Danish Design Centre Pdf

Post on 27-Jan-2015

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Olly's presentation at the DDC December 2007.

Transcript of Danish Design Centre Pdf

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

It’s design, but not as they know it!

Oliver KingCo-founder Engine | service design

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

The next 30 mins…• What is service design?• Why is it valuable to design services?• What are service design projects like?• What can I take back to work?

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

What is service design?

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

What is service design?

Service design is…

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

What is service design?

…the design of services!

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

What is service design?

Service design orchestrates new or existing service experiences to deliver greater value to the providers and receivers of the service.

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

Why is service design relevant today?

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers www.enginegroup.co.uk


www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers www.enginegroup.co.uk



www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

Usership: we need to dematerialize the world!

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Assistance:we need to help people cope…

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Innovation:we need to help people view things at a systems level

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

• 74% of GDP comes from service (UK)

• 80% of employment is service related (UK)

• 80% of people report bad experiences (UK)

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

How does service design create value?

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

Happy customers are worth more• Spend more, more often (increase revenue)• Stay longer (reduce churn)• Tell their friends (reduces costs to acquire)

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

‘Service’ counteracts commoditisation• Markets naturally become commoditised• Value adding services defeat this

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

Service relationships can’t be copied• Because they rely on history, context and knowledge

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

The meaning of ‘better’

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers


www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers



www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

Scope of projects

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

Translation space

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

Three skills

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Scope of deliverables

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

Five Fundamentals of service

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

Five FundamentalsSystems, Value, People, Journeys, Propositions

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

Value:Understanding how to create the best value for users and providers through their interactions.

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

Systems:Understanding that services are consumed through systems of relationships between people, things and processes, which can all be orchestrated and innovated

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

People:Understanding the part people play in providing and designing services, and how to include them.

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

Journeys:Understanding that services are experienced over time and need to be seen and innovated as journeys

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

Propositions:Understanding how to innovate and package a serviceand how to develop a proposition towards a vision.

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

Identify. Build. MeasureService innovation made simple

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

10 tips…

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

#1. Be use-centric. Always view the situation from your customer’s perspective

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

#2. Co-design: Bring stakeholders into the heart of the process

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

#3. Map journeys: Services happen over time, so explore them that way

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

#4. Visualize: Bring ideas to life to engage and solicit input from those around you

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

#5. Back stage: Innovate throughout the whole system

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

#6. Design measurables:

Ensure staff measures and incentives support a delightful customer experience

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

#7. Everyone serves: Because everyone’s actions impact on the customers service

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

#8. Evidence: Create tangible evidence of the service in action

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

#9. Join the dots: Make the experiences as seamless as possible for the user

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

#10. Work with designers: We don’t bite…

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

5 designer lessons

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

1. Lose the ‘I’ in design: co-create and facilitate2. Do your own empathic research3. Systems before symptoms4. Visualize - it’s your USP5. Prototype, prototype, prototype

www.enginegroup.co.uk | better services, happier customers

Thank you for listening…

Oliver KingCo-founder Engine | service design