Dangerous jobs, parasites and other interesting stuff

Post on 28-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Dangerous jobs, parasites and other interesting stuff

Dangerous Jobs, parasites, and other Interesting Stuff…

Metal finders in Ghana

These people search for metal to sell for money because they are poor.

They often have to burn plastic to get the metal. This is very bad for their health.


Truck and taxi driver


Many lumberjacks die because the tree falls on them.


A cave in

Bomb disposal expert

Doctors and nurses

Garbage collectors and waste treatment workers

A sea snail egg fell into a boy’s cut in his knee. It became a snail and came out three weeks later.

This woman had a worm in her eyeball. The doctors removed it.


Roundworms can eat your organs, heart, and even your brain!

If you don’t want roundworms, don’t eat dirt or dog poop.

tapewormsUsually has no symptoms

You can get it from undercooked and raw meat. The tapeworm lives in your stomach and eats your food.

Sometimes there is tiredness, weight loss, stomach pain and diarrhea.

Parasite cleanse

Some medicines will kill parasites in your body.

Garlic, pineapple, coconut, and onions also help kill parasites.

Ringworm Ringworm is actually a fungus รา,not a worm.

You can get it from touching another person, or sharing a bath or touching things they have touched.

It is itchy and uncomfortable, but not dangerous.

Athlete’s footAthletes foot is like ringworm, but on your feet.

It is very common. It makes your skin feel itchy.

People usually get it from showering in a locker room.

Using leeches to save a cat’s foot

ConcussionThe brain shakes around inside the skull.

After a concussion, it is easier to injure your brain more, so be careful.

If you feel slow and cannot think clearly, you may have a concussion. You may also lose your memory.





“CTE” brain injury

It is caused by being hit in the head many, many times.

Over 80 percent of American football players have some CTE.

It causes many mental problems like forgetting, being angry, and being sad.

Boxers get it also.

Why do we like showers?

Taking a shower feels good.

The hot water in the shower makes our muscles relax.

Male birth control – reversible vasectomy

Cannabis oil for children with seizures


A hypochondriac is someone that is always afraid they are sick.

They worry too much about their health.

Do you know a hypochondriac?

Face transplant

Going without sleep for a long time can give you brain damage forever!

Children and teenagers need more sleep

The Center for Disease Control says that starting school at 8:30 would let children get more sleep.

When I was in high school, my first class started at 7:30!