Connect Presents: Mike Brooks - 5 Secrets to Effective Cold Calling

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Connect Presents: Mike Brooks - 5 Secrets to Effective Cold Calling

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Welcome to today’s webinar:

“5 Secrets to Effective Cold Calling”

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Free Resources to Help You Sell More Over the Phone: = Free Ezine Sign Up!

Special Bonus: “Ten Techniques to Make You Closer of the Month” = Free Training Webinars On Phone Scripts, Closing Techniques and more Tons of Free Phone Scripts! Past articles and word for word scripts on cold calling and closing sales by phone

What You’ll Learn Today:

Cold Calling Best Practices

•  How to avoid getting screened out by the gatekeeper •  Use the most effective opening •  How to build instant rapport •  How to overcome initial resistance •  How to qualify for timeline

There are Lots of Ways to Generate Leads…

•  Marketing Activities •  Referrals •  Social Media • Networking/Tradeshows

Cold Calling is the ONLY Lead Generation Activity Directly

Under Your Control

Now Let’s Look at Five Prospecting Best Practices

•  Using a proven technique to get past the gatekeeper

•  Use the most effective opening

•  Build instant rapport

•  Overcome initial resistance

•  Learn how to identify timeline

How to Get Past the Gatekeeper:

“Hi, could you please connect me with_________, please?” “Can I tell them who is calling?” You respond with: “Yes, please, please tell him _______ _______ with the (your company) is holding please.”

Use the Most Effective Opening:

First: What NOT to do: Nothing identifies you as a salesperson more than saying: “How are you today?”

Instead, Use a Different Opening to Grab Your Prospect’s Attention

•  “How’s your Thursday going?”

•  “I hope you’re doing O.K.”

• “Is it raining there, too?”

•  “Can you hear me OK?”

How to Build Instant Rapport

“________, we haven’t spoken yet…. “I got your name from….. “And briefly, I just wanted to see if what we provide might be able to help you (organize your lead flow better..), let me ask you:

Now ask a quick qualifying question: “Are you using Salesforce or some other kind of CRM?” “How are you currently recording and logging your calls?” Or any other question to engage your prospect…

The One Response to Handle Initial Resistance

This one response will work when you get: “I’m not interested” or, “We already have a company”

How to Handle Initial Resistance

“ I understand ________, and I’m not calling to sell you anything today. Instead, I’m here to see if there might be a fit between our two companies, and if there is, then to offer you an additional resource you might be able to use later on. Let me ask you…”

•  “If I could show you a way…” •  “What would it mean to you if you could….”

•  “How important is it for you to…”

•  “Are you still the person who handles….?”

Just Send Me Your Information

“I’d be happy to email you our information. (Prospect’s name), I have a 64 page PDF file that I can email you, but let me ask you just a couple of quick questions so I can only send you that part that you’d be most interested in…”

How to Qualify for Timeline

•  “If you like what you see after the demo, what would be the next steps on your side?”

•  “If you think this solution will work for you, what would be your timeline for getting started?”

•  “If after the demo this is something you’re interested in taking advantage of, could you move on it in the next couple of weeks?”

Successful Prospecting is Made Up of:

•  Being Prepared in Advance •  Using Proven Scripted responses •  Practicing Perfection on each call

And here’s how you can do that in every area of your sales presentations: Webinar Offer!

5-CD’s Regular Price: $249 NOW JUST $99

CD #1: The 80/20 Rule In Sales: CD #2: Cold Calling Success CD #3: Closing Sales Like the Top 20% CD #4: How To Handle The Top Ten Objections CD #5: Taking It To The Next Level

Limited Time Offer

5-CD’s to Double Your Income Selling Over the Phone