Smith Corporal 6848 7th (Queens Own) Hussars.

Died Prisoner of War in Turkey

Saturday 30th September 1916. Aged 27 Born Daventry. Enlisted Northampton. Son of William and Sarah Dickens of 23 St James

Street Daventry “ The World’s End” Sheaf Street

Remembered with honour


Panel 1.

Tom Durose

Private (Kings Man) 2464 5th Battalion The King’s (Liverpool Regiment)

Died of Wounds France and Flanders.

Sunday 23st May 1915. Aged 19. Born Daventry. Son of Thomas and Fanny Durose (nee Bowers)

of 34 London Road Daventry. Nephew of Miss M Durose of Ivy Cottage Heath

Road Uttoxeter. Staffordshire.


France. Grave I.H.20.

Arthur Clifford Osborne

Flight Sergeant 16117 1st Aircraft Depot Royal Air Force.

(formerly Royal Flying Corps) Died

France and Flanders. Saturday 22nd February 1919. Aged 28.

Born Towcester. Son of Frederick and Kate Osborne (nee

Whitlock) of 61 High Street Daventry. Husband of Frieda Olga Osborne of 15 Lexington

Street Golden Square London.


CEMETERY Pa de Calais France.

Grave V.F.34.

Joseph Ellard

Private 25127 1st Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment.

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Saturday 10th November 1917. Aged 28.

Born, Enlisted Daventry. Son of William and Elizabeth Ellard (nee Tooby)

of 52 Brook Street Daventry. Husband of Emily Francis Ellard (nee Screen) of

13 Cross Street Drayton.

Remembered with honour TYNE COT MEMORIAL

Zonnebeke West-Vlaanderen Belgium. Panel 104 to 105.

Charles William Elliott

Corporal 20918 13th (Service) Battalion (Forest of Dean) (Pioneers) Gloucestershire Regiment.

Died of Wounds France and Flanders.

Friday 26th April 1918. Aged 22.

Born Daventry. Enlisted Birmingham. Son of Charles Herbert and Bessie Elliott (nee

Howard) of 26 London Road Daventry.


Poperinge West-Vlaanderen Belgium. Grave XXVII.H.13A.

Arthur Henry Elliott

Signalman (Private) 33556 2nd Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment

(formerly 18708 Northamptonshire Regiment). Died of Wounds

France and Flanders. Wednesday 27th March 1918. Aged 20.

Born Daventry, Enlisted Northampton. Son of Thomas and Clara Elliott of 2 London

Road Daventry.


Nord France. Grave I.J.12.

Percy James Elliman

Private 438622 1st Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment (546362 Labour Corps) Killed in railway accident

Charlerio Belgium. Tuesday 17th June 1919. Aged 21.

Born Daventry Son of Benjamin and Emily Elizabeth Elliman

(nee Payne) of ‘The Bear Hotel’ High Street



Charlerio Belgium. Grave N.4.

George Horace Emery

Bombardier 681 Warwick Battery (Brooke’s

Battery) Royal Horse Artillery.

Died of leukaemia Warneford Hospital Leamington Spa

Warwickshire. Saturday 13th November 1915. Aged 20.

Born Daventry Son of George and Annie Elizabeth Betsey Emery

(nee Whitmill) of 10 Brook Street Daventry.


Northamptonshire England. In the southern part

Grave 1063.

Harry Emery

Private G/41560 1st Battalion Middlesex Regiment.

Died from Wounds received in action France and Flanders

at Mile End Hospital, Middlesex Friday 6th April 1917. Aged 24.

Born and Enlisted Daventry. Son of Thomas and Judith Emery (nee Carpen-

ter) of 3 Warwick Street Daventry.


Northamptonshire England. In the North Part

Grave 1060.

Arnold Evans

Private T/206997 11th (Service) Battalion

(Lewisham) The Queens (Royal West Surrey Regiment).

(formerly 290373 Suffolk Regiment) Killed in Action

France and Flanders. Saturday 23rd March 1918. Aged 37.

Born Chester Cheshire. Enlisted Daventry. Husband of Elizabeth Evans of ‘Aston House’

Braunston Road Daventry.

Remembered with honour ARRAS MEMORIAL Pas de Calais France.

Bay 2.

George Barten Farmer

2nd Lieutenant 5th Battalion East Lancashire Regiment.

(Formerly 2390, 255388 Leicestershire

Yeomanry) Killed in Action

France and Flanders. Saturday 15th June 1918. Aged 27.

Born Daventry Son of Percy and Sarah Jane Farmer (nee James)

of 78 High Street Daventry.


Somme France. Plot 2. Row C.

Grave 28.

Louis Franklin

Private 20042 7th (Service) Battalion (Mobbs

Own) Northamptonshire Regiment.

Died of Pneumonia France and Flanders.

Saturday 24th March 1917. Aged 22. Born and Enlisted Daventry. Son of Thomas and Harriet Franklin (nee Towers)

of 12 Chapel Lane Daventry. Bishop Crew’s Hostel, North Street


Pas de Calais France. Plot F Row 4 Grave 18.

Edward Frost

Private 31302 2nd Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment.

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Tuesday 31st July 1917. Aged 25. Born and Enlisted Daventry Son of John and Annie Frost (nee Marsh) of 33

Brook Street Daventry.


Lieper West-Vlaandersen Belgium. Grave II.E.17.

Edward Gardner

Private 5519 7th (Service) Battalion Leinster Regiment.(Royal Canadians)

(formerly 11819 Royal Sussex Regiment) Died from Gas Poisoning

France and Flanders. Sunday 9th September 1917. Aged 19.

Born Norton, Enlisted Daventry. Son of George and Charlotte Gardner (nee

Chamberlain) of ‘Hackwood Farm’ (Borough Hill)

Norton Road Daventry.


Pas De Calais France. Grave I.E.5.

Alexander Gissing

2nd Lieutenant 2nd Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment.

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Wednesday 9th October 1918. Aged 29.

Born Daventry Resident of 85 Badby Cottages

Daventry. Son of Edward Arthur and Margaret Janet Gissing

(nee Brown) of ‘Killarney’ St Agnes Road Moseley



Somme France. Grave S.V.H.5.

(also remembered City of Birmingham Roll of

Honour 1914-18 Hall of Memory and Aston

University Memorial)

Harry Thomas Goodwin

Rifleman 7921 1st/12th Battalion The London Regiment. (The Rangers).

(formerly 22969 Northamptonshire Regiment) Killed in Action

France and Flanders. Saturday 9th September 1916. Aged 24.

Born Daventry. Enlisted Coventry Warwickshire. Son of Henry Thomas and Mary Ann Goodwin

(nee Baseley) of 68 Warwick Street Daventry.

Remembered with honour THIEPVAL MEMORIAL

Somme France Pier & Face 9C.

John William Grey

Rifleman 41611 11th/13th (Service) Battalion (1st County Down)

Royal Irish Rifles.(22 Entrenching Company) (formerly 30335 Northamptonshire Regiment)

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Saturday 28th March 1918. Aged 27. Born Farthingstone, Enlisted Northampton. Son of Mrs Chambers (Joseph and Mary Grey) of The Cross Everdon Road Farthingstone near

Towcester. Husband of Elizabeth Grey of Waterloo Daventry.

Remembered with honour POZIERES MEMORIAL

Somme France. Panel 54 to 56.

(also remembered St Mary the Virgin Church

Farthingstone (W Gray)

Thomas Stanley Hall

Sergeant 22646 143rd Company

Machine Gun Corps. (formerly 1630 Royal Warwickshire Regiment)

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Friday 24th November 1916. Aged 22. Born Daventry. Enlisted Nuneaton Warwickshire. Son of Thomas and Hannah Hall of 19 Warwick

Street Daventry (later of 16 Garretts St

Attleborough Nuneaton).


Somme France. Grave V.F.24.

Kenneth Lowton Charles Hammond

2nd Lieutenant 23rd (Service) Battalion (4th Tyneside Scottish)

Northumberland Fusiliers. (Formerly 762977. 8973 28th Battalion London

Regiment) Killed in Action

France and Flanders. Friday 22nd March 1918. Aged 19.

Born Daventry. Son of Lowton and Mary S Hammond of

‘Trefaldwyn’ 4 Badby Road Daventry.

Remembered with honour ARRAS MEMORIAL Pas de Calais France.

Bay 2-3. (also remembered on the Lloyds Bank London


Dennis Lancelot Harris

Gunner 22224 ‘A’ Battery 186th Brigade Royal Field Artillery.

Died of Wounds France and Flanders.

Wednesday 3rd April 1918. Aged 24.

Born Daventry. Enlisted Stirling Scotland.

Son of John Wilson Harris and Eliza Harris of 13

High Street Daventry.


Somme France. Grave I.K.13.

Williams Hemmings

Lance Corporal 2175 4th Battalion (T) Northamptonshire Regiment.

Died of tuberculosis Home.

Monday 18th December 1916. Aged 18. Born Daventry Son of William Enoch and Mary Ann Hemmings

(nee Bradshaw) of 10 Abbey Street 6 Court



Northamptonshire England.

Robert Westbrooke Hewitt

Lieutenant Colonel 14th (Kings) Hussars.

(formerly 1st Battalion Norfolk Regiment and Norfolk Militia)

Died of Wounds Mesopotamia.

Sunday 30th September 1917. Aged 37. (Awarded Distinguished Service Order)

Born ‘The Farm House’ Turnpike Road Dodford Son of Robert Henry and Mary Selina Hewitt (nee

Burton) of ‘Daneholme’, Ashby Road Daventry


Iraq. Grave V.E.1.

(Also remembered St Peters church Dunchurch)

James Nelson Hickman

Private 9874 2nd Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment.

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Saturday 31st October 1914. Aged 24. Born Badby Enlisted Daventry. Son of Henry and Mary Jane Hickman (nee

Goodman) of 31 Brook Street Daventry.

Remembered with honour YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL

Belgium. Panel 31 and 33.

William Higham

Lance Corporal 40204 2nd Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment.

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Wednesday 24th April 1918. Aged 19.

Born Daventry Enlisted Northampton. Son of William and Elizabeth Higham of 21

Waterloo Daventry.


BRETONNEUX Somme France. Grave II.G.4.

Harold Edward Holloway

Gunner 123843 20th Battery 9th Brigade Royal Field Artillery.

Died of Wounds France and Flanders.

Monday 24th June 1918. Aged 24.

Born and Enlisted Daventry. Son of John and Annie Holloway of 11 Mount

Pleasant New Street Daventry. Husband of Theresa Holloway (nee Franklin) of

Drayton Terrace.


SION Pas de Calais France.

Grave IV.L.43.

William John Horn

Private G/39343 7TH (Service) Battalion The Queens (Royal West Surrey Regiment).

Killed in Action France and Flanders

Friday 10th August 1917. Aged 19. Born Daventry. Enlisted Northampton. Son of Henry and Sarah Ann Horn of 6 Court 1

Brook Street Daventry.

Remembered with honour YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL

Belgium. Panel 11-13 & 14.

William John Hutt

Private 7698 1st Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment.

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Thursday 5th November 1914. Aged 25.

Born Daventry Enlisted Northampton. Son of Richard and Mary Ann Hutt (nee Quinney)

of 37 Brook Street Daventry. Husband of Edith Ann Hutt (nee Stratford) of

Church Street, Clifton, Rugby Warwickshire.

Remembered with honour YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL

Belgium. Panel 43 and 45.

Rixon (Rixom) Izzard

Private 9775 1st Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment.

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Tuesday 29th June 1915. Aged 19. Born Badby, Enlisted Northampton. Resident of ‘Saracens Head’ Brook Street

Daventry. Adopted son of George and Annie Hutt (nee

Ethridge) of Badby.

Remembered with honour YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL

Belgium. Panel 31 and 33.

(also remembered St Mary the Virgin Church


Frederick William Jeffs

Private 63175 5th Battalion Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. (formerly 5/45655 T.R. Battalion)

Died of Wounds France and Flanders.

Monday 9th September 1918. Aged 23. Born and Enlisted Daventry. Son of James Ernest and Ellen Jeffs (nee Cox) of

36 Brook Street Daventry.


Wimille. Pas de Calais France. Grave 111.D.18.

Charles Wilfred Jolley

Private G/48066 23rd (Service) Battalion (1st

Sportsman’s) Royal Fusiliers. Killed in Action

France and Flanders. Saturday 23rd March 1918. Aged 33.

Born Daventry. Enlisted Northampton. Resident

Braunston. Son of George William and Ellen Annie Jolley of 2

Ashworth Street Daventry.

Remembered with honour ARRAS MEMORIAL Pas de Calais France.

Bay 3.

Sidney John Jolley

Rifleman 550146 (1599) 1st/16t (County of Lon-

don) Battalion (Queens Westminster Rifles) The London Regiment.

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Sunday 8th April 1917. Aged 22. Born Daventry. Enlisted Westminster. Resident

Aldermanbury London. Son of George William Jolley and Anne Jolley of 2

Ashworth Street Daventry.


Pas de Calais France. Grave E.4A.

George William Jones

Private 220013 2nd Battalion The Duke of Edinburgh’s (Wiltshire Regiment)

21 Brigade 30th Division Killed in Action

France and Flanders Sunday 29th July 1917. Aged 34.

Born Lewisham London, resident of 4 Foundry

Place Daventry Son of Joseph and Elizabeth Jones of Bodicote

Oxfordshire. Husband of Annie Louise Jones (nee

Preston) of Red Lion Square, Kings Sutton

Banbury Oxon. Native of Daventry.

Remembered with honour YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL

Belgium. Panel 53.

(also remembered on the Kings Sutton Memorial)

Ernest William Kenning

Private PO/17438 Deal Battalion Portsmouth

Division Royal Marine Light Infantry

Died of Wounds at 2nd RN Division Field

Ambulance Gallipoli.

Sunday 16th May 1915. Aged 20, Born Aylestone Enlisted from Sheridan Street

Leicestershire on 12th Aug 1914 Son of Albert Thomas and Mary Ann Kenning

(nee Ellard) of 9 Drayton Place Daventry. (144

Knighton Fields Road East Aylestone Leicester)

Remembered with honour SKEW BRIDGE CEMETERY

Gallipoli Turkey. Special memorial A.11.

Frederick Kenning

Gunner 159657 Royal Garrison Artillery

(formerly Royal Warwickshire Regiment) Died Home

1975 Aged 87 Born Daventry Enlisted Northampton Son of Richard and Lenora Kenning of Summer

Gardens 51 Oxford Street Daventry. Husband of Ada Kenning (nee Robinson) of

‘Rosebank’ Weston Favell Northampton

Harry Robert Kightley

Private 6750 11th (Service) Battalion Royal Fusiliers. Killed in Action

France and Flanders. Saturday 1st July 1916. Aged 19.

Born Daventry. Enlisted Teddington. Son of Harry Burges and Anna Kightley (nee

White) of 34 Sheaf Street Daventry. Later of

“Meadowside” Bicester Oxfordshire.


ETZ Somme France. Grave II.D.6.

Harry Kilsby

Private 9081 2nd Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Sunday 9th May 1915. Aged 25. Born Daventry. Enlisted Northampton. Son of William and Mary Kilsby (nee Stewart) of

33 Oxford Street Daventry. Husband of Fanny Kilsby (nee Jeffs) of Daventry

Remembered with honour PLOEGSTREET MEMORIAL

Belgium. Panel 7.

Albert Edward Langton

Private 9035 2nd Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Thursday 22nd June 1916. Aged 29. Born Daventry Enlisted Rugby.

Son of James and Sarah Ann Langton (nee

ammonds) of Chapel Lane Daventry. Husband of Annie Elizabeth Langton (nee

Hawker) of 88 Byron Street Northampton.

Remembered with honour LOOS MEMORIAL

Pas de Calais France. Panel 50 to 52.

George Liddington

Rifleman 2022 4th Battalion Rifle Brigade.

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Monday 15th March 1915. Aged 26. Born Staverton Resident and Enlisted Daventry. Stepson of John and Leah Johnson of 19 Norton

Road Daventry. (10 Rose Court)

Remembered with honour YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL

Belgium. Panel 46-48 and 50.

Percy George Love

Private G/41303 4th Battalion Royal Fusiliers. Killed in Action

France and Flanders. Thursday 3rd May 1917. Aged 32.

Born Ryde, Isle of Wight, Enlisted Northampton. Son of Frederick and Fanny Love of 122 High

Street Ryde Isle of Wight. Lodging with George and Agnes Bliss and family

at 20 Warwick Street. Later of 10 Orchard Street


Remembered with honour ARRAS MEMORIAL Pas de Calais France.

Bay 3.

Noel Fisher McCarthy

2nd Lieutenant 2nd Battalion Yorkshire Regiment.

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Wednesday 18th October 1916. Aged 20. Born Trinomial Ceylon (Sri Lanka) Son of Major John McCarthy (R.A.S.C.) and

Agnes Roseabel McCarthy of ‘Laurel Bank’

Braunston Road Daventry. Fiancée of Miss Madge Craven of Wood Green


Remembered with honour THIEPVAL MEMORIAL

Somme France. Pier & Face 3A.and 3D.

John Bert Marriott

Private 24897 7th (Service) Battalion Norfolk Regiment.

(Formerly 1506 1/4th Northamptonshire

Regiment) Killed in Action

France and Flanders. Thursday 12th October 1916. Aged 24.

Born Daventry Son of John and Fanny Price Marriott (nee Cole)

of 41 Brook Street Daventry.

Remembered with honour THIEPVAL MEMORIAL

Somme France. Pier and Face 1C and 1D.

Edward Francis Marriott

Private 28011 7th (Service) Battalion (Mobbs

Own) Northamptonshire Regiment.

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Tuesday 31st July 1917. Aged 31.

Born and Enlisted Daventry. Son of John and Fanny Price Marriott (nee Cole)

of 41 Brook Street Daventry. Husband of Elizabeth Marriott (nee Robinson) of

45 Brook Street.

Remembered with honour YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL

Belgium. Panel 43 and 45.

Frank Louis Marriott

Private 220635 10th (Service) Battalion (1ST Hull)

East Yorkshire Regiment. (formerly 1655 Northamptonshire Regiment)

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Sunday 29th September 1918. Aged 25. Born and Enlisted Daventry. Son of Louis and Annie Eliza Marriott (nee

Hickman) 25 St James Street Daventry Husband of Rosa Marriott (nee Jeffs) of 4 London

Road Daventry.


Hainaut Belgium. Grave D.27.

Walter Marriott

Private 60233 32nd (Service) Battalion (East

Ham) Royal Fusiliers.

(formerly 4387 Northamptonshire Regiment) Killed in Action

France and Flanders. Thursday 7th June 1917. Aged 20.

Born Daventry Enlisted Northampton. Son of Walter and Mary Ann Marriott (Nee

Packer) of 6 St James Street Daventry.

Buried at VOORMEZEELE ENCLOSURE No3 Leper West-Vlaanderen Belgium.

Grave VIII.E.9.

William George Marriott

Private G/29620 23rd (Service) Battalion (2nd

Football) Middlesex Regiment.

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Sunday 1st October 1916. Aged 32. Born Daventry. Enlisted Northampton. Son of John and Fanny Price Marriott (nee Cole)

of 41 Brook Street. Husband of Margaret Marriott (nee Arnull) 5

Court 3 Brook Street Daventry

Remembered with honour THIEPVAL MEMORIAL

Somme France. Pier & Face 12D. & 13B.

Bertie Douglas Mills

Corporal 9773 “A” Coy 1st Battalion

Bedfordshire Regiment. Killed in Action

France and Flanders. Tuesday 20th April 1915. Aged 21.

Born Daventry Enlisted Northampton . Son of Thomas & Elizabeth Mills (nee Mott) of 27

Brook Street Daventry. Husband of Mabel Mills (nee Knight) of 39 Shelly

Street Kingsley Park Northampton.

Remembered with honour YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL

Belgium. Panel 31 and 33.

Sidney Ernest Mills

Private 1033 1st Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment.

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Sunday 2nd May 1915. Aged 27. Born Daventry Son of Thomas & Elizabeth Mills (nee Mott) of 27

Brook Street Daventry. Brother of William Thomas Mills of 56 Mill Street

Bedworth Nuneaton Warwickshire.

Remembered with honour YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL

Belgium. Panel 8.

Frank Victor Murdin

Private 9821 2nd Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment.

Died of Wounds France and Flanders.

Thursday 28th January 1915. Aged 19. Born and Enlisted Daventry. Son of William David and Sarah Emma Murdin

(nee Haynes) of 47 Warwick Street Daventry.


Pas de Calais France. Grave A.2.

Augustus Harry Neal

Private 205081 6th (Service) Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment.

Died of Wounds France and Flanders.

Friday 12th April 1918. Aged 26. Born Braunston Only son of Frederick and Clara Neal of Oxford

Street. Husband of Ethel Elizabeth Neal (nee Burnham)

of 24 Brook Street Daventry.


France. Grave P.VII.K.6B.

Edward Charles Nixon

Rifleman 8258 8th (Service) Battalion Kings Royal Rifle Corps.

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Tuesday 3rd August 1915. Aged 28. Born Daventry Enlisted Northampton Son of John and Mary Margaret Eliza Elkington

Nixon of ‘Fircroft’ Braunston Road Daventry. This soldier is recorded on CWGC records as

Edward Charles Elkington.

Remembered with honour YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL

Belgium. Panel 51 & 53.

Robert Baden Pebody

Sergeant 206118 ‘D’ Company Machine Gun Corps Heavy Branch.

(4th Battalion Tank Corps) Killed in Action

France and Flanders. Saturday 19th September 1916. Aged 21.

Born Rugby Enlisted Coventry Warwickshire. Son of John Thomas and Margaret Ann

Pebody of 58 Oxford Street, Daventry. Nephew of MR J.T. Pebody of 24 Stephen

Street. Rugby Warwickshire.

Buried at

A.I.F. BURIAL GROUND FLERS Somme France. Grave III. J.12.

John Morby Pescow

Private 7233 1st Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment.

Died of typhus as Prisoner of War Barrack 24a, Freidericksfeld, Wesel POW Camp Germany.

Friday 25th October 1918. Aged 37. Born St Andrews Northampton, Enlisted North-

ampton. (1911 at 17 Wood Street Wellingborough) Son of John and Emma Pescow of 13 Waterloo

Daventry. Buried at


Grave V.E.

Joseph Whiting Phillips

Private 12092 5th (Pioneer) Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Sunday 10th March 1918. Aged 31. Born Woolwich Kent Enlisted Northampton. Son of George Edward and Sarah Jane Phillips

(nee Hall) of 4 New Street Daventry. Fiancé of Miss Ashby of Church Stow



Pas de Calais France. Grave III.D.1.

William Potts

Corporal 8459 (Armourers Assistant) 2nd

Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment

Died of Wounds France and Flanders.

Monday 5th March 1917. Aged 28.

Born Morrisiana New York USA Enlisted

Northampton Son of John and Emma Potts of 75 Badby Road


Buried at


Grave II.B.33.

John Pratt

Rifleman 474124 1st/12th (County of London)

Battalion (The Rangers)

The London Regiment. (formerly 23156 3rd Northamptonshire Regiment)

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Saturday 9th September 1916. Aged 23. Born and Enlisted Daventry. Son of Walter and Carrie Emily Pratt (nee March)

of Norton Road Daventry.

Remembered with honour THIEPVAL MEMORIAL

Somme France. Pier & Face 9C.

Richard Garrett Preston

Private 15919 5th (Pioneer) Battalion (formerly 6th Battalion)

Northamptonshire Regiment. Died of influenza

Home Monday 3rd March 1919. Aged 38.

Born Dodford Son of William and Lucy Mary Preston (nee

Butler) of 4 Foundry Place Daventry.


Northamptonshire England. North of the Church.

Grave 773.

Douglas Bernard Priestley

2nd Lieutenant 2nd/5th Battalion

Lancashire Fusiliers. Killed in Action

France and Flanders. Tuesday 31st July 1917. Aged 20.

Born Ripon Thornton Steward, Yorkshire Son of the Rev. J and Mrs J Priestley of ‘The Vic-

arage’, Thornton Steward, Yorkshire. Nephew of Mr Wesley and Mrs Priestley of

‘Wardens Lodge’ North Street Daventry. Fiancée of Miss M Nichols of ‘Wardens Lodge’

Daventry Remembered with honour


(also remembered on the Thornton Steward

Yorkshire and Lloyds Bank London Memorials)

William Ewart Rice

Private 6928 2nd Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment

Killed in Action France and Flanders

Friday 22nd January 1915. Aged 30 Born Kettering Resident of Daventry. Son of Arthur and Emma Rice of 46 Edmund

Street Kettering.

Remembered with honour LE TOURET MEMORIAL

Pas de Calais France. Panel 28 to 30.

(also remembered on the Kettering memorial)

John William Ridley

Private (Driver) M/225249 1038th Company Royal Army Service Corps.

Died of dysentery Egypt.

Monday 2nd December 1918. Aged 36. Born Daventry Son of Thomas and Emma Ridley of 14 Mount

Pleasant New Street Daventry. Husband of Emma Ridley (nee Hutt) of 4

Semilong Place Northampton.


CEMETREY Egypt. Grave E.247.

John William Rockingham

Private 201487 1st Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment.

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Saturday 20th April 1918. Aged 23.

Born Drayton Enlisted Daventry. Son of Joseph and Annie Maria Rockingham (nee

King) of 5 Kingsley Avenue Daventry. Husband of Edith Alice Rockingham.

Remembered with honour LOOS MEMORIAL

Pas de Calais France. Panel 91 to 93.

Christopher Stanley

Corporal 54087 22nd Signal Company Royal Engineers.

Died as Prisoner of War Salonika.

Sunday 12th December 1915. Aged 25. Born Bidiley Warwickshire, Enlisted Stafford Son of James and Maria Staley of 64 Warwick

Street Daventry.

Remembered with honour DOIRAN MEMORIAL


William Screen

Private 28010 1st Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment.

Died of wounds Rouen Hospital France and Flanders.

Friday 9th March 1917. Aged 29.

Born Drayton, Enlisted Daventry. Son of Thomas and Emily Screen (nee Carvell) of

6 Orchard Street Drayton. Husband of Lena Screen (nee Roberts) of 11

Orchard Street Drayton.


France. Grave Q.VI.G.11.

Charles Edward Sharpe

Private 13152 6th (Service) Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment.

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Saturday 1st July 1916. Aged 39. Born Daventry Enlisted Northampton. Son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Sharpe of 23

Oxford Street Daventry.


MAMETZ Somme France. Grave III.C.10.

Harry Sharpe

Sapper 94206 39th Division Signal Company Royal Engineers.

Died during operation to remove leg (surgical

shock) France and Flanders.

Saturday 11th August 1917. Aged 21. Born Daventry Enlisted Croydon Son of Albert Gerard Spencer Sharp of Ontario

Canada Nephew of William and Annie Collett of South

Place Daventry. Fiancée of Miss D E Bailey of Ship Street Folkston


Buried at


Grave XXV.M.11.

Frank George Shaw

Private 266004 7th (Service) Battalion Somerset Light Infantry.

(formerly 4414 Wiltshire Regiment) Killed in Action

France and Flanders. Thursday 16th August 1917. Aged 27.

Born Drayton Enlisted Swindon Wiltshire. Son of Richard and Eliza Shaw (nee Russell) of

16 School Street Drayton.

Remembered with honour TYNE COT MEMORIAL

Zonnekeke West-Vlaanderen Belgium. Panel 41 to 42 and 164A.

(also remembered with honour St Martin’s Chap-

el Wells Cathedral Somerset)

Harry Shaw

Private 27968 2nd Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment.

Died of Wounds France and Flanders.

Thursday 6th June 1918. Aged 36. Born Drayton Enlisted Daventry. Son of Richard and Elizabeth Eliza Shaw (nee

Russell) of 16 School Street Drayton Husband of Clara E Shaw of Badby Road

Daventry. Buried at


MILLE Pas de Calais France.

Grave XVII.F.5.

(also remembered St Mary the Virgin Church


Thomas Baseley Simpson

Sapper 183787 223rd (Leeds) Field Company Royal Engineers. Killed in Action

France and Flanders. Sunday 29th September 1918. Aged 34.

Born Daventry. Enlisted Rugby Warwickshire. Son of Peter William and Martha Annie Simpson

(nee Baseley) of 2 Astbury Terrace Daventry. Husband of Mary Elizabeth Harris (nee Stannard)

of 67 Victoria Avenue New Bilton Rugby



Hainaut Belgium. Grave VIII.F.8.

Edward Smith

Private 17646 1st Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment.

Died of Wounds France and Flanders.

Thursday 14th September 1916. Aged 33. Born Kilsby. Enlisted RugbyWarwickshire. Son of Joseph and Mary Smith of 9 Brook Street

Daventry. Husband of Fanny Smith of 5 Barby Lane

Hillmorton Rugby Warwickshire.


Pas de Calais France. Grave I.O.21.

(also remembered on the Hillmorton Memorial)

Edgar Ernest Smith

Lieutenant 183rd Company Machine Gun Corps.

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Monday 3rd December 1917. Aged 26. (Awarded Military Cross)

Born Daventry Son of William and Fanny Smith of ‘Ivy Cottage’

Staverton Road Daventry. (William and Fanny Smith lost two sons, Edgar

and Stanley)

Remembered with honour


Panel 12 and 13.

Sidney Hubert Smith

Sergeant 825749 ‘C’ Battery 155th Brigade Royal Field Artillery

Killed in action

France and Flanders Tuesday 5th June 1917. Aged 33.

Son of Sydney S and Elizabeth Smith of 38

Cairns Road Redland Bristol.


Belgium. Grave II. B. 20

Sidney Alec Smith

Lance Corporal 32360 6th (Service) Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment.

(formerly 10TH West Yorkshire Regiment and

230630 Royal Army Service Corp) Killed in Action

France and Flanders. Sunday 29th September 1918. Aged 20.

Born Daventry Enlisted Northampton. Son of Henry and Mary Smith (nee Stratford) of

30 Brook Street Daventry.


Pas de Calais France. Grave C.4.

Stanley Arthur Smith

Company Sergeant Major 1995 “D” Company 4th

Battalion Rifle Brigade. Killed in Action

Salonika. Monday 15th April 1918. Aged 32.

Born Daventry Enlisted Warwick 1906.

Son of William and Fanny Smith of ‘Ivy Cottage’

Staverton Road Daventry. (William and Fanny Smith lost two sons, Edgar

and Stanley)

Remembered with honour DOIRAN MEMORIAL


Charles George Snedker

Private 315268 ‘C’ Company 16th Battalion (Sussex Yeomanry)

Royal Sussex Regiment. Killed in Action

Egypt. Tuesday 6th November 1917. Aged 19.

Born Daventry Son of Henry Herbert and Jane Agnes Snedker

(nee Adams) of 4 Drayton Place Daventry.


Israel. Grave P.72.

Charles William Southcliffe

Private 61552 22nd (City of London) (Service)

Battalion (Kensington)

Royal Fusiliers. (formerly 16144 Royal West Kent Regt)

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Saturday 17th February 1917. Aged 43. Born Aldershot Hants. Enlisted Daventry. Son of Charles and Emily Angelina Southcliffe Husband of Ellen Southcliffe (nee Leach) of 34

Brook Street Daventry.

Remembered with honour THIEPVAL MEMORIAL

Somme France. Pier & Face 8C. 9A. and 16A.

Harry Stevenson

Private PO/2211(S) 2nd R.M. Battalion

Portsmouth Division Royal Marine Light Infantry.

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Sunday 7th April 1918. Aged 30. Born Daventry Enlisted Leamington on 11th

November 1915 Son of Reuben & Sarah Ann Stevenson (nee

Hutchings) of 21-23 School Street Drayton

Daventry. Husband of Helen Stevenson of Coventry Street

Southam Warwickshire


France. Grave XVI.K.8

Harry Stewart

Gunner 23819 26th Battery 17th Brigade

Royal Field Artillery. Killed in Action

France and Flanders. Saturday 28th April 1917. Aged 34.

Born Daventry. Enlisted London. Son of John and Clara Stewart (nee Frost) of 28

Norton Road Daventry Husband of Daisy Stewart (nee Ayling) of 38

Yattan Street Poplar London.


Arras Pas de Calais France. Grave IV.D.16

Benjamin Street

Sergeant 12062 4th Battalion Grenadier Guards.

(formerly 3rd South Staffordshire Regiment) Died of Wounds

France and Flanders. Wednesday 29th September 1915. Aged 29.

Born Old Church Bilston Staffordshire Enlisted

Wednesbury Stafford. Son of Alfred and Emma Street (nee Jones) of 12

Vicar Street Bilston Stafford Husband of Annie Street (nee Jordon) of Foundry

Place Daventry.


Pas de Calais France. Grave IV.B.29.

(Also remembered on the Culworth Memorial).

Joseph John Terry

Private 39622 8th (Service) Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment.

Killed in Action France and Flanders.

Friday 23rd November 1917. Aged 31. Born Drayton. Enlisted Northampton. Son of Joseph and Ellen Terry (nee Hogg) of 2

Orchard Street Drayton.


France. Panel 5.

Charles Leonard Tomalin

Private 41472 13th (Service) Battalion

Essex Regiment. (West Ham Pals) ”The Hammers”

(formerly 26972 Northamptonshire Regiment) Killed in Action

France and Flanders. Saturday 28th April 1917. Aged 24.

Born Aston Birmingham. Enlisted Northampton. Son of John W and Clara Tomalin (nee Noon) of

Badby. Husband of Ann Maria Tomalin (nee Liddington

Bedford) Resident Badby.

Remembered with honour ARRAS MEMORIAL Pas de Calais France.

Bay 7.

(also remembered St Mary the Virgin Church


Sidney Ernest Turnock

Private 23410 3rd Battalion

Northamptonshire Regiment. (transferred to 479579 863rd Company Labour

Corps) Died of Bronchial pneumonia

at 30 General Hospital Calais, France. Tuesday 25th June 1918. Aged 41.

Born Daventry Enlisted Weedon. Resident

Higham Ferrers. Son of Benjamin and Maria Turnock of 69 Oxford

Street Daventry. Husband of Rose Turnock of 23 Corporation Ter-

race Higham Ferrers.


Sangatte Pas de Calais France. Grave IV.B.5A.

(also remembered as Richard Turnock on the

Higham Ferrers Memorial)

Roy Harry Viney

Private 14529 “C” Company 1st Battalion Dorsetshire Regiment.

Killed in Action. France and Flanders

Thursday 3rd October 1918. Aged 26. Born Wimborne Dorset Enlisted Blandford. Resi-

dent Bournemouth Dorset. Son of Mrs Corbin of 11 Verulam Place Bourne-

mouth. Husband of Olive Viney (nee Potts) of 75 Badby

Road Daventry.


Somme France. Grave III.M.3.

William Wadsworth

Rifleman R/2197 7th (Service) Battalion Kings Royal Rifle Corps.

Died of Wounds France and Flanders

Friday 30th July 1915. Aged 36. Born Daventry Son of John and Maria Wadsworth (nee Reeves)

of 19-20 Abbey Street Daventry

Remembered with honour


Panel 51 and 53. (Also remembered on Hillmorton Memorial)

Hubert Walker

Private 141712 12th Battalion Machine Gun Corps (Infantry).

(formerly 7436 Royal West Kent Regiment) Died of Wounds

France and Flanders. Wednesday 25th September 1918. Aged 20.

Born Daventry. Enlisted Northampton. Son of George and Anne Elizabeth Walker (nee

Prestidge) of 10 Warwick Street Daventry.


Somme France. Grave I.D.36.

James Wood

Sergeant 200039 1st/4th Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment.

Killed in Action Palestine.

Thursday 19th April 1917. Aged 32.

Born and Enlisted Daventry. Son of John and Ellen Wood of 57 Oxford Street



Israel. Grave XV.F.6.

Daventry District Council has worked in partnership with local organisations to commemorate the 100th anniversary of World War I. There were a lot activities and events throughout 2014. Thank you to all the

supporting partners who are listed below.

Bobbytails Dog Training

Charles Muggeridge & Sons Fairs & Amusements

Crazy Horses Entertainment Ltd

Danetre & Southbrook Learning Village

Punch n Judy Show Paul Buonocore

Daventry & District Housing

Daventry Brass Band

Daventry Everyone Active

Daventry Local Historian - Gerry Thompson

Daventry Over Fifties Forum

Daventry Photographic Society

Daventry Royal British Legion

Daventry Scouts (Daventry & District Scouting Association)

Daventry Town Council

JB Event Facilities Portaloos

Julie's Catering

Long Buckby Archery Club

N & J Draper Property Maintenance Services

Roses Candy Shop


Samwell Jones Band

Snacks n Jacks

St Johns Ambulance

The Ice Cream Centre

Western Front Association

Woodlands Acro Gynmastics & Circus Academy

WWI Fete Crafters Market featured:- Danetre Quilters, Alganon Trust, Aloe Vera, Danetre Rotary Club, Evelyn Wright Home amongst many others including quilting/cushions/patchwork/bunting/home made cakes/designer bags/rag rugs/wood carvings/creative cards/mosaics/china/vintage jewellery/plats/preserves/hand painted photos/knitwear/home sewn items